Culture in Dublin never stops! Online Mind Body Experience, Italian Fusion Festival, Hotter Than July
Hi all!
I hope you are not superstitious because like Friday the 13th, SOME people think that the number 666 has a bad meaning. This is the 666th Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events), but it is just the one after the 665th so no bad meaning and you can actually enjoy this Dublin Event Guide too! ;-)
And if you enjoy it, please please please let the world know by leaving a little bit of feedback on the Facebook Page. It makes a HUGE difference if you do (about 10,000 MORE people will see the weekly list of free events!), so it is definitely worth the few seconds.
If you wonder what is new, then I would have to mention an infuriating decision by the new government to squander your taxes on the already highly-paid three junior ministers ( by giving each another 16,000 for no good reason. Then there is the positive decision to reduce VAT by 2% to 21% for six months and the not so exciting tax rebate if you spend more than EUR 625 in Ireland on holidays but only after October. And I also finally got around to write a new blog post, this time entitled “To Mask or not to Mask? That is the question! – The 12 facts you need to know about (non-mandatory) face mask wearing in Ireland”. You will find it at
And the OTHER news is that I managed to find lots of free events for you again! ;-) Dublin is alive and kicking!
But just before we get there, I will have to beg and thank again: The Dublin Event Guide is entirely crowdfunded. That means it needs you! The occasional company sponsorship helps a lot, but doesn’t cover all the bills for the year. For that reason I still need to ask for your help! I use all donations to cover the cost for sending and hosting the Dublin Event Guide. Your donations are not for me, I don’t make any money from it! Thanks a LOT to the great people who help and PLEASE consider joining that wonderful crowd!
You can help with some “virtual coffees” or maybe even a 10 Euro donation via Paypal or Revolut. Every cent is MUCH appreciated!! Thank you!
You can contribute here on the “Buy Me a Coffee” site:
Or even better (because I don’t have to pay any fees) you can donate directly via
And for the Revolut users among you, it is super easy via 0872931571.
Thank you very very much!

The EPIC Zone
“EPIC – The Irish Emigration Museum” ( are currently sponsoring the Dublin Event Guide and this section of the weekly newsletter will contain relevant information about events in general or about EPIC-related news and happenings.
++ Planning a Staycation this year?
Stay home, stay local and help EPIC stay Europe’s Leading Tourist Attraction. Spare a minute to VOTE for EPIC at The World Travel Awards:
++ EPIC Explorers Virtual Imagination Summer Camp for Kids returns next month!
Date: 10-14 August (5-day camp) – Age: 6-12 years but suitable for the whole family – EUR 5 (for 1 workshop) / EUR 15 (for 5) / Family ticket: EUR 40 (includes all 5 workshops AND entry to EPIC for 2 adults and 2 children)
Escape your house and explore the world alongside the Irish diaspora this summer with our EPIC Explorers Imagination Camp for Kids! Delivered remotely, this camp consists of a 1.5-hour Zoom-delivered session every day, followed by engaging activities for children aged 6 – 12 years and families to do at home together.
++ Tiny Tots: Summer Storytelling
Date: 11 August – 10:30-11:15 – Age: 2-5yrs – EUR 5
Tiny Tots is back at EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum! Suitable for 2-5 year olds, join us on a journey across the sea alongside Irish emigrants in this original adventure tale composed by EPIC.
Delivered via Zoom, we’ll meet some of the museum’s famous characters in a fun, interactive storytelling session. First, we’ll go on a “Viking Voyage”, then crash a “Pirate Party”, before we join the “Nautical Navy” and meet the “Singing Submarine”.
And here are lots of free events:
+ Honest2Goodness Market – Food Market – 09:30-16:00 – 136a Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
++ Online Mind Body Experience (Exhibition and Talks) 10:00-20:00 Online
+ InsideOut – Online Home, Garden, Lifestyle Show 10:00-18:00 Online
+ Bushy Park Market 10:00-16:00 Bushy Park, Terenure, Dublin 6W
+ Art in Opera Exhibition – 100 Days of Walking into COVID 10:00-16:00 RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
+ Classic Shirts & Vintage Sportswear Market 10:30-14:30 The Back Page, 199 Phibsborough Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 7
++ Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival 11:00-21:00 Online
+ Ukulele Licence – Play Along – Rock Jam School 11:00-11:30 Online
+ Temple Bar Food Market 11:00-16:00 Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
+ EID Bazaar 12:00-19:00 South Dublin Maktab, South Dublin Football League Complex, Ballyowen Park, Newlands Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin Ballet Class with Saor Dance and Fitness 13:00-14:00 Online
+ Dance Fitness Class with Saor Dance and Fitness 14:00-15:00 Online
+ Soft Pretzel Workshop 14:00-15:00 Online
+ Salsa & Bachata Dancing Classes (16:00-17:00) followed by Social Dancing – Quedadas Salseras 16:00-20:00 Bandstand, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
+ Enda Reilly – Vocals & Guitar Live Stream 17:00-18:30 Online
+ Nava – Live Gig – Hotter Than July 19:00
+ Italian Fusion Festival 2020 Livestream with Music and Short Films 19:00-22:00 Online
+ Online Karaoke 19:00-21:00 Online
+ 100,000 Poets For Change – Open Mic Livestream 20:00-23:00 Online
+ The Human League Tribute – Solo Livestream 21:00-22:00
+ Ballymun Car Boot Sale – 08:00-13:00 Ballymun Comprehensive School, Ballymun, Dublin 9
+ InsideOut – Online Home, Garden, Lifestyle Show 10:00-18:00 Online
+ Art in Opera Exhibition – 100 Days of Walking into COVID 10:00-16:00 RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
+ Classic Shirts & Vintage Sportswear Market 10:30-14:30 The Lighthouse Bar, 88 George’s Street Lower, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
++ Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival 11:00-21:00 Online
+ Glasnevin Indoor Market 11:00-17:00 Glasnevin Business Park (next to TJ O ‘Mahoney), Dublin 11, D11AX66
+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
+ ZoomBa with Noe 11:00-12:00 Online
+ Elsa & Anna Live for kids 11:00-11:30 Online
+ Baseball: Ashbourne Giants A vs Dublin City Hurricanes A 11:30-14:30 Corkagh Park, Naas Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
+ Zero Waste Day Out 13:00-16:00 Bandstand, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 (with Bike Repair Workshop, No Contact Swapshop, Information, Litter Pick and Recycling Rescue)
+ Festive DESI Bazaar 13:00-20:00 Lake View Cafe, City West Business Campus, Dublin 24
+ Quidditch Open Training 13:00 Fairview Park, Dublin 3
+ Niwel Tsumbu & Eamonn Cagney – LIVE Gig – Hotter Than July 19:00
+ Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass 19:30-20:30 Online
Next Week
+ Peruvian Dance Practise – Baila Peru Ireland 18:00-19:00 Croppies Acre Memorial Park, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 (in front of Collins Barracks)
+ Axis Summer Sessions: Emma Langford – Folk – Live Music Mon 27 July 21:00 Online
+ Whale Earwax!? – Nature Live Online – Live Video Tue 28 July 12:00-13:00 Online
+ Transforming Healthcare using AI – Lessons from Ophthalmology – UCD Discovery Zoom for Thought Tue 28 July 14:00-14:15 Online
+ Irish National Opera’s Seraglio – Mini-series based on the opera The Abduction from the Seraglio by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tue 28 July 18:00 Online
+ Ruby Sessions at Home Tue 28 July 20:30-23:00 Online
+ Build a CV and write a cover letter – Google Webinar Wed 29 July 11:00-12:00 Online
+ Philosophy for Living: Plato and the myth of the cave Wed 29 July 19:30-20:45 (Admission is free to this 2nd introductory class)
+ The 1981 Hunger Strike – History Lecture Wed 22 July 20:00-21:00 Online
+ Ukulele Licence – Play Along – Rock Jam School Thu 30 July 11:00-11:30 Online
++ Wood Quay Summer Sessions – Alt Rock with PowPig Thu 30 July 13:00 Online
+ Wild Beaches – Q&A with the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (for all ages!) Thu 30 July 14:00-15:00 Online
+ Irish National Opera’s Seraglio – Mini-series based on the opera The Abduction from the Seraglio by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Thu 30 July 18:00 Online
+ UCD in Conversation: A Virtual Series – COVID-19: Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing in a Crisis – A Practical Discussion Thu 30 July 19:00 (Registration required)
Hungry for more events and suggestions?
I found a few more things to keep you going or that you might find interesting:
1) Science Gallery “Invisible” to (re-)open
The Science Gallery has announced that finally, they also will re-open their doors for visitors. I was lucky enough to get the very last tour of the new exhibition on 12 March, when it was meant to be launched, but the launch had to be cancelled and the gallery as closed afterwards, so nobody was able to see the brand new exhibition until now.
The exhibition is called “Invisible” and is about all the things that we can’t see but that might (or might not exist) and to give you a taste of it, you can go to It is not a fully virtual exhibition on that website, but you can read up about the exhibits.
From Tuesday 11 August, you can see the exhibition, but only 12 people will be allowed in per hour and only if you have pre-booked. Significant limitations, but the good news is that you can see the exhibition and it is definitely worth it!
Find out about the rules and regulations for the re-opening here
2) Free Admission to Heritage Sites …but not in Dublin
On Friday I received an e-mail that filled me with excitement after reading the subject line and entirely disappointed me after I read the whole mail.
In the mail the OPW (Office of Public Works) announced that new Junior Minister Patrick O’Donovan announced free admission to OPW Heritage sites as part of Government’s July Stimulus Plan. Great news, I thought! Dublin Castle, Kilmainham Gaol, the Casino in Marino, Rathfarnham Castle, Farmleigh House and Newgrange are all managed by the OPW and after the OPW got rid of the Free Wednesday, a admission-free day on the first Wednesday of every month, it sounded like great news that they will waive admission charges until the end of the year.
But not so fast! Yes, there will be a few sites free around Ireland, but the following sites in Dublin will still charge full admission charges:
Dublin Castle, Kilmainham Gaol and Farmleigh Estate for the tours. Outside of Dublin, Newgrange will still charge the full admission charges. Closed due to works is the Casino in Marino and for other reasons also Farmleigh House. And that means the ONLY OPW site in Dublin that will waive the admission charges is Rathfarnham Castle. How disappointing!
The full list is here
3) Sign the Insurance Reform Act – Petition
Nearly everybody knows that the insurance system in Ireland is screwed up! It is totally biased in favour of the insurances who charge crazy premiums and are VERY selective about who they will insure. Have you ever tried to insure a car that is 10 years or older? Only your previous insurance will insure it, so you can’t shop around anymore. And you can look at all other type of insurances: Overpriced and customer unfriendly!
At some stage last year an effort was made to improve that situation. It is a TINY step, but it goes in the right direction. It is called the “Insurance Reform Act” that was approved by the Oireachtas and was signed by the president already in December 2019, but it can’t become a law until the Minister of Finance signs it. And Paschal Donohue has until now refused to sign it. Next week the government will go on summer break and this petition is urging him to sign it before that: More than 10,000 people are supporting it, but more are needed! Will you help?
4) Online Courses – Special Offer from Monday!
During the Covid lockdown, enrollments in Udemy courses increased by 425%! Wow! What did you learn during that time? In July most Udemy courses will cost between EUR 10.99 and 12.99, so it is not too late yet to learn something new. And I JUST found out that from 27-31 July most courses are EUR 10.99, that will be the lowest price in a while! Use this link because if you buy through that link, you help the Dublin Event Guide! ;-)
5) Books
A free Book summary per week can be found here:
And to buy books I recommend Book Depository because they are usually cheaper than others and they always include delivery for free (and by using this link you help the Dublin Event Guide):
Some of you have asked me to continue with the weekly book suggestions, so here is another one.
This week I am a little hesitant with my recommendation. I have started listening to an Audiobook by Eckhart Tolle, a German author and teacher who lives in Canada, and he is probably the most boring (or maybe you would call it “calm”) audio book reader I can imagine. So I am little reluctant recommending his book, BUT LOTS of people love his books. Oprah Winfrey is one of them and there are many many more. So maybe it is just me and not Tolle that has a problem. ;-) Eckhart Tolle writes about spirituality and “The Power of Now – A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” is his best known book. The book is costs just EUR 8.03 so give it a go and if you love it, please tell me! ;-)
And this is it for another week! Have a good weekend and new week.
Take care,–Joerg

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