Hi all!
It is tough out there! And for a change I am not referring to the weather, but to the business climate or the economy. Last week I saw that a restaurant in Donnybrook (Casa Pasta) had closed while ago and I realised that Messrs Maguire, the pub on the South side near O’Connell Bridge is (obviously for a while) not called Messrs Maguire anymore. Somebody referred to it as “The pub formerly known as Messrs Maguire”. I assume it has changed ownership!? NAMA maybe?
Many companies, not only the HMVs and B&Qs go through tough times, many business owners are trying hard to keep the business on the road, but many fall victim to the economic situation in the end. I want to pay tribute to two great supporters of the Dublin Event Guide, Melanie and Jukka, who ran a Computer Supply & Support business for 22 years. They did whatever possible to keep the company going, but unfortunately had to close the doors at the end of last year. They sponsored the Dublin Event Guide as one of the two main sponsors for many years and were crucial in keeping the Dublin Event Guide going. I really appreciate their help. But they didn’t just help me, you and every other Dublin Event Guide reader benefitted from their generosity as well!
Many wonder what we can do to sort the economic problems and some suggest that “Buy Irish” or “Buy local” is the solution, but it isn’t that clear cut. Most of us are affected as well, we have less money available and therefore have to be more economical with it. If you can’t afford to buy at all or if “buying local” means you need to spend more money than if you buy elsewhere, we might have to do what keeps us afloat and not buy or buy where the price is the lowest. I can’t blame anyone for it!
But there is also a good side to it. Many entrepreneurs are able to maintain their resourcefulness and come back stronger and better and we need that. New businesses open every day. New jobs are created and – without a doubt – Melanie and Jukka will be back again with a new and better idea. Success stories are made in tough times! So don’t let the challenges depress you, but instead look for new opportunities. There are lots of them out there!
To keep the spirits up, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) brings you lots of opportunities to enjoy yourself at free events and to re-discover your creativity and curiosity when you expose yourself to new experiences at free events. Share the good news with your friends and family etc tell them about the Dublin Event Guide and get them to subscribe on www.dublineventguide.com And also send them to join the more than 12,000 people (!!) that LIKE the Dublin Event Guide on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide .
I am actively looking for new sponsors to fill the gap and if you work for a company or run a company that is interested, just contact me on dublineventguide@gmail.com In the meantime you can help bridging the gap with your donation of the tiny sum of EUR 1 per month. How about a deal: You give EUR 1 per month or 25 cent per week and I will give a whopping 35 hours of my week. That way I can pay the bills and you get the Dublin Event Guide week after week. Go to www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm to help. Thanks!
And continue also to help by ALWAYS using the ad links in the Dublin News Section and the ads in the Dublin Event Guides when you order goods. If you buy goods immediately after clicking on a link/ad that you find in this e-zine/newsletter (Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon, Book Depository, LastMinute etc), you help the Dublin Event Guide because the company you buy from gives a small commission to the Dublin Event Guide. Use these links as often as possible it doesn’t cost you a cent and you help big time!
Have an event-full week,
Find the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) online presence here:
Website: www.DublinEventGuide.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide
Mobile App: m.dublineventguide.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JoergSt

Wohoo! We are more than 12,000 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide and are growing every week. Join in and click LIKE on the facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.
Books for lowest prices, sent to you with free worldwide delivery within 48 hours. And with every book you buy, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) … if you click on the link below! www.bookdepository.co.uk
The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-zine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and this section is for the people that want to remind that despite all, life is great and it is important to be alive.
For today’s Feel Good Slot, I found a quote that should speak to all of us. If you have ever tried to achieve something but gave up before reaching the goal, maybe go back OR make sure that next time you remember this:
“Many of Life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
and let me add another fitting quote that is also in line with the Introduction to this week’s Dublin Event Guide:
“A Pessimist sees the Difficulty in every Opportunity. An Optimist sees the Opportunity in every Difficulty.”
Make a difference – or do it differently – next week! :-)

This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
Last week Karen B, Lisa R and Donald M were so wonderful to help with a donation. All the support is much appreciated!
Have you helped? Your help is absolutely needed too to ensure that everyone will continue to get the Dublin Event Guide every week. The cost for sending the weekly newsletter is approx. EUR 170 per month and I need your help!
Has the Dublin Event Guide helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about, or have you saved money by finding great free events? Then go to www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm and give something back!
I appreciate ANY help: EUR 12 would be great (that’s only 25 cent per week!), but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Stefanie N, Emma L, Brendan M, Margaret B, Karen D, Clare D, Paula R, Selina McC, Darragh D, Marta T, Rebecca T, Celina N, Caroline K, Nicola R, Brendan M, Carmel M, Wanda J, Clodagh C, Martin O’S, Orla K, Franziska B, Pawel B, Rosemarie L, Aisling S, Clodagh O’C, Aine G, Pauline R, Patricia O’N, Ryan M, Niamh S, Lesley C, Daniel C L, Nora O’K, Maureen P, Francesca F, Chantal S, Monika E, Anindya M, Carolyn McQ, William C, Pilar G, Susan D, Gordon S,Susan B, Rainey D-G, Johan S, Susanne B, Lorraine F, Fionn O’D, Frances K, Aidan G, Clodagh O’C, Tara R, Tracey O’C, Elaine B, John F, Trish C, Alexander F,Sophie L, Katie G, Ciaran O’C, Vick R, Lotte Ch, Rosemary K, Patrick O’C, Claire D, Eamonn U, Gerard Ph, Fiona F, Yvonne O’S, Sarah McC, Barry P, Stephanie C, Doreen K, William McC, Saoirse O’T, Geraldine R, Stephen-Eamonn D, Rhona D, Paul D, Jasmin B, Caroline M, Stephen S, Miriam B, Roslyn M, Nathalie M, Siobhan B, Eric O’F, Brian O’C, Caitriona McG, Mairin M, Beatrix K, Hans Martin W, Brian P, Adrian P, Anthony K, Fiona O’R, Erica N, Aine C, Deirdre E, Valerie A, Stephen-Eamonn D, Doreen K, Paul M, Elaine K, Sarah S, Fiona F, Maria P, Tom McM, Victoria M. C, Padraig K, Melanie B, Anna-Lena F, Margaret G, Margarita G, Martin O’M, Arthur D, Serena F, Clodagh O’C, Ava S, Conor R, Ann M, Alison P, Sandra McD, Marie D, Amanda L, Donna M, Sean S, Zelie McG, Gerry T, Gerard L, Sophie P-L, Maria V, Christian K, Pauline R, Erzsebet H, Catherine E, Tania Z, Barbara Q-B, Deirdre I, James R, Alma R, Therese O’R, Siobhan M, Jeremy W, Jessica M, Colm MacE, Solomon B, Mariian B, Justin McC, Ronan O’S, Mary B, Sandro M, Michael Q, Sandy B, Eamonn H, Rory O’L, Carol McN, Niamh G, Mary M, Give Affirmations, Susan B, John G, Diana C, Sharon K, Michele M, Emma L, Rebecca T, Catherine O’S, Lindsay R, Marcella M, Karen B, Lisa R, Donald M and www.GravitationalFX.ie (An Irish Web Design, SEO and Internet Marketing who offer affordable web design), www.FlamencoIndalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.oliviercornetgallery.com (A brand new Art Gallery in Temple Bar), www.Festivals.ie (Ireland’s festivals website, with key information on festivals in Ireland, UK and Europe), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new venue). The main sponsor is www.KravMagaIreland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down
More than 166 events! Many of them are talks due to the Engineering Week and the Adult Learners Festival. But there are a few interesting ones. The Alchemist Cafe is always interesting, then you enjoy a guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral for free this week, also there is a Bridge Building competition this Saturday. And on Thursday is the Night of Ideas in the Hackerspace TOG.
Slightly more unusual events? Yes! But it might be exactly what you were looking for! ;-)
Are you bothered, bewildered or just bogged down with life at the moment? – Mary Keating, MA, trained psychoanalytic psychotherapist, is available for appointments in Custom House Medical Centre, IFSC or at 20 Lower Baggot Street. Please phone 01-6776253 or 0868783086 or email mkeating@iol.ie for enquiries or to make an appointment. Her fees are appropriate to circumstances, so talk to her if you could do with some help and support. www.agalma.ie/therapists/mary-keating
Wine Tasting and Food at Ely Wine Bar – for Meningitis Research Foundation
Wed 06 March – 19:00 – Ely Bar and Brasserie, next to George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
The Meningitis Research Foundation have teamed up with the Ely Bar and Brasserie in the IFSC to host a wine tasting night on Wed 06 March. Award winning sommelier Ian Brosnan will guide you through a showcase of the finest Italian wines and the wine tasting will be accompanied with a delicious supper dish.
Tickets are EUR 45 and all proceeds go to meningitis awareness and research. For reservations call 01-6720010 or go to the Ely Bar website at www.elywinebar.ie/reviews-news/charity-wine-tasting/ Book your tickets and spread the word, the charity needs your help.
As a thank you for your help, the Ely Bar and Brasserie are making a pair of tickets available for a competition in the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) and if you want to win the pair of tickets, you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the subject ELY and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. And you also have to tell me what test device is in the logo of the Meningitis Research Foundation (Check the site mentioned above!). Your mail has to be with me by Mon 04 March at 13:00. www.elywinebar.ie/reviews-news/charity-wine-tasting/
Collaborations Festival Theatre Performance – Tickets Competition
Wed 06 March: 19:30 – Smock Theatre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Collaborations Festival is an upcoming festival for writers and performers. Participation at the festival is by applicaton/invitation only and as part and product of the festival there will be performances in the Smock Theatre and two other adjacent venues. Non of the performances are free, so I won’t be able to include them in the Dublin Event Guide. But Colm McDermott, the producer of the theatre piece “The Secret Art of Murder” made a piar of tickets available for a show where “The Secret Art of Murder” and also “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gardaí” will be performed.
Tickets for the two playes are EUR 12 and can be bought on entertainment.ticketsolve.com/shows/873490694/events# The performances will be on Wed 06 Mar, Fri 08 Mar an Sat 09 Mar at 19:30. The pair of tickets that we have available is for the performances on Wed 06 Mar and I am asked to point out that the theatre piece is “Work-in-Progress” and it is planned to extend it from the current 30 minutes to a full hour at the Fringe Festival. So you are part of the build and development process, that makes it even more interesting!
To win the pair of tickets for the 06 May, you will have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ART OF MURDER in the subject line and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 13:00 on 04 March.
The piece is directed by Conor Madden (Elevator, U R Hamlet) and performed by Rob McDermott (Politik), both well known Dublin theatre professionals. More information about it can be found here entertainment.ticketsolve.com/shows/873490694/events#
Irish Quiz Organisation
The Irish Quiz Organisation is inviting you to come and enjoy a fun day of questions, answers and friendly competition with the aim of getting people involved in competitive quizzing in Ireland. If you really know your stuff you may even make it on to The Irish Quizzing Team and pull on the Green jersey to represent your country. But anybody who enjoys the challenge of a decent set of questions is invited to come along.
The Inaugural Dublin Quiz Open for Individuals or Teams will take place in the Addison Lodge, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 (www.addisonlodge.com) on Sat 02 March at 11:00. Admission is EUR 5, but the first 10 Dublin Event Guide readers who are interested and who send an e-mail to dublinquizopen@gmail.com quoting “dublineventguide.com” in their e-mail will get free entrance. So if quizzes are your thing, send an e-mail fast! www.tablequiz.net/irish-quiz-organisation or www.facebook.com/IrishQuiz
Support the Dublin Event Guide for free when you buy!
Story Bud? – Brilliant Video to learn Dublinese
A brilliant video, the first in a series of short films by Jenny Keogh, has been completed and is on You Tube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej_51H1zWGY If you live inDublin for a while you can use it to learn, improve or test your “Dublinese”. :-) I am definitely here tooooo long because apart from 1 or 2 I understood all expressions and even use some of them myself. Jenny Keogh has put a great selection of local colour and sounds in these short film and a maybe a test based on it should be part of the application process for new Irish citizens?
Have a look at it and pass it on to your friends. Oh and tell them that you heard about it in the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). ;-)
Wanted: Music Teacher for Summer Job in Spain
A friend of mine is involved with the Chester College in Santiago de Compostela in the North of Spain, The Chester College is running English classes for Spanish children and teenagers in the summer and they are looking for a music teacher who would be interested to teach there for 4 weeks in July. The goal is to do a performance at the end of the 4 weeks with the students and to work towards that in the previous weeks. Interested candidates should email their CV with references to info@chestercollege.org www.chestercollege.org
The Big Egg Hunt 2013
From Tues 12 Feb until Easter Saturday (23 March), Dublin will become home to the biggest Easter egg hunt and street art display. It will be in aid of the Jack and Jill Foundation and is sponsored by Lily O’Brien’s.
Over 100 fibre glass eggs, will be “hidden” around Dublin, each one of the eggs is 75 cm high and will be decorated by well known artists. The eggs will go on display on Pancake Tuesday for 40 days and 40 nights, but the locations of the eggs will not be revealed.
You have to find them! Get the family or your friends involved in the Big Egg Hunt. You only have to find 20 eggs. Each egg has a code with which you can enter the draw for a grand prize (Diamonds, chocolate factory visit for kids and a year’s supply of chocolate from Lily O’Brien’s).
At the end of the Big Egg Hunt, the eggs will be auctioned for charity in aid of the Jack and Jill Foundation. The online auction will already begin on 12 February with a live auction at the Four Seasons Hotel on 23 March.
Interesting idea, should be fun and lets see when the first cheat sheets appear on broadsheet.ie or on boards.ie ;-) thebigegghunt.ie/
Dublin Event Guide Smartphone App “Dublin For Free”

Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie . For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/dublin/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
Low Tide at Varengeville
21 Feb – 22 Mar: Tue-Sat 11:00-18:00, Thu -20:00, Sun 12:00-17:00
Olivier Cornet Gallery, 1 Wooden Building, Exchange Street Upper, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
‘Low Tide at Varengeville’ is an exhibition of new works by Adrienne Symes. Varengeville-sur-Mer, the picturesque village close to the sea in the North of France near Dieppe, has always been an inspiration to many famed artists. www.oliviercornetgallery.com
25 Jan – 30 Mar – 11:00-20:00
Project Arts Centre, 39 Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
This exhibition presents drawing, moving image and sculptural installations which engage with the distance of touch.
Detouched isn’t a word and it might be best understood as describing a detached sense of touch, or an act of touching that doesn’t involve an act of touching.
Art by A.K. Burns (US), Alice Channer (UK), Sunah Choi (KR), Dennis Oppenheim (US) & Seth Price (US) will be shown and the exhibition has been curated by Anthony Huberman (US/CH). Find out lots more details about the idea behind the exhibition on www.projectartscentre.ie/programme/whats-on/1661-detouched-
Ros Tapestry Exhibition
22 Jan – 01 Apr
Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
While Farmleigh House is closed until July due to the Irish EU Presidency, the Garmleigh Gallery is open from Tues-Sun and features the amazing Ros Tapestry which was woven by over 180 volunteers over 14 years (!!). www.farmleigh.ie/Events/Title,23161,en.html
Top Ten – Block T
22-24 Feb: 12:00-18:00
BLOCK T Studios, Smithfield Chambers, Smithfield Square (On the Luas line), Dublin 7
Top Ten is an exhibition of works of art from the top ten entrants to the 2012 Undergraduate Awards Visual Arts category. The launch will take place on Thurs 21 Feb from 20:00 with wine and antipasti. Admission is free and more information can be found here blockt.ie/BLOCK_T/HOME/HOME.html
Inside Out Project
08-28 Feb
Corner of South William St and Chatham Row, Dublin 2
As a part of Inside Out Global Street Art Action, 8 black and white photos will appear on a wall at that location and there is a possibility that some more will appear on the opposite wall. They are from a group of photography students who are coming from different countries, backgrounds and ages and who want to highlight their differences and also similarities by participating in teh Inside Out Project. www.facebook.com/events/479414192122023
The Inside Out Project is a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. Everyone is challenged to use black and white photographic portraits to discover, reveal and share the untold stories and images of people around the world. These digitally uploaded images are made into posters and sent back to the project’s co-creators, for them to exhibit in their own communities. People can participate as an individual or as part of a group. Posters can be placed anywhere, from a solitary image in an office window, to a wall of an abandoned building, or in a full stadium. These exhibitions will be documented, archived and be made available online at
www.insideoutproject.net/ and www.facebook.com/InsideOutProject

The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Fri 22 Feb
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Fri 22 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Fidlar – In-store event
13:00, Fri 22 Feb
Tower Records Ireland, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Ken Bruen – Lunchtime Reading
13:05, Fri 22 Feb
Irish Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Crime-noir fiction author Ken Bruen will be in the Irish Writer’s Centre for a reading. He is the author of the award-winning “Jack Taylor” series which have been recently adapted for a series of TV movies.
Choral Performance in Nazi Germany’
17:00, Fri 22 Feb
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
‘Classicising Modernity: The Ideology of Choral Performance in Nazi Germany’ is a talk by Dr Eleftheria Ioannidou of Birmingham University, organised by the Departments of Drama and Classics at Trinity College Dublin.
Dr Ionnaidou’s research focuses on fascist appropriations of Greek tragedy in the inter-war period. Admission to this event is free and all are welcome.
Toy Soldier – In-Store event
18:00, Fri 22 Feb
Tower Records Ireland, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Greek and European Folk Dance
19:00 – 20:30, Fri 22 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
19:30, Fri 22 Feb
4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3)
Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3)
A drop in class, with newcomers welcome.
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 22 Feb
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15.
+ Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30.
+ Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp.
+ Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Paddy Cummins – Healer
19:30 – 23:00, Fri 22 Feb
Esplanade Hotel, Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Paddy Cummins will talk about his work as a healer. More information can be obtained from Sheila at 0876330474.
Astronomy Ireland Telescope Nights
20:00, Fri 22 Feb
Astronomy Ireland, Unit A8 Airside Enterprise Park, Swords, Co Dublin
Astronomy Ireland’s weekly free telescope nights are beginning again, and will take place each Friday night at 20:00 if the weather permits. Check the website below for a weather forecast and to find out what you will be able to see at the telescope night. The focus will be on Jupiter and Moon.
Full Signal – Music Showcase
20:00, Fri 22 Feb
The Pint, 28 Eden Quay, Dublin 1
The Pint, a newly renovated live muisc venue, will be the location where “Full Signal” will take place. Admission is free and the performers are Soldiers Cant Dance, Radio Room, Death in the Sickroom, All Girl Soul Academy, and more.
Addison Lodge Open Mic Night
21:00 – 00:30, Fri 22 Feb
Addison Lodge, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Addison Lodge are inviting local bands, musicians, poets, comedians and performers to share their talents at the new Addison Lodge Open Mic Nights in Glasnevin (opposite the Botanic Gardens). The event starts on Friday 22 February and will take place every week. Admission is free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 22 Feb
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
22:30, Fri 22 Feb
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Car Boot Sales – Tallaght
08:00 – 12:00, Sat 23 Feb
Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, has up to 200 cars/sellers. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line stop and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 06:30 for buyers from 08:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on their website.
Dublin Food Co-op
09:30 – 16:30, Sat 23 Feb
Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket Square, Dublin 8
The Dublin Food Co-op is open every Saturday at Newmarket for organic wholefoods and sustainable household products, plus over a dozen producer stalls offering organic fruit and veg., baked goods, dairy produce, wines, hot and cold food, etc. The Co-op is also open on Thursdays 12:00-20:00.
Honest2Goodness Food Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 23 Feb
Honest2goodness, 136 Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
The weekly Honest2goodness food market in Glasnevin has fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, and wines. It is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre.
Malahide Park Run (free)
09:30, Sat 23 Feb
Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin
Parkrun Ireland is organising free weekly runs in parks. It is a timed run over 5km and participation is completely free, but registration before your first parkrun is required.
SuperNatural Food Market
09:30 – 15:30, Sat 23 Feb
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
Acupuncture College – Open Day
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 23 Feb
Marine Hotel, Sutton, Dublin 13
College of Five Element Acupuncture will be running a free Introductory Day to the Five Elements on Saturday. Apart from classes about Acupuncture and lots of information about the courses the college offers, there will also be a Qi Gong Exercise class. The full schedule is here www.cofea.ie/Home-COFEA.html
Attending the Open Day is free, but you are asked to book your place by contacting 01-833 0865 or info@cofea.ie
Dublin Hackathon 2013
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Feb
Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Feb
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 23 Feb
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a relatively new weekly market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. Sounds interesting and I will check it out over the coming weeks. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel). www.facebook.com/merchantsindoormarket
Mother Redcap’s Indoor Market
10:00 – 17:30, Sat 23 Feb
Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17
Operation Transformation Fun Run
10:00, Sat 23 Feb
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
A 5km Fun Run for participants of the Operation Transformation weight loss initiative on RTE will take place on Sunday. The event is booked out and registration is closed, but you can still watch the event if you are interested. Thousands of participants will leave at 10:00 from the Start at Chesterfield Avenue, the main road through Phoenix Park. The finish line is close to the Start.
Wide ranging road closures in Phoenix Park are described here www.phoenixpark.ie/newsevents/title,23126,en.html and an information pack for the Fun Run is here www.rte.ie/ot/files/2013/02/Dublin-Info-5K.pdf For participants at the Phoenix Park run, Dublin Bus is operating a shuttle bus to/from Phoenix Park. Buses will depart from Parkgate St from 08:15-09:15 and after the race buses will depart from the Phoenix Park Monument, Chesterfield Avenue from 11:00-12:00.
If you are distraught because you wanted to take part and are to late with your registration, don’t despair. South County Dublin is organising a 5 km run for everybody who couldn’t register for the Phoenix Park Run in Corkaigh Park near Clondalkin and you can still register for that (Admission is free!). Find all details here www.rte.ie/ot/opportunity-2-transform/
Temple Bar Food Market
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 23 Feb
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
Tracking Skills – Workshop
10:00 – 12:00, Sat 23 Feb
FitzSimons Wood, Sandyford, Co. Dublin
This Tracking Skills workshop is not only for children, but I’d say children will be most interested in it!
“Join the team and learn how to track animals by their footprints, fur, feathers, food remains and droppings. Then make yourself an animal footprint cast.”
Admission is free, but booking is required with the workshop leader Andrew Fleming via 087-3299936 or info@owls.ie.
Meeting point is at the main entrance in Kilcross Estate.
Jungle Tangle – Book Launch
10:30 – 12:00, Sat 23 Feb
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The launch of ‘Jungle Tangle’ by Debbie Thomas will take place at the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin. The launch will include a treasure hunt and chocolate shrunken heads. The Gutter Bookshop will do a book stall at the launch. Admission is free and all are welcome.
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour
11:00 – 13:00, Sat 23 Feb
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will run every Saturday. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is recommended via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
Art & Craft Market – Exchange
11:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Blackrock Market
11:00 – 17:30, Sat 23 Feb
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids.
Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, and Sundays: 12:00-17:30.
Eason Story Time
11:00, Sat 23 Feb
Every Eason store in Ireland
Eason Story Time is back. As part of Eason’s “Get Into Reading” campaign, a specially selected children’s book will be read at 11:00 each Saturday in every Eason store in the country. On the website below are the dates and book titles from now until mid-June and for the next two months I have them included here:
09 Feb: Dinosaurs Love Underpants by Claire Freedman & Ben Cort
16 Feb: Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
23 Feb: On the Road with Mavis & Marge by Niamh Sharkey
02 Mar: Jack and The Flumflum Tree by Julia Donaldson
09 Mar: My Mum by Anthony Browne
16 Mar: Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
23 Mar: Brave Beast by Chris Judge
30 Mar: Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson
Gravitation 2013
11:00 – 16:00, Sat 23 Feb
dlr Leisure Services, Monkstown Avenue, Monkstown, Co. Dublin
The Skate Park at dlr Leisure Services Monkstown will host Gravitation 2013. Check out the power and skill in skateboarding and BMX displays and marvel at the speed and agility of expert bladers to a soundtrack of hip hop beats with teams from Boarderco, Kaltik and MBW. Gravitation 2013, from dlr events, will feature demonstrations by experts at the state of the art Skate Park at dlr Leisure Services Monkstown. Admission to the skate park will be FREE on the day so there is no excuse not join in and test your skills. Experts will be there, all day, to show tips and tricks. Gravitation 2013 will showcase urban culture and the huge selection of alternative sports and in Ireland.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Feb
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sat 23 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Art for Art’s Sake – Walking Tour
12:00 – 15:00, Sat 23 Feb
Dublin (various locations)
The next Walking Tour of Art for Art’s Sake will take place on Saturday. The tours introduce you to galleries, studios, exhibitions and artists in Dublin. They are informal and a freat opportunity to meet other people interested in art and the people who make it happen.
Meeting point this week is the Chester Beatty Library and the tour will visit the Chester Beatty Library, Powerscourt Townhouse Gallery, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, The Doorway Gallery, The Dublin Camera Club, Avenue Road Gallery.
Participation is free, but donations are welcome. To book your place contact artforartsake.gallery@gmail.com or go to the website below to register.
Ha’penny Flea Market
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Feb
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly Ha’penny Flea Market is an indoor market in the Grand Social Pub, which offers vintage Men and Women’s clothing, contemporary crafts, books, DVDs, vinyl records, vintage and handmade jewellery, vintage hair styles, art, photography and much more. Dux & Co will offer food and the Grand Social’s Bar and Gourmet Coffee options are available.
Sun Show
13:00, Sat 23 Feb
Astronomy Ireland, Unit A8 Airside Enterprise Park, Swords, Co Dublin
Astronomy Ireland are continuing their weekly Sun Shows at the Astronomy Ireland Shop in Swords. Each Saturday, the staff of the Astronomy Ireland Shop will be showing you amazing views of our nearest star. Using special filters and some of the largest telescopes in Ireland you will get to see sunspots bigger than Earth and huge solar flare bursting from our nearest star. If it’s cloudy, there will be a telescope demonstration and you will find out how you can safely observe the Sun and undertake some daytime astronomy using your own telescope.
Archive at Lunchtime – February – IFI
13:10, Sat 23 Feb
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Creative Writing Hour
13:30, Sat 23 Feb
Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Ink Slingers Creative Writing Hour takes place every Saturday at the Irish Writers’ Centre. It is a free creative writing session that is organised and led by the Centre’s voluntary arts administrators. The hour includes writing exercises and prompts to get ideas flowing. It is open to everyone and is suitable for all levels of experience.
Bridge Building Competition
14:00 – 16:30, Sat 23 Feb
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
For Engineers Week (25 Feb – 03 March), the guys from Dublin hackerspace, TOG will be holding their first bridge building competition in the Science Gallery on Sat.
The competition is to build the best bridge out of all the materials provided. The competition will have two hours building and half an hour of judging time. The prize for the over all winner is a raspberry pi. And importantly, you don’t have to be a civil engineer, the event is open to people of all ages and skills levels (total beginners welcome). Help will be on hand during the day to get you started.
Participation is free, booking is required on the website below.
Progressive Film Club – Screening
14:00, Sat 23 Feb
New Theatre, 43 East Essex St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The film “The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream” (2004) by Gregory Greene will be screened in the New Theatre as part of the next Progressive Film Club event. Admission is free, donations are welcome.
Since the Second World War, Americans have invested much of their new-found wealth in suburbia. It promised a sense of space, affordability, family life, and “upward mobility.” As the population of suburban sprawl exploded over the past fifty years, so too did the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness: suburbia, and all it promised, became part of the American Dream. But as we entered the twenty-first century, serious questions began to emerge about the sustainability of this way of life.
A second film “Secret City” (2012) will also be screened:
London and the City of London are not the same place. London is a metropolis of 8 million people; the City of London is a square mile in the middle, with about 7,000 residents. With a Corporation older than the Parliament, the City of London has played a central role in protecting and promoting the interests of finance capital. Secret City investigates the power wielded by the Corporation of London over British economic policy, through which it sustains London’s prime position at the hub of global finance capital
Ros Tapestry Lecture
14:00, Sat 23 Feb
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
Farmleigh House is closed until 01 July, but the Farmleigh Gallery is currently showing an interesting exhibition and is accessible for visitors. With nothing else happening at Farmleigh Estate until the EU presidency is over, people are not turning up in numbers, but if you have a bit of time, I suggest you make the trip.
The exhibition is of the amazing Ros Tapestry which was woven by over 180 volunteers over 14 years (!!) ( www.farmleigh.ie/Gallery/Exhibitions/ ) and on Saturday Ann Griffin Bernstoff, researcher and designer of the Ros Tapestry, will give an entertaining and informative talk on the dynamic history told in the fifteen panels.
Admission is free and Farmleigh Estate is accessible all morning, but be aware that there will be road closures in Phoenix Park on Saturday morning due to the Operation Transformation Run. The road closures are listed here www.phoenixpark.ie/newsevents/title,23126,en.html
Drama Workshop
18:30 – 21:00, Sat 23 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Business Focus – Seminar Series
19:00, Sat 23 Feb
South County Dublin Library, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24
In their Business Focus 2013 series, Tallaght Library runs a whole range of events:
+ Life coaching for business – Mon 18 Feb_ 19:00
+ Making money from crafts – Tues 19 Feb: 19:00-21:00
+ Goal setting for 2013 – Thurs 21 Feb: 10:00-12:30
+ Social media training – Sat 23 Feb: 10:00-12:00
+ Innovation talk by Sean Holan – Mon 25 Feb: 18:00-20:00
+ Excel training for business – Wed 27 Feb: 10:00-12:00
To book any of these events phone Tallaght library on 01-462 00 73,
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Sat 23 Feb
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15.
+ Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30.
+ Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp.
+ Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Saturday Night Live Jazz
20:00 – 22:30, Sat 23 Feb
KC Peaches (Wine Cave), 28/29 Nassau St., Dublin 2
This is a weekly Saturday night jazz event in the basement Wine Cave of KC Peaches wholefood restaurant/café. Food will be served until 22:00 and wine, minerals & music will be available until later. Admission is free and a donation into a hat at the end of the evening is appreciated.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Sat 23 Feb
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
Curtain Thieves
22:30, Sat 23 Feb
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Feb
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Longmile Road Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Feb
Wigoders, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Feb
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a relatively new weekly market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. Sounds interesting and I will check it out over the coming weeks. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel). www.facebook.com/merchantsindoormarket
Merrion Square Open Air Gallery
10:00 – 18:30, Sun 24 Feb
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Every Sunday, the Merrion Square Open Air Art Gallery takes place. Up to 200 artists exhibit their paintings on the railings on three sides (West, North and East) of Merrion Square and you can just enjoy the exhibition or even buy.
Dublin Flea Market
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Feb
Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket Square, Dublin 8
The next Dublin Flea Market is taking place in the Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun from 11:00-17:00. The flea market takes place every last Sunday of the month. For more information or if you want to sell your own stuff, check out www.dublinflea.ie “A bizarre bazaar of vintage clothing, bric-a-brac and what nots, old and new. Stalls include hand-made goods, art, jewelry, furniture, records and lots more unwanted items that may just be your treasure!”
The Coop Hall is wheelchair accessible and lots of free parking spaces are right outside the door.
Palestrina Choir
11:00, Sun 24 Feb
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
The well known Palestrina Choir sing every Sunday at the mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. They sing complete masterworks by Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak, Palestrina, de Victoria, usually accompanied by Prof. Gerard Gillen on the organ, who often also plays a solo piece.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Feb
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sun 24 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Blackrock Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 24 Feb
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids.
Open on Sundays: 12:00-17:30. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30.
Mother Redcap’s Indoor Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 24 Feb
Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17
Sunday at Noon
12:00 – 13:00, Sun 24 Feb
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Sundays at Noon Concert Series continues in the Sculpture Gallery at the Hugh Lane Gallery. Now in its 36th year, this series of free (mainly classical) concerts continues to present the best of Irish and International music and musicians. Concerts run from September to June. The next concert will feature “Cello and Piano” with Miriam Roycroft, cello and Réamonn Keary, piano performing Alkan: Sonate de Concert for Cello and Piano Op.47 and Britten: Cello Sonata in C Op. 65.
Dublin Sketchers – Sunday Meet-up
14:00, Sun 24 Feb
Dublin (various locations)
The “Dublin Sketchers” is an informal group of typically hobby artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. National Museum, Maritime Museum, Dublin Flea Market, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle), sketch for one to two hours and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches. There are some hugely talented people among them and it is a great idea to meet up with others who have the same hobby. Find out on their website where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. I know that the Dublin Sketchers often use the Dublin Event Guide to find interesting free events and I am delighted to be able to help!
Easy Origami for Kids
14:00 – 15:00, Sun 24 Feb
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Children (Ages 8-12) will learn how to make a variety of simple origmai pieces which they can then decorate. In the Education area at the Print Museum. Admission is free.
Stella Bass Jazz Trio
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Feb
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Family Drawing Sundays
14:30 – 16:30, Sun 24 Feb
Royal Hibernian Academy, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Guided Walks: Springtime in the Gardens
14:30, Sun 24 Feb
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Gallery Tour: Highlights of the Irish History exhibitions
15:00 – 15:45, Sun 24 Feb
National Museum, Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History), 7 Benburb Street, Dublin 7
The Museum’s history galleries tell many stories about Ireland’s political and military history, from 1916 to the role of the ordinary Irish soldier played in the British Army in the 19th century. Join Museum educator Edith Andrees on a tour to discover some of the key artefacts on display. Admission is free. Places are allocated on a first-come basis 15 minutes before the tour starts.
Museum Tour – National Print Museum
15:00 – 16:30, Sun 24 Feb
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Unlike the three branches of the National Museum, the National Print Museum is normally not free, but every Sunday there is a free public tour for the next few weeks. Every visit begins with a short audio-visual presentation where the audience can observe active retired printers providing practical demonstrations of machines from the Museum’s collection.
My Museum: Coin a Currency!
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Feb
National Museum, Kildare Street (Archaeology), Dublin 2
At the “My Museum: Coin a Currency” event, take a closer look at Roman coins with Jennifer O’Mahony, Museum Educator and create a new coin based on your own portrait. The workshop is suitable for ages 7-12. No booking required, but only 20 places are available on first come first served basis.
Sunday Sketching – Hugh Lane
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Feb
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Alchemist Café: The exponential nature of our era
16:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Feb
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
“The exponential nature of our era – Do we have the focus, talent, and entrepreneurs to keep up?” with Hans van der Loo (previously vice president EU liaison for Royal Dutch Shell in Brussels, is a currently a member of the Board of Atomium Culture, as well as advisor to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development).
In just half a century the world’s population doubled from 3.5bn to 7bn now. Demographics, combined with economic development, are the most important drivers that determine how the future will evolve and could give rise to a doubling of resource use by 2050. Do we understand the exponential nature of the era we are in? Are we in denial about planetary boundaries? Can growth as we know it continue forever or do we need to change pace? Do grass roots developments point to new insights? Can new ideas be scaled up fast enough to avoid the combined financial/economic crisis, social tensions and ecological stresses unleashing a perfect storm?
Admission is free and booking is not required.
Saucy Sundays
16:00 – 22:00, Sun 24 Feb
Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Saucy Sundays is a weekly free live music afternoon and evening in the Grand Social. The line-up and links to all bands/performers are available via the Saucy Sundays Facebook Page (see link below). This week There will be Bamboo Party, The Stoney Brokes, The Scenes, Senakah, Bennett vs Matrix, Lights Camera Sundown, Cash is King, Cal Folger Day, Page Down Productions.
Bollwood Dance – Taster Class
17:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Inspired by the glitz and glamour of Bollywood, Just Jhoom! (which means Just Dance!) and has arrived in Dublin. Heidi, a qualified dance/fitness professional is running a free taster class on Sun 24 Feb and normal classes will start on Thurs 07 March. “Using Indian dance moves, Bollywood music and strengthening yoga-based exercises, you will get a good workout without even realising that you are working out.”
Long John Jump Band
18:00 – 20:00, Sun 24 Feb
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The wedding and party band The Long John Jump Band play every Sunday evening in Café en Seine. Admission is free.
Emotional Intelligence Workshop
18:30 – 19:30, Sun 24 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
A workshop about emotional intelligence with Buenaventura Sanchez, Psychologist and life and business coach, will take place in the Exchange. The workshop will cover some theory about this vast topic and will give you the opportunity to do some exercises to put it into practice.
The Facebook Page doesn’t state that the event is free, so it is not totally certain, but there are indications that it might be a free event. Contact the organiser via the Facebook Page to find out.
hy is emotional intelligence important?
Because it has a direct relationship with our performance in life and at wo
Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass
19:30 – 20:30, Sun 24 Feb
St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street, Dublin 1
The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass invites to a Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, one of the best known choirs in Ireland will sing during the mass and everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness.
Latin Ireland
20:00 – 02:00, Sun 24 Feb
4 Dame Lane, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
Every Sunday a band will play from 21:00-22:30, a Latin Beat Club, Brazilian DJs and Salsa Classes (from 18:00) are additional features. Admission is free.
Apollo Sessions
20:30, Sun 24 Feb
Bleeding Horse, 24 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2
Every Sunday this singer-songwriter night takes place in the Bleeding Horse in Camden St. from 8.30pm. It is an Open mic night and performers can just turn up and put their name on the list for that night.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 00:00, Sun 24 Feb
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Forro de Lampiao – Brazilian Dance
21:00 – 02:30, Sun 24 Feb
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Rogério from the Brazilian dance project “Forró de Lampião” in Dublin tells me: Forró de Lampião is Brazilian music that has the same roots as Samba and there is a whole culture that has developed around “forro”. Every Sunday, free dance classes take place in the Grand Social (new loation!) and if you are interested, just turn up one Sunday.
Rhythm Rocker
21:00, Sun 24 Feb
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“Rhythm Rocker at The Globe” is a weekly event on Sunday night in The Globe in Sth Great Georges Street, Dublin 2. It is a Rockabilly, R’n’R, Roots night with alternating (week by week) live bands Pavement Kings, Donna & The Sazzy Catz, The Mosquitoes and The Pacifics from 21:00 and with DJs from 23:00-01:30. Admission is free.
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads
21:30, Sun 24 Feb
Ha’Penny Bridge Inn, 42 Wellington Quay Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads are playing Ballads, Folk, Trad and Classic Country every Sunday. Featuring Guitar, Mandolin, Fiddle and Banjo.
Sunday Roast
21:45, Sun 24 Feb
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The weekly Sunday Roast is a free event in the Mercantile where live music is combined with free roast potatoes. The line-up for the upcoming Sunday Roast is available via the Sunday Roast Facebook Page (see link below). It is this week Mongoose, Clover Coast, Mandlebrot, Jaberwalkies Breath.
Cool Hand Dukes
22:00, Sun 24 Feb
Porterhouse Central, 45-47 Nassau Street, Dublin 2
Every Sunday (except at Bank Holiday weekends), the Ragtime, Roots and Country Blues Band “Cool Hand Dukes” play in the Porterhouse near Grafton Street.
AONTAS Adult Learners Festival
10:00, Mon 25 Feb
Dublin (various locations)
The seventh AONTAS Adult Learner’s Festival, a nationwide celebration of adult learning, will take place in the last week of February from 25 Feb until 02 March.
Thanks to the great initiative of Open Learning Ireland and their learning festival “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something”. The website at www.adultlearnersfestival.com/yourarea/county.html#dublincity lists a long list of events, but was it not for the volunteers at Open Learning Ireland, the list would look bleak!
When you check the list of events, don’t just look at Dublin City, but also check the events for Dublin North and Dublin South.
Engineers Week
10:00, Mon 25 Feb
Dublin (various locations)
Engineers Week will take place in Ireland from 25 Feb until 03 March. It is mainly targetted at school children and students from Primary Level to Third Level, but there are a number of Family events taking place too. A HUGE amount of events will take place during the week and if you have school going children that might be interested, you should check it out.
Most events for adults are separately listed in this Dublin Event Guide, but the events for children and students are not separately included here, but can be found on the website below.
Learn Something, Share Something – Festival
10:00 – 21:00, Mon 25 Feb
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1
The “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something Festival” is a great new free week-long Learning Festival that is organised by a great group of volunteers at “Open Learning Ireland”, who all are working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland.
There will be a whole host of fun learning activities, workshops and classes and all is free and open to all. for you to try out, Topics, themes and areas include: Hackspace, Aerobics, Biology, Art, Languages (Spanish, Arabic, Basque), Astronomy. Radio Production, Bike Building, Sitcom Writing,Circuit Bending, Philosophy, Internet, Depression, Drama, Coding, Human Rights, Storytelling and many many more.
The idea of learning in a fun informal context is a brilliant idea and if you have time to participate in some of the courses, you should definitely go. The full schedule is at the link below and the Open Learning Ireland website tells you a bit more about the people and the idea behind the festival.
A Day in the Life of a Dublin City Council Engineer
11:00, Mon 25 Feb
Rathmines Library, 157 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6
As part of Engineers Week at Dublin City Libraries these talks for primary school children will give a general outline of what engineers do while working for the city, how they affect the day to day life of a Dublin Citizen and how they are continuously improving what they do. The talks are suitable for 4th to 6th class primary school children and will take place in the following libraries:
Rathmines Library on Monday 25th February at 11am
Ballyfermot Library on Tuesday 26th February at 11am
Marino Library on Tuesday 26th February at 11am
Coolock Library on Wednesday 27th February at 11am
Drumcondra Library on Wednesday 27th February at 11am
Charleville Mall Library on Wednesday 27th February at 11am
Finglas Library on Thursday 28th February at 10am
Admission is free but booking is essential via the information on the website below.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Mon 25 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Archive at Lunchtime – February – IFI
13:10, Mon 25 Feb
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Working in Europe
13:30, Mon 25 Feb
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Guided Tour
15:30 – 16:10, Mon 25 Feb
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
Every weekday from Mon-Fri there is a free guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but normally you have to pay the admission charge of EUR 5.50 to get into the church first. Exceptionally, St. Patrick’s Cathedral will NOT charge an admission charge for participants of the daily tour betwen 25 Feb and 01 Mar as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Festival. Great initiative! Make use of it!
Business Focus – Seminar Series
19:00, Mon 25 Feb
South County Dublin Library, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24
In their Business Focus 2013 series, Tallaght Library runs a whole range of events:
+ Life coaching for business – Mon 18 Feb_ 19:00
+ Making money from crafts – Tues 19 Feb: 19:00-21:00
+ Goal setting for 2013 – Thurs 21 Feb: 10:00-12:30
+ Social media training – Sat 23 Feb: 10:00-12:00
+ Innovation talk by Sean Holan – Mon 25 Feb: 18:00-20:00
+ Excel training for business – Wed 27 Feb: 10:00-12:00
To book any of these events phone Tallaght library on 01-462 00 73,
Jurassic Paradiso: SCOOP’S Classic Cinema Club
19:00 – 23:30, Mon 25 Feb
Generator Hostel, Smithfield Quare, Dublin 7
Every Monday, starting on 25 February, the SCOOP Foundation will be hosting Jurassic Paradiso, a free Classic Cinema Night for the community. The event, which will be held at the Generator Hostel and will help raise money for The SCOOP Foundation, a locally based charity that helps support children out of poverty in Cambodia and India.
During the event, attendees can watch a classic blockbuster such as Back To The Future, Jurassic Park, Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Terminator 2, etc. The movie of the week will be voted on before hand on the Facebook page and there will also be featured themed nights.
Free popcorn will be available and low priced food and drinks can be provided by the Generator Hostel. After the movie there will be a brief movie discussion if you are interested and 2 hours of tunes focused around the movie, it’s genre, and the decade it was made.
The SCOOP (Supporting Children Out Of Poverty) Foundation is an innovative and dedicated charity and endeavors to raise funds through their own unique events and ideas to build schools and opportunities for children caught in the poverty trap in Cambodia and India.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
19:00, Mon 25 Feb
Blakestown Community Resource Centre (next to Lidl), Blakestown Way, Dublin 15
Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Monday from 19:00 in Blakestown Community Resource Centre (next to Lidl).
This is a drop in class, with newcomers are welcome.
The Monday Echo
20:00 – 22:30, Mon 25 Feb
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Monday Echo is a weekly songwriter and poetry live showcase held on Mondays in the basement of The International Bar. Usually, the show has 3 songwriters and 3 poets who perform for roughly 20 minutes each. Admission is free.
The weekly line-up can be found via the Facebook Page below.
Exchange Focus – Photography Collective
20:30 – 22:00, Mon 25 Feb
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Exchange Focus is a free collective photography group. It is a forum and meeting point for Dublin photographers to share techniques and collaborate on projects. They regularly exhibit their member’s work and run free workshops in all aspects of photography. The group meets every second week on Monday nights and is open to everyone no matter what your level of experience is.
The Ghost of Piramida
20:30 – 21:30, Mon 25 Feb
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 25 Feb
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday and Monday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Loose – Trad Sessions
21:00 – 23:30, Mon 25 Feb
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Rock & Reggae Night – Hangover Club
21:45 – 02:30, Mon 25 Feb
Fibber Magee’s, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Every Monday, a mix of musicians from bands like The Seven Deadly Skins / Animal Cracker / Upbeat Generation / Crete Boom & more come together to play a free night of Rock & Reggae.
Capoeira Workshop
10:00 – 12:00, Tue 26 Feb
Irish Aid Volunteering & Information Centre, 27-31 O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
Capoeira is a dance and martial art, invented by Afro-Brazilian slaves in the 16th century and now practised all over the world as a celebration of freedom and creative resistance.
At this development education workshop on Tuesday, participants will explore the meaning and practice of Capoeira. You will learn about the history of the dance/martial art, watch dancers in action, and learn some basic movements. Leaders with groups of adult learners and individuals are welcome to register. Please wear loose clothing.
The workshop is free but you have tp book with Helena McNeill deved@lycs.ie.
Learn Something, Share Something – Festival
10:00 – 21:00, Tue 26 Feb
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1
The “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something Festival” is a great new free week-long Learning Festival that is organised by a great group of volunteers at “Open Learning Ireland”, who all are working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland.
There will be a whole host of fun learning activities, workshops and classes and all is free and open to all. for you to try out, Topics, themes and areas include: Hackspace, Aerobics, Biology, Art, Languages (Spanish, Arabic, Basque), Astronomy. Radio Production, Bike Building, Sitcom Writing,Circuit Bending, Philosophy, Internet, Depression, Drama, Coding, Human Rights, Storytelling and many many more.
The idea of learning in a fun informal context is a brilliant idea and if you have time to participate in some of the courses, you should definitely go. The full schedule is at the link below and the Open Learning Ireland website tells you a bit more about the people and the idea behind the festival.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Tue 26 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Irish Architectural Archive – Lunchtime Lectures
13:15, Tue 26 Feb
Irish Architectural Archives, 45 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The Digital Universe: Useful Tools for Researchers
14:30, Tue 26 Feb
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
“Navigating the Digital Universe: Useful Tools for Researchers” is the title of a workshop which is part of the Adult Learners’ Festival 2013. This workshop is fully booked now, but I decided to mention it nevertheless because the National Library explicitly invites people to send an e-mail to kmcsharry@nli.ie if you would like to be notified of similar workshops in the future.
This is what the workshop is about: “Digital tools are making life easier for researchers all the time. Join us at this hour-long workshop to find out how to manage your sources, automatically create bibliographies and references, use social and online tools to keep up with new research – and much more.”
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Guided Tour
15:30 – 16:10, Tue 26 Feb
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
Every weekday from Mon-Fri there is a free guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but normally you have to pay the admission charge of EUR 5.50 to get into the church first. Exceptionally, St. Patrick’s Cathedral will NOT charge an admission charge for participants of the daily tour betwen 25 Feb and 01 Mar as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Festival. Great initiative! Make use of it!
Conor Carville + Paula Meehan – Book Launch
19:00, Tue 26 Feb
Irish Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Alchemist Café: Using Stem Cells
19:30 – 21:00, Tue 26 Feb
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The Alchemist Cafe invite to te lecture “Can we regenerate damaged bones and joints using our own stem cells?” on Tuesday with Daniel Kelly, Associate Professor, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, Trinity College Dublin.
The fields of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine hold the promise of replacing or regenerating damaged or diseased tissues and organs in our body. This talk will begin by providing an introduction to these exciting new areas of medicine, highlighting some of the big clinical breakthroughs in the field. Then the ongoing work in the Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, such as adult stem cells to tissue engineer cartilage and bone grafts that could be used to replace damaged and diseased joints such as the hip or knee, will be explained. And the talk will conclude by discussing some of the key challenges that need to be overcome before these therapies are in widespread clinical use.
Admission is free and finger food will be provided after the talk.
Back Door Sessions
20:00, Tue 26 Feb
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
This is an open mic night with Special Guests. Arrive, sign in (from 19:00) and play and if you are a performer you get a free beer. Admission is free.
The Last Tycoons (open mic)
20:00, Tue 26 Feb
O’Donoghue’s, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2
The Grand Folk Club
21:00, Tue 26 Feb
Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly “Grand Folk Club” will feature Trad, Ballads, Americana, Folk, World Music & More. This Tuesday, the line-up is: Justine Natale (African Traditional / Contemporary) + Guests. Admission is free.
White Chocolate
23:30, Tue 26 Feb
The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 23:30 in The Mezz in Temple Bar.
Learn Something, Share Something – Festival
10:00 – 21:00, Wed 27 Feb
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1
The “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something Festival” is a great new free week-long Learning Festival that is organised by a great group of volunteers at “Open Learning Ireland”, who all are working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland.
There will be a whole host of fun learning activities, workshops and classes and all is free and open to all. for you to try out, Topics, themes and areas include: Hackspace, Aerobics, Biology, Art, Languages (Spanish, Arabic, Basque), Astronomy. Radio Production, Bike Building, Sitcom Writing,Circuit Bending, Philosophy, Internet, Depression, Drama, Coding, Human Rights, Storytelling and many many more.
The idea of learning in a fun informal context is a brilliant idea and if you have time to participate in some of the courses, you should definitely go. The full schedule is at the link below and the Open Learning Ireland website tells you a bit more about the people and the idea behind the festival.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Wed 27 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Archive at Lunchtime – February – IFI
13:10, Wed 27 Feb
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Conservation Tour
14:30 – 15:30, Wed 27 Feb
National Museum, Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History), 7 Benburb Street, Dublin 7
THis Conservation Tour is an opportunity to get behind the scenes at the Museum to see how artefacts are conserved for the future. Includes a look at furniture and textile conservation and archaeological conservation. The tour is an Adult event and booking is essential via 01-6777444
Expedition to the Sikkim Himalaya
15:00, Wed 27 Feb
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The lecture “In the Footsteps of Joseph Dalton Hooker – an expedition to the Sikkim Himalaya” with Seamus O’Brien will take place.
Sikkim is India’s second smallest state yet this former himalayan kingdom is a biodiversity hotspot with a flora that ranges from tropical to alpine. One of the very first botanists to explore Sikkim was Joseph Dalton Hooker and Seamus O’Brien recounts the story of a recent expedition he led to the region following in the footsteps of that great 19th century botanist.
Historical Walk of the local area – North Inner City
15:00 – 17:00, Wed 27 Feb
Henrietta Adult and Community Education (HACE) HACE, 9 Henrietta Street, Dublin 1
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Guided Tour
15:30 – 16:10, Wed 27 Feb
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
Every weekday from Mon-Fri there is a free guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but normally you have to pay the admission charge of EUR 5.50 to get into the church first. Exceptionally, St. Patrick’s Cathedral will NOT charge an admission charge for participants of the daily tour betwen 25 Feb and 01 Mar as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Festival. Great initiative! Make use of it!
Havana International Language Exchange
16:30 – 19:30, Wed 27 Feb
Havana Tapas Bar, Georges St, Dublin 2
The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 16:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. There are many Spanish speakers and English-speakers are explicitly invited, but everyone else is certainly very welcome too, to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
Carbon Capture and Storage – Lecture
17:30 – 19:00, Wed 27 Feb
DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) involves capturing, compressing and permanently storing carbon dioxide produced by burning fuel. This allows humankind to continue using existing infrastructure and fuel, without contributing to climate change.
The presentation will cover types of CCS technologies, current challenges and problems for industry, CCS law and costs.
The lecture is organised by the School of Mechanical and Transport Engineering at DIT and the lecturer will be Dr Kirsten Foy.
Admission is free and all are welcome.
Spanish Film Screening
18:00, Wed 27 Feb
Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2
The Big House Library in Ireland
18:00 – 20:00, Wed 27 Feb
RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
“The Big House Library in Ireland” with Mark Purcell will look at the libraries in the country houses in Ireland. In 1850 there were at least 2000 country houses in Ireland. Almost every one would have contained a library and Mark Purcell (Libraries Curator to the National Trust, responsible for more than 150 historic libraries in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) will unravel their story.
The lecture will take place in the Minerva Suite and admission is free, but booking is required via the website below.
European Memories: Trauma, Ethics, Politics
18:15, Wed 27 Feb
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
‘Performing European Memories: Trauma, Ethics, Politics’, a talk by Prof Milija Gluhovic (Warwick) as part of the Euro-Visions lecture series.
“The end of the forty-year Cold War that split the postwar European continent provided the impetus for rethinking the past all over Europe as well as for the study of “European memory.” This lecture explores the intersections between contemporary European theatre and performance, the interdisciplinary field of memory studies, and current preoccupations with the politics of memory in Europe.”
Admission is free.
“Vaccines – not just for infections” – Lecture
18:30, Wed 27 Feb
Stanley Quek Theatre, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Intelligent Transport Systems in Northern Ireland
18:30 – 20:00, Wed 27 Feb
Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Traffic and Travel Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Northern Ireland is a lecture at Engineers Ireland. Roads Service is part of the Department for Regional Development in Northern Ireland, and is the sole roads authority responsible for all classes of public roads. The lecture will give an overview of how Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have been used for the control of traffic on both the urban and motorway networks, and the provision of pre-trip and on-trip traffic information.
Admission is free.
Business Focus – Seminar Series
19:00, Wed 27 Feb
South County Dublin Library, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24
In their Business Focus 2013 series, Tallaght Library runs a whole range of events:
+ Life coaching for business – Mon 18 Feb_ 19:00
+ Making money from crafts – Tues 19 Feb: 19:00-21:00
+ Goal setting for 2013 – Thurs 21 Feb: 10:00-12:30
+ Social media training – Sat 23 Feb: 10:00-12:00
+ Innovation talk by Sean Holan – Mon 25 Feb: 18:00-20:00
+ Excel training for business – Wed 27 Feb: 10:00-12:00
To book any of these events phone Tallaght library on 01-462 00 73,
Obituaries in 19th Century Irish newspapers
19:00, Wed 27 Feb
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
“Class and Cultural Traditions: Obituaries in Nineteenth Century Irish newspapers” is a lecture with Dr Ciara Breathnach, University of Limerick. Admission is free and no booking is required.
This talk is part of a monthly lecture series called BiblioFiles. The series provides a platform for writers, academics and others who have used the NLI’s facilities to talk about their research and other work they have carried out at the library.
An Introduction to Skype and Facebook
19:30 – 21:00, Wed 27 Feb
Henrietta Adult and Community Education (HACE) HACE, 9 Henrietta Street, Dublin 1
King Kong Club
20:00, Wed 27 Feb
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The King Kong Club is a weekly music game-show in the Mercantile. Each week 6-7 bands/solo artists play three songs each. At the end of all the performances a clap-off with the King Kong Club Clap-o-Meter takes place and the winner goes through to a semi-final and it all culminates after six months of competition with The Grand Final, held in front of a panel of celebrity judges.
The list of performers is not yet announced on their Facebook Page and I am not sure if it will be put up there, but check it anyway.
The Song Room (open mic)
20:30, Wed 27 Feb
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesday.
The Zodiac Sessions (open mic)
20:30, Wed 27 Feb
Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2
“The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week.
Bad Boy Jake
21:00, Wed 27 Feb
Gypsy Rose Blues & Rock Bar, 5 Aston Quay, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Trad Session
21:30, Wed 27 Feb
Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru), 4 Prospect Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 11
Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
Learn Something, Share Something – Festival
10:00 – 21:00, Thu 28 Feb
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1
The “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something Festival” is a great new free week-long Learning Festival that is organised by a great group of volunteers at “Open Learning Ireland”, who all are working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland.
There will be a whole host of fun learning activities, workshops and classes and all is free and open to all. for you to try out, Topics, themes and areas include: Hackspace, Aerobics, Biology, Art, Languages (Spanish, Arabic, Basque), Astronomy. Radio Production, Bike Building, Sitcom Writing,Circuit Bending, Philosophy, Internet, Depression, Drama, Coding, Human Rights, Storytelling and many many more.
The idea of learning in a fun informal context is a brilliant idea and if you have time to participate in some of the courses, you should definitely go. The full schedule is at the link below and the Open Learning Ireland website tells you a bit more about the people and the idea behind the festival.
Learn to use the National Library
11:00, Thu 28 Feb
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
“Learn to use the NLI” is a free workshop where you will learn you how to get a Reader’s Ticket, how to search the catalogues, how to order material and much more. You will learn about the range of material that the library holds and how to access the material that interests you. Admission is free and no booking is required.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Thu 28 Feb
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
Interactive Tour of National Print Museum
11:30 – 13:00, Thu 28 Feb
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
To celebrate the AONTAS Adult Learners Festival 2013, trainees from the FÁS Local Training Initiative in Culture & Heritage Studies at the National Print Museum will deliver a special interactive tour of the Museum’s permanent collection. As part of this 48 week, combined training and work experience, course trainees are currently training to be tour guides. The tour will take place on the ‘Learning for Work’ day of the festival and all are keen to showcase their newly accomplished tour-guiding skills. Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Thu 28 Feb
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Food Co-op
12:00 – 20:00, Thu 28 Feb
Dublin Food Co-op, Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Dublin Food Co-op is open every Thursday at Newmarket for organic wholefoods and sustainable household products, plus over a dozen producer stalls offering organic fruit and veg., baked goods, dairy produce, wines, hot and cold food, etc.
The Co-op is also opened on Saturdays 09:30 – 16:30. 12:00-20:00.
Master Irish mezzotint engravers
13:00, Thu 28 Feb
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
“The “Dublin Group” – master Irish mezzotint engravers” is a talk on 18th century mezzotint portraits in the Prints & Drawings collection by Neassa Doherty (Ph.D., candidate National University of Ireland, Galway). Admission is free and no booking is required.
Lunchtime Piano Recital with Máire Carroll
13:05, Thu 28 Feb
St Stephen’s Church (The Pepper Canister), 2 Mount St Crescent, Dublin 2
Jobsearch – Are YOU Doing it Right?
13:30 – 14:30, Thu 28 Feb
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Guided Tour
15:30 – 16:10, Thu 28 Feb
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
Every weekday from Mon-Fri there is a free guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but normally you have to pay the admission charge of EUR 5.50 to get into the church first. Exceptionally, St. Patrick’s Cathedral will NOT charge an admission charge for participants of the daily tour betwen 25 Feb and 01 Mar as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Festival. Great initiative! Make use of it!
Galician, Basque and Catalan Women’s Poetry – Book Launch
18:00, Thu 28 Feb
Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2
The book launch of “Forked Tongues: Galician, Basque and Catalan Women’s Poetry in Translations by Irish Writers” is taking place in the Instituto Cervantes. Many of the contributors to this book will be present. Admission is free.
Islam and Democracy
18:15, Thu 28 Feb
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Air Pollution and Climate Policy – Lecture
18:30, Thu 28 Feb
Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
“Air Pollution and Climate Policy: A Bumpy Road to Climate Stabilization” with Frank Raes from the Climate Risk Management Unit in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Many linkages between air pollution and climate change have been elucidated by scientific research of the past 20 years. In the presentation, Dr Raes will show that the underlying science dealing with the two-way interaction between climate and air pollution is still fraught with large uncertainties. However, scientifically robust conclusions can still be drawn which are useful for developing mitigation policies.
Admission is free but booking is required. For booking and further details see the website below.
Growing Change – Film Screening
19:00, Thu 28 Feb
King 7 Bar, 122 Capel Street, Dublin 1
‘Growing Change’ is a documentary that looks at an experiment in Venezuela to grow a fair and sustainable food system. From fishing villages to cacao plantations to urban gardens, a growing social movement is showing what’s possible when communities, not corporations, start to take control of food.
Admission is free,
TOG: Night of Ideas
19:00 – 21:30, Thu 28 Feb
TOG, Warehouse Unit C, Chancery Lane, Dublin 8
TOG will host a night of inspiring talks. Each speaker will only have 15 minutes to convey to you their passion and enthusiasm on a given subject, idea or project. With six talks on the night you will be introduced to a diverse range of subjects. TOG is a hackerspace based in the centre of Dublin. Admission is free and the six talks are described on the website below.
Dublin Writers’ Forum
19:30, Thu 28 Feb
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Dublin Writers’ Forum welcomes writers of all genres, of all ages and all levels of experience. DWF is an open group of writers who share a common passion for all things literary. It is a safe ‘working space’ where on a weekly basis writers can bring their work to be critiqued by other writers.
Dimestore Recordings presents
20:00, Thu 28 Feb
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Bad Boy Jake
21:00, Thu 28 Feb
Rathmines Inn, 82 Lower Rathmines Road Dublin 6
Bad Boy Jake are every Thursday until the end of February in the newly re-opened Rathmines Inn, playing their rock, blues and Americana.
Jaime Nanci & The Blue Boys
21:00, Thu 28 Feb
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Max Zaska / Patrick Groenland
21:00, Thu 28 Feb
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Max Zaska group and the Patrick Groenland group will perform on alternating Thursdays from 21:00 in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street.
Thirsty Thursday (open mic)
21:00, Thu 28 Feb
The Bridge Inn, 22 Temple Hill, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Cabin Sessions
21:30 – 23:30, Thu 28 Feb
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Rosemount, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14
Left, Right & Centre – Blues+Soul
21:30, Thu 28 Feb
Frank Ryan’s Bar, Queen Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7
Every Thursday “Left Right & Centre” play a mix of blues & soul with a bit of rock&roll.
AONTAS Adult Learners Festival
10:00, Fri 01 Mar
Dublin (various locations)
The seventh AONTAS Adult Learner’s Festival, a nationwide celebration of adult learning, will take place in the last week of February from 25 Feb until 02 March.
Thanks to the great initiative of Open Learning Ireland and their learning festival “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something”. The website at www.adultlearnersfestival.com/yourarea/county.html#dublincity lists a long list of events, but was it not for the volunteers at Open Learning Ireland, the list would look bleak!
When you check the list of events, don’t just look at Dublin City, but also check the events for Dublin North and Dublin South.
Engineers Week
10:00, Fri 01 Mar
Dublin (various locations)
Engineers Week will take place in Ireland from 25 Feb until 03 March. It is mainly targetted at school children and students from Primary Level to Third Level, but there are a number of Family events taking place too. A HUGE amount of events will take place during the week and if you have school going children that might be interested, you should check it out.
Most events for adults are separately listed in this Dublin Event Guide, but the events for children and students are not separately included here, but can be found on the website below.
Learn Something, Share Something – Festival
10:00 – 21:00, Fri 01 Mar
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1
The “Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something Festival” is a great new free week-long Learning Festival that is organised by a great group of volunteers at “Open Learning Ireland”, who all are working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland.
There will be a whole host of fun learning activities, workshops and classes and all is free and open to all. for you to try out, Topics, themes and areas include: Hackspace, Aerobics, Biology, Art, Languages (Spanish, Arabic, Basque), Astronomy. Radio Production, Bike Building, Sitcom Writing,Circuit Bending, Philosophy, Internet, Depression, Drama, Coding, Human Rights, Storytelling and many many more.
The idea of learning in a fun informal context is a brilliant idea and if you have time to participate in some of the courses, you should definitely go. The full schedule is at the link below and the Open Learning Ireland website tells you a bit more about the people and the idea behind the festival.
Bridges over the Liffey
13:00, Fri 01 Mar
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
Rosemarie Rowley – Lunchtime Reading
13:05, Fri 01 Mar
Irish Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Guided Tour
15:30 – 16:10, Fri 01 Mar
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8
Every weekday from Mon-Fri there is a free guided tour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but normally you have to pay the admission charge of EUR 5.50 to get into the church first. Exceptionally, St. Patrick’s Cathedral will NOT charge an admission charge for participants of the daily tour betwen 25 Feb and 01 Mar as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Festival. Great initiative! Make use of it!
Addison Lodge Open Mic Night
21:00 – 00:30, Fri 01 Mar
Addison Lodge, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Addison Lodge are inviting local bands, musicians, poets, comedians and performers to share their talents at the new Addison Lodge Open Mic Nights in Glasnevin (opposite the Botanic Gardens). The event starts on Friday 22 February and will take place every week. Admission is free.
Interesting but not free
Jameson Dublin International Film Festival
This festival will take place from 14-24 Feb. The majority of events are film screenings in a number of different cinemas. The selection movies looks very interesting and if you like films/movies, then you have to check out the programme at www.jdiff.com. The only free events is on 16 Feb: “Blurring The Lines: Live Action / Animation Crossovers”.
Dublin Mountains Partnership – Guided Walks
09+17+23 Feb
In February there will be three guided walks organised by the Dublin Mountains Partnership. The degree of difficulty is from moderate to strenuous and all details can be found here www.dublinmountains.ie/news/upcoming_events/?no_cache=1 Participation is free, but you have to book your place and the closing day for bookings is usually noon on the Friday before the walk.
Toddler Tuesday
12+26 Feb, 12+26 Mar, 09+23 Apr, 07+21 May, 04+18 June
The Culture Box, 12 East Essex, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
Parents/guardians and their children aged between 18 months – 5 years are invited to The Culture Box for an exciting adventure into creative arts activities for under 5’s. This programme of activity encourages children and their guardians to have fun while learning through the arts. Each session will explore a variety of creative and playful elements that include storytelling, movement, painting, building, creative investigation, music making, exploration of colours and shapes, drawing and so much more.
There is no fee mentioned, so it seems to be a free event, but booking is required because only limited places are available. You cannot leave your child unattended, but get a chance to play too! All sessions start at 11:00 and have a duration 1 hour.
Book via echaomhanach@templebar.ie or 01 677 2255
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Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)
Inter-Gender Toilets
I have to admit that I find this very very odd: www.broadsheet.ie/2012/12/03/nui-maynooths-inter-gender-bathroom/ It is already a good bit older, it was news at the beginning of December, but I just recently was reminded of it and couldn’t resists of putting it in this section. But I have to explain a little: I don’t find it odd that someone is or feels “Inter-Gender”. I have no problem with that, but I would assume that an Inter-Gender person either has a predominantly male or predominantly female appearance. Considering that there are cubicles in every toilet I would therefore think that there is no lack of privacy if a person would have to decide for one or the other toilet. But a third type of toilets is just one step to far! Political Correctness gone mad?
I hope you enjoyed another edition of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) and will tell everyone you know about it. ;-)
Have an event-full weekend and week,
dublineventguide@gmail.com | www.dublineventguide.com | www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide | m.dublineventguide.com
For much needed donations please go to www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm
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This Event Guide (the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”) is an Event Guide with a difference. It covers mostly free events based on the thinking that free events deserve additional support and that non-free events have the money to pay for advertisement. The Guide is a _Guide_ and not just a listing and is therefore at times quite extensive. It is sent for free to anybody who is interested and if you want to be added to the mailing list or know somebody who would like to receive this guide, just send them to www.dublineventguide.com, where they can subscribe. If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via dublineventguide@gmail.com.
BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby so your donations are needed: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm . Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible and very welcome, please contact me for more information.
Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the long gone fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2013 by Joerg Steegmueller.