Next Week
+ Zumba with Thomas Creighton Mon 29 Jun 19:00-20:00 Online
+ Matthias Nelles live on Irishgigs Mon 29 June 20:00-22:00 Online
+ The Restless Giants – Volcanoes – Nature Live Online – Talk Tue 30 June 12:00-13:00 Online
+ Unlocking the Archives 1 – After the big Archive Fire in 1922 Tue 30 June 13:00-14:15 Online
+ Science lesson: Make fossils (for kids) Tue 30 June 13:30-14:30 Online
+ Let’s Dismantle Racism – Conference Tue 30 June 14:00-16:00 Online (Registration required)
+ Why Employees Might Be Your Best Defence Against Today’s Cyber Threats – UCD Discovery Zoom for Thought Tue 30 Jun 16:00-16:45 Online
+ Unlocking the Archives Part 2: Next Generation Access – After the big Archives Fire in 1922 Tue 30 June 19:30-21:00 Online
+ The Murder Capital – Gig Tue 30 June 20:00 Online
+ Ruby Sessions at Home Tue 30 Jun 20:30-23:00 Online
+ Understand consumer demand with Google Trends – Google Webinar Wed 01 July 11:00-12:00
+ Peter O Tooles Magical 10 Tune 10 Instrument Show 20:00-20:45 Wed 01 July Online
+ The unsolved murders on Shrove Tuesday 1920 – History Lecture Wed 01 July 20:00-21:00 Online
+ Magnificent Moths – Q&A with the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (for all ages!) Thu 02 July 14:00-15:00
+ Kodaline – Live Gig Thu 02 July 20:00 Online
+ Friday Night with Mikey Smyth – Online Gig for a charity Fri 03 July 20:00-21:30
+ Elle Marie O’Dwyer – Live Gig Fri 03 July 21:00-22:30 Online
What can I do while waiting to go back to work?
This might be one of the last week’s with this additional section in the Dublin Event Guide (unless you tell me I should keep it ;-)
1) Virtual Tour of the week
This week’s virtual tour is very different than the others. It is a tour of the exhibits in the British Museum in London and it is not a tour of the museum, but an tour of the exhibits.
Check it out an you will see wha tI mean:
2) Lockdown Film
“Parting Us – A Film About Life In Lockdown In Ireland” by Filmmakers Albert Hooi & TJ O’Grady Peyton has been released on Friday. It is a documentary, a collage of the last few months and you can watch it here
3) Severe Traffic Restrictions in Dublin and Phoenix Park
You would think that Dublin City has made HUGE steps towards fixing the biggest traffic problems in Dublin over the last three months, but this hope couldn’t be further from the truth, because as we all know, nothing was done over the last three months.
However, this doesn’t seem to stop Dublin City or the OPW to enact new severe traffic restrictions.
Dublin City has announced that on nearly all streets in Dublin, even on some of the main traffic arteries the speed limit will be reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h. They used Covid-19 as the – nonsensical – excuse for that move, despite the fact that the Covid restrictions will REDUCE the capacity of public transport.
And on Friday, the OPW has informed us ( that the six Phoenix Park Gates that had been shut during the Covid period will remain shut and that furthermore they will restrict the through-traffic on Chesterfield Avenue in the future. The parking spaces left and right of Chesterfield Avenue, which were hugely important for all less-fit park users and for all Zoo visitors have already been replaced with (another) cycling lane an there is still no regular shuttle bus service in Phoenix Park.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am very much in favour of the reduction of individual car traffic, but it is outright stupid to attempt to push all individual traffic out of the city and do NOTHING to provide alternatives! The public transport system in Dublin continues to be shockingly poor and nothing is done about it! And (something I am very passionate about) Personal Electric Vehicles (PEVs), like e-scooters and Electric Unicycles and e-Skateboards, are still totally illegal. Not good enough!
4) Museums in Dublin are re-opening
The museums in Dublin are re-opening after a long 3 months closure and it will be so great to explore them again. In the brand new “EPIC Zone” in this newsletter you see a comprehensive list. Some museums and venues (for example the Science Gallery, Aras an Uachterain, the Magazin Fort in Phoenix Park, Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park Visitor Centre) have not yet announced when they will re-open and also we don’t know yet when the event programmes will full resume, but I will keep you posted in the next few weeks.
5) Some markets are open again
It is great news that Temple Bar Food Market, Blackrock Market and Bushy Park Market are open again. Yes, there will be some changes, like less traders and more space and one-way systems, but reduced open is better than not open.
The Honest2Goodness Market in Glasnevin and the Red Stables Market in St. Anne’s Park will be back on 04 July.
The SuperNatural Food Market, Marley Park Market and People’s Park Market in Dun Laoghaire and also the Car Boot Markets in Tallaght and Ballymun have not announced yet when they will re-start again, but 04 or 11 July are likely candidates.
6) Online Courses
In July most Udemy courses will cost between EUR 10.99 and 12.99, so this is a perfect chance to get a high quality course now before you are back in your “normal” life again. Access to the courses is forever, so you can buy a few courses now and study them in the coming months. Use this link because if you buy through that link, you help the Dublin Event Guide! ;-)
7) Book Summaries
There are new book summaries on “Read it for me” again this week. They are here and here and here and finally here
8) E-Books and Printed Books
To buy your eBooks (or paper books) I recommend Book Depository because they are usually cheaper than others and they always include delivery for free (and by using this link you help the Dublin Event Guide):
Some of you have asked me to continue with the weekly book suggestions, so here is another one.
This week the book is the brand new “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir” by John Bolton. In it the former National Security Advisor of US President Trump describes the chaos in the US government and the incompetence of the current President. Find more information here:
And this is it for another week! Have a good weekend and new week. Stay sane and safe and smile, laugh and stay in contact with your friends!Take care,

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