Busy is back!
Tradfest 2025, Lunar New Year Festival, St. Brigit Day
We survived another super storm and for some it was truly frightening.
For the ESB employees throughout the country it was and still is a major pain and when I saw on the ESB Powercheck website that the whole country is covered in blue circles (which represent electrical faults) I felt a renewed admiration for their hard work.
No matter how many storms batter the country and no matter how many hundreds of thousands of households are without power, they work like mad to get power restored as fast as humanly possible.
So thanks to all the people that keep our society going. That is in this case the ESB emergency workers, but throughout the whole year it includes nurses and doctors, transport workers, security workers, workers in the service industries and all other people that work long hours, night shifts and that have an increased amount of workload/stress and other additional unusual challenges.
In the cultural events world, we have a very busy week in Dublin. Busy is coming back and I hope you will get a chance to explore Dublin’s cultural scene again.
I am not sure if you sometimes check the banner of this Dublin Event Guide. If you do this week, you will see that this is the 899th edition of the Dublin Event Guide. :-o So net week will the the 900th “anniversary”. It would be nice to do something different/special, but I can’t think of what the best way to celebrate would be. Now I am looking to you to help me with suggestions. If you read this on Facebook, let me know below. If you read this in your Inbox, just reply to the mail and tell me what would be the best way to celebrate these 900 editions.
Donations in January:
EUR 189
(By the end of the month, this number has to reach or exceed EUR 200 to guarantee the continuation of the Dublin Event Guide.)
If the Dublin Event Guide helps you to find out about free events in Dublin, please help with a donation.
The counter here shows the current donation status. By the end of the month EUR 200 will be subtracted to pay the bills. If more money has been donated, the rest will be carried forward. If donations have stopped below the EUR 200, the missing amount will be carried over.
Last week nobody donated, but we are very very close to the monthly requirement of raising EUR 200 to pay the bills (for website, e-mail sending, software tools etc). Who can help to get us over the line and then also already help with the February bills?
Donations keep the Dublin Event Guide alive and it is truly a wonderful group of people who help keeping the Dublin Event Guide going. Join this exclusive group! Without donations to pay the bills I will not be able to continue.
With the above counter you know at all times where we stand and when donating is needed. Donations keep the Dublin Event Guide alive and all donors will also get some additional bonuses.
Here are some more details about donations:
Any amount is appreciated, but if you are looking for a recommendation, then I suggest a donation of 12 Euro per year. – That’s just one Euro per month and you get FOUR Dublin Event Guides for that Euro! If your funds are limited, but you still want to help, you can buy a virtual coffee for just EUR 4. All donations will be used in full for the Dublin Event Guide.
To donate, use the Dublin Event Guide Donation Page here: gturl.eu/DEGdonate. It is really easy to use and uses Stripe’s trustworthy payment processing. You can even sign up for a yearly subscription on the donation page! Yearly subscriptions will give some important financial stability and reliability to the Dublin Event Guide and are therefore very much appreciated! (Look for the RED subscription buttons at the bottom of the Donation Page.)
In case the donation page doesn’t work for you, the old links are here: You can donate via www.paypal.me/DublinEventGuide or for Revolut users among you, just use @joergbrb or now also revolut.me/joergbrb
(If possible, please send your full name and e-mail address as a message with the payment via PayPal or Revolut so that I can tell you about bonuses for donors when available.)
To buy one or two or even three virtual coffees for the Dublin Event Guide, come to the “Buy Me a Coffee” page here www.buymeacoffee.com/DublinEventG
And there is one other way to help and it is even free: If you come to www.DublinEventGuide.com and check out some of the ads and click on the ones that you find interesting, that also helps with a few cent! ?
Thank you!!
Ad Space available
If you want to reach the Dublin Event Guide readers with a message about your products or services. Just reply to this mail and let me know what you do and how I can help.
Free events in Dublin this weekend…
Saturday 25 January
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Airfield Estate Farmers’ Market 09:00-14:30 Airfield Estate, Overend Ave, Dundrum, Dublin 14 www.airfield.ie/farmers-market-at-airfield-estate
+ Supernatural Food Market – Food & Farmer’s Market 09:00-15:00 St Andrew’s Resource Centre, 114-116 Pearse St., Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thesupernaturalfoodmarket
+ Temple Bar Food Market 09:30-15:30 Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 www.lovetemplebar.com/markets-events
+ St. Anne’s City Farm – Visit this community farm, run by volunteers 10:00-15:00 St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 www.facebook.com/Stannescityfarm/
+ Chester Beatty Museum Tour 11:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/free-public-tours/
+ Temple Bar Food Market 11:00-16:00 Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 dublin.ie/live/things-to-do/markets/
+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin www.facebook.com/BlackrockMarket/
+ Lunar New Year Paper Cutting Workshop for Adults 12:00 www.dublincity.ie/events/lunar-new-year-paper-cutting-workshop-adults (Booking required)
+ Tradfest 2025: The Dublin Sessions – Pop-up Trad in the streets of Dublin 12:00-16:00 various locations tradfest.com/about/2025-programme/ (Page 33)
+ The Prehistoric Ireland Family Tour – National Museum 12:00 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/February-Tours-at-NMI-Archaeology-(2)
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology – Tour 13:30 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(2)
+ Zodiac Animals in Miniature – Drop-in Activity 14:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/drop-in-activity-zodiac-animals-in-miniature/
+ Lunar New Year Paper Cutting Workshop for Children (Age: 7-12) 14:30 www.dublincity.ie/events/lunar-new-year-paper-cutting-workshop-children (Booking required)
+ Lost industries from Dublin, 1960s to 1990s: some case studies – History Talk 15:00 Cabra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/lost-industries-dublin-1960s-1990s-some-case-studies (Booking required)
+ Tradfest 2025: Smithwick’s Sessions – 12 trad gigs in Temple Bar 16:00 various pubs in Temple Bar, Dublin 2 tradfest.com/smithwicks-sessions/
+ Saturday Trad Session 18:00 L Mulligan Pub, 18 Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 www.facebook.com/events/842242417981514
+ Maiden Eire (Tribute to Iron Maiden) – support from SixTooLate & Indigo Lights – Gigs 20:00 Fibber Magees, 81 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/events/1334285691352576/
+ Latin Fever – Dublin’s Latin Club with reggaeton, merengue, funk, electrolatino, pachangueo, dembow & more 21:00-02:30 River Bar, 1 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2 (Adm free before midnight) www.facebook.com/LatinFeverDublin
+ Santana Tribute – Gig 22:00 Tolka House Pub, 9a Glasnevin Hill, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 www.facebook.com/TolkaHousePubOfficial
Sunday 26 January
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ St. Anne’s City Farm – Visit this community farm, run by volunteers 10:00-15:00 St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 www.facebook.com/Stannescityfarm/
+ Lunar New Year: Let’s Get Creative Workshop: The Year of the Snake – National Gallery 10:00-10:45 Online www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ Run Talk Run – Phoenix Park Run of Mental Health Peer Support Group for adults 10:50 Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 bit.ly/RTRDublin (Booking required)
+ St. Patrick’s Park Market – Books, gifts and crafts 11:00-17:30 St. Patrick’s Park, next to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/stpatricksparkmarket/
+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin www.facebook.com/BlackrockMarket/
+ Tradfest 2025: The Dublin Sessions – Pop-up Trad in the streets of Dublin 12:00-16:00 various locations tradfest.com/about/2025-programme/ (Page 33)
+ The Glasnevin & Phibsborough Vinyl Market 12:00-18:00 The Bernard Shaw, Cross Guns Bridge, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1126364048189
+ Gauche Market Gothic Valentine’s (Vampentine’s) Edition 12:00-17:00 Wigwam, 54 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1138227492069
+ Music Makers in the National Museum’s Collection – Tour 14:00 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events/2025/Q1/January-Tours-at-Collins-Barracks
+ Sessiún Oige – A traditional Irish music session for young musicians 14:00-16:00 Seamus Ennis Arts Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin tseac.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873649700 (Booking required)
+ Hugh Lane Gallery Public Tour 14:15 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/sunday-public-tours-2/ (No booking required, but limited spaces)
+ The Phoenix Park An illustrated history of its landscape and management 1880–1980 – Talk 14:30-16:00 National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 www.phoenixpark.ie/events/lecture-at-the-national-botanic-gardens-by-john-a-mccullen-the-phoenix-park-an-illustrated-history-of-its-landscape-and-management-1880-1980/
+ Chester Beatty Museum Tour 15:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/free-public-tours/
+ Sunday Sketching – Family Workshop (Age 6-12) – Hugh Lane Gallery 15:00-16:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/sunday-sketching/
+ Tradfest 2025: Smithwick’s Sessions – 12 trad gigs in Temple Bar 15:00 various pubs in Temple Bar, Dublin 2 tradfest.com/smithwicks-sessions/
+ Music Makers in the National Museum’s Collection – Tour 15:00 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events/2025/Q1/January-Tours-at-Collins-Barracks
+ Gardiner Street Gospel Choir – Gospel Mass 19:30 St. Francis Xavier Church, Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/TheGSGC/
+ Laughaholics: Stand-up Comedy Show 19:30-22:00 Doyle’s Pub, 9 College Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1217078086319 (Booking required)
+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch
And the free events for next week….
Please note: To speed up the creation of the weekday section of the Dublin Event Guide, I am experimenting with a few minor changes. One is that I am not adding the full address of the venue to all events anymore (for now). If you don’t know where the venue is, you will find it by checking the event link.
Monday 27 January
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ TrailblazHER First Steps Programme Information Session – for women who want to start their own business 14:00-17:00 Riasc Centre Swords www.tudublin.ie/explore/about-the-university/equality-and-diversity/edi-initiatives-in-tu-dublin/trailblazher/get-involved-/first-steps-programme/ (Booking required)
+ Stand up Comedy Night – Raiders Comedy 20:30 Pillar Bar, 22-25 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2 (Booking link not working, so just go there) www.facebook.com/events/1160345211634964
+ Fáilte Swing Dancing – Free Social Dance with Swing DJs 20:40-21:30 Dublin Studio, 11 Montague Lane, Dublin 2 www.failteswing.ie/classes
+ Downtown Blues Dancing – Social Dancing with DJs 21:00-23:00 Mind the Step Cafe, 24 Strand Street Great, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/events/1281472632925726
+ Song Cycle – Singer Songwriter Night – Open Night with special guests – Little Whelan’s 21:00 Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2 www.whelanslive.com/event/song-cycle/
+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch
Tuesday 28 January
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ European Leadership Academy: Women Leadership Academy – Talk 13:00 Global Room – Hamilton Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2 www.ticketsource.eu/trinity-global/women-leadership-academy-talk-lunch-session/e-qygjxb (Booking required)
+ TrailblazHER First Steps Programme Information Session – for women who want to start their own business 14:00-17:00 Samuel Beckett Community Centre, Carrickmines, Dublin 18 www.tudublin.ie/explore/about-the-university/equality-and-diversity/edi-initiatives-in-tu-dublin/trailblazher/get-involved-/first-steps-programme/ (Booking required)
+ Introduction To Printmaking (21 Jan-25 Feb) 14:00-16:00 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173660854 (Booking required)
+ Lunar New Year Paper Cutting Workshop for Children (age 7-12) 15:15 Dolphin’s Barn Library www.dublincity.ie/events/lunar-new-year-paper-cutting-workshop-children-1 (Booking required)
+ Ukulele for Beginners (21 Jan-25 Feb) 18:00-19:00 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173658424 (Booking required)
+ Ukulele for Beginners (21 Jan-25 Feb) 19:15-20:15 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173660917 (Booking required)
+ Songs In The Long Room – Acoustic Open Mic Session 20:00-23:00 Hynes Bar, 79 Prussia Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 www.facebook.com/events/472368905228630
+ Darkey Kelly’s Tuesday Singer Songwriter Night 19:00-22:30 Darkey Kelly’s, Harding Hotel, Fishamble Street, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/groups/915434861959818
+ Ukulele Tuesday – Weekly Ukulele Meetup 20:00 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/UkuleleTuesday/
+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch
Wednesday 29 January
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology – Tour 12:30 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(2)
+ Dublin Lunar New Year: A Dubliner’s Collection of Asian Art tour 13:00 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events/2025/Q1/LNY-2025-at-the-National-Museum-Decorativ-(1)
+ Digital Skills One-to-One 13:30 Pearse Street Library www.dublincity.ie/events/digital-skills-one-one
+ TrailblazHER First Steps Programme Information Session – for women who want to start their own business 14:00-17:00 Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 www.tudublin.ie/explore/about-the-university/equality-and-diversity/edi-initiatives-in-tu-dublin/trailblazher/get-involved-/first-steps-programme/ (Booking required)
+ Lunar New Year Paper Cutting Workshop for Children (Age 6-10) 16:00 Pearse Street Library www.dublincity.ie/events/lunar-new-year-paper-cutting-workshop-children-2
+ Music @ the Museum: Musical Performance on Koto and Shakuhachi – Lunar New Year 18:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/music-at-museum-lunar-new-year-concert/
+ Terenure Library German Film Screening: Knochen und Namen (Bones and Names) 18:00 www.dublincity.ie/events/terenure-library-german-film-screening
+ English/Arabic Conversation Exchange 18:30 Cabra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/english-arabic-conversation-exchange
Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)
Thursday 30 January
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ TrailblazHER First Steps Programme Information Session – for women who want to start their own business 10:00-13:00 Central Library www.dublincity.ie/events/trailblazher-first-steps-programme-information-session (Booking required)
+ Brigit 2025 Women in Business Event with themes of Resilience, Sustainability and Renewal 10:15-12:30 The Oak Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2 www.localenterprise.ie/DublinCity/Start-or-Grow-your-Business/Networking/Women-in-Business/Network-Events/30th-January-Brigit-2025-with-themes-of-Resilience-Sustainability-and-Renewal.html (Booking required)
+ Sing For Fun! Choir Workshop (weekly) 11:00-12:00 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173633651 (Booking required)
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology – Tour 13:00 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(2)
+ Historian in Residence talk: Stories about very ordinary but extraordinary women 14:00 Central Library www.dublincity.ie/events/historian-residence-talk-stories-about-very-ordinary-extraordinary-women (Booking required)
+ Lunar New Year Paper Cutting Workshop for Children (Age 7-12) – Chinese New Year Festival 15:00 Cabra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/lunar-new-year-paper-cutting-workshop-children-0 (Booking required)
+ This City Imagined – A discussion on Dublin, thirty years in the making – Open House Europe Annual Summit – Irish Architecture Foundation 18:00-20:30 Printworks Event Centre, Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.com/cc/open-house-europe-annual-summit-3891353 (Booking required)
+ Brigids through the Centuries: Some lesser-known Irish women in history – History Talk 18:30 Drumcondra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/brigids-through-centuries-some-lesser-known-irish-women-history (Booking required)
+ Expert Art Tour – Hugh Lane Gallery Collections 18:30 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/whats_on/free-expert-art-tour-hugh-lane-gallery-collections-30jan2025/ (Booking required)
+ Interactive Storytelling Tour – National Gallery 18:30 National Gallery, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 nationalgallery.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873637018 (Booking required)
+ Oppression and Identity in a Globalized World – Lecture 18:30 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/evening-talk-raul-araujo/ (Booking required)
Friday 31 January
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
+ Screening: Listening for Bridget 09:45-17:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/film-screening-listening-for-bridget/
+ The City Belongs – Participatory democracy in city design and planning – Open House Europe Annual Summit – Irish Architecture Foundation 09:45-11:30 Printworks Event Centre, Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.com/e/1110135578399 (Booking required)
+ The City Reused – Unlocking potential in the city that is already built – Open House Europe Annual Summit – Irish Architecture Foundation 12:00-13:30 Printworks Event Centre, Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.com/e/1110139851179 (Booking required)
+ The Saints and Scholars of Ireland Tours – National Museum 12:00 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Guided-Tour-The-Saints-and-Scholars-of-Ireland-(2)
+ Reinterpreting the Shrine of St. Brigid’s Shoe – Talk – National Museum 13:00-14:00 Online www.eventbrite.ie/e/online-lecture-reinterpreting-the-shrine-of-st-brigids-shoe-tickets-1145390687379 (Booking required)
+ W.B. Yeats and the Occult: An Introduction – Talk 13:00 National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 cultureclubdublin.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873667369 (Booking required)
+ The Allure of Tea: Exploring the Many Facets of the World’s Most Compelling Leaf – Dublin Lunar New Year 13:10 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/the-allure-of-tea-exploring-the-many-facets-of-the-worlds-most-compelling-leaf/
+ Cabra Library Film Club: “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?” (1962) 14:00 Cabra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/cabra-library-film-club
+ The City Includes – Housing for a city, accessible to all – Open House Europe Annual Summit – Irish Architecture Foundation 15:00-16:30 Printworks Event Centre, Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.com/e/1110146611399 (Booking required)
+++ Tradfest 2025
Tradfest 2025 is starting on Thursday 23 January and running until Sunday 26 January. So only 4 days, but there will be lots of gigs. The vast majority of gigs is not free, but there are 12 gigs every day in pubs in Temple Bar that are free. They are the Smithwick’s Sessions tradfest.com/smithwicks-sessions/ and start at 18:00 on Thursday and Friday and at 16:00 on Saturday and 15:00 on Sunday. The full programme of the Tradfest is at tradfest.com/about/2025-programme/ and you find the Smithwick’s Sessions on Page 26.
+++ Lunar New Year 2025
The Chinese New Year, or as we call it for the last 2 or 3 years, the Lunar New Year will start on Wednesday 29 Jan and there are a good few events every year to celebrate this big event. The coming year is the Year of the Snake and you find all events for the Dublin Lunar New Yer at www.dublinlunarnewyear.ie/events/ Happy New Year! The main event in Dublin on Meeting House Square in Temple Bar will be next Sunday on 02 Feb.
Is there ever a wrong time for learning a new skill or enhancing what you are already interested in? Maybe it is a language or an instrument or some technical skills? Or something completely different? Nearly every subject is there! Check out Udemy via the link below, they have thousands of courses and there is good chance that what you are looking for is available. Nearly all the courses are REALLY affordable!
The lowest price most of the time is EUR 12.99. Sometimes it even goes down further to EUR 9.99 and when that happens (about once or twice a year), I will tell you. But even 12.99 is definitely a good price for what you get! – Check out the website at www.getthislink.com/Udemy22 And if you buy through that link, you also help the Dublin Event Guide! :-)
+++ IKEA Crafting / Music / Cooking Workshops
Ikea in Ballymun runs a variety of crafting, music and cooking workshops it is always worh checking out. The workshops are free and usually go for 45 minutes. They are always for children, but the age is often not fixed. There are specific Toddler and baby workshops at times as well. Check them out on www.ikea.com/ie/en/stores/events/ikea-ballymun/
+++ Some more events:
+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar
+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on
Find Library events here www.dublincity.ie/events
and Trinity College Events here www.tcd.ie/news_events/events/?day=18&month=03&year=2024&search=week
+++ Storytelling and Toddler Groups at Dublin City Libraries
The Dublin City Libraries have published a list of Storytelling and Toddler groups for age 0-4 across the Dublin City Libraries. You can find it here www.dublincity.ie/library/blog/storytelling-and-toddler-groups-dublin-city-libraries
And this is it for another week! Have a great weekend and good new week.
Take care,
–Joerg (dublineventguide@gmail.com) |