Hi all!
A busy weekend AND continued nice weather, how wonderful is that!? And the best news is that the longterm forecast even indicated good weather for NEXT weekend. Next weekend is the weekend of the City Specatcular (former Street Performance World Championship). This is a MUST GO event, so put it in your calendar.
[quads id=1]
On the donation front it is now getting very serious! The bill for June is now down to EUR 140, but on Monday the July bill will be added to the outstanding amount and that means I have a bill of EUR 380 in front of me. It was never that bad before. :-O If at the end of July the bill is not cleared, I VERY RELUCTANTLY have to put the Dublin Event Guide “at risk”. Which means that I might to consider winding it down. :-( So I URGENTLY need to find money and I really really need your help! If you could support the Dublin Event Guide, I am suggesting a very fair EUR 12 for the year, that’s just 23 cent per Dublin Event Guide Edition or less than 3 pints for the whole year! That’s not much if you think about how much value the Dublin Event Guide brings you every week! ;-) Higher and lower donations are also appreciated! Every Euro counts!
If you are a great and helpful person, you can help via PayPal here or if you don’t like PayPal too much and prefer to use your credit card go to GoFundMe here. THANK YOU!!
And don’t forget that you can also help without spending a cent of your own money, if you buy through the advertisement links that are in the Dublin Event Guide or that are on the Dublin Event Guide Shopping Page at www.DublinEventGuide.com/shop If you want to buy from Groupon or LivingSocial or Amazon or Bookdepository or eBay or Asos or PrettyLittleThing or SportsDirect, just go to that website and click on the relevant link and it will bring you to the right place. The company you buy from will take 5-8% out of their profit (depending on the company) and will reward the Dublin Event Guide for promoting that company. But importantly you don’t pay more! Here are the links: www.dublineventguide.com/shop Thanks for using this page!
The Dublin Event Guide needs your continued help in two areas: Your donations help paying the bills. Just 1 Euro per month (12 Euro per year) would be great, more would be even better. Not many subscribers are prepared (or able) to help, so please don’t rely on others! Your money will be used to pay the monthly EUR 240 bill for sending the newsletter using MailChimp, for web hosting and domain names. I am happy to work 35 hours on the Dublin Event Guide every week without making anything from it, but for the bills I need your help.
You can make your donation at www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm using Paypal or CreditCard or send me a mail at dublineventguide@gmail.com if you prefer to pay by bank transfer. Corporate or enterprise sponsors are very welcome too and will get a bundle of benefits as a thank you for their donation, contact me on sponsorship@dublineventguide.com to discuss the details.
And here is the second area where you can help: Without you spreading the word we would have never reached 24,000 subscribers and 75,000 Facebook Likes. Send your friends to www.dublineventguide.com where they can subscribe as well.
And here is a great opportunity to help the Dublin Event Guide for absolutely no cost to you:
Without putting your hand in your pocket at all you can help the Dublin Event Guide! Just use the ad links in the Dublin News Section and the banner ads in other sections as often as possible when you buy/order goods. If you buy goods immediately (in the same session) after clicking on a link/ad that you find in this publication (for example for Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon, Book Depository, LastMinute etc), then you help the Dublin Event Guide everytime. This is how it works: The company you buy from will give a small commission (5-8%) to the Dublin Event Guide as a thanks for pointing you in their direction. This might only be 30 cent a go, but if many of you did it every time you buy something online, then it could make a big dent into the EUR 240 needed. Importantly, you do not pay more, but the merchant accepts a slightly smaller profit. So clicking on these ads is helping everybody! Thanks!
Have an event-full weekend and week,
Find the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) online presence here:
Website: www.DublinEventGuide.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide Mobile App: m.dublineventguide.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/DublinEventG

We are more than 75,000 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide and are growing every week. Join in and click LIKE on the Facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.

The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-mail magazine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and there could be more in the coming week and this section is for the people that want to overcome the hurdles, achieve more and remember that despite all, life is great!
This week’s Feel Good Slot brings another quote. I don’t know who said this, but I don’t think it needs any further explanation:
Feed the areas of your life you want to grow. Starve the parts that need to go.
Books for lowest prices, sent to you with free
worldwide delivery. And with every book you
buy, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide.
…IF you click on the link below! www.bookdepository.com |
PRETTYLITTLETHING – Fashion at Affor dable Prices
PrettyLittleThing is the place for the fashion savvy girl
to get all she needs for aff ordable prices.
Delivery is free on orders over EUR 30. www.prettylittlething.com |

This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
To cover the cost for the Dublin Event Guide I need your help and every week generous and nice Dublin Event Guide readers help with a donation.
Last week Belinda B, Brendan D, Cathie S and Margaret P were so great to help with a very very much needed donation. But we are FAR away from clearing the bill for June and July is already here. :-O
The cost for sending the weekly newsletter is EUR 240 per month and a donation from you of just EUR 12 per year will ensure that I will be able to pay the bills. Has the Dublin Event Guide helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about, or have you saved money by finding great free events? Then please go to here and give something back if you can!
I appreciate ANY help: EUR 12 would be great (that’s just 25 cent per week!), but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page. If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Eimear L, Brian R, Andrew G, Marta T, Linda C, Grainne F, Rita B, Rosemary K, Mary McK, Ger O’B, Alison J, Sinead L, Lesley C, Noel N, Majella M, Mona O’R, Leigh P, Eric C, Anette K D, Aoife G, Aidan C, George K, Rita B, Thomas G, Roy C, Jutta B-S, Lorna O’C, Aisling McK, Miriam L, Fergus O’T, Julia Sch, Helen B, Susan H, Paula R, Justin M, Tony B, Ross M, Daniel L, Susan F, Joan S, Rachel McG, John F, Ann Marie S, Melanie B, Magdalena H, Leigh Ph, Mark G, Joanne M, Louise F, Kathryn H, Ornaigh G, Eamonn U, Gerard Ph, Fiona F, Gabriel K, Laura C, Aislinn T, Barry M, Joan S, Nicole W, Tara R, Denise G, Ann M, Mairin M, Daire O’C, Anne H, Anne H, Comet Records, John F, Nora O’K, David O’K, Karen+Brian F, Estelle K, Ann McP, Noelle H, Pat M, Meav Ni M, Jutta B-S, Jamie C, Leigh Ph, Irene D M, Michael D, Joan S, Melanie B, Anita W, Maria F, Moira dF, Arthur D, Catherine G, Clodagh C, Elaine K, Majella M, Ann M, Clodagh O’C, Claire R, Leigh Ph, Sarah L, Mark G, Erzsebet H, Isidro G, Karen A, Sean S, Melanie M, Zelie McG, Lindsay R, Thibaut D, Pia O, James B, Marguerite D, Shai C, Susan K, Agnieszka S-S, Alice K, Ieva B, Ruth L, Ana RT, Rita B, Sueanne O’H, Rosemary M, Darragh D, Lorraine S, Helena S, Carija I, Pat McK, Jennifer R, Sophie P-L, Jenny B, Catherine F, Stephen S, Juliana A Y, Caoimhe NiM, Damien B, Shane O’B, Melanie S, Audrey H, Catherine E, Michele McN, Susan B, Sharon K, Bill G, Malachy B, Catherine O’S, Paula R, Pamela A, Eleonora P, Thomas B, Karen K, Brendan M, Eric O’F, Gale G, Daniel LG, Mark G, Margo C, Joan S, Debbie C, Karen McG, Eric C, Irish Family Names, Tom McM, Aishling B, Ana RT, Eamonn McG, Silja P, Nicola R, Jacinta O’B, Siobhan B, Orla P, Sharon G, Isidro G, Carmel C, Roisin R, Mona R, Suzanne D, Tracey O’C, Jessica G, Barbara L, Frances D, Emmet R, Irene C, Eugene McG, Stuart N, Laurie F, Joan S, Mark C, Clodagh O’C, Grace L, Peter D, Mona O’R, Maria J, Ryan M, Sharon B, Gennadii N, Tadgh C, Niamh D, Austin M, Belinda B, Brendan D, Cathie S, Margaret P and Travel Agency “Project Travel” (www.project-travel.ie Ireland’s only Norway and Northern Lights Travel Experts), Arthur’s Pub (www.arthurspub.ie A classic Dublin old-style pub in 28 Thomas Street with a new and buzzing music venue that runs lots of events), the Speedfriending Ireland Meet-up Group (www.meetup.com/Events-Drinks-Talks-Dublin/) (Where you can meet lots of new people and make friends), Cycling Campaign (www.dublincycling.ie), www.oliviercornetgallery.com (An Art Gallery in 5 Cavendish Row), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new venue), www.cfcp.ie (The Centre for Creative Practices is the the only arts centre in Ireland dedicated to connecting, integrating and promoting immigrant, experimental and emerging artists among the local arts scene and audiences).
The main sponsor is Energia and their support is hugely appreciated! Energia provides cost efficient electricity and gas to Irish homes and businesses. The company is committed to developing renewable energy sources in Ireland and over 25% of the country’s wind power is supplied through Energia. Energia‘s power plants in North Dublin are capable of providing enough energy to power 1.2 million homes.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no guarantee for correctness can be given.

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
Lots of events again this week! If you are in the area the Clondalkin Village Festival or the Tallafest might be interesting. There will be outdoor movie screenings in Dun Laoghaire and the HUGE Pride Parade is happening.
On Sunday is National Playday in Merrion Square, something for all parents. ;-)

Postage to Ireland is free for most orders if you buy for more than GBP 25! And with every order via this link, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) gets a small commission: HERE It doesn’t cost you anything more, but you help the Dublin Event Guide. Use the link as often as possible!
More competitions to come soon!
AppSumo is the Groupon or LivingSocial for Business Software! A Discount platform for applications that you need to run your business. Check it out at AppSumo
Help the Dublin Event Guide! It won’t cost you a cent!
Do you enjoy free events? Does it help you to find out about all these free events simply in one e-mail magazine or on one website? Does the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) deliver all this for you and maybe even more? In that case, you probably also would want it to continue forever, right?
To achieve that some money is needed. Donations are a great help, but not everyone feels they can donate at the moment. So here is the solution: If you could help with a donation without having to pay a cent from your own money wouldn’t that be cool? You can!!
When you buy books online, buy them from Book Depository or from Amazon and use these links to go to the website:
Book Depository Amazon
And when you buy from Living Social or Groupon use these links:
Groupon LivingSocial
Or when you buy from eBay or you want to buy holidays or clothes or anything else, check first
When you click on the link and then buy, your books/products/holidays etc cost exactly the same as if you went to the website directly. But if you go via the links above, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will get 5-8% of what you spend as a commission. That’s not a lot, but if you and lots of other people used that link every time, it would amount to a fair amount of crucially important money. Use the links often, actually EVERY time you buy from the relevant site, not just once!
Giving money for free! That’s how easy it is. ;-) THANK YOU!!!
And if you want to donate money directly, then you can do that here: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm or www.GoFundMe.com/DublinEventGuide
Dublin Event Guide Smartphone App “Dublin For Free”
Find all details on how to use the Dublin Event Guide Smartphone web app at www.dublineventguide.com/mobile.html
Leap Card – Kids Go Free
From Monday 02 July until Sunday 15 July, Child Leap Card holders can travel free on all Dublin Bus scheduled services (excluding Airlink and Nitelink), all Luas services, all DART services, all Commuter Rail services in Dublin’s “Short Hop Zone” and Bus Éireann services where TFI Leap Card Validators are available.
Child Leap Cards are available for Age 5-15 or Age 16-18 and for the “Kids GO Free” to work, the cards has to have at least 1 cent of Travel Credit.
Find all details at about.leapcard.ie/kids-go-free
New Mayor for Dublin
Every year, Dublin City Councillors elect a new Mayor and last week was that day again. This would be a relevant event in many cities around the world, but not in Dublin. The mayor of Dublin has a big title (“Lord Mayor”), but absolutely no power to change anything. He will move into Mansion House for the year, will cut ribbons and open shops and has the BIG job of turning on the Christmas Lights in December.
Unless we get a directly elected mayor – and this should have happened years ago – he is just a figure head that we easily could do without. :-O Instead of a mayor, an unelected “City Manager” is running Dublin and he often even ignores what the Dublin City Council wants. “In the interest of the people” is different!!
The new mayor is the 349th one. Mad!
The name of the mayor is Nial Ring. Ring was part of disgraced Taoiseach Bertie Ahern’s inner circle in Fianna Fail for many years, but when his party didn’t want to support him when he wanted to be elected as a councillor, he suddenly became a “Independent” candidate. In 2017 he lost his house in Clontarf because he didn’t pay the mortgage payments and had arrears of EUR 500,000, so maybe he is lucky that he can move into Mansion House now.
“Hosepipe Ban” – Are they for real??
When I read this, I thought it was a Waterford Whispers News story. (Waterford Whispers News is an Irish satirical news website that usually hits the nail on the head with their brilliant headlines.) The announcement that made me think it is a joke was the announcement by Irish Water on Friday that from Monday 02 July a “hosepipe ban” would be in effect in the Greater Dublin area.
At first I thought it is Irish Water nonsense, but checking into it a bit more I realised that a piece of Irish Law really mentions that the “use of water drawn through a hosepipe” can be prohibited for the use of “watering a garden, watering recreational parks or sports grounds […], irrigating or spraying crops […], or washing a mechanically propelled vehicle or a trailer”.
Water conservation makes sense if there is a shortage and due to the idiotic way public water supplies in Ireland are ONLY served from surface water in lakes and reservoirs (instead of using water from underground sources) we are currently entering a period of water shortage. BUT a “hosepipe ban” just sounds like a ridiculous piece of law.
The ban will be in place for the whole month of July and if someone is found in breach of the ban, they could be fined EUR 125.
But here comes the interesting stuff:
While the wording above is taken from the “Water Services Act 2007”, Irish Water is NOT banning all wasteful water use. Instead they reduce the ban to “watering a garden, cleaning a private motor-vehicle using a domestic hosepipe. […], filling or maintaining a domestic swimming or paddling pool (except when using hand held containers filled directly from a tap), […]” so that means if you use a domestic hosepipe you are not allowed to clean the car, but if it is a commercial hosepipe, you can go ahead without any issues. It also means that your swimming pool must not be filled via hosepipe, but if there is a tap above the swimming pool OR if you get LOTS of big containers and fill it by hand, you are all above the law.
Help the Dublin Event Guide by buying via these links:
Summer of Heritage 2018 in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown is the leading example in the whole Greater Dublin area of top class historical events for everybody and Dublin City really could learn from them!
The Summer of Heritage programme of events is a series of more than 30 free guided tours run by the Heritage Office of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council from 25 June until 02 September. The tours are suitable for families, groups and individuals interested in local history and some of the locations/tours are The Oratory, Seapoint Martello Tower, Holy Trinity Church Kiliney, Historic Dundrum, Kill Abbey, Obelisk Stillorgan, James Joyce Tower, Historic Blackrock, The Metals, Dun Laoghaire Harbour Walk, National Maritime Museum, Dalkey Castle, Monkstown Castle. Most tours happen a number of times during the week and the full programme can be downloaded here. (Some of the tours require pre-booking.)

The former “Opportunities” section is now the place where the weekly nationwide clever event map from our sponsor Energia will be featured. Full details about the events on the map are on the Energia blog: gturl.eu/Energia18_wk27

Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie . For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is www.visualartists.ie/category/listings/dublin/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
Horse Traditions in Ireland – Exhibition
19 June – 15 July
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
An exhibition of horse traditions in Ireland will take place at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre.
This exhibition will look at how horses are used in a modern context and how they are linked to the Phoenix Park, including the Garda Mounted Unit which is based in Áras an Uachtaráin, the All Ireland Polo Club which is located in the Phoenix Park and the Equitation School of the Defence Forces based in McKee Barracks.
Admission is free.
Face to Face: Anthony Palliser’s Irish Portraits
01 June – 02 Sept (Tue-Sun 10:00-13:00+14:00-17:00)
Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
Over eighty portraits of more than thirty renowned Irish cultural figures, completed over a sixteen-year period by the Anglo-Belgian painter Anthony Palliser, will be on display at Farmleigh Gallery.
The “models” include Seamus Heaney, Derek Mahon, Paddy Moloney, Siobhán Armstrong, Thomas Kinsella, Edna O’Brien, John Boorman, Colm Tóibín, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, Brian Friel, Bill Whelan, John Banville, Sinéad Cusack, John Montague, Paul Muldoon, John Hurt and Garech Browne.
Admission is free. Find more information here.

Car Boot Sales – Tallaght
08:00 – 12:00, Sat 30 Jun
Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, has up to 200 cars/sellers. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line stop and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 06:30 for buyers from 08:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on their website.
Honest2Goodness Food Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 30 Jun
Honest2goodness, 136 Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
The weekly Honest2goodness food market in Glasnevin has fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, and wines. It is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre.
Park Runs: Malahide, Cabinteely, Shanganah, Marlay, Raheny
09:30 – 13:00, Sat 30 Jun
Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin
Parkrun Ireland is organising free weekly runs in parks. It is a timed run over 5km and participation is completely free, but registration before your first parkrun is required.
A whole range of Parkruns take place every week: + Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin + Cabinteely Park, Old Bray Road, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 + Shanganagh Park, Shankill, Co. Dublin + Marlay Park, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin, Co. Dublin + St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 + Father Collins Park, Donaghmeade/Clongriffin, Dublin 13 + Tymon Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24 + Bushy Park, Terenure, Dublin 6 + Corcagh Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 + Tolka Valley Park, Finglas South, Dublin 11 + Porterstown Park, Castleknock, Dublin 15 + Bricksfield Park, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
Summer Wellness Event – Clondalkin
09:30 – 10:45, Sat 30 Jun
Round Tower Clondalkin, 15 Tower Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
A Summer Wellness / Yoga Event will take place every Saturday and Sunday at the Roundtower in Clondalkin.
On 30 June Bennery Rickard will teach Hatha yoga.
On 01 July Liz Costigan will run a Yoga class.
Admission is free, buit donations to the teachers chosen charities are welcome.
SuperNatural Food Market
09:30 – 15:30, Sat 30 Jun
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
The Green Door Market – Food/Farmer’s Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 30 Jun
A1 Bluebell Business Centre, Old Naas Road, Dublin 12
The Green Door Market is an indoor food/Farmer’s Market that many know from when it was located at Newmarket Square. Due to the redevelopment at Newmarket Square it had to move and is now on the Old Naas Road, opposite the entrance to the Royal Liver Retail Park. At the new location they are also open on Sundays.
Opening hours are Tue-Fri 12:00-19:00, Sat 09:30-16:00 and also Sunday 11:00-17:00.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 30 Jun
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 30 Jun
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Marlay Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 30 Jun
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
The County Council Market (CoCo) in Marlay Park is taking place every Saturday and Sunday. You will find a wide range of products. There will be food to eat there and food to cook at home but also crafts and arts and books and lots more.
Temple Bar Markets
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 30 Jun
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
Terenure Bushy Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 30 Jun
Bushy Park, Tempelogue Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W
The Terenure Bushy Park Market is taking place every weekk. The market has more than 30 stalls, offering a whole variety of foods and crafts.
Admission is free.
The Story of the Capital – Exhibition in Dublin City Hall
10:00 – 17:15, Sat 30 Jun
City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Dublin City Hall has a museum/exhibition in the basement, called “The Story of the Capital”, it is an exhibition that you should definitely check out at some stage.
To celebrate the Easter Rising Anniversary, admission to that exhibititon was free in 2016, but lucky for us, Dublin City decided to also waive the admission charge for 2018.
Opening hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:15.
Áras an Uachtaráin – Tour
10:15, Sat 30 Jun
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
Áras an Uachtaráin is the residence of the President of Ireland in the middle of Phoenix Park. It started as a modest brick house for the Phoenix Park Chief Ranger in 1751, was then turned into th ‘occasional residence’ for the Lords-Lieutenant and gradually evolved into a huge mansion. After Ireland gained independence it was turned after 1937 into the residence of the Irish president.
Every Saturday a number of public tours take place and admission is free. Tickets will be issued at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on the day, on a first come, first served basis. Group and/or advance booking is not possible.
The tours will be at 10:15, 11:30, 12:45, 14:00 and 15:15 and take approx. 1 hour.
Art, Bites, Crafts – Drumcondra Market
10:30 – 15:30, Sat 30 Jun
Arts and Business Campus, 40 Drumcondra Road Lower
The Drumcondra Village Market is now the “Art, Bites, Crafts Drumcondra Market”. And as you guessed it, it is an arts and crafts fair in the centre of Drumcondra. :-) There will also be some food and music.
The market is open on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30-15:30.
Admission is free.
Yarn Party for the homeless of Dublin
10:30 – 12:00, Sat 30 Jun
The Constant Knitter, 88 Francis Street, Dublin 8
Elisabetta contacted me. She runs a community called “Revived Yarn” and they upcycle leftovers of yarn and make handmade garments for the homeless of Dublin, which are donated throughout the winter. On Saturday they are having a Yarn Party for the homeless of Dublin, in a special edition dedicated to the Pride Festival, to raise awareness among the participants on the problem of homelessness in the LGBT community.
Admission is free. You can come to knit or only to find out more.
Blackrock Market
11:00 – 17:30, Sat 30 Jun
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, and Sundays: 12:00-17:30.
Kid Normal – Book Signing
11:00, Sat 30 Jun
Eason, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
Clondalkin Village Festival 2018
11:30, Sat 30 Jun
Clondalkin Village, Co. Dublin
The Clondalkin Village Festival will take place this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The line-up of events is
Saturday: + 11:30 Free Fun Village Cycle starting at the Laurels + Handcraft and Horticulture Show at Newlands Garden Centre + 14:00-17:00 Garda Station Open Day + 14:00-16:00 Clondalkin Writers Showcase
Sunday: + Handcraft and Horticulture Show at Aras Chronain + 14:00-18:00 Street Performers & Stilt Walkers + 14:00-18:00 Free Balloon Modelling & Face Painting + 14:00-18:00 Main Stage with Children Entertainer & Music & Entertainment + Free Walking Tours from Round Tower from 14:30 + 17:00 Trad Music with The Blaghards, Round Tower GAA Club
The Facebook Page below doesn’t have many details and the inClondalkin.ie website still shows the information for the festival from 2017. :-O So the best way is to use the sketchy information above and then go to Clondalkin to find out the details.
Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Sat 30 Jun
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Dublin Pride Parade 2018
12:00, Sat 30 Jun
Dublin (various locations)
The Dublin Pride Parade is the culmination of the Dublin Pride Festival and it is a colourful, good vibes event that is for the LGBT community and everyone else.
The parade will take a completely different route than in previous years, so do NOT go to the Garden of Remembrance!! Instead it will start at the Leeson Street side of St. Stephen’s Green with speeches and entertainment at 12:00 and then at 14:00, the parade will go along St. Stephen’s Green South, Cuffe Street, Kevin Street to Patrick Street, pass St. Patrick’s Cathedral and go towards Christ Church Cathedral. Then turn left into High Street and cross the Liffey at Fr Matthew Bridge into Church Street. The last bit is via King Street North onto Smithfield Plaza.
Smithfield Plaza is were the Pride Village will be with more entertainment and food etc.
In 2017 up to 30,000 people took part in the March and there were 60 floats, so this is a BIG event!
After the Pride Parade all the usual LGBT venues (The George, Pantibar, Outhouse) and many other venues throughout Dublin will celebrate Dublin Pride with street festivals, gigs and parties. Not all are free, but if you check out www.dublinpride.ie/events/#30 for a full list, you will find all relevant details.
Ha’penny Flea Market
12:00 – 17:00, Sat 30 Jun
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly Ha’penny Flea Market is an indoor market in the Grand Social Pub, which offers vintage Men and Women’s clothing, contemporary crafts, books, DVDs, vinyl records, vintage and handmade jewellery, vintage hair styles, art, photography and much more. Grand Social’s Bar and Gourmet Coffee options are available.
Life at the Edges – Science Gallery Exhibition
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 30 Jun
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The current exhibition in the Science Gallery is called “Life at the Edges” and it will run from 22 June until 30 September,
The exhibition is looking at space travel, Mars exploration and it also looks at other hostile or difficult environments like antarctica, volcanoes and living in a floating city.
Some of the most interesting exhibits are:
+ Habitat of a simluated Mars mission + Creating souvenirs from Lava + Process of creating an iron ring from grass that grew on iron polluted soil + Animals that travelled to space + A plant growing in Mars atmophere + A planet to be built from dead bodies
It is a fascinating exhibition, but take your time to understand the exhibits and think a little more about some of them! It is worth it!
The website below lists all exhibits and provides some explanation so that you can either before or after your visit check further details.
All Science Gallery exhibitions are suitable for ALL ages, even younger children will be able to take part/follow. Some of the exhibits need a bit more of an age-appropriate explanation for younger kids than others, but nearly everything can be simplified for kids.
I strongly suggest to use the help of the amazing mediators, who can explain everything you see, especially if you don’t want to read all the explanations that are next to every exhibit.
The Science Gallery has very visitor friendly opening hours of Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00.
Admission is free.
Tallafest 2018
12:00 – 17:00, Sat 30 Jun
Tallaght (various)
Tallafest 2018 is taking place on Saturday. There will be a full and busy day with lots of activities with a Kids Zone, Create Zone, Sports Zone, Nature Zone, an Active Seniors Hub, Arts & Heritage Events, Exhibitions, Live Stage Performances and a Craft & Food Market.
Admission is free and a full list of events can be found via the link below.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Sat 30 Jun
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Viribus Crossfit Competition – Viewing
13:00 – 17:00, Sat 30 Jun
6-9 Haymarket, Smithfield Plaza
Viribus Crossfit at Haymarket near Smithfield Plaza will host its first In House CrossFit competition to mark its one year anniversary. And you are invited to come and watch the competition.
The competition will take place on Saturday and Sunday and admission as a spectator is free.
Chester Beatty Library – Guided Tour
14:00, Sat 30 Jun
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Every Saturday a free guided tour will take place in the Chester Betty Library. The tour starts at 14:00.
In addition there is another free tour every Wednesday at 13:00 and one on Sundays at 15:00
Discovery Festival – Discovery Gospel Choir
14:00 – 20:00, Sat 30 Jun
St. George & St. Thomas Church, Cathal Brugha Street, Dublin 1
The Discovery Gospel Choir is running a number of musical workshops this afternoon and will perform a concert this evening.
Admission is free and the schedule is:
14:00-17:00 WORKSHOPS Intercultural Music with Discovery Gospel Choir / Rhythm Alchemy Drumming / Square Dancing / Arts and Crafts
17:00-18:00 FOOD & FUN
18:00-20:00 CONCERT Discovery Gospel Choir / Mekkan Ju / Ashish Dha and friends / Rilwon Jaiyeola / Hill Street Chinese Umbrella Dancers and special guests
Mystery Movies – Outdoor Screening
14:00 – 21:00, Sat 30 Jun
dlr LexIcon – Library and Cultural Centre, Haigh Terrace, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown is inviting to a Movie Screening of three movies on Saturday in Moran Park in Dun Laoghaire, directly next to the dlr Lexicon Library.
The screenings are
14:00 Who Framed Roger Rabbit PG 104min 16:30 Rear Window (1954) PG 112min 19:00 Murder on the Orient Express (2017) 12A 114min
Admission is free, but seating is limited, so bring your own fold up chair of possible.
Wellington Weekender – Flea Market
14:00, Sat 30 Jun
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Wellington Weekender in the Workman’s Club on 29+30 June + 01 July will bring us a Flea Market on Saturday afternoon on the first floor and an acoustic stage on the Terrace, while the Banter discussion is going on in the Main Bar.
Admission is free.
Banter with Paul Noonan (Bell X1)
14:30, Sat 30 Jun
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Wellington Weekender in the Workman’s Club on 29+30 June + 01 July will start on Saturday with the discussion event “Banter” with Paul Noonan from band Bell X1. The lead singer will talk about 20 years of life and music with Bell X1.
Admission is free, but a donation of EUR 2 for the charity AWARE is expected.
Portraiture as Criticism – Talk
15:00 – 16:00, Sat 30 Jun
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
“Portraiture as Criticism” is a talk in the Farmleigh Gallery in connection with the current ‘Face to Face’ exhibition. Writer and Irish Times journalist Fintan O’Toole will be the speaker.
Admission is free, but limited places available and Farmleigh House requested booking via farmleighevents@opw.ie Because there won’t be enough time to book from when you read this until the start of the event, I suggest that if you really want to attend the talk, you go to Farmleigh Gallery and check there if there might be still some space left. Since free events often have “no shows”, there is a good chance (but no guarantee!) that you will still get in.
Post Pride Parade Events
15:00, Sat 30 Jun
Dublin (various locations)
From around 15:00 until late there will be parties, gigs, street parties etc in many events throughout Dublin.
A full list can be found via the link below. Not all are free, but some definitely are.
Albert Ross Foundation – Gig
20:00, Sat 30 Jun
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
The Albert Ross Foundation will play Classic Rock, Rhythm & Blues and Rock n’ Roll in the Bowery.
Admission is free.
Booka Brass – Gig
20:00, Sat 30 Jun
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
LemonCello / Stanlaey – Gig
21:00, Sat 30 Jun
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Guitar, cello and vocals duo LemonCello will play a gig in Sin E and they will be supported by 4-piece folk/jazz/pop band Stanlaey.
Admission seems to be free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Sat 30 Jun
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
Retro Fix – Gig
21:00, Sat 30 Jun
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Charles Cavanagh & Band – Swing
22:00, Sat 30 Jun
Mint Bar, Westin Hotel, 35-39 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2
High Definition – Gig
22:00, Sat 30 Jun
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
High Definition will play a gig in the Bowery from midnight and admission is EUR 5, but there is an earlier gig of the Albert Ross Foundation for which admission is free. So you just have to come earlier and you should get free admission.
Jogging / Shifting – Gig
22:30, Sat 30 Jun
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Rock Tribunal – Gig
23:30, Sat 30 Jun
Porterhouse Temple Bar, 16-18 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
Car Boot Sales – Ballymun
08:00 – 13:00, Sun 01 Jul
Trinity Comprehensive Secondary School, Ballymun Road, Ballymun, Dublin 9
In addition to the Saturday Car Boot Sale in Tallaght, Irish Car Boot Sales run a weekly Sunday Car Boot Sales in Ballymun.
Admission for buyers is free.
Dublin Pride Festival 2018 – Events
09:00, Sun 01 Jul
Various locations in Dublin and Dun Laoghaire
The Dublin Pride Festival is coming to an end and the last free events on Sunday are
+ Panti’s Big Ga y Cocktail Giveaway at 18:00 + Pride Bingo with Shirley in The George from 21:30 (adm is free until 22:00)
All event details are on the website below.
Summer Wellness Event – Clondalkin
09:30 – 10:45, Sun 01 Jul
Round Tower Clondalkin, 15 Tower Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
A Summer Wellness / Yoga Event will take place every Saturday and Sunday at the Roundtower in Clondalkin.
On 30 June Bennery Rickard will teach Hatha yoga.
On 01 July Liz Costigan will run a Yoga class.
Admission is free, buit donations to the teachers chosen charities are welcome.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Food Market – Farmleigh House
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
The Farmleigh Food Market at Farmleigh House will take place again this Sunday. Food products from around Ireland either to eat there or to bring home will be available.
From approx. 14:00-16:00 the Clondalkin Youth Band will perform on the Bandstand in the gardens of Farmleigh House.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Magazine Fort – Guided Tour
10:00, Sun 01 Jul
Magazine Fort, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park was for a long time completely neglected, but it is hugely rich in history. Many have seen it as a barred off concrete fortress in a corner of Phoenix Park and even more don’t even know or have forgotten that it exists. The old Phoenix House, the home of the British Viceroy, was on the site where the fort was built from the early 17th century and then in 1734 the Fort was built and extended in 1801.
In 1916 the Fort was raided by the rebels who expected to find a lot of explosives there, but found the Fort nearly empty. In 1939 the IRA raided the Fort and stole more than a million rounds of ammunition, but most of it was recovered over the following weeks.
Since 1988, the Irish Army doesn’t use the Fort anymore and gave it back to the Office of Public Works (OPW), but not much good has happened to the Fort in the last 30 years (!!) and there were numerous speculations about the reasons for that.
Finally since 2016, guided tours are provided and this year from April until end of October there will be three tours every Sunday at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00. Only 20 places are available on each tour and if there is a big event in Phoenix Park the tour will be cancelled.
Tickets are available at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on a first come, first served basis and can not be pre-booked. A shuttle bus will bring the ticket holders to the Fort.
Marlay Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sun 01 Jul
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
The County Council Market (CoCo) in Marlay Park is taking place every Saturday and Sunday. You will find a wide range of products. There will be food to eat there and food to cook at home but also crafts and arts and books and lots more.
Merrion Square Open Air Gallery
10:00 – 18:30, Sun 01 Jul
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Every Sunday, the Merrion Square Open Air Art Gallery takes place. Up to 200 artists exhibit their paintings on the railings on three sides (West, North and East) of Merrion Square and you can just enjoy the exhibition or even buy.
Art, Bites, Crafts – Drumcondra Market
10:30 – 15:30, Sun 01 Jul
Arts and Business Campus, 40 Drumcondra Road Lower
The Drumcondra Village Market is now the “Art, Bites, Crafts Drumcondra Market”. And as you guessed it, it is an arts and crafts fair in the centre of Drumcondra. :-) There will also be some food and music.
The market is open on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30-15:30.
Admission is free.
Dun Laoghaire Market
11:00 – 16:00, Sun 01 Jul
People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
A weekly market with lots of food, but also many other products (art & crafts, books, etc) takes place every Sunday in the beautiful People’s Park in Dun Laoghaire. It is a very popular market and with around 50 vendors also one of the bigger markets.
Jazz + Bluegrass for Brunch on Sundays
11:00 – 16:30, Sun 01 Jul
Kilkenny Shop, Nassau Street, Dublin 2
The Kilkenny Shop Cafe is inviting to a Jazz Brunch Sunday every Sunday from 11:00-14:00 and from 14:30-16:30 a Bluegrass Band is taking over. Unfortuantely they don’t specify who the bands are.
Admission is free.
Palestrina Choir
11:00, Sun 01 Jul
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
The well known Palestrina Choir sing every Sunday at the mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. They sing complete masterworks by Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak, Palestrina, de Victoria, usually accompanied by Prof. Gerard Gillen on the organ, who often also plays a solo piece.
The Green Door Market – Food/Farmer’s Market
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
A1 Bluebell Business Centre, Old Naas Road, Dublin 12
The Green Door Market is an indoor food/Farmer’s Market that many know from when it was located at Newmarket Square. Due to the redevelopment at Newmarket Square it had to move and is now on the Old Naas Road, opposite the entrance to the Royal Liver Retail Park. At the new location they are also open on Sundays.
Opening hours are Tue-Fri 12:00-19:00, Sat 09:30-16:00 and also Sunday 11:00-17:00.
Drop-in family session – National Gallery: Clown Eggs
11:30 – 13:30, Sun 01 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The Drop-in family workshop “Clown Eggs” will take place in the atrium of the National Gallery.
Join Louise McGrath for an art-making workshop inspired by the exhibition “Circus250: Art of the Show”.
Children and their parents/guardians/carers are encouraged to work together on creative projects. Drop-in and stay for as long (or as little!) as you wish. The workshop is suitable for children of all ages.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Sun 01 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Blackrock Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 01 Jul
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Sundays: 12:00-17:30. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30.
Guided Walks – Botanic Gardens
12:00 – 15:30, Sun 01 Jul
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Every Sunday, the National Botanic Gardens invite to two guided walks. The first one is at 12:00 and the second one at 14:30.
Admission is free.
Life at the Edges – Science Gallery Exhibition
12:00 – 18:00, Sun 01 Jul
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The current exhibition in the Science Gallery is called “Life at the Edges” and it will run from 22 June until 30 September,
The exhibition is looking at space travel, Mars exploration and it also looks at other hostile or difficult environments like antarctica, volcanoes and living in a floating city.
Some of the most interesting exhibits are:
+ Habitat of a simluated Mars mission + Creating souvenirs from Lava + Process of creating an iron ring from grass that grew on iron polluted soil + Animals that travelled to space + A plant growing in Mars atmophere + A planet to be built from dead bodies
It is a fascinating exhibition, but take your time to understand the exhibits and think a little more about some of them! It is worth it!
The website below lists all exhibits and provides some explanation so that you can either before or after your visit check further details.
All Science Gallery exhibitions are suitable for ALL ages, even younger children will be able to take part/follow. Some of the exhibits need a bit more of an age-appropriate explanation for younger kids than others, but nearly everything can be simplified for kids.
I strongly suggest to use the help of the amazing mediators, who can explain everything you see, especially if you don’t want to read all the explanations that are next to every exhibit.
The Science Gallery has very visitor friendly opening hours of Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00.
Admission is free.
Family Tour – National Gallery
12:30 – 13:15, Sun 01 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
This Family Tour is specially designed for children and their guardians, parents and carers to make the works on display in the National Gallery fun and engaging for kids.
Admission is free. Meet at the Merrion Square information desk.
National Playday 2018
13:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
This year’s National Playday will be on Sunday in Merrion Square.
There will be lots of opportunities to play for kids and youths and because some of the games can get a little messy, don’t wear the good clothes this Sunday.
The day is a family friendly play day that is celebrated every year and it is a great day for kids, but you really have to wonder if the organisers (Dublin City, Department of Children and the Ombudsman for Children) are COMPLETELY out of touch with children. Read the theme of this year’s Play Day. It is “Celebrating 25 Years of Article 31; the child’s right to play”. Who came up with that nonsense?
Round Tower Clondalkin Family Day
13:00 – 19:00, Sun 01 Jul
Round Tower Clondalkin, 15 Tower Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
The Round Tower in Clondalkin is celebrating their first birthday and it coincides with the Clondalkin Festival and the Clondalkin Summer Wellness Events, so the schedule for the Family Day events is
09:30 Summer Wellness Yoga w/ Liz Costigan 13:00 Happy Pear food Truck will sell Halloumi Burgers / Pulled Jackfruit Wraps & more 13:00 – 14:00 Kids Hip Hop Dance Class from LD DANCE SCHOOL (Adm is free) 13:00 – 18:00 Giant Jenga & Giant Connect 4 14:00 Giant Drum 14:30 – 15:00 Toddler Yoga w/ BLUE SKIES 15:00 – 17:00 Kids Magic, Facepainting, Balloon Modelling with GENIE MACKERS 15:30 – 16:00 Toddler Yoga w/ BLUE SKIES 16:30 – 17:00 Ante Natal Yoga w / BLUE SKIES 17:00 – 19:00 BLUES HQ – Live Band
Admission is free and there is a good chance, but not a 100% guarantee that all events are free. The Toddler Yoga could cost a small fee. Nothing is indicated, but it also doesn’t stress that it is free, while it is pointed out for the Hip Hop Dance class.
Viribus Crossfit Competition – Viewing
13:00 – 17:00, Sun 01 Jul
6-9 Haymarket, Smithfield Plaza
Viribus Crossfit at Haymarket near Smithfield Plaza will host its first In House CrossFit competition to mark its one year anniversary. And you are invited to come and watch the competition.
The competition will take place on Saturday and Sunday and admission as a spectator is free.
In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America – Film
13:30, Sun 01 Jul
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Clondalkin Village Festival 2018
14:00 – 18:00, Sun 01 Jul
Clondalkin Village, Co. Dublin
The Clondalkin Village Festival will take place this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The line-up of events is
Saturday: + 11:30 Free Fun Village Cycle starting at the Laurels + Handcraft and Horticulture Show at Newlands Garden Centre + 14:00-17:00 Garda Station Open Day + 14:00-16:00 Clondalkin Writers Showcase
Sunday: + Handcraft and Horticulture Show at Aras Chronain + 14:00-18:00 Street Performers & Stilt Walkers + 14:00-18:00 Free Balloon Modelling & Face Painting + 14:00-18:00 Main Stage with Children Entertainer & Music & Entertainment + Free Walking Tours from Round Tower from 14:30 + 17:00 Trad Music with The Blaghards, Round Tower GAA Club
The Facebook Page below doesn’t have many details and the inClondalkin.ie website still shows the information for the festival from 2017. :-O So the best way is to use the sketchy information above and then go to Clondalkin to find out the details.
Admission is free.
Dublin Sketchers – Sunday Meet-up
14:00, Sun 01 Jul
Dublin (various locations)
The “Dublin Sketchers” is an informal group of (hobby) artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. National Museum, Maritime Museum, Dublin Flea Market, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle, Science Gallery, …), sketch for one to two hours and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches.
There are some hugely talented people among them and it is a great idea to meet up with others who have the same hobby. Find out on their website below or on their Facebook Page where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. I know that the Dublin Sketchers often use the Dublin Event Guide to find interesting free events and I am delighted to be able to help!
Hugh Lane Gallery – Guided Tour
14:00, Sun 01 Jul
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Stella Bass Jazz Trio
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 01 Jul
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
LGBTQ+-themed National Gallery Tour
14:30 – 15:30, Sun 01 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Art historian Kate Drinane will show you a new perspective of the National Gallery. Spend one hour exploring the history of gender and seksual identity (Note: Spam Filter-sensitive spelling) through a selection of works from the collection that are connected to the LGBTQ community.
Admission is free. Meet at the Merrion Square information desk.
Chester Beatty Library – Guided Tour
15:00, Sun 01 Jul
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Every Sunday a free guided tour will take place in the Chester Betty Library. The tour starts at 15:00.
In addition there is another free tour every Wednesday at 13:00 and one on Saturdays at 14:00
Fantastic Mr Fox – Performance
15:00, Sun 01 Jul
St. Enda’s Park, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ by Roald Dahl will be performed in the Walled Garden of St. Enda’s Park at 15:00 on Saturday.
Admission is free. Suitable for the whole family. Bring a blanket to sit on the grass during the performance.
Museum Tour – National Print Museum
15:00 – 16:30, Sun 01 Jul
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Unlike the three branches of the National Museum, the National Print Museum is normally not free, but every Sunday there is a free public tour for the next few weeks. Every visit begins with a short audio-visual presentation where the audience can observe active retired printers providing practical demonstrations of machines from the Museum’s collection.
The High Leeson – Bluegrass Gig
18:00, Sun 01 Jul
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Dixieland Jazzmen – Gig
18:30 – 20:30, Sun 01 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jawbone – Acoustic Folk & Blues Night
19:00 – 21:00, Sun 01 Jul
Arthur’s Pub, 28 Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Fred Cooke / Aidan Green – Gig
20:00, Sun 01 Jul
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
For the Wellington Weekender in the Workman’s Club on 29+30 June + 01 July, the Sunday night line-up is Fred Cooke with his musical sketches. Aidan Green will support him
Admission is free.
Alice Jago & Jem Mitchel – Gig
21:00, Sun 01 Jul
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 00:00, Sun 01 Jul
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Mon 02 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Mon 02 Jul
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Low priced books with free delivery!
13:00, Mon 02 Jul
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
Autism-friendly workshop for children
14:00 – 15:00, Mon 02 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery is running an Autism-friendly workshop for children on Monday in Room 20 of the Dargan Wing.
Admission is free but booking is required via the website below. Places are limited. Only the child needs to be booked in. Parents, guardians and carers who wish to accompany their children do not need to reserve a space.
The workshop is inspired by the work of Irish artist Harry Clarke and it is suitable for children of primary school age and will take place in a low-lit space that displays Harry Clarke’s beautiful stained-glass artworks.
Chinese Literature Reading Group – Launch
19:00 – 20:00, Mon 02 Jul
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Song Cycle – Singer/Songwriter Showcase
20:00, Mon 02 Jul
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Song Cycle is a weekly Singer/Songriter showcase in Wheelan’s.
Admission is free.
The Circle Sessions – Open Mic
20:00 – 23:30, Mon 02 Jul
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Circle Sessions is an “Open Mic” that provides an opportunity for up and coming musicians, spoken word artists, poets and comedians to perform.
Come to this weekly show to perform or to simply watch a great mix of music, poetry, spoken word and comedy.
Admission is free.
Jazz Jam Session – Grand Social
20:30, Mon 02 Jul
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Every Monday a Jazz Jam Session will take place in the Grand Social and you are invited to listen or even to participate. Admission is free for musicians and audience.
Instruments are supplied (drums (no cymbals), double bass, guitar amp, bass amp, PA system) and ideas and themes will be proposed prior to the session to the musicians who join the event on Facebook (see Facebook Page below).
The Comedy Shed
20:30, Mon 02 Jul
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 02 Jul
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
The Urban Mojo Blues Band – Gig
21:00, Mon 02 Jul
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Trad Sessions
21:00 – 23:30, Mon 02 Jul
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
That’s It Recordings – Open Mic
22:00, Mon 02 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
That’s It Recordings is an open mic every Monday at Sin E. Just turn up and play. Sign up before 22:00 to ensure you get a slot. Bring a USB stick along and you will get a recording of your music to take home.
Admission is free.
Botanic Gardens Drop-in Activities for Children
11:00, Tue 03 Jul
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The National Botanic Gardens run a “Kids Drop by Activities” on Tuesday of this week.
There will be fun activities in the dedicated Children’s Garden. Sow seeds, make seed bombs, design bug hotels and re-use everyday items to create your own piece of eco art. Suitable from age 4. All children must bring their own grown up.
The event times are: 11:00, 11:30, 15:00, 15:30
Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Tue 03 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Conversations on Art: Dementia-friendly tour
12:00, Tue 03 Jul
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
“Conversations on Art” is an interactive tour that has been specially designed for people living with dementia and their loved ones.
“Take a break from the everyday and enjoy an afternoon of conversations on art and life in general. Join us for a relaxing tea or coffee in the Silk Road Café before we take you on a tour of our beautiful collections. Limited to 10 Participants per tour.
Admission is free, but booking is required via 01 4070766
William Burton Conyngham, Patron of the Arts – Talk
13:00 – 14:00, Tue 03 Jul
City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2
The Lunchtime lecture “William Burton Conyngham: Patron of the Arts in Georgian Ireland” will take place in the Irish Georgian Society.
William Burton Conyngham (1733-1796), the leading antiquarian of his day, commissioned international artists to execute hundreds of drawings of Ireland’s ancient monuments which formed the most extensive collection of watercolours in eighteenth-century Ireland. He intended (in vain) to publish them in albums, but only Grose’s Antiquities of the 1790s partially succeeded in doing so.
Dr Peter Harbison, a member of the Royal Irish Academy, is talking about William Burton Conyngham.
Admission is free, but there are limited places. The lecture will start at 13:10 sharp.
Juno Confiding Io to the Care of Argus – Pop-up Art Talk
13:15 – 13:45, Tue 03 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The Pop-up talk “Juno Confiding Io to the Care of Argus” will take place in Room 26 of the National Gallery in front of Claude Lorrain’s painting. Valerie Alexander will give this informal lunchtime talk. Meet in Room 26.
Admission is free.
Scenes by Emilio Carballido & Hugo Salcedo – Play Reading
18:30 – 20:30, Tue 03 Jul
Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2
The Instituto Cervantes’ Dublin Theatre Club is inviting to a play reading of two scenes and three one-act plays written by Mexican playwrights Emilio Carballido and Hugo Salcedo. The programme will include “La miseria”, “Dificultades” and “Soñar”, all three by Emilio Carballido; and “Nigeria está en otra parte” and “Vuelve el pájaro a su nido” by Hugo Salcedo.
Admission is free but booking is required via the website below.
Terns are back – Bird Watch
18:30 – 20:00, Tue 03 Jul
Coliemore Harbour, Dalkey, Co. Dublin
The Terns (birds!) have returned to the Dalkey Island for another season and the Tern Warden is inviting to a Tern Watch from Coliemore Harbour. It will happen on 03+10+17+24+31 July from 18:30-20:00.
Admission is free.
Green Drinks Dublin – Talk and Meetup
19:00, Tue 03 Jul
J.W. Sweetman, 2 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
The Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) continues to bring you Dublin Green Drinks on the first Tuesday of every month in J.W. Sweetman’s. Green Drinks is a monthly event in 711 cities around the world to bring people with an interest in green issues together.
The topic this month is: Ireland’s Rarest Tree
At this month’s Dublin event, Daniel Buckley, a former IWT Chairperson and current NPWS conservation ranger, will give a talk about Black Poplar conservation in Ireland. Daniel is enthusiastic about native tree conservation and has been doing his own research on black poplar which is Ireland’s rarest tree.
Meet up on the top floor of J.W. Sweetman’s. Doors open at 18:30 and the talk is at 19:00. Admission is free.
The Dublin Language Exchange – Meetup
19:00, Tue 03 Jul
Czech Inn, Essex Gate, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
EveryTuesday at 19:00, The Dublin Language Exchange takes place in the Czech Inn. It is the biggest free meeting of people from all around Dublin that are interested in learning languages and communicate with speakers of other languages.
Admission is free and the meetup is completely informal. No booking required.
Dublin Bluegrass Collective – Gig
20:00, Tue 03 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Rumours have it that the Bluegrass Collective will perform in Sin É on Tuesday and there might even be an open Bluegrass Jam! Admission is free.
Jesters Open Mic Comedy Night
20:00 – 22:00, Tue 03 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jesters is a weekly open mic comedy event where a lot of comedians do 5 minutes of material.
Admission is free. If you would like to perform then send a message to the Jesters Facebook Page via the link below.
Ukulele Tuesday – Jam&Gig
20:00 – 23:30, Tue 03 Jul
Stag’s Head, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday an informal sing along with Ukulele and Toy Musical Instruments takes place in the Stag’s Head. Just bring your instrument and come along. Beginners are welcome. Admission is free and further details (and a big book of songs) are available on the Facebook Page below.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Tue 03 Jul
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
The Kickbacks – Gig
21:00, Tue 03 Jul
The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Lounge Quintet – Jazz Gig
21:00, Tue 03 Jul
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
International Bar Jazz Night
21:30, Tue 03 Jul
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday and Thursday the International Bar invites to a Jazz night in the Lounge.
Groups led by Cote Calmet, Sean Maynard Smith, Dominic Mullan, Paddy Groenland, Georgia Cusack & Alex Mathias are performing regularly with occasional guest players, but there are also other bands from all over.
Admission is free, with a suggested donation of EUR 5. The website clearly says that there is no entry fee, but – and that makes a lot of sense – that your donations are very much appreciated (Musicians need to pay for rent and food too!) Be generous after the gig if you liked it, but if someone wants to charge an admission charge, please point out that the “rules” as described on their website are like I have explained.
Woolshed Pub Quiz
21:30, Tue 03 Jul
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Every Tuesday, a pub quiz is taking place in the Woolshed.
Admission is free. Max team size is 6 people.
Rathfarnham Castle – Free Admission
09:00, Wed 04 Jul
Rathfarnham Castle, Rathfarnham Road, Dublin 14
We once had this brilliant monthly event called “First Wednesday” or then “Free Wednesday”, when on the first Wednesday of the month all state owned Irish heritage sites waived all admission charges for the day. Unfortunately this super popular opportunity to bring culture closer to people in Ireland has been cancelled for nearly all Dublin sites and for other popular sites in other parts of Ireland, which was a very bad decision.
But there is ONE single site left in Dublin that currently offers free admission on the first Wednesday of the month and that is Rathfarnham Castle! Tickets will be limited, so it is strongly recommended to go there early.
To find the list of participating sites go to this PDF document.
US Independence Day
09:00, Wed 04 Jul
Dublin (various locations)
Happy 4th of July to all US American Dublin Event Guide Readers! :-)
The 04 July is Indendence Day in the USA and in previous years there have been some celebrations also in Dublin, oddly though, I couldn’t find any information about 4th of July celebrations this year. If you come across something, please post it on the Dublin Event Guide Facebook Page at www.fb.com/DublinEventGuide
Butterflies of Phoenix Park – Walk
11:00 – 12:30, Wed 04 Jul
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The next Phoenix park Wednesday Walk will be “Butterflies of the Phoenix Park” and it will be a walk to look at different species of butterflies in Phoenix Park.
Admission is free. The full programme brochure can be found here.
Drawing Group for Adults – Rua Red
11:00, Wed 04 Jul
Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre, Tallaght, D24
Did you ever want to give drawing a go? Or maybe you are a budding artist looking for like-minded people to draw with? The Drawing Group for Adults in Rua Red runs free weekly drawing sessions on Wednesdays from 11:00-12:00. Materials are provided.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Wed 04 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Wed 04 Jul
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Circus in Victorian and Edwardian Ireland – Talk
13:15 – 14:00, Wed 04 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Finian’s Rainbow – Film Screening
14:00, Wed 04 Jul
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
The film “Finian’s Rainbow” (English, 1968, G (181 min)) will be screened. Take a trip with Finian (Fred Astaire) to Rainbow Valley as he tries to magically multiply the crock of gold he stole from the Leprechauns.
Admission is free.
Irish National War Memorial Gardens – Guided Tour
14:00, Wed 04 Jul
Irish National War Memorial Gardens, off South Circular Road, Dublin, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
A free guided tour will take place at the National War Memorial at Islandbridge every Wednesday at 14:00 from March until the end of October.
The tour will focus on World War I, in which nearly 50,000 Irish soldiers died. You will also hear about the main features of the gardens at this tour.
Meeting point is the car park at 14:00 (next to the Trinity College Boat Club). For further information and to check that it is taking place, contact 01-6770095 (Phoenix Park Visitor Centre).
East Meets West: Russia’s role in Ireland’s Future – Talk
18:00, Wed 04 Jul
Pearse Centre, 27 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
“East Meets West: Russia’s role in Ireland’s Future” is a political debate and representing the Russian Federation will be Ambassador Yury Filatov. Ireland will be represented by one of the key architects of the Good Friday agreement Dr Martin Mansergh.
Admission is free, but there is a LOT of interest for this event, so you might want to check the Facebook Page and book a ticket there AND also arrive early on Wednesday.
Stars & Stripes Forever – Concert
18:15 – 19:00, Wed 04 Jul
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
The organists of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral will perform music from Star Wars, ET, Independence Day and Jurassic Park on 4th of July.
Admission is free and the concert is suitable for all ages. A donation for charity “Clowns without Borders” is appreciated. Tickets are however required and can be booked via the link below.
Dwarf Jar Wednesday Jazz
19:30 – 22:00, Wed 04 Jul
The Dwarf Jar Cafe, 1 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Dwarf Jar House Trio (Daniel Rorke (sax), Cormac O’Brien (bass) and Matthew Jacobson(drums)) will play a weekly Jazz gig every Wednesday in Dwarf Jar Cafe and they usually have one or more guest musicians or singers supporting them.
Admission is free.
Jesters Open Mic Comedy Night
19:45 – 22:00, Wed 04 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jesters is a weekly open mic comedy event where a lot of comedians do 5 minutes of material.
Admission is free. If you would like to perform then send a message to the Jesters Facebook Page via the link below.
Brand New Switcharoo – Roots Gig
20:00, Wed 04 Jul
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Dublin Jam Session – Open Jam
20:00 – 23:00, Wed 04 Jul
Drop Dead Twice, 18/19 Francis Street, Dublin 8
The Dublin Jam Session is an open Jam with full back line. It is open to all levels of musicians and singers and all genres of music and the only rule is that you must jam with others (not all your own band).
It takes place every Wednesday and admission is free.
Anseo Comedy Club
20:30, Wed 04 Jul
Anseo, 18 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2
The Zodiac Sessions – Open Mic/Gig
20:30, Wed 04 Jul
Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2
“The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week.
Forro Wednesday
21:00, Wed 04 Jul
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Los Paradiso – Gig
21:00, Wed 04 Jul
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
The Jailbreak Sessions Open Mic
21:00, Wed 04 Jul
Patriot’s Inn, 760 South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Trad Session
21:30, Wed 04 Jul
Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru), 4 Prospect Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 11
Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
The Harleys – Gig
23:55, Wed 04 Jul
The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Harleys are a popular coverband and they will be in the Mezz every Wednesday at midnight.
Admission is free.
Grangegorman Military Cemetery – Tour
11:00, Thu 05 Jul
Grangegorman Cemetery, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7
Every Thursday a free tour of Grangegorman Military Cemetery on Blackhorse Avenue takes place. Meet inside the cemetery gates.
Admission is free and everybody is welcome. Ring 01-6770095 for more information.
Grangegorman Military Cemetery is in Blackhorse Avenue just outside Phoenix Park. It is the largest military cemetery in Ireland. It was first opened in 1876 to serve as a graveyard for the soldiers of what was then Marlborough Barracks, now McKee Barracks, and their families. Specific zones were laid out for English, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian service men. The cemetery’s pedestrian gate is open from 10:00-16:00 seven days a week.
Inspectorium: Teeth and Tusks – Drop-in activity
11:00 – 13:00, Thu 05 Jul
National Museum, Merrion Street (Natural History), Dublin 2
“Inspectorium: Teeth and Tusks” is a Drop-in activity for families.
Do you know the difference between teeth and tusks? What are the different types of teeth that humans and animals share? Drop into the Discovery Zone to learn about this and more.
Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Thu 05 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Support the Dublin Event Guide – Buy your books here!
13:00, Thu 05 Jul
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
The Coetivy Book of Hours – Talk
13:10, Thu 05 Jul
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
“The Coëtivy Book of Hours, Polyphony in Paint” is a talk with Adrian Le Harviel, curator of British art and music historian, National Gallery of Ireland.
Admission is free.
Temple Bar Craft Market
14:00 – 20:00, Thu 05 Jul
Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Craft Market during the week is back and it has moved to Thursdays in 2018. Organised by the Temple Bar Company the market will bring handcrafted jewellery, wood design, handmade soaps, original art, photography, fashion, specialised cards and stained-glass crafts.
The market starts at 14:00 and finishes at 20:00, but is still carrying the totally nonsensical and completely misleading name “Temple Bar NIGHT Market”. I will just ignore this unsuitable and incorrect name and will rename it to “Temple Bar Craft Market”. ;-)
Yeats 2018: Public Tour of the Yeats Exhibition – in Irish
14:00, Thu 05 Jul
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
This is a tour of the exhibition “Yeats: The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats”. The tour introduces William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) – one of the great poets of the twentieth century – and his many interests, including literature, folklore, theatre, politics, the occult and Irish cultural identity. After the tour, you can listen to a selection of voices speaking some of his best loved poems, including Easter 1916.
Admission is free.
Ethics in Research and Innovation – Talk
17:00, Thu 05 Jul
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
“Responsible Innovation: The Fate of a Simple Moral Idea” is the title of the first keynote lecture about “Ethics in Research and Innovation” in the Long Room Hub. Speaker will be Professor Jeroen van den Hoven, Delft University of Technology.
It will be followed by the lecture “Moving Beyond Privacy to Ethics in IT Innovation” by Professor Philip Brey – University of Twente.
A further lecture will take place on Fri 06 Jul at 14:00: “Data Ethics and CSO” with Gemma Galdon Clavell – Universitat de Barcelona
Admission to all lectures is free, but booking is required via the website below.
Jazz Club at Sweetman’s – Gig
18:00 – 20:00, Thu 05 Jul
J.W. Sweetman’s, 2 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
Little Museum of Dublin – Free Admission Thursday
18:00 – 20:00, Thu 05 Jul
Little Museum of Dublin, 15 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Every Thursday the Little Museum of Dublin waives their admission charges for two guided tours thanks to sponsorship from Guinness. The first tour is at 18:00 and the second tour is at 19:00. Make sure that you are there at least 10 minutes before the start of the tour to get one of the limited places.
The Little Museum of Dublin has a fascinating collection of artefacts from the last 100 years Dublin’s history.
On other days and other times, admission is EUR 10 for adults and admission is by guided tour only.
Evening Tour – National Gallery
18:30 – 19:15, Thu 05 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Explore some of the highlights of the National Gallery exhibitons at this evening tour.
Admission is free. Meet at the Merrion Square information desk.
Find an Audience – Mat Ricardo, The Gentleman Juggler – Talk+Performance
18:30 – 19:30, Thu 05 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
International performer Mat Ricardo, The Gentleman Juggler, is the first man in history to put the tablecloth back on a set table and in this special talk and performance he will discusses and demonstrates his work.
The event is part of the public programme of events inspired by the exhibition Circus250: Art of the Show and is taking place in association with Laya Healthcare’s City Spectacular.
Admission is free.
New to Dublin? Dublin Expats Meeting
19:00, Thu 05 Jul
Living Room Pub, Cathal Brugha Street (off O’Connell Street), Dublin 1
An expatriate or expat is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship.
And this is a weekly meeting for all Expats in Dublin (new and old!). If you are new to the city, this is an excellent way to meet people.
Admission is free (no booking required!), but you are asked to give the same kind of welcoming to new members as is given to you.
Thursday Night Board Gaming
19:00, Thu 05 Jul
Ryan’s, 19 Store Street, Dublin 1
CoalTrain – Gig
21:00, Thu 05 Jul
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Singer Songwriter Night – Mother Reilly’s
21:00, Thu 05 Jul
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Every Thursday a Singer Songwriter Night will take place in Mother Reilly’s in Rathmines. This is YOUR chance to show everyone what you can do, alternatively you can just listen to the talented Singer/Songwriters. Admission is free.
Brady’s Fun Pub Quiz
21:30, Thu 05 Jul
Brady’s Pub, 5 Terenure Place, Terenure, Dublin 6
A Fun Pub Quiz takes place in Brady’s in Terenure on Thurs. The quiz will be on every Thursday night in the Lounge at Brady’s. Keith McLoughlin is the Quiz Master.
There will be six rounds of the quiz with picture questions, audio questions and general knowledge questions. Admission to the quiz is free and therr will be free drink vouchers for the winning and runner up teams. (No phones to get answers allowed.)
International Bar Jazz Night
21:30, Thu 05 Jul
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday and Thursday the International Bar invites to a Jazz night in the Lounge.
Groups led by Cote Calmet, Sean Maynard Smith, Dominic Mullan, Paddy Groenland, Georgia Cusack & Alex Mathias are performing regularly with occasional guest players, but there are also other bands from all over.
Admission is free, with a suggested donation of EUR 5. The website clearly says that there is no entry fee, but – and that makes a lot of sense – that your donations are very much appreciated (Musicians need to pay for rent and food too!) Be generous after the gig if you liked it, but if someone wants to charge an admission charge, please point out that the “rules” as described on their website are like I have explained.
McLoughlin’s Trad Night
21:30, Thu 05 Jul
McLoughlin’s Bar, 73 Upper George’s Street, Dun Laoghaire
A weekly Trad Music Night is taking place in McLoughlin’s in Dun Laoghaire. It is an acoustic night and all musicians are welcome. Admission is free.
McNeills Trad Music Pub Sessions
21:30, Thu 05 Jul
J. McNeills, 140 Capel Street, Dublin 7
Woolshed Karaoke
21:30, Thu 05 Jul
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
BIMM Dublin Midnight Hour – Gig
23:30, Thu 05 Jul
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
1st Friday Brekkie @ Startup Dublin
08:00 – 10:00, Fri 06 Jul
DDDA Building, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1
The Dublin Commissioner for Startups is inviting to the 1st Friday Brekkie, a talk and networking event on the first Friday of every month. This month Catherine Downes from Usheru, a software company that enables film distributors to connect their marketing to the cinema box office by creating a customised film website where cinema visitors can book tickets directly.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the website below.
After the event there will be further “First Friday” events in the Dogpatch Labs across the road and that event is listed separately in this Dublin Event Guide.
The Story of the Capital – Exhibition in Dublin City Hall
10:00 – 17:15, Fri 06 Jul
City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Dublin City Hall has a museum/exhibition in the basement, called “The Story of the Capital”, it is an exhibition about Dublin’s History and you should definitely check it out at some stage.
To celebrate the Easter Rising Anniversary, admission to that exhibititon was free in 2016, but lucky for us, Dublin City decided to also waive the admission charge for 2018.
Opening hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:15.
Hugh Lane First Friday Culture Club
10:30, Fri 06 Jul
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Fri 06 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
City Spectacular 2018
12:00 – 19:30, Fri 06 Jul
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The best three festival in Dublin ever were the “Dun Laoghaire Festival of World Cultures”, the “Dublin City Soul Festival” and the “Street Performance World Championship”. For very different reasons, they are all gone and people that remember them have been around the houses for a while by now. But one of the three is luckily only gone by name and has survived many many great years and given us in Dublin SOOO Much entertainment over the years: The Street Performance World Championship lost the championship part, but is still with us as the “City Spectacular”, sponsored by Laya Healthcare.
Thank goodness it is still around! And from 06-08 July it is back in 2018. In addition to the Street Performance LOTS of other components were added and I will give you some more details in next week’s Dublin Event Guide.
This week, I just want to mention that the City Spectacular already starts on Friday with a number of Street Performance shows on two of the four stages. It will run from 12:00-19:30 and especially if you are not around on Saturday or Sunday, don’t miss this preview.
There will be lots of street performers who will do their full shows on the “stages” in Merrion Square. From juggling via magic to acrobatics you will see outstanding performers. Admission to the whole event is free, but the performers are not paid and will hold their hat out at the end of the shows and you should reward their great work.
The website has a lot of information about the event, but if you just want to see the timetable and map then you can download it from this page: www.cityspectacular.com/maps
Michael Healy: Dublin Street Life and Stained Glass Artist – Talk
13:15 – 13:45, Fri 06 Jul
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
First Friday for Startups – Talks
13:30, Fri 06 Jul
DogPatch Labs, CHQ Building, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1
First Friday for Startups is a regular meetup of members of startup companies in Dublin to connect, learn and grow together.
The schedule on Friday lists:
+ 10:00-12:00 1-on-1 mentoring in 25 minute slots + 10:00-12:30 Networking + 12:30-13:30 Lightning Talks from Intercom, miniMAX and Google about finding talent, improving leadership strategy and developing company culture. + 13:45-14:45 Steve Collins, serial founder and venture capitalist will discuss common mistakes Irish startups make raising funds
Admission to this event is free, but registration for the individual events is required via the website below.
Arbour Hill Cemetery Tour
14:00, Fri 06 Jul
Arbour Hill Cemetery, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7
The Cemetery at Arbour Hill is the last resting place of 14 of the leaders of the 1916 Rising. Among those buried there are Pádraig Pearse, James Connolly and Thomas Clarke. This tour every Friday introduce the Cemetery and will also explain the background and the event of the Easter Rising.
Admission is free and no booking necessary. The meeting point is inside the cemetery gates.
Ethics in Research and Innovation – Talk
14:00, Fri 06 Jul
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
“Data Ethics and CSO” is the title of thhis third lecture about “Ethics in Research and Innovation” in the Long Room Hub. Speaker will be Gemma Galdon Clavell – Universitat de Barcelona.
Two other lectures “Responsible Innovation: The Fate of a Simple Moral Idea ” and “Moving Beyond Privacy to Ethics in IT Innovation” will take place on Thursday and are listed separately in this Dublin Event Guide.
Admission to all lectures is free, but booking is required via the website below.
The Immeasurable Sea – Talk
18:30, Fri 06 Jul
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
Andy Wheeler is a marine geologist on a mission to explore the deep ocean seabed and unravel its secrets. Our oceans cover over 70% of our planet’s surface, control our weather and climate, and produce 50% of the air we breathe — they are central to how our planet works and our existence, yet we have a very poor understanding of the oceans and have mapped only fractions of their depths. Join Andy on a journey to the ocean’s depths to explore life at the edge and re-evaluate your view of our planet.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the link on the website below.
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 06 Jul
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15. + Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30. + Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp. + Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
T.P.M – Gig
20:30, Fri 06 Jul
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Hip Hop Brothers Charles & Andrew Hendy are T.P.M and they will be in Sin E for a gig on Friday. A DJ set with Post Punk Podge will follow the live gig.
Admission seems to be free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 06 Jul
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
The Dead Levees – Gig
21:00, Fri 06 Jul
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
The Cosmic Funk Band – Gig
22:00, Fri 06 Jul
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
The Cosmic Funk Band is playing a gig in the Bowery from 23:30 and admission is free if you arrive before 22:00.
Thumper – Gig
23:55, Fri 06 Jul
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
Dublin Mountains Partnership – Guided Walks
Every month the Dublin Mountain Partnership runs free guided walks in the Dublin Mountains often on some Saturdays or Sundays, but also on other days during the month. The walks have varying difficulty and duration and the details can be found on the Dublin Mountain Partnership website: www.dublinmountains.ie/news/upcoming_events/?no_cache=1 or on www.facebook.com/pg/dmpvr/events/
The walks for July are not posted yet, but should be added on the sites above in the next few days.
All walks are free, but pre-registration is required (details are on the website) and it sometimes is also worth checking the Facebook Page for even more timely updates.
Not free, but interesting nevertheless:
Dublin Pride Festival 21-30 June
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Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. ;-) If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section and I am VERY serious about that!
Thank you Michael D. Higgins, but it is enough!
You might completely disagree with me, because for some reason Miggeldy Higens, as Irish President Michael D. Higgins is also known, found a large amount of fans in the last few years, but I think he should stick to his promise from 7 years ago, when he told the voters that he will only be available for ONE 7 year period.
I was never a big fan of Higgins and it all come from one chance encounter a good few years ago when he was in a queue to go to an event I also went to. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say that he didn’t impress IN THE SLIGHTEST. Since then I encountered him at various events and he never managed to change my opinion.
7 years ago he promised that he wouldn’t be glued to the role and would leave after 7 years and while he hasn’t really done anything wrong in these 7 years, I would think that at 77 it is time for him to retire.
But when I thought about it, I was reminded that the Queen is 92 or something like that and she has as much relevance in the day to day business of a country as Michael D Higgins. And the Pope is 81 and he is also still running his show. So maybe we should leave Higgins in Phoenix Park another 7 years? Also because we don’t really have someone other obvious candidate? You know what, the more I think about it, I don’t really care if it is him or not. But PLEASE no more of his own poems, they are awful!
One thing that still puzzles me though is how he justifies in his head what he is doing: When he was younger, he was a staunch socialist/Marxist, now at 77 he is making EUR 250,000 per year plus about 80,000 in money to run the show. Shouldn’t this cause the biggest ideological conflict ever? Seemingly not enough to give the other 7×250,000 a miss that he could pocket. :-O
Have an event-full weekend and week,
dublineventguide@gmail.com | www.dublineventguide.com | www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide | m.dublineventguide.com
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