Hi all!
My e-mail Inbox was overflowing on Wednesday and Thursday. All GDPR-caused e-mails with people (some of them ill-advised) asking for me to tell them AGAIN that I want information from them. I didn’t hassle you, because you already confirmed TWICE when you subscribed that you want this weekly newsletter. So all is good! :-) But it ain’t good for many companies, find out why in the “This is Odd!” section! By the way, if you ever wanted or needed to end the delivery of these free e-mails full of free events. then you will find the unsubscribe link at the very end of this mail. Easy to find, just scroll down.
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And here is me begging again, because there are only a few more days left in May and we still need to find EUR 75 before the end of the month. I need your help! If you could support the Dublin Event Guide, I am suggesting a very fair EUR 12 for the year, that’s just 23 cent per Dublin Event Guide Edition or less than 3 pints for the whole year! That’s not much if you think about how much value the Dublin Event Guide brings you every week! ;-) Higher and lower donations are also appreciated! Every Euro counts!
If you are a great and helpful person, you can help via PayPal here or if you don’t like PayPal too much and prefer to use your credit card go to GoFundMe here. THANK YOU!!
And don’t forget that you can also help without spending a cent of your own money, if you buy through the advertisement links that are in the Dublin Event Guide or that are on the Dublin Event Guide Shopping Page at www.DublinEventGuide.com/shop If you want to buy from Groupon or LivingSocial or Amazon or Bookdepository or eBay or Asos or PrettyLittleThing or SportsDirect, just go to that website and click on the relevant link and it will bring you to the right place. The company you buy from will take 5-8% out of their profit (depending on the company) and will reward the Dublin Event Guide for promoting that company. But importantly you don’t pay more! Here are the links: www.dublineventguide.com/shop Thanks for using this page!
The Dublin Event Guide needs your continued help in two areas: Your donations help paying the bills. Just 1 Euro per month (12 Euro per year) would be great, more would be even better. Not many subscribers are prepared (or able) to help, so please don’t rely on others! Your money will be used to pay the monthly EUR 240 bill for sending the newsletter using MailChimp, for web hosting and domain names. I am happy to work 35 hours on the Dublin Event Guide every week without making anything from it, but for the bills I need your help.
You can make your donation at www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm using Paypal or CreditCard or send me a mail at dublineventguide@gmail.com if you prefer to pay by bank transfer. Corporate or enterprise sponsors are very welcome too and will get a bundle of benefits as a thank you for their donation, contact me on sponsorship@dublineventguide.com to discuss the details.
And here is the second area where you can help: Without you spreading the word we would have never reached 24,000 subscribers and 75,000 Facebook Likes. Send your friends to www.dublineventguide.com where they can subscribe as well.
And here is a great opportunity to help the Dublin Event Guide for absolutely no cost to you:
Without putting your hand in your pocket at all you can help the Dublin Event Guide! Just use the ad links in the Dublin News Section and the banner ads in other sections as often as possible when you buy/order goods. If you buy goods immediately (in the same session) after clicking on a link/ad that you find in this publication (for example for Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon, Book Depository, LastMinute etc), then you help the Dublin Event Guide everytime. This is how it works: The company you buy from will give a small commission (5-8%) to the Dublin Event Guide as a thanks for pointing you in their direction. This might only be 30 cent a go, but if many of you did it every time you buy something online, then it could make a big dent into the EUR 240 needed. Importantly, you do not pay more, but the merchant accepts a slightly smaller profit. So clicking on these ads is helping everybody! Thanks!
Have an event-full weekend and week,
Find the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) online presence here:
Website: www.DublinEventGuide.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide Mobile App: m.dublineventguide.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/DublinEventG

We are more than 75,000 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide and are growing every week. Join in and click LIKE on the Facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.

The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-mail magazine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and there could be more in the coming week and this section is for the people that want to overcome the hurdles, achieve more and remember that despite all, life is great!
This week’s Feel Good Slot is a quote by Charles Baudelaire, a French poet who lived from 1821-1867. He said
Nothing can be done except little by little.” – Charles Baudelaire
You probably all have heard the question “How do you eat an elephant? – One bite at a time.” and this quote from Baudelaire, expresses the same. Don’t expect impossible things and then be disappointed, just keep moving in small steps and as long as you keep moving you make progress.
Books for lowest prices, sent to you with free
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PrettyLittleThing is the place for the fashion savvy girl
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This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
To cover the cost for the Dublin Event Guide I need your help and every week generous and nice Dublin Event Guide readers help with a donation.
Last week Laurie F, Joan S and Mark C were so great to help with a much needed donation. Thank you very much! You and all the other donors throughout the year are keeping the Dublin Event Guide alive! Without you, there would be no Dublin Event Guide!!
The cost for sending the weekly newsletter is EUR 240 per month and a donation from you of just EUR 12 per year will ensure that I will be able to pay the bills. Has the Dublin Event Guide helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about, or have you saved money by finding great free events? Then please go to here and give something back if you can!
I appreciate ANY help: EUR 12 would be great (that’s just 25 cent per week!), but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page. If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Deirdre M, Howard L, Paul R, Linda McD, Isidro G, Gemma O’N, Aoife M, Anita W, Mark R, Clodagh O’C, Niamh D, Odhran K, Belinda B, Eimear L, Brian R, Andrew G, Marta T, Linda C, Grainne F, Rita B, Rosemary K, Mary McK, Ger O’B, Alison J, Sinead L, Lesley C, Noel N, Majella M, Mona O’R, Leigh P, Eric C, Anette K D, Aoife G, Aidan C, George K, Rita B, Thomas G, Roy C, Jutta B-S, Lorna O’C, Aisling McK, Miriam L, Fergus O’T, Julia Sch, Helen B, Susan H, Paula R, Justin M, Tony B, Ross M, Daniel L, Susan F, Joan S, Rachel McG, John F, Ann Marie S, Melanie B, Magdalena H, Leigh Ph, Mark G, Joanne M, Louise F, Kathryn H, Ornaigh G, Eamonn U, Gerard Ph, Fiona F, Gabriel K, Laura C, Aislinn T, Barry M, Joan S, Nicole W, Tara R, Denise G, Ann M, Mairin M, Daire O’C, Anne H, Anne H, Comet Records, John F, Nora O’K, David O’K, Karen+Brian F, Estelle K, Ann McP, Noelle H, Pat M, Meav Ni M, Jutta B-S, Jamie C, Leigh Ph, Irene D M, Michael D, Joan S, Melanie B, Anita W, Maria F, Moira dF, Arthur D, Catherine G, Clodagh C, Elaine K, Majella M, Ann M, Clodagh O’C, Claire R, Leigh Ph, Sarah L, Mark G, Erzsebet H, Isidro G, Karen A, Sean S, Melanie M, Zelie McG, Lindsay R, Thibaut D, Pia O, James B, Marguerite D, Shai C, Susan K, Agnieszka S-S, Alice K, Ieva B, Ruth L, Ana RT, Rita B, Sueanne O’H, Rosemary M, Darragh D, Lorraine S, Helena S, Carija I, Pat McK, Jennifer R, Sophie P-L, Jenny B, Catherine F, Stephen S, Juliana A Y, Caoimhe NiM, Damien B, Shane O’B, Melanie S, Audrey H, Catherine E, Michele McN, Susan B, Sharon K, Bill G, Malachy B, Catherine O’S, Paula R, Pamela A, Eleonora P, Thomas B, Karen K, Brendan M, Eric O’F, Gale G, Daniel LG, Mark G, Margo C, Joan S, Debbie C, Karen McG, Eric C, Irish Family Names, Tom McM, Aishling B, Ana RT, Eamonn McG, Silja P, Nicola R, Jacinta O’B, Siobhan B, Orla P, Sharon G, Isidro G, Carmel C, Roisin R, Mona R, Suzanne D, Tracey O’C, Jessica G, Barbara L, Frances D, Emmet R, Irene C, Eugene McG, Stuart N, Laurie F, Joan S, Mark C and Travel Agency “Project Travel” (www.project-travel.ie Ireland’s only Norway and Northern Lights Travel Experts), Arthur’s Pub (www.arthurspub.ie A classic Dublin old-style pub in 28 Thomas Street with a new and buzzing music venue that runs lots of events), the Speedfriending Ireland Meet-up Group (www.meetup.com/Events-Drinks-Talks-Dublin/) (Where you can meet lots of new people and make friends), Cycling Campaign (www.dublincycling.ie), www.oliviercornetgallery.com (An Art Gallery in 5 Cavendish Row), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new venue), www.cfcp.ie (The Centre for Creative Practices is the the only arts centre in Ireland dedicated to connecting, integrating and promoting immigrant, experimental and emerging artists among the local arts scene and audiences).
The main sponsor is Energia and their support is hugely appreciated! Energia provides cost efficient electricity and gas to Irish homes and businesses. The company is committed to developing renewable energy sources in Ireland and over 25% of the country’s wind power is supplied through Energia. Energia‘s power plants in North Dublin are capable of providing enough energy to power 1.2 million homes.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no guarantee for correctness can be given.

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
This weekend he Battle for the Bay, the last Dublin Flea Market in Newmarket and Africa Day get my vote!
But I won’t be here to enjoy any of these events. Instead I will be in Germany, so have a good time in Dublin without me! :-)

Postage to Ireland is free for most orders if you buy for more than GBP 25! And with every order via this link, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) gets a small commission: HERE It doesn’t cost you anything more, but you help the Dublin Event Guide. Use the link as often as possible!
More competitions to come soon!
AppSumo is the Groupon or LivingSocial for Business Software! A Discount platform for applications that you need to run your business. Check it out at AppSumo
Help the Dublin Event Guide! It won’t cost you a cent!
Do you enjoy free events? Does it help you to find out about all these free events simply in one e-mail magazine or on one website? Does the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) deliver all this for you and maybe even more? In that case, you probably also would want it to continue forever, right?
To achieve that some money is needed. Donations are a great help, but not everyone feels they can donate at the moment. So here is the solution: If you could help with a donation without having to pay a cent from your own money wouldn’t that be cool? You can!!
When you buy books online, buy them from Book Depository or from Amazon and use these links to go to the website:
Book Depository Amazon
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Groupon LivingSocial
Or when you buy from eBay or you want to buy holidays or clothes or anything else, check first
When you click on the link and then buy, your books/products/holidays etc cost exactly the same as if you went to the website directly. But if you go via the links above, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will get 5-8% of what you spend as a commission. That’s not a lot, but if you and lots of other people used that link every time, it would amount to a fair amount of crucially important money. Use the links often, actually EVERY time you buy from the relevant site, not just once!
Giving money for free! That’s how easy it is. ;-) THANK YOU!!!
And if you want to donate money directly, then you can do that here: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm or www.GoFundMe.com/DublinEventGuide
Dublin Event Guide Smartphone App “Dublin For Free”
Find all details on how to use the Dublin Event Guide Smartphone web app at www.dublineventguide.com/mobile.html
Dublin Port River Fest 2018 cancelled
The Dublin Port River Fest was once a BIG and very popular festival along the Liffey on the Northside from the CHQ building nearly to the Point Depot / 3 Arena. That was when the Dublin Dockland’s Authority still existed. When the DDA disappeared and was taken back by Dublin City, the festival shrunk to a fraction from the Convention Centre to half-way to the Point Depot / Arena. It was a poor cousin of the previous event and this was reflected in the visitor numbers.
This year, the news is even worse: The Dublin Port River Fest has been cancelled completely! Yes there will be a “mini-” Tall Ship event, but the focus is on the boats, the crews that come with the boats and the people in Dublin won’t get much more than a pretty view and maybe a visit on some of the ships.
The financial and economic crisis was in 2008, a full 10 years ago, but it seems that Dublin City has singificantly decreased their event programme just in the last 2-3 years. Not a good development! :-(
National Museum at Collins Barracks hikes up Parking Fees
We have something great in Ireland! All our four National Museums do not charge any admission charge. That’s the National Museum at Collins Barracks, in Kildare Street, in Merrion Street and in Turlough, Co. Mayo. This is a bit of a luxury that not many countries have. Sure, it is not really free because in the end we all pay for it through our taxes, but at least you can go there without paying as often as you want.
Collins Barracks is a huge site with only half of it open as a museum and the other half is storage for a huge amount of additional exhibits. Collins Barracks also has is – as a former barracks – on a huge site that has its own car park.
Until 2013 parking was free there, but due to budget cuts in 2013 it was announced that they would have to charge for parking and the fees were a very moderate + EUR 2 for 0-3 hours + EUR 4 for all day parking. That was still a good price and you could go to the museum for up to three hours for a low cost.
But last week on 19 May this substantially changed. The new charges are now + EUR 2 for just 1 hour + EUR 5 for up to 4 hours + EUR 12 for all day
That is a HUGE increase! If you assume maybe 2.5 hours for an extensive visit it will cost you EUR 5 instead of EUR 2 before. That’s 150% of an increase!! :-O
And no! Your taxes didn’t go down!

The former “Opportunities” section is now the place where the weekly nationwide clever event map from our sponsor Energia will be featured. Full details about the events on the map are on the Energia blog: gturl.eu/Energia18_wk22

Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie . For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is www.visualartists.ie/category/listings/dublin/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
Art & The Great Hunger
08 March-30 June (Daily: 10:00-17:00)
The Coach House, Dublin Castle Gardens, Dublin 2
“Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum” at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, is sending its art collection to Ireland for the first time. The exhibition documents the scale of the famine, the horror of it, how it permeated and changed Ireland and the people that escaped it forever. The museum’s collection, the only one of its kind in the world, constitutes an incomparable direct link to the past of almost 6.5 million Irish and 40 million Irish-American people.
Admission is free.
Éireannach – A Worldwide Exhibition linking people with plants through Botanical art
05-27 May
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
“Éireannach – A Worldwide Exhibition linking people with plants through Botanical art” is a new exhibition in the National Botanic Gardens.
Botanical Art Worldwide is a collaboration between botanical artists, organizations and institutions worldwide. Twenty-three artists are creating and exhibiting botanical artworks of native plants found in each of their countries to create a record of today’s botanical diversity. Digital slide shows of up to forty works, with all other countries’ images will be shown at each venue during the run of each exhibition. The Irish Society of Botanical Artists will be hosting an open day on the 18th of May which will include a tour of the exhibition, demonstrations and a chance to meet the artists involved.
The exhibition will be on show daily in the Gallery Space in the Visitor Centr.

Car Boot Sales – Tallaght
08:00 – 12:00, Sat 26 May
Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, has up to 200 cars/sellers. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line stop and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 06:30 for buyers from 08:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on their website.
Battle for the Bay 2018
09:30 – 17:00, Sat 26 May
Dollymount Strand, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Battle for the Bay, Dublin’s yearly watersport event, is back this weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
The best kite surfers from Ireland and the world will show their skills and Stand Up Paddle board races will take place. And on land, there will be live music all day from DJs and bands, a beach market (with vintage clothes, vinyl records, Arts & Crafts, jewellery) a Farmers Market Food Village, Kids Zone with fairground rides, Beach Volleyball and a Biodiversity Village where you can explore the wildlife of Dublin Bay. And at a Global City Balance Challenge you can balance on a slackline for 10 seconds. This global challenge will pit city against city to see which one gather the highest number of people who can manage 10 seconds on the slackline without falling off.
On Saturday at 16:00 a Stand Up Paddle board world record of the Most SUP on the ferry wave will take place.
Don’t forget the sun tan lotion!
Admission is free. You will find the event schedule via the links on this page: www.battleforthebay.com/#whats-on
Honest2Goodness Food Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 26 May
Honest2goodness, 136 Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
The weekly Honest2goodness food market in Glasnevin has fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, and wines. It is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre.
Park Runs: Malahide, Cabinteely, Shanganah, Marlay, Raheny
09:30 – 13:00, Sat 26 May
Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin
Parkrun Ireland is organising free weekly runs in parks. It is a timed run over 5km and participation is completely free, but registration before your first parkrun is required.
A whole range of Parkruns take place every week (and if you know some more, please tell me): + Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin + Cabinteely Park, Old Bray Road, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 + Shanganagh Park, Shankill, Co. Dublin + Marlay Park, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin, Co. Dublin + St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 + Father Collins Park, Donaghmeade/Clongriffin, Dublin 13 + Tymon Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24 + Bushy Park, Terenure, Dublin 6 + Corcagh Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 + Tolka Valley Park, Finglas South, Dublin 11 + Porterstown Park, Castleknock, Dublin 15
SuperNatural Food Market
09:30 – 15:30, Sat 26 May
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
The Green Door Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 26 May
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 26 May
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Coderdojo Coolest Projects International
10:00 – 18:00, Sat 26 May
RDS, Simmonscourt Complex, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Over 1000 young people from 15 countries will come together in the RDS to demonstrate their apps, websites, games and hardware projects. There will be a number of talks and opportunities to try out the newest tech innovations.
Admission is free for everybody under 18. (The rest of us have to pay 15 Euro at the door.)
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 26 May
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Marlay Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 26 May
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
The County Council Market (CoCo) in Marlay Park is taking place every Saturday and Sunday. You will find a wide range of products. There will be food to eat there and food to cook at home but also crafts and arts and books and lots more.
Temple Bar Markets
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 26 May
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
Terenure Bushy Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 26 May
Bushy Park, Tempelogue Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W
The Terenure Bushy Park Market is taking place every weekk. The market has more than 30 stalls, offering a whole variety of foods and crafts.
Admission is free.
The Story of the Capital – Exhibition in Dublin City Hall
10:00 – 17:15, Sat 26 May
City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Dublin City Hall has a museum/exhibition in the basement, called “The Story of the Capital”, it is an exhibition that you should definitely check out at some stage.
To celebrate the Easter Rising Anniversary, admission to that exhibititon was free in 2016, but lucky for us, Dublin City decided to also waive the admission charge for 2018.
Opening hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:15.
Áras an Uachtaráin – Tour
10:15, Sat 26 May
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
Áras an Uachtaráin is the residence of the President of Ireland in the middle of Phoenix Park. It started as a modest brick house for the Phoenix Park Chief Ranger in 1751, was then turned into th ‘occasional residence’ for the Lords-Lieutenant and gradually evolved into a huge mansion. After Ireland gained independence it was turned after 1937 into the residence of the Irish president.
Every Saturday a number of public tours take place and admission is free. Tickets will be issued at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on the day, on a first come, first served basis. Group and/or advance booking is not possible.
The tours will be at 10:15, 11:30, 12:45, 14:00 and 15:15 and take approx. 1 hour.
Art, Bites, Crafts – Drumcondra Market
10:30 – 15:30, Sat 26 May
Arts and Business Campus, 40 Drumcondra Road Lower
The Drumcondra Village Market is now the “Art, Bites, Crafts Drumcondra Market”. And as you guessed it, it is an arts and crafts fair in the centre of Drumcondra. :-) There will also be some food and music.
The market is open on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30-15:30.
Admission is free.
Biodiversity Week with the Herpetological Society – Drop-in
11:00 – 13:00, Sat 26 May
National Museum, Merrion Street (Natural History), Dublin 2
During this Biodiversity Week event with the Herpetological Society of Ireland, Rob Gandola and Collie Ennis will run a hands-on session to learn about biodiversity in Ireland including the secret lives of our native reptiles and amphibians.
Admission to this Drop-in Activity is free and the event is suitable for all ages.
Blackrock Market
11:00 – 17:30, Sat 26 May
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, and Sundays: 12:00-17:30.
Calcutta Run
11:00, Sat 26 May
Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 9
The yearly Calcutta Run takes place on Saturday. It is a 5 and 10km run from Blackhall Place to Phoenix Park and back. The run is a fundraiser by the members of the Law profession of Ireland. Participants are expected to raise funds, but after the run there is a Festival at the finish line in the grounds of the law society with BBQ and bar, live music, tennis, kids activities and family fun.
Admission to that event is free.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Sat 26 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
FAKE – Science Gallery Exhibition
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 26 May
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The current exhibition in the Science Gallery is called “FAKE” and it will run from 08 March until 03 June.
The exhibition is looking at everything Fake from fake meat and fake cheese to fake emotions. In both the natural world and human society, faking, mimicking and copying can be a reliable strategy for success, a fake may be just as valuable as the real thing. But what about replicating taste, emotions, chemical signatures, facts and trademarks? When is authenticity essential and when is copying cool?
Some of the most interesting exhibits are:
+ synthHAsizer will let you record your own fake laugh and use sonic filters to remix it from fake to real. + Mississippi Swan: Daybew! will create fake music: A new album of songs every fifteen minutes or around 700 unique songs every day. You can trigger the creation of a unique album at any time. + Altered historic figures from the Daily Herald show the beginning of fake news + There is even a deli where you can buy fake food samples for EUR 2. For example they have fake cheese, fake meat or “Dubliner Red Cheddar” cheese that is neither manufactured in Dublin nor is it Red Cheddar, it is coloured white cheddar manufactured in Cork.
The website below lists all exhibits and provides some explanation so that you can either before or after your visit check further details.
All Science Gallery exhibitions are suitable for ALL ages, even younger children will be able to take part/follow. Some of the exhibits need a bit more of an age-appropriate explanation for younger kids than others, but nearly everything can be simplified for kids.
I strongly suggest to use the help of the amazing mediators, who can explain everything you see, especially if you don’t want to read all the explanations that are next to every exhibit.
The Science Gallery has very visitor friendly opening hours of Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00.
Admission is free.
Ha’penny Flea Market
12:00 – 17:00, Sat 26 May
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly Ha’penny Flea Market is an indoor market in the Grand Social Pub, which offers vintage Men and Women’s clothing, contemporary crafts, books, DVDs, vinyl records, vintage and handmade jewellery, vintage hair styles, art, photography and much more. Grand Social’s Bar and Gourmet Coffee options are available.
Qigong – Drop-in class – Chester Beatty Library
12:00, Sat 26 May
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Qigong is a traditional Chinese form of meditation coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm state of mind.
Come to this gentle Qigong practice outdoors on the Roof Top Garden of the Library (weather permitting) or indoors with a view of the roof garden. Suitable for all ages.
Admission is free and no booking required, but numbers are limited.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Sat 26 May
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
National Gallery: Mindfulness Tour
13:30 – 14:15, Sat 26 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
A Mindfulness tour is taking place in the National Gallery. This is a guided tour at a slower pace. Looking closely and moving quietly and mindfully through the Gallery spaces, you encounter each work with curiosity, allowing you to connect deeply with it. The tour will end with quiet reflection in silence and stillness.
Admission is free.
Chester Beatty Library – Guided Tour
14:00, Sat 26 May
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Every Saturday a free guided tour will take place in the Chester Betty Library. The tour starts at 14:00.
In addition there is another free tour every Wednesday at 13:00 and one on Sundays at 15:00
Gold, Amber and Bronze – Discovering Bronze Age Ireland – Tour
14:30 – 15:15, Sat 26 May
National Museum, Kildare Street (Archaeology), Dublin 2
“Gold, Amber and Bronze – Discovering Bronze Age Ireland” is an event with Museum educator Trisha Ryan Take a look at the newly refurbished Ór – Ireland’s Gold Exhibition. Learn about the raw materials used by the Bronze Age people of Ireland and how objects, such as the Lunula, Sun Discs and Gorgets, were made and the special meanings and properties they held for people.
Admission is free and places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Meet at reception. Suitable from ages 12+.
Origami – Children’s Workshop
14:30, Sat 26 May
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Children’s Workshop “Origami” will take place on Saturday.
Come and get creative with paper and learn about the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. Did you know ‘Ori’ means fold and ‘Kami’ means paper? Having mastered the basics of this elegant art, you can then transform a sheet of paper into something exciting like an animal, tree or flower. Materials supplied. Meet at the Visitor Centre
Admission is free, but booking is required via 01-8040319. Suitable for ages 8 to 12.
The Silk Road – Guided Tour
14:30, Sat 26 May
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that wound through China to the Mediterranean Sea. Though silk was the major trade item, many other plant-derived goods were exported along this route, such as cotton and wine. Hear the fascinating tales surrounding the uses and folklore of these plants while also catching some of our most beautiful Chinese plants at their best.
Admission is free. Meet in the Visitor Centre.
Cuban Salsa & Bachata – Beginners Class & Social Dancing
15:00 – 17:00, Sat 26 May
St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
An outdoor dancing event with Cuban Salsa & Bachata will happen on the (round) bandstand in St. Stephen’s Green. From 15:0-15:30 there will be a Cuban Salsa Class for beginners and this will be followed by social dancing and Ruedas.
Admission is free.
Irish Sign Language Tour of the Gardens
15:30, Sat 26 May
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Come this Irish Sign Language Tour of the Botanic Gardens. Find out more about our fascinating plant collections – from Wild Ireland, to the African desert to the tropical rainforest.
Admission is free. Meet at the Visitor Centre
Chancer / Stevie Darragh / StitchJones – Gig
21:00, Sat 26 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Sat 26 May
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
Tadgh / Sylk
21:00, Sat 26 May
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Absolutely Yo – Gig
22:00, Sat 26 May
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Bunoscionn – Trad & Folk Gig
22:00, Sat 26 May
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Bunoscionn will play a gig in the Bowery from midnight and there is an admission charge of EUR 5. But I would hope/expect that you arrive there a good bit earlier you would get in for free.
Orwells 84 / Kelso – Gig
22:30, Sat 26 May
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Revolver – Gig
23:30, Sat 26 May
Porterhouse Temple Bar, 16-18 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
Vernon Jane’s Paradise Party – Gig
23:30, Sat 26 May
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Car Boot Sales – Ballymun
08:00 – 13:00, Sun 27 May
Trinity Comprehensive Secondary School, Ballymun Road, Ballymun, Dublin 9
In addition to the Saturday Car Boot Sale in Tallaght, Irish Car Boot Sales run a weekly Sunday Car Boot Sales in Ballymun.
Admission for buyers is free.
Battle for the Bay 2018
09:30 – 17:00, Sun 27 May
Dollymount Strand, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Battle for the Bay, Dublin’s yearly watersport event, is back this weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
The best kite surfers from Ireland and the world will show their skills and Stand Up Paddle board races will take place. And on land, there will be live music all day from DJs and bands, a beach market (with vintage clothes, vinyl records, Arts & Crafts, jewellery) a Farmers Market Food Village, Kids Zone with fairground rides, Beach Volleyball and a Biodiversity Village where you can explore the wildlife of Dublin Bay. And at a Global City Balance Challenge you can balance on a slackline for 10 seconds. This global challenge will pit city against city to see which one gather the highest number of people who can manage 10 seconds on the slackline without falling off.
On Saturday at 16:00 a Stand Up Paddle board world record of the Most SUP on the ferry wave will take place.
Don’t forget the sun tan lotion!
Admission is free. You will find the event schedule via the links on this page: www.battleforthebay.com/#whats-on
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 27 May
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 27 May
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Magazine Fort – Guided Tour
10:00, Sun 27 May
Magazine Fort, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park was for a long time completely neglected, but it is hugely rich in history. Many have seen it as a barred off concrete fortress in a corner of Phoenix Park and even more don’t even know or have forgotten that it exists. The old Phoenix House, the home of the British Viceroy, was on the site where the fort was built from the early 17th century and then in 1734 the Fort was built and extended in 1801.
In 1916 the Fort was raided by the rebels who expected to find a lot of explosives there, but found the Fort nearly empty. In 1939 the IRA raided the Fort and stole more than a million rounds of ammunition, but most of it was recovered over the following weeks.
Since 1988, the Irish Army doesn’t use the Fort anymore and gave it back to the Office of Public Works (OPW), but not much good has happened to the Fort in the last 30 years (!!) and there were numerous speculations about the reasons for that.
Finally since 2016, guided tours are provided and this year from April until end of October there will be three tours every Sunday at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00. Only 20 places are available on each tour and if there is a big event in Phoenix Park the tour will be cancelled.
Tickets are available at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on a first come, first served basis and can not be pre-booked. A shuttle bus will bring the ticket holders to the Fort.
Marlay Park Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
The County Council Market (CoCo) in Marlay Park is taking place every Saturday and Sunday. You will find a wide range of products. There will be food to eat there and food to cook at home but also crafts and arts and books and lots more.
Merrion Square Open Air Gallery
10:00 – 18:30, Sun 27 May
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Every Sunday, the Merrion Square Open Air Art Gallery takes place. Up to 200 artists exhibit their paintings on the railings on three sides (West, North and East) of Merrion Square and you can just enjoy the exhibition or even buy.
Art, Bites, Crafts – Drumcondra Market
10:30 – 15:30, Sun 27 May
Arts and Business Campus, 40 Drumcondra Road Lower
The Drumcondra Village Market is now the “Art, Bites, Crafts Drumcondra Market”. And as you guessed it, it is an arts and crafts fair in the centre of Drumcondra. :-) There will also be some food and music.
The market is open on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30-15:30.
Admission is free.
Africa Day 2018
11:00 – 18:00, Sun 27 May
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
Africa Day 2018 will take place in Farmleigh House to celebrate African culture in all its variety. It is a family-friendly event with music and dance on three stages, children entertainment, workshops, crafts and food at an African Bazaar and a fashion show.
Headline acts on the music stage are Irish band Kila (15:30-16:40) and AfroSoul band Fedah (17:00-18:00), but there will be many talented other performers as well.
In an unusal and surprising move, this year’s event requires you to have a ticket for admission. Tickets are free and can be obtained via the Eventbrite site below. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the ticket requirement will negatively impact the event. Free events need to be hugely oversubscribed (i.e. a lot more tickets need to be issued than there is capacity) because many ticket holders don’t turn up. If the organisers got the numbers wrong, the event will be empty. We will see! Get your tickets via this link. At the time of writing this, there were only 2700 tickets left.
Also a first: This year there will be no parking at Farmleigh House at all! For a venue that is quite far away from public transport, that is not great news. Luckily though Dublin Bus will provide a free shuttle bus from Parkgate Street. Find out all details about how to get to Farmleigh House here. ———– A schedule of all performances and list of all events is available here.
Dublin Flea Market
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 27 May
Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket Square, Dublin 8
This will be most likely the last Dublin Flea Market EVER at Newmarket Square!!! So if you want to have a last chance to experience this great event in its home location, then Sunday is the day!!
The next Dublin Flea Market is taking place in the Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun from 11:00-17:00. The flea market takes place every last Sunday of the month and admission is free. For more information or if you want to sell your own stuff, check out www.dublinflea.ie
“A bizarre bazaar of vintage clothing, bric-a-brac and what nots, old and new. Stalls include hand-made goods, art, jewelry, furniture, records and lots more unwanted items that may just be your treasure!”
Admission is free.
Dun Laoghaire Market
11:00 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
A weekly market with lots of food, but also many other products (art & crafts, books, etc) takes place every Sunday in the beautiful People’s Park in Dun Laoghaire. It is a very popular market and with around 50 vendors also one of the bigger markets.
Palestrina Choir
11:00, Sun 27 May
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
The well known Palestrina Choir sing every Sunday at the mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. They sing complete masterworks by Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak, Palestrina, de Victoria, usually accompanied by Prof. Gerard Gillen on the organ, who often also plays a solo piece.
Baroque Art and Guercino – Tour
11:30 – 12:15, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Drop-in family session – National Gallery
11:30 – 13:30, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
A Drop-in family session will take place on Sunday. It is a art-making workshop where children and their parents/guardians/carers are encouraged to work together on creative projects.
Drop-in and stay for as long (or as little!) as you wish! Suitable for children of all ages.
Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Blackrock Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 27 May
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Sundays: 12:00-17:30. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30.
FAKE – Science Gallery Exhibition
12:00 – 18:00, Sun 27 May
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The current exhibition in the Science Gallery is called “FAKE” and it will run from 08 March until 03 June.
The exhibition is looking at everything Fake from fake meat and fake cheese to fake emotions. In both the natural world and human society, faking, mimicking and copying can be a reliable strategy for success, a fake may be just as valuable as the real thing. But what about replicating taste, emotions, chemical signatures, facts and trademarks? When is authenticity essential and when is copying cool?
Some of the most interesting exhibits are:
+ synthHAsizer will let you record your own fake laugh and use sonic filters to remix it from fake to real. + Mississippi Swan: Daybew! will create fake music: A new album of songs every fifteen minutes or around 700 unique songs every day. You can trigger the creation of a unique album at any time. + Altered historic figures from the Daily Herald show the beginning of fake news + There is even a deli where you can buy fake food samples for EUR 2. For example they have fake cheese, fake meat or “Dubliner Red Cheddar” cheese that is neither manufactured in Dublin nor is it Red Cheddar, it is coloured white cheddar manufactured in Cork.
The website below lists all exhibits and provides some explanation so that you can either before or after your visit check further details.
All Science Gallery exhibitions are suitable for ALL ages, even younger children will be able to take part/follow. Some of the exhibits need a bit more of an age-appropriate explanation for younger kids than others, but nearly everything can be simplified for kids.
I strongly suggest to use the help of the amazing mediators, who can explain everything you see, especially if you don’t want to read all the explanations that are next to every exhibit.
The Science Gallery has very visitor friendly opening hours of Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00.
Admission is free.
Guided Walks – Botanic Gardens
12:00 – 15:30, Sun 27 May
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Every Sunday, the National Botanic Gardens invite to two guided walks. The first one is at 12:00 and the second one at 14:30.
Admission is free.
Sunday at Noon – Classical Concerts
12:00 – 13:00, Sun 27 May
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Sundays at Noon Concert Series continues in the Sculpture Gallery at the Hugh Lane Gallery. This series of free (mainly classical) concerts continues to present the best of Irish and International music and musicians. Concerts run from September to June.
The next concert will feature
Colman Pearce Piano Stuart O’Sullivan piano Gillian Williams violin Arun Rao cello
And they will play works for Cello and Piano.
The Dublin Alternative Flea Market
12:00 – 18:00, Sun 27 May
Vodoo Lounge, 39 Arran Quay, Dublin 1
Family Tour – National Gallery
12:30 – 13:15, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
This Family Tour is specially designed for children and their guardians, parents and carers to make the works on display in the National Gallery fun and engaging for kids.
Admission is free. Meet at the Merrion Square information desk.
Sunday Songbrunch
12:30 – 16:30, Sun 27 May
Bagots Hutton Bar & Restaurant, 6 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7
Baroque Art and Guercino – Tour
13:30 – 14:15, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Soul & Jazz With Raimonda
13:30 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
Oscar’s Cafe Bar, Smithfield Square, Dublin 7
Bark in the Park – Dog Event
14:00, Sun 27 May
St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5
Bark in the Park will take place in St. Anne’s Park. It is a sponsored walk at 15:00 to raise funds for the Irish Blue Cross, a animal charits and veterinary care provider. Before the walk, there will be classes and demos from 14:00.
It is not completely clear what/is some elements of the event are free, but I guess that if you can’t afford to donate or if you don’t want to take part in the walk OR if you don’t have a dog, the event won’t cost you anything.
Dublin Sketchers – Sunday Meet-up
14:00, Sun 27 May
Dublin (various locations)
The “Dublin Sketchers” is an informal group of (hobby) artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. National Museum, Maritime Museum, Dublin Flea Market, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle, Science Gallery, …), sketch for one to two hours and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches.
There are some hugely talented people among them and it is a great idea to meet up with others who have the same hobby. Find out on their website below or on their Facebook Page where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. I know that the Dublin Sketchers often use the Dublin Event Guide to find interesting free events and I am delighted to be able to help!
Hugh Lane Gallery – Guided Tour
14:00, Sun 27 May
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Stella Bass Jazz Trio
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Bring Your Limericks to Books Upstairs
14:30 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
Books Upstairs, 17 D’Olier Street, Dublin 2
The Dublin heats of the annual “Bring Your Limericks to Limerick” competition will be held Books Upstairs, where poets will be invited to read their limericks aloud. All participants will be entered into the main competition to be in with a chance of winning the grand prize in the festival final in August… More details can be found on the festival website, limericksfest.wixsite.com/limerickliteraryfest
Admission is free,
Chester Beatty Library – Guided Tour
15:00, Sun 27 May
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Every Sunday a free guided tour will take place in the Chester Betty Library. The tour starts at 15:00.
In addition there is another free tour every Wednesday at 13:00 and one on Saturdays at 14:00
Dublin 1850-1920: Full of animated picures – Talk
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Museum Tour – National Print Museum
15:00 – 16:30, Sun 27 May
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Unlike the three branches of the National Museum, the National Print Museum is normally not free, but every Sunday there is a free public tour for the next few weeks. Every visit begins with a short audio-visual presentation where the audience can observe active retired printers providing practical demonstrations of machines from the Museum’s collection.
Proclaiming a Republic: The 1916 Rising – Tour
15:00, Sun 27 May
National Museum, Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History), 7 Benburb Street, Dublin 7
The Public Tour at the “Proclaiming a Republic: The 1916 Rising” exhibition will give you a chance to explore some of the highlights of the Museum’s extensive Easter Week collection.
Admission is free and places are allocated on a first-come basis first-served basis 15 minutes before the tour starts. Suitable for Adults & Children 12+
Sunday Family Sketching – Hugh Lane Gallery
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 27 May
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Sunday Sketching for the whole family takes place every Sunday in the Hugh Lane Gallery and admission is free.
Families are invited to explore and respond together the gallery’s collection and temporary exhibitions through discussion and drawing. Bring your own sketchbook along or use the drawing materials provided.
Admission is free and no booking required, although numbers may be limited. Suited for ages 6+.
The High Leeson – Bluegrass Gig
18:00, Sun 27 May
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Dixieland Jazzmen – Gig
18:30 – 20:30, Sun 27 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jawbone – Acoustic Folk & Blues Night
19:00 – 21:00, Sun 27 May
Arthur’s Pub, 28 Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass
19:30 – 20:30, Sun 27 May
St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street, Dublin 1
The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir sings every Sunday from September to June at their “Gig in God’s Gaff”, a Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street.
The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, one of the best known gospel choirs in Ireland will give you a chance to experience a mass with a difference. It is uplifting and inspiring and everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness or your relationship with the Catholic Church in other contexts.
Disclaimer: I am involved with the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, so the description above MIGHT not be totally unbiased. But just take it from me, they are brilliant! ;-)
Pete Cummins – Gig
20:30, Sun 27 May
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Bat Walk in Dublin
21:00 – 22:30, Sun 27 May
Dropping Well Bar, Milltown Road, Dublin 6
The Dublin Bat Group is inviting to a Bat Walk in Dublin on Sunday. Meeting point is the Dropping Well Bar Car Park.
Wear sturdy comfortable walking shoes, a good jacket and bring a torch and children must be accompanied by a parent.
Admission is free, but booking is required via dublinbatgroup@gmail.com as places are limited.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 00:00, Sun 27 May
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
John Dee Graham & Sid Griffin – Gig
21:00, Sun 27 May
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
The Dublin Blues Cartel – Gig
22:30, Sun 27 May
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Dublin Blues Cartel will be in Whelan’s again and will perform mostly a version of New Orleans R’n’B with a classic Rock twist, sandwiched with Swing, Rock’n’Roll, Soul, Funk, Blues and Rap of all eras.
Admission is free.
Bealtaine Festival “for older people”
09:00, Mon 28 May
Dublin (various locations)
Every May the Bealtaine Festival takes place all over Ireland and it “Celebrates arts and creativity as we age”.
This is a difficult description as everybody ages and therefore the tagline doesn’t make THAT much sense. In essence, the organisers “Age & Opportunity” actually want to address the “older age”. Ok, that helps a little, but not too much either as nobody still really knows what the target age is. In previous years, a guidance of 55+ was given but that has disappeared and in all honesty most 55-60 year olds wouldn’t be close to insulted if they were classified as “older age”. ;-)
So where does that leave us? We don’t know really know!! So I guess if you feel older, this festival is for you and if you don’t, then the festival is not for you. ;-) I hope that explanation helps a little.
There will be many events throughout May and a good few of them are free. The website has a good enough search facility, although I never understand why event organisers subdivide Dublin into four or five “territories”. You can also download the brochure via this page (look for the Download link at the bottom – it is currently disabled, but I will try to get them to enable it next week).
To find events go to the WHAT’S ON page
In “Dublin City” there are approx. 72 events, but as I said, not all are free. Oddly, the events are sorted in reverse order, starting with the 30 May. Talk about confusing “older” users!?
Over the coming 4 weeks, I will include a number of free Bealtaine events in the Dublin Event Guide for Free Events, but I won’t be able to include all events, so please check the Bealtaine website here: www.bealtaine.ie
Female enfranchisement and its limitations, 1918-2018
09:00 – 16:30, Mon 28 May
Trinity Long Room Hub, Fellows’ Square, Trinity College, Dublin 2
“Female enfranchisement and its limitations, 1918-2018: Gender, politics, class and caste in Ireland” is a symposium at the Long Room Hub to commemorate 100 years of Suffrage in Ireland. It draws together established and early-career scholars in the fields of history, politics, art history and gender studies. The papers focus on the modern world and the invited participants have been asked to consider suffrage, gender, class, caste, colonialism, post-colonialism in Ireland, Europe and India.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the website below.
Nanas, Papas and Babas – Bealtaine
11:00, Mon 28 May
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
This is an event for pre-schoolers (the Babas) and their grandparents (the Nanas and Papas): Have fun and enjoy some special time with your grandchild. Taking inspiration from the Chester Beatty Library collections, this event will encourage interaction between nanas, papas and babas through storytelling and gentle movement.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the website below.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Mon 28 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Mon 28 May
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Support the Dublin Event Guide – Buy your books here!
13:00, Mon 28 May
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
When Music and Painting Meet – Pop-up Art Talk
13:15 – 13:45, Mon 28 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The Pop-up talk “Per Cantar Sonecti: When Music and Painting Meet” with Simone Sorini Syrenarum will look at the Italian Renaissance arias of Tromboncino, Virchi and Bossinensis – with lyrics by Michelangelo, Raffaello, Leonardo and others. The event is in Room 41.
Admission is free.
Guidebooks to Dublin’s Fair City – Bealtine Talk
15:00 – 16:00, Mon 28 May
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
The Bealtaine Talk “Céad Míle Fáilte: Guidebooks to Dublin’s Fair City” with Maeve Casserly, NLI invites you take a trip back in time to see an array of guidebooks for Dublin. What kind of sites and scenes appealed to visitors from the 1890s? Where they different in the 1910s and 1960s? Using Dublin as a case study, you’ll see how the tourism industry has changed in Ireland since the 1890s through guidebooks, pamphlets, advertisements, and posters in the National Library collections.
Admission is free, but booking is required via learning@nli.ie
Remembering the Camac: Rive, Mills and Laundries – Talk
18:30, Mon 28 May
Inchicore Library, 34 Emmet Road, Dublin 8
“Connected by Water through the Ages: Remembering the mighty Camac of old. Bring your old images of the river and its mills, laundries and millraces and sharing our stories to help us to remember”
The Camac is an historical river that shaped the city. It facilitated and influenced the course of industry in the South West of the City and County. Over 100 years ago, sawmills, papermills, woollen mills, grain mills, gun powder mills and several other industry-types lined its banks: many were so dependent on the Camac they constructed millraces to harness its power.
Dublin City Council and LAWCO (The Local Authority Waters and Communities Office) are hosting this largely social event where local residents, many natural historians among them, will come together to celebrate the river’s past and share personal stories and images of the hardworking river of yesteryear.
Admission is free.
Song Cycle – Singer/Songwriter Showcase
20:00, Mon 28 May
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Song Cycle is a weekly Singer/Songriter showcase in Wheelan’s.
Admission is free.
The Circle Sessions – Open Mic
20:00 – 23:30, Mon 28 May
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Circle Sessions is an “Open Mic” that provides an opportunity for up and coming musicians, spoken word artists, poets and comedians to perform.
Come to this weekly show to perform or to simply watch a great mix of music, poetry, spoken word and comedy.
Admission is free.
Jazz Jam Session – Grand Social
20:30, Mon 28 May
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Every Monday a Jazz Jam Session will take place in the Grand Social and you are invited to listen or even to participate. Admission is free for musicians and audience.
Instruments are supplied (drums (no cymbals), double bass, guitar amp, bass amp, PA system) and ideas and themes will be proposed prior to the session to the musicians who join the event on Facebook (see Facebook Page below).
The Comedy Shed
20:30, Mon 28 May
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 28 May
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Trad Sessions
21:00 – 23:30, Mon 28 May
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
That’s It Recordings – Open Mic
22:00, Mon 28 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
That’s It Recordings is an open mic every Monday at Sin E. Just turn up and play. Sign up before 22:00 to ensure you get a slot. Bring a USB stick along and you will get a recording of your music to take home.
Admission is free.
Bealtaine Festival “for older people”
09:00, Tue 29 May
Dublin (various locations)
Every May the Bealtaine Festival takes place all over Ireland and it “Celebrates arts and creativity as we age”.
This is a difficult description as everybody ages and therefore the tagline doesn’t make THAT much sense. In essence, the organisers “Age & Opportunity” actually want to address the “older age”. Ok, that helps a little, but not too much either as nobody still really knows what the target age is. In previous years, a guidance of 55+ was given but that has disappeared and in all honesty most 55-60 year olds wouldn’t be close to insulted if they were classified as “older age”. ;-)
So where does that leave us? We don’t know really know!! So I guess if you feel older, this festival is for you and if you don’t, then the festival is not for you. ;-) I hope that explanation helps a little.
There will be many events throughout May and a good few of them are free. The website has a good enough search facility, although I never understand why event organisers subdivide Dublin into four or five “territories”. You can also download the brochure via this page (look for the Download link at the bottom – it is currently disabled, but I will try to get them to enable it next week).
To find events go to the WHAT’S ON page
In “Dublin City” there are approx. 72 events, but as I said, not all are free. Oddly, the events are sorted in reverse order, starting with the 30 May. Talk about confusing “older” users!?
Over the coming 4 weeks, I will include a number of free Bealtaine events in the Dublin Event Guide for Free Events, but I won’t be able to include all events, so please check the Bealtaine website here: www.bealtaine.ie
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Tue 29 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
13:15 – 13:45, Tue 29 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Coup in Brazil and Lula’s imprisonment
18:30, Tue 29 May
Comhlamh, 12 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
This is an event to discuss with the Brazilian community and everyone else interested the coup situation in Brazil, the meaning of Lula’s imprisonment, the importance of fighting for their freedom and prospects of anti-coup struggle in the country.
The debate will start with a lecture by Rui Costa Pimenta and a discussion will follow.
Admission is free.
The Dublin Language Exchange – Meetup
19:00, Tue 29 May
Czech Inn, Essex Gate, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
EveryTuesday at 19:00, The Dublin Language Exchange takes place in the Czech Inn. It is the biggest free meeting of people from all around Dublin that are interested in learning languages and communicate with speakers of other languages.
Admission is free and the meetup is completely informal. No booking required.
Camden Comedy
20:00 – 22:30, Tue 29 May
Anseo, 18 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2
Camden Comedy is a weekly comedy night on a Tuesday that I only found recently.
Every Tuesday they have a whole range of comedians and admission is free.
Dublin Bluegrass Collective – Gig
20:00, Tue 29 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Rumours have it that the Bluegrass Collective will perform in Sin É on Tuesday and there might even be an open Bluegrass Jam! Admission is free.
Jesters Open Mic Comedy Night
20:00 – 22:00, Tue 29 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jesters is a weekly open mic comedy event where a lot of comedians do 5 minutes of material.
Admission is free. If you would like to perform then send a message to the Jesters Facebook Page via the link below.
Ukulele Tuesday – Jam&Gig
20:00 – 23:30, Tue 29 May
Stag’s Head, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday an informal sing along with Ukulele and Toy Musical Instruments takes place in the Stag’s Head. Just bring your instrument and come along. Beginners are welcome. Admission is free and further details (and a big book of songs) are available on the Facebook Page below.
Ben Prevo – Gig
21:00, Tue 29 May
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Ben Prevo will be for his weekly gig in the Bowery. Expect Blues, Funk, Jazz and even Country.
Admission is free.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Tue 29 May
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
The Lounge Quintet – Jazz Gig
21:00, Tue 29 May
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
International Bar Jazz Night
21:30, Tue 29 May
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday and Thursday the International Bar invites to a Jazz night in the Lounge.
Groups led by Cote Calmet, Sean Maynard Smith, Dominic Mullan, Paddy Groenland, Georgia Cusack & Alex Mathias are performing regularly with occasional guest players, but there are also other bands from all over.
Admission is free, with a suggested donation of EUR 5. The website clearly says that there is no entry fee, but – and that makes a lot of sense – that your donations are very much appreciated (Musicians need to pay for rent and food too!) Be generous after the gig if you liked it, but if someone wants to charge an admission charge, please point out that the “rules” as described on their website are like I have explained.
Woolshed Pub Quiz
21:30, Tue 29 May
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Every Tuesday, a pub quiz is taking place in the Woolshed.
Admission is free. Max team size is 6 people.
Bealtaine Festival “for older people”
09:00, Wed 30 May
Dublin (various locations)
Every May the Bealtaine Festival takes place all over Ireland and it “Celebrates arts and creativity as we age”.
This is a difficult description as everybody ages and therefore the tagline doesn’t make THAT much sense. In essence, the organisers “Age & Opportunity” actually want to address the “older age”. Ok, that helps a little, but not too much either as nobody still really knows what the target age is. In previous years, a guidance of 55+ was given but that has disappeared and in all honesty most 55-60 year olds wouldn’t be close to insulted if they were classified as “older age”. ;-)
So where does that leave us? We don’t know really know!! So I guess if you feel older, this festival is for you and if you don’t, then the festival is not for you. ;-) I hope that explanation helps a little.
There will be many events throughout May and a good few of them are free. The website has a good enough search facility, although I never understand why event organisers subdivide Dublin into four or five “territories”. You can also download the brochure via this page (look for the Download link at the bottom – it is currently disabled, but I will try to get them to enable it next week).
To find events go to the WHAT’S ON page
In “Dublin City” there are approx. 72 events, but as I said, not all are free. Oddly, the events are sorted in reverse order, starting with the 30 May. Talk about confusing “older” users!?
Over the coming 4 weeks, I will include a number of free Bealtaine events in the Dublin Event Guide for Free Events, but I won’t be able to include all events, so please check the Bealtaine website here: www.bealtaine.ie
Techconnect Trade Fair
09:00 – 17:00, Wed 30 May
RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
A somewhat odd trade fair exhibition is taking place on Wednesday in the RDS. Usually trade fairs or exhibitions focus on a single topic/theme, but if the purpose of the event is not to promote the theme but is driven by the commercial goals of the organiser, then you bundle as many different themes in the same event, market them all as separate events to their respective target groups and maximise the sale of exhibition stalls. Slightly cynical view? Well, if you look at the list of separate trade fairs that all happen in the same hall, you get the idea;
Tech Connect Live The National Sales and Marketing Summit Grow Your Business Online Expo IT, Software, Data Summit Grow SME The CXO Summit The Office Expo The Mobile Tech Summit The IOT and Industry 4.0 Expo The Blockchain Summit The GDPR Summit The National Finance Summit
Admission to the event is free and “Delegates are free to move between events”..because they are in exactly the same exhibition hall! :-O
And there are LOTS of seminars as well, but a “seminar” might have 20 attendees only and is in the middle of the exhibition hall.
Admission is free and you can book your ticket via the link below.
Drawing Group for Adults – Rua Red
11:00, Wed 30 May
Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre, Tallaght, D24
Did you ever want to give drawing a go? Or maybe you are a budding artist looking for like-minded people to draw with? The Drawing Group for Adults in Rua Red runs free weekly drawing sessions on Wednesdays from 11:00-12:00. Materials are provided.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Wed 30 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Wed 30 May
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Photo Detectives – Guided tour
13:00, Wed 30 May
National Photographic Archive, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Photo Detectives is a guided tour in the Photographic Archive. Delve into this exhibition that celebrates the work and play of the lively, online community who investigate the NLI’s photographs on Flickr. Who are the Photo Detectives? What do they find out? How does it all work? Join Seán Mulligan, one of the Flickr experts for this tour as he reveals the stories behind the images.
Admission is free.
Irish National War Memorial Gardens – Guided Tour
14:00, Wed 30 May
Irish National War Memorial Gardens, off South Circular Road, Dublin, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
A free guided tour will take place at the National War Memorial at Islandbridge every Wednesday at 14:00 from March until the end of October.
The tour will focus on World War I, in which nearly 50,000 Irish soldiers died. You will also hear about the main features of the gardens at this tour.
Meeting point is the car park at 14:00 (next to the Trinity College Boat Club). For further information and to check that it is taking place, contact 01-6770095 (Phoenix Park Visitor Centre).
Suffragist City Women in Traditional Irish Music
17:30 – 18:30, Wed 30 May
Inchicore Library, 34 Emmet Road, Dublin 8
In Conversation: Rachel Maclean and Jesse Jones
18:00, Wed 30 May
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Fuss on the Bus – Musical Play – Bealtaine
18:30, Wed 30 May
Walkinstown Library, Percy French Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Ó Direáin i mBaile Átha Cliath – Poetry
18:30, Wed 30 May
Pearse Street Library, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Renting and Sharing Space – Talk
18:30, Wed 30 May
Rathmines Library, 157 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6
1918-19 Influenza pandemic in Ireland – Talk
19:00, Wed 30 May
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
The talk “The 1918-19 influenza pandemic in Ireland: medicine, politics and people” with Dr Ida Milne will look at how the 1918-19 influenza pandemic inserted itself into all aspects of Irish society, from politics to family life.
Admission is free.
Documentary Screening “Stories of Water”
19:00, Wed 30 May
Comhlamh, 12 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
“Peru is a country with huge mineral deposits that has based its economic model primarily around the extraction of those minerals. As a result, it is home to some of the largest transnational mining companies in the world. Peru is also one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to the effects of climate change, and has been suffering from an acute water crisis for years. Of the 31 million people living in Peru today, over 3 million lack access to safe water. This documentary produced by the environmental network Red Muqui brings to the fore the human stories at the centre of this fateful paradox. The film provides evidence of the extreme vulnerability of water sources and ecosystems in Peru, showing how the pollution produced by mining impacts not only on the environment but on the lives who live in this ‘mining country’. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session.”
Admission is free.
Dwarf Jar Wednesday Jazz
19:30 – 22:00, Wed 30 May
The Dwarf Jar Cafe, 1 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Dwarf Jar House Trio (Daniel Rorke (sax), Cormac O’Brien (bass) and Matthew Jacobson(drums)) will play a weekly Jazz gig every Wednesday in Dwarf Jar Cafe and they usually have one or more guest musicians or singers supporting them.
Admission is free.
Jesters Open Mic Comedy Night
19:45 – 22:00, Wed 30 May
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Jesters is a weekly open mic comedy event where a lot of comedians do 5 minutes of material.
Admission is free. If you would like to perform then send a message to the Jesters Facebook Page via the link below.
Brand New Switcharoo – Roots Gig
20:00, Wed 30 May
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Dublin Jam Session – Open Jam
20:00 – 23:00, Wed 30 May
Drop Dead Twice, 18/19 Francis Street, Dublin 8
The Dublin Jam Session is an open Jam with full back line. It is open to all levels of musicians and singers and all genres of music and the only rule is that you must jam with others (not all your own band).
It takes place every Wednesday and admission is free.
The Wow Signal Sessions
20:00, Wed 30 May
Bagots Hutton Bar & Restaurant, 6 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7
The Wow Wignal Sessions is a weekly gig night in Bagots Hutton. The line up is usually announced just a few days before on the Facebook Page below.
Admission is free.
Anseo Comedy Club
20:30, Wed 30 May
Anseo, 18 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2
The Zodiac Sessions – Open Mic/Gig
20:30, Wed 30 May
Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2
“The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week.
Forro Wednesday
21:00, Wed 30 May
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Los Paradiso – Gig
21:00, Wed 30 May
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Shipwrecked – Open Mic Night
21:30, Wed 30 May
The Bowery, 196 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
“Shipwrecked” is the name of the Bowery’s Open Mic on Wednesdays.
Each week there will be an array of music, comedy, spoken word and all things in between.
Admission is free.
Trad Session
21:30, Wed 30 May
Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru), 4 Prospect Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 11
Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
Bealtaine Festival “for older people”
09:00, Thu 31 May
Dublin (various locations)
Every May the Bealtaine Festival takes place all over Ireland and it “Celebrates arts and creativity as we age”.
This is a difficult description as everybody ages and therefore the tagline doesn’t make THAT much sense. In essence, the organisers “Age & Opportunity” actually want to address the “older age”. Ok, that helps a little, but not too much either as nobody still really knows what the target age is. In previous years, a guidance of 55+ was given but that has disappeared and in all honesty most 55-60 year olds wouldn’t be close to insulted if they were classified as “older age”. ;-)
So where does that leave us? We don’t know really know!! So I guess if you feel older, this festival is for you and if you don’t, then the festival is not for you. ;-) I hope that explanation helps a little.
There will be many events throughout May and a good few of them are free. The website has a good enough search facility, although I never understand why event organisers subdivide Dublin into four or five “territories”. You can also download the brochure via this page (look for the Download link at the bottom – it is currently disabled, but I will try to get them to enable it next week).
To find events go to the WHAT’S ON page
In “Dublin City” there are approx. 72 events, but as I said, not all are free. Oddly, the events are sorted in reverse order, starting with the 30 May. Talk about confusing “older” users!?
Over the coming 4 weeks, I will include a number of free Bealtaine events in the Dublin Event Guide for Free Events, but I won’t be able to include all events, so please check the Bealtaine website here: www.bealtaine.ie
Grangegorman Military Cemetery – Tour
11:00, Thu 31 May
Grangegorman Cemetery, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7
Every Thursday a free tour of Grangegorman Military Cemetery on Blackhorse Avenue takes place. Meet inside the cemetery gates.
Admission is free and everybody is welcome. Ring 01-6770095 for more information.
Grangegorman Military Cemetery is in Blackhorse Avenue just outside Phoenix Park. It is the largest military cemetery in Ireland. It was first opened in 1876 to serve as a graveyard for the soldiers of what was then Marlborough Barracks, now McKee Barracks, and their families. Specific zones were laid out for English, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian service men. The cemetery’s pedestrian gate is open from 10:00-16:00 seven days a week.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Thu 31 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
The Green Door Market
12:00 – 19:00, Thu 31 May
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
Let’s get Talking Mental Health – Talk
13:00, Thu 31 May
Walkinstown Library, Percy French Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Low priced books with free delivery!
13:00, Thu 31 May
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
Temple Bar Craft Market
14:00 – 20:00, Thu 31 May
Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Craft Market during the week is back and it has moved to Thursdays in 2018. Organised by the Temple Bar Company the market will bring handcrafted jewellery, wood design, handmade soaps, original art, photography, fashion, specialised cards and stained-glass crafts.
The market starts at 14:00 and finishes at 20:00, but is still carrying the totally nonsensical and completely misleading name “Temple Bar NIGHT Market”. I will just ignore this unsuitable and incorrect name and will rename it to “Temple Bar Craft Market”. ;-)
Gin Fusion – Gin Festival
16:00 – 22:00, Thu 31 May
The Bernard Shaw, 12 Richmond Street South, Dublin 8
From Thursday until Sunday of the bank holiday weekend (31 May – 03 June) the Gin Festival “Gin Fusion” will take place in the Bernard Shaw Pub and the Eatyard. There will be tastings, workshops, pop-up markets, classes, cocktail bars, pairings, food, DJs, live music, and more.
Admission is free, but you can pre-buy 10 Euro Eatyard vouchers via the website below.
Jazz Club at Sweetman’s – Gig
18:00 – 20:00, Thu 31 May
J.W. Sweetman’s, 2 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
Little Museum of Dublin – Free Admission
18:00 – 20:00, Thu 31 May
Little Museum of Dublin, 15 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Every Thursday the Little Museum of Dublin waives their admission charges for two guided tours thanks to sponsorship from Guinness. The first tour is at 18:00 and the second tour is at 19:00. Make sure that you are there at least 10 minutes before the start of the tour to get one of the limited places.
The Little Museum of Dublin has a fascinating collection of artefacts from the last 100 years Dublin’s history.
On other days and other times, admission is EUR 10 for adults and admission is by guided tour only.
Evening Tour – National Gallery
18:30 – 19:15, Thu 31 May
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
Explore some of the highlights of the National Gallery exhibitons at this evening tour.
Admission is free. Meet at the Merrion Square information desk.
Glug Dublin – Meet-up
18:30, Thu 31 May
Generator Hostel, Smithfield Square, Dublin 7
Glug is a Meet-up event for photographers, editors, publishers and image experts. The next one takes place on Thursday.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the link below.
Writing and publishing your first book – Talk
18:30, Thu 31 May
Raheny Library, Howth Road, Dublin 5
New to Dublin? Dublin Expats Meeting
19:00, Thu 31 May
Living Room Pub, Cathal Brugha Street (off O’Connell Street), Dublin 1
An expatriate or expat is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship.
And this is a weekly meeting for all Expats in Dublin (new and old!). If you are new to the city, this is an excellent way to meet people.
Admission is free (no booking required!), but you are asked to give the same kind of welcoming to new members as is given to you.
Thursday Night Board Gaming
19:00, Thu 31 May
Ryan’s, 19 Store Street, Dublin 1
Table Quiz Thursday – Grand Social
20:00 – 23:00, Thu 31 May
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Blues HQ – Gig
21:00, Thu 31 May
Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Singer Songwriter Night – Mother Reilly’s
21:00, Thu 31 May
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Every Thursday a Singer Songwriter Night will take place in Mother Reilly’s in Rathmines. This is YOUR chance to show everyone what you can do, alternatively you can just listen to the talented Singer/Songwriters. Admission is free.
Brady’s Fun Pub Quiz
21:30, Thu 31 May
Brady’s Pub, 5 Terenure Place, Terenure, Dublin 6
A Fun Pub Quiz takes place in Brady’s in Terenure on Thurs. The quiz will be on every Thursday night in the Lounge at Brady’s. Keith McLoughlin is the Quiz Master.
There will be six rounds of the quiz with picture questions, audio questions and general knowledge questions. Admission to the quiz is free and therr will be free drink vouchers for the winning and runner up teams. (No phones to get answers allowed.)
International Bar Jazz Night
21:30, Thu 31 May
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday and Thursday the International Bar invites to a Jazz night in the Lounge.
Groups led by Cote Calmet, Sean Maynard Smith, Dominic Mullan, Paddy Groenland, Georgia Cusack & Alex Mathias are performing regularly with occasional guest players, but there are also other bands from all over.
Admission is free, with a suggested donation of EUR 5. The website clearly says that there is no entry fee, but – and that makes a lot of sense – that your donations are very much appreciated (Musicians need to pay for rent and food too!) Be generous after the gig if you liked it, but if someone wants to charge an admission charge, please point out that the “rules” as described on their website are like I have explained.
McLoughlin’s Trad Night
21:30, Thu 31 May
McLoughlin’s Bar, 73 Upper George’s Street, Dun Laoghaire
A weekly Trad Music Night is taking place in McLoughlin’s in Dun Laoghaire. It is an acoustic night and all musicians are welcome. Admission is free.
McNeills Trad Music Pub Sessions
21:30, Thu 31 May
J. McNeills, 140 Capel Street, Dublin 7
Woolshed Karaoke
21:30, Thu 31 May
Woolshed Bar & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
BIMM Dublin Midnight Hour – Gig
23:30, Thu 31 May
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Tall Ships Regatta 2018
09:00, Fri 01 Jun
Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
At some stage on Friday 17 sailing ships (Tall Ships) who all participate in the Tall Ships Regatta 2018 will arrive in Dublin. The Tall Ships Regatta will be in Dublin from Friday until Monday, but don’t expect anything like the huge and wonderful event that we had here in 2012. Also, and VERY regrettably, the Dublin Port River Fest that was on the bank holiday weekend for years is NOT taking place this year.
You will be able to visit SOME of the 17 ships on Saturday and Sunday, but there is no land-based festival. The smaller ships will be in the Grand Canal Dock and the larger ones are on Sir Rogerson’s Quay.
The ships will be arriving from Liverpool and will leave on Monday at 12:30 to sail to the Golf of Biscay.
If you like looking at Tall Ships, this event has something for you. But I have to be honest and admit that I am a bit disappointed that Dublin City did cancel the Riverfest in 2018.
The Story of the Capital – Exhibition in Dublin City Hall
10:00 – 17:15, Fri 01 Jun
City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Dublin City Hall has a museum/exhibition in the basement, called “The Story of the Capital”, it is an exhibition about Dublin’s History and you should definitely check it out at some stage.
To celebrate the Easter Rising Anniversary, admission to that exhibititon was free in 2016, but lucky for us, Dublin City decided to also waive the admission charge for 2018.
Opening hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:15.
National Gallery Talks & Tour
11:30 – 16:50, Fri 01 Jun
National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings every day of the week. Currently there is at least one free tour every day. Check their website for details. Some special events will be listed separately.
Admission to the gallery and to most events is free.
The Green Door Market
12:00 – 19:00, Fri 01 Jun
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
New Voices of Ireland – Meeting Point
12:30 – 20:00, Fri 01 Jun
Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
The Centre for Creative Practices is inviting to “New Voices of Ireland – Meeting Point”.
“On this Get-Together day for Migrant and Culturally Diverse Artists, you will be able to find out about available funding opportunities, explore the benefits of professional mentoring, and learn all the dos and don’ts of running sustainable creative projects and business.”
Admission is free, but there are only 50 places, For booking and for more information, check the Facebook Page below.
Arbour Hill Cemetery Tour
14:00, Fri 01 Jun
Arbour Hill Cemetery, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7
The Cemetery at Arbour Hill is the last resting place of 14 of the leaders of the 1916 Rising. Among those buried there are Pádraig Pearse, James Connolly and Thomas Clarke. This tour every Friday introduce the Cemetery and will also explain the background and the event of the Easter Rising.
Admission is free and no booking necessary. The meeting point is inside the cemetery gates.
Gin Fusion – Gin Festival
16:00 – 22:00, Fri 01 Jun
The Bernard Shaw, 12 Richmond Street South, Dublin 8
From Thursday until Sunday of the bank holiday weekend (31 May – 03 June) the Gin Festival “Gin Fusion” will take place in the Bernard Shaw Pub and the Eatyard. There will be tastings, workshops, pop-up markets, classes, cocktail bars, pairings, food, DJs, live music, and more.
Admission is free, but you can pre-buy 10 Euro Eatyard vouchers via the website below.
The Future of Bionics and the Ethical Issues – Talk
17:00 – 19:00, Fri 01 Jun
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The Science Gallery will present a talk exploring the ethical issues relating to bionics and stem cell research around the world. Researcher Gordon Wallace will speak about his work in the area of nanotechnology and the promise of new medical solutions using stem cells and 3D bioprinting; Susan Dodds (University of New South Wales, Sydney) and David Hoey (Trinity College Dublin) will explore the ethical ramification. The event will be introduced by Simon Mamouney, Deputy Ambassador of the Australian Embassy in Dublin.
Admission is free, but booking is required via the website below.
Howth Tradfest 2018
18:00, Fri 01 Jun
Howth (various locations)
The Howth Tradfest 2018 is happening over the bank holiday weekend and will start on Friday 01 June and continue until Monday 04 June. There will be 20 events in 9 venues in Howth and many gigs are free.
Line-up and schedule can be found on the Facebook Page of the Tradfest and the link is below.
YouBloom Music Festival Gigs
18:00, Fri 01 Jun
Dublin (various locations)
YouBloom is a music festival in Dublin with seminars and talks for people in the music business. It is not free and it looks sold out.
In parallel to the music summit, there is a gig schedule that includes gigs at the Bloom festival in Phoenix Park, but also in four venues in the city centre. The venues are
J.T. Pim’s, 4 South Great George’s St., Dublin 2 Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2 Berlin D2, Dame Lane, Dublin 2 Underground, 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2
and the schedule for Friday is
BERLIN D2: 18:45-19:30 Chasing Felix (IRL) 19:45-20:30 Makings (IRL) 20:45-21:30 Danu5ik (UK) ——- THE UNDERGROUND 20:00-20:30 Birdwoman 20:40-21:15 Thomas Harvey 21:30-22:05 Hello Casanova 22:20-23:00 Heavy Soda —– MERCANTILE MAIN STAGE 19:00-19:45 Where’s Luke? 20:00-20:45 Lutenants 21:00-21:45 Claire Z 22:00-23:00 Carito Plaza —- MERCANTILE OUTDOOR STAGE 18:00-18:50 Katie Gallagher 19:05-19:55 Carito Plaza —- JT PIM’S 19:00-19:30 Tia Burke 19:40-20:10 Preetam Sengupta 20:20-20:50 Rachel Greene 21:00-21:30 Nick Aslam 21:40-22:20 Keith Plunkett 22:20-23:00 Katie Gallagher
Admission to all gigs is free.
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 01 Jun
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15. + Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30. + Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp. + Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 01 Jun
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
Stone Sea / Run in Red – Gig
21:00, Fri 01 Jun
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Gavin Povey and the Fabulous Oke She Moke She Pops
22:00, Fri 01 Jun
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Gavin Povey and The Fabulous Oke She Moke She Pops” will play New Orleans style Piano Rhythm & Blues, Boogie Woogie and Rock’n’ Roll. Gavin Povey has played piano with Van Morrison, Finbar Wright, Kirsty MacColl, Steve Cropper, Shakin’ Stevens and many more.
Admission is free.
McGowans Single Night
22:00, Fri 01 Jun
McGowan’s, 17 Phibsborough Road, Dublin 7
The Bionic Rats – Gig
23:30, Fri 01 Jun
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Dublin Mountains Partnership – Guided Walks
07+10+12+13+26+27 May
Every month the Dublin Mountain Partnership runs free guided walks in the Dublin Mountains often on some Saturdays or Sundays, but also on other days during the month. The walks have varying difficulty and duration and the details can be found on the Dublin Mountain Partnership website: www.dublinmountains.ie/news/upcoming_events/?no_cache=1
The walks in May will happen on 07+10+12+13+26+27 May.
All walks are free, but pre-registration is required (details are on the website).
Not free, but interesting nevertheless:
International Literature Festival Dublin: 19-27 May
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Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. ;-) If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section and I am VERY serious about that!
The GDPR Bloodbath – Companies will die!
If you still don’t know that something Happened on 25 May that affected electronic communications then you you don’t use e-mail or the Internet (and then you won’t get to read this anyway ;-) ) or maybe you have never bought anything on the Internet and have not subscribed to any newsletters (apart from the Dublin Event Guide :-) ).
In an over-hyped panic state many companies and organisations who dod have clear permissions from their customers/subscribers asked ALL their subscribers to re-subscribe. Others who had mailing lists that were decades old and that were populated in ways that would not be compatible with the new GDPR rules had no choice. I got hundreds if e-mails! Initially senders asked me to re-subscribe but then it all changed and they mails were a mere notification of the new GDPR rules.
I had looked into the new regulations well in advance and since everyone who gets the Dublin Event Guide had to request to get added and then had to confirm that they REALLY want to get added, I have clear documentation of the request so I didn’t have to bother you again. But imagine this:
A typical mailing list has an opening rate of 10-40%. That means 10-40% of the recipients open a mail. The rest is too busy right now and plans to open at a later stage (but might never get to it) OR they have lost interest in the information OR they are not actively using that mail account anymore. So if a company has 10,000 subscribers and they did send the GDPR mail “Please confirm your details, otherwise we will have to delete you.” They already lost 6000 – 9000 subscribers the moment they hit the SEND button. Let’s be generous and say they ONLY lost 7000. Now the 3000 remaining people would have confirm that they still want to receive the newsletter. But since all mails arrived on one day and people got annoyed with so many re-subscribe mails. many decided to take the opportunity to get rid of some unwanted newsletters. So where normally maybe 40-50% would have confirmed, I wouldn’t be surprised if on Wednesday and Thursday of this week only about 20-30% actually did subscribe (and that number could still be too optimistic.) Let’s continue with 25%.
So after one e-mail and the introduction of GDPR the company has just 750 people left on their list! From 10,000 to 750 with one e-mail! That is an absolute disaster for a company that depends on online sales or on online promotions to achieve online or offline sales.
The result will be a highly probably loss in sales and revenue and because the company might have lost the “innovateability” that they had when they started originally and also runs on higher costs in comparison to the start-up days, I wouldn’t be surprised if companies will have to close! :-O
An odd and difficult situation. But it is too late now. :-O
Have an event-full weekend and week,
dublineventguide@gmail.com | www.dublineventguide.com | www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide | m.dublineventguide.com
For much needed donations please go to www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm or www.paypal.me/DublinEventGuide or www.gofundme.com/DublinEventGuide
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed to it!!
If you don’t want to receive this mail anymore, just click on the link at the bottom of this mail. It would help me if you told me in an e-mail why you decided to unsubscribe, but that is not a “Must”. If you only want to stop receiving the newsletter temporarily, you can – if you wish – discuss this with me by e-mail so that we find a solution that makes sense to you. If you unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the mail and there is a chance that you – at some stage – want to re-subscribe, please make sure that you keep a mail with the “unsubscribe link” because I will not be able to add you anymore to the list once you have unsubscribed using this link. The only way you can re-subscribe is to follow that specific link and change the settings yourself. This Event Guide (the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”) is an Event Guide with a difference. It covers mostly free events based on the thinking that free events deserve additional support and that non-free events have the money to pay for advertisement. The Guide is a _Guide_ and not just a listing and is therefore at times quite extensive. It is sent for free to anybody who is interested and if you want to be added to the mailing list or know somebody who would like to receive this guide, just send them to www.dublineventguide.com, where they can subscribe. If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via dublineventguide@gmail.com. BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby so your donations are needed: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm . Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible and very welcome, please contact me for more information. Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the long gone fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues. Copyright 2018 by Joerg Steegmueller. ***********************************************