Dublin Event Guide » Blog Archive » Event Guide 157: Street Performance World Championship, Dalkey Book Festival, Bike Week, Dublin Pride Festival

Event Guide 157: Street Performance World Championship, Dalkey Book Festival, Bike Week, Dublin Pride Festival

| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 157
| 18 June 2010 Subscribers: 6743

Hi all!

Another sunny week over! I could get used to that! Let’s hope that it stays dry for the Street Performance World Championship this week, but in that case please consider all the small people when you go to the event in Merrion Square and let them go to the front of the crowd. I expect that the turn out for the Street Performance World Championship will be MASSIVE if the weather stays good and the downside is that all the small people suffer then. Oh, and if you had not planned to go to that event, CHANGE YOUR MIND! It is sooo brilliant that you really and seriously miss out of you don’t go. ;-) Check out the details in the Saturday section.

Another World Championship that is a lot more interesting than many might have expected is the Football/Soccer World Cup. I remember years with many very mediocre games, but this year is a good year it seems. Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, Italy, North Korea, Switzerland have impressed. I know if you are French, British or Spanish your moment hasn’t come yet, but with a bit of luck…. And if not, just adopt another team as your new team! ;-) I guess after last night’s match, many Irish people are now becoming Mexican.!? ;-)
And for the World Cup fans, I found an even better match plan. It is really impressive: www.marca.com/deporte/futbol/mundial/sudafrica-2010/calendario-english.html The only thing to consider is that the starting times are one hour ahead of the Irish Time because the site is Spanish.

Last week’s third anniversary of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) was not overly eventful. A few (very nice) people sent me good wishes, but most of you just ignored it. Hmmmm, do you ignore your friend’s birthdays as well? ;-) Ah well, if you let at least 5 people know about the Event Guide, I shall forgive you once more. :-P

Spread the word and tell your friends that they only need to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com to subscribe. This might help www.perfectresults.info/event_guide_mini_flyers.pdf

The “Feel Good Slot” this week is a bit more reflective. Do you realise the beauty around you? Do you appreciate good things and do you use all your senses when you walk through life? Do you sometimes stop and admire something especially beautiful? Or do you put you head phones on when you “run” through your own little world from one place to another? Read this story: www.snopes.com/music/artists/bell.asp and if you want to read the full (long) article and want to watch the video footage you can find it here www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR2007040401721.html Do you rush through life without realising the nice things around you? Make an effort this weekend to APPRECIATE!

This week Marion K. sent me a donation and I appreciate their support hugely. If you want to support my weekly work too and want to make me smile or just realise that you still have to send this belated Event Guide birthday present, you can donate here: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm

This newsletter is a spare-time activity of mine for which I am not paid. It is not a commercial project and if you like it, you are invited to help with a donation. You can donate as much as you want or can, but if you need some guidance, maybe consider just ONE Euro per month or – to make it more practical – a donation of 12 Euro per year (that is just 25 cent per newsletter). Where else can you get such a vast amount of useful information for just 25 cent. ;-)

You can donate using PayPal or your credit card by following this link to the PayPal donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer money to my bank, just drop me a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.

This Event Guide is sponsored by Esme E, Cliodhna D, Brian L, Padraig S, Kathie S, Orla niF, Jef B, Susanna N, Kate C, Nicola J, Claus Sch, Gordon S, Jeanne M, Fiona O’C, Marta M, Angela C, Isabelle F, Saundra S, Meisoon N, Ruth F, Valerie McN, Estelle O, Aoife M, Mairin M, Fionán O’L, Maeve L, Blaithin O’D, Ciara D, Mike G, Andrej G, Deirdre R, Vanessa O’L, Chris McK, Frank B, Dolores P, Cornelia K, Cathy A, Orla C, Kevin McC, Steph G, Wanda J, Siv M-J, Niamh niS, Gwen H, Jasmin T, Ian O, Eva C, Will P, Gráinne P, Caroline R, Elizabeth F, Suzanne B, Adele G, Jack C, Keeva H, Mairead MacM, Niamh G, Siobhan C, Jackie B, Penny O’D, Kathryn K, Aidan G, Ciara G, Deirdre L, Stephen D, Mary Q, Donald P, Aidan C, Julia Sch, Isak R-B, Sharon O’S, Brajan V, Nancy O’D, Zelie McG, Niamh K, Jennie R, Semin S, Gavin H, David G, Becky B, Emer niB, Niamh N, Esme E, Ciaran H, Louis M, Gerard Ph, Monika E, Mark K, James O’H, Pere SC, Marsha D, Sarah McC, Patrick O’C, Sandra R, Christoph Sch, Deirdre O’B, Ellen C, Eimear O’F, Luna B, Leslie C, Elaine McH, Elva O’G, Deirdre G, Martin O’M, Maeve C, Ciara O’C, Sarah D, Patrick C, John O’R, Brian C, Brian R, Caroline C, Elaina O’N, Eilis C, Sandra R, Geraldine D, Nora W, Rachel M, Renata V, Carine S, Ruairi O’G, Donna D, Clare D, Tuna Y, Lisa S-O’G, Aga G, Anna B, Ian S, Joan W, Brian R, Bear N, Sebastian B, Tina M, Will McA, Siobhan H, Soeren G, Sheila McC, Regina Q, Marc F, Kieran O’C, Alan S, Orla K, Mike G, David N, Atri B, Damian L, Orna McE, Colm K, Grainne+Kieran C, Paul A, Cathy A, Damien McK, Sharon O’S, Malachy B, Eily O’C, Bridin McI, George K, Fergus O’C, Caitriona F, Marie N, Sarah M, Kalle R, Mervyn M, Thomas D, Anna-Lena F, Veronica F, Filippo G, Eimear McG, Marion K and www.stickyfingerstravel.com (The travel guide for parents travelling with their children.), www.flamencoindalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, located at 6 Merrion Square, which supports contemporary Irish artists.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and lo w priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.kravmagaireland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.

All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

______Joerg’s Picks______________

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.

Want to get lean and fit for the summer? – Dublin’s VIP bootcamp can help you shed the excess body fat. With personalised meal plans, home training and with training in Phoenix Park, this is the only place to train. The next 8 week course starts on 30 June.

This weekend, I will have no difficulty to decide what I will do! I should be at Krav Maga training on Saturday and Sunday and under normal circumstances I would have loved to go to the Bike Week Finale in Phoenix Park on Sunday, but the Street Performance World Championship wins over everything and I will become an addict as soon as I have seen the first performance and will be in Merrion Square for he rest of the weekend.
I am sure I will see some of you there! Say Hi if you bump into me. ;-)
Maybe Street Performance is not your thing? Then there is still the Dalkey Book Festival, The Clontarf Village Festival, the Pop Extravaganza in Whelan’s, the Bike Week, the Dublin Pride Festival and a good few more events. So make sure you get out of your house and enjoy the rich cultural offerings! ;-)


My friends and Event Guide supporters from Flamenco Indalo, a group that spends a lot of effort on spreading the word about the art of Flamenco are thinking of all of you again: On Saturday 19 June they are running a 2 hour Flamenco Workshop in Walton’s New School of Music on South Great George’s Street. If you are keen to learn more about flamenco you have to be there from 15:30-17:30. The workshop will teach you all about rhythm (compás), clapping (palmas) and singing (cante) and you will get a better understanding of the complex interplay between flamenco singers, dancers and guitarists. This month, the workshop will focus on Alegrías. (A translation of the lyrics for the particular Alegría studied will be provided.) The fee for the workshop is EUR 25 and you can find all the details and can register here
www.flamencoindalo.com/en/activities/monthly-events/100-june-workshops-and-juerga For the readers of the Event Guide, Flamenco Indalo is making a pair of free tickets available for this Saturday’s event and if you want to win that pair of tickets, you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ALEGRIA in the subject line of the mail and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 18:00 this evening (Fri 18 June) because the workshop is already tomorrow! And if you don’t have time tomorrow, please don’t enter the competition!

Daragh L. told me that he is promoting a new gay club night called “Rock Indie Pop” or RIP in short. He describes “RIP (Rock, Indie, Pop) is Dublin’s newest alternative to the mainstream gay clubs, with an eclectic mix of music, performance art, dancers and drinks promos. The venue is the Button Factory, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Entry is EUR 10 (or 8 for students/unemp.) Doors open at 23.00. Find out more at www.rockindiepop.com” To promote this new event which will take place the first time on Sat 18 June in the Button Factory, Daragh has made 3 pairs of tickets available for a competition here and the lucky winners are Karl C., Edi O. and Ana D. Congrats!

All events in this Competition Section are non-free events, but the organisers are making free tickets available for you to win. I usually get lots of competition entries and unfortunately not everybody can win, so even if you are not the winner, please consider going to an event to support the organisers. :-) If you don’t win, and will go to the event, please help showing the organisers that promoting their event in the Dublin Event Guide is beneficial and mention to them that you heard about the event through “Joerg’s Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”. Thanks!

______Dublin News______________

Halifax is closing 21 of its 44 bank branches today with the remainder to close next Wednesday. If you are/were a Halifax customers and haven’t closed your account yet, you have to take action today! Halifax credit cards will no longer work from today. The bank closure is affecting 50,000 account holder and 50,000 credit card user (there is probably a sizeable overlap). In addition to the customers 750 jobs will go. www.rte.ie/business/2010/0618/bosi.html

From 08-11 July the Temple Bar Summer Event “Summer Sensational” will take place. As always the Temple Bar Cultural Trust have put together an interesting programme that provides entertainment for every age group. Since it is another while until mid July, I won’t give you any details today yet, but you should check one thing out already: LUAS are offering 2,000 free tickets (Adult 1 day all zones ticket valid for unlimited travel on both Red and Green LUAS lines) during The Summer Sensational. These tickets will be issued one per person on a first come, first served basis and will be available to pick up in person at Temple Bar Cultural Trust, 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 from the 17 June. So if you want a ticket make sure you collect it soon. blog.templebar.ie/?p=812

Great other news from Temple Bar as well: The Meeting House Square in Temple Bar will get a retractable roof in 2011. It will be like four big umbrellas that can be opened and closed as needed. The good thing about it is that it will make Meeting House Square a lot more usable even in our at times wet seasons. However, I hope that the Temple Bar Cultural Trust will not just sell the usage rights to the big concert promoters but makes sure that there will still be a good number of free events! blog.templebar.ie/?p=821

At the end of the month there will be a “Picnic with short movies” in the MadArt Gallery in Gardiner Street. The bad news is that the event won’t be free (not even for the Dublin Event Guide Community), but the good news is for short film makers and animators: If you are interested in showing your short films/animations at this event, contact admin@animators.ie TODAY! (The deadline is 18 June.) www.animators.ie


In order to beat an economic downturn not governments can help, but individuals are needed that take the initiative and to create new markets and new opportunities for themselves and for their customers and hopefully employees. The banks don’t help anymore, the government doesn’t want to help, so we have to help ourselves! The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will help you if you have recently started a company and if you could do with spreading the word. I hope being mentioned here and being seen by the 6500+ readers of the Event Guide will kick start something big for you. In return I expect you to tell your clients and friends about the Event Guide and once you have made a nice bit of money, a donation would be very appreciated. ;-) (This offer is for start-ups in relatively early stages only. Established companies can contact me regarding very affordable advertisement options in the Dublin Event Guide.) If you want to promote your start-up/young company here for free, let me know: dublineventguide@gmail.com.

Some vacancies for this slot! If you want to be mentioned, contact me asap!


Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie. For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/exhib-lein/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.

The Yello Gallery invites to an exhibition of twelve new paintings by Hughie O’Donoghue. Showing in Dublin for the first time at a commercial gallery in almost a decade, ‘The Last Days of the Islands’ focuses on the inhabitants of two remote islands off the coast of Mayo. Very few visual records of these islanders remain and, after 1930, the islands became uninhabited when a tragic accident at sea claimed the lives of most of the male population. Working on a small scale, O’Donoghue uses his familiar style of multi-layered surfaces to produce a compelling narrative. He probes at memory, lost, found and inherited and by telling the story of these isolated island folk continues the discovery of his own identity. The exhibition is on show from Thurs 24 June until Thus 15 July in the Yello Gallery, 35 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.yellogallery.net


(Check Saturday for details.)

(Check Saturday for details.)

The Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival will take place from 18-27 June and includes the annual Dublin Pride Parade on Sat 26 June. If you are not sure what LGBTQ means, then there is a good chance that this festival is not perfectly suited got you, but to understand it for the next time, you can find a definition here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT. Some of the free events this weekend are
Sat 14:00: Walking Tour of Historic Gay Dublin, Meet at Central Bank
Sat 15:00: Family afternoon at Outhouse
Sun 11:00: Sports Day, Family Day Picnic, Zoo Day and Pride Sports Awards at the Papal Cross in Phoenix Park
Mon 19:00: Microsoft Ireland hosts an evening of discussion on LGBT diversity in the workplace (in the DCC Civic Offices)
..and the event list continues and continues. There are some non-free events, but many free events as well, so check the programme here www.dublinpride.ie/docs/pride_programme_2010.pdf

The Bike Week 2010 from Sun 13 June – Sun 20 June is continuing for another few days and there are a good few events taking place, all culminating in the main events on Sunday. After my frustration with the website last week, the event organisers contacted me and told me that the problem is fixed and that you now can search for events in, for example, Dublin. Great stuff! That is a big help! So go to dublincycling.ie/events and then select Dublin in the field on the LEFT hand side and then click on APPLY.
And here are some of the events:
+ Fri 18 June: Cycle to Work Day and Grand Canal Square Cycle Jam be on Grand Canal Square between 17:30-20:00 for Music, food, Alcohol-free beer promotions and other entertainment.
+ Sat 19 June: One4all Bikes4work Mobile Info Units will be on hand at the International City Cycle at City Hall to answer any questions employers and employees have about the Cycle to Work scheme. From 14:00-19:30.
+ Sun 20 June: The highlight of the week of bike-related events will be Sunday’s grand finale in Phoenix Park. At the Papal Cross there will be music all day (the type of music is unspecified: “further details coming soon”), Bike Tours in Phoenix Park will be available for free (bikeweek.ie/bike-tours-phoenix-park-grand-finale), BMX Shows, Unicycles, Bike Acrobats, Drumming Workshop, Bicycle Polo, Food stalls and as the final the “Peal in the Park” will be the events between 11:00 and 16:00 on Sunday in Phoenix Park bikeweek.ie/category/tags/phoenix-park

The Irish Museum of Modern Art will run a Seminar entitled “Altered Images & Modes of Practice” on Fri 18 June from 11:00-16:00. Find all the details about this free seminar and book on www.imma.ie/en/page_212238.htm

FOMACS and The Irish Refugee Council are inviting to the launch of “Burden of Proof”, a short animated film on the story of asylum in Ireland. The event will take place on World Refuge Day, which is on Fri 18 June (12:00). It will take place at the European Parliament House, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Admission is free, but you need to book your place with Maeve Burke or Ann Nolan via maeve.burke.fomacs@dit.ie or Tel: 01 4023006. www.fomacs.org or www.pbmailertest.com/template_v2.php?draftid=509

The UCD Earth Sciences Institute is running a series of seminars on most Fridays between March and December. The next lecture will be on Fri 18 June (12:30-14:00):
Dermot Byrne, Eirgrid will talk about ‘Achieving 16% renewables in final consumption by 2020 – the role of the grid’ and Prof. Chen-Ching Liu, UCD will discuss ‘Keeping Future Grid Secure and Smart’.
The event will take place in the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. To find out more about upcoming lectures, contact esi.admin@ucd.ie

Brian Keenan will be in the National Library on Fri 18 June from 13:00 for a Reading and Reflection. Admission is free and booking is not required. In 1986, when teaching in Beirut, Brian Keenan was captured and held hostage for the next four and a half years. Following his release he wrote the bestselling account of his imprisonment, An Evil Cradling, which won many prizes. His second book, Between Extremes, which he co-wrote with fellow hostage John McCarthy, was also a best seller. His other books include Four Quarters of Light a fascinating account of a journey through Artic Alaska, and Turlough a novel based on the life of the Irish harpist, composer and singer Turlough O’Carolan. His memoir about his early life in Belfast I’ll Tell My Ma was published last year. www.nli.ie/en/list/current-events.aspx

Bellajane will be in Tower Records in Wicklow Street for an In-Store Event on Fri 18 June at 13:00. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm

A whole range of rehab organisations around the country help people with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities, people with mental health difficulties, people with autism and people with an acquired brain injury. They help every day of the year and to continue this work the rehab institutes are looking for money. The One Day For Rehab is a fundraising event on (or near) Sun 20 June all over Ireland. In Dun Laoghaire a (non-free) Treasure Hunt will take place on Sunday and already on Friday the Sandymount Community Festival will happen on the Rehab’s Roslyn Park Campus on Beach Road in Sandymount. The community fair will be a great day out for kids and grown-up’s alike. There will be lots of stalls and fun activities for the kids, like races, face painting, food, art, and music. Open from 13:00-19:00. www.1dayforrehab.ie/ – There are a good few more events taking place in Dublin, but the website doesn’t want to help! You can search for events in Dublin by following “Find a 1 day event near you”, but then you can’t click on the events to get more information. Why do event organisers not test their websites. :-S

The Dublin Writer’s Centre on Parnell Square is inviting to a “Student Reading Night” on Fri 18 June from 18:30: “As the Centre winds down for the summer break, we are inviting all students who have participated in courses over the term to come back and share their work. Please come along and hear our students reading. This will be followed by a cheese and wine reception. The event is free and all are welcome, not just students! www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html

* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
* Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3) and every Monday from 19:00 in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15. These are drop in classes, newcomers are welcome. For more information check www.coolspirit.info or www.sahajayoga.ie.
* The Covers play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Carlos Irie. Admission is free.
* “Shake Down” in Pacino’s restaurant, Suffolk Street is a weekly Friday event from 23:00. Live Bands a DJ, Pizza and Cocktails and free admission make this event hugely attractive. Check www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000604976870 to find out which band will be there this week.


Is it the best event in Dublin? Or at least one of the 2-3 best events? No matter what rank you give the Street Performance World Championship, you have to go there! This year it will take place on Sat+ Sun (19+20 June from 12:30-19:30) with warm-ups on Friday (12:00-19:00).
If you have never been at the SPWC, then let me explain it to you briefly: Some of the best international Street Performers, perform their show for approx 45 minutes and you watch. At the end of the show, you are asked to give them money as you would if they perform in the street. The performers are not paid by the organisers, so the money they get from you is the money they earn. There are 11 pitches (areas where performances take place), so there are a large number of performances happening at the same time. If you like a performance, stay! If you don’t like it, you can go to another pitch and see if you like that.
To make sure that you don’t completely get mixed up, I suggest that you print the schedule here spwc.ie/timetables/SPWC%20Dublin%20timetable.pdf Last year loads of booklets were handed out that contained the time table, but the booklet this year definitely underwent some financial cuts and unfortunately doesn’t include this most essential time table.
I don’t know if he has changed his show, but if you want to experience a wonderful heart warming and funny story told by a brilliant clown, make sure that you see Pedro Tochas performance. So if you only have time for one single one, then choose Pedro! That is not to say that the others are not good, but I just loved his show when he was in Dublin 3 years ago.
There are food stalls around as well, so you really can spend the whole weekend in and around Merrion Square …and I will just do that! ;-)
Make sure that you bring plenty of change (the performers prefer the “foldable” type ;-) ) and I am sure you know how to reward the good performers appropriately. Admission to the Street Performance World Championship is free, but you will (or should) spend some money over the weekend.
Oh, yes, there is a competition part! I am not sure how it will be handled this year but in previous years you could vote for the performer that you liked the most. I am not sure that always the best performer won, but in politics and at the Eurovision Song Contest that often happens as well. ;-)
And if you still have no clue what performances you will see, then don’t worry. Expect some juggling, some acrobatics a LOT of laughter and fun, some clowning, some magic and all mixed together it is a brilliant concoction! www.spwc.ie

The first Dalkey Book Festival, which was seemingly only born in April 2010 and is already happening with an impressive programme, is taking place from Fri 18 June until Sun 20 June. There are a number of non-free events and a vast amount of free events. Check this PDF schedule for all free events www.dalkeybookfestival.org/images/book_fest_schedule.pdf or have a look at the fancy on-line brochure for the festival here www.dalkeybookfestival.org/dalkey-book-festival-programme/view.html
Some of the free events are listed below, but make sure that you check the schedule via the link above to see all events.
Fri 18 June:
21:30 Italia ’90 Night – The Club
Re-live the event with highlights of the tournament on the Big Screen.
Sat 19 June:
12:00 Dalkey Through The Ages – Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre
13:00 Bruce Arnold – Writing About Art – Tramyard Gallery
14:00 Gordon Snell – Children’s Storytelling – Library
15:00 Marita Conlon- McKenna – Children’s story telling – Library
Sun 20 June:
12:00 The Atmospheric Railway (Bill Hastings) – Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre
12:30 Brian Keenan & Martina Devlin in conversation with Kate Holmquist – Country Bake
14:30 Ferdia MacAnna & Lia Mills – Memoirs- – New 2 You


(Check Friday for details.)

(Check Friday for details.)

TOY STORY 3 In-Cinema Gaming Events
To celebrate the release of TOY STORY 3 – THE GAME and TOY STORY 3, Disney/Pixar have teamed up with Whizz Kids Summer Camps to find Ireland’s Top Toy Story Gamers. You are invited to join them to experience TOY STORY 3 – THE GAME, before anybody else…and on the big screen! Entry is free but pre-registration is essential. In Dublin the event will take place on Sat 19 June in Movies@Dundrum. If you want to take part go to www.whizzkids.ie for registration and further details including a list of prizes to be won. All entrants must be under 12.

The Point Village Market, will from now on take place every Sat+Sun from 08:30-17:30 and I am mentioning here the last time. From next week you will find it in the Regular Events section. The Point Village Market is next to the Point Depot (a.k.a. The O2) at the final LUAS stop in the Docklands.
There will be 100 stalls at the market every weekend, some permanent some more transient. 30 stalls per week are being designated for the public, 15 of which are for anyone who wants to offload their bric a brac, spring clean their wardrobe or generally de-clutter their living space. The other 15 are being designated for students that hold a valid student card and have made the products that they are selling, these student stalls are free of charge and all of the public stalls are given on a first come first served basis. The regular core stalls encompassing the remaining 70 units will be hand picked by VSC events Ltd. www.vscevents.ie/pointvillage.html

The Spanish Cultural Institute, the Instituto Cervantes, is inviting to the “Día del español / The Spanish Day” on Sat 19 June from 11:00-17:00. The Instituto Cervantes is based in Lincoln House on Lincoln Place, quite near to the “new” entrance of the National Gallery in Dublin 2. Celebrate the Day of Spanish with activities for all ages!
Comics Workshop for children, games, movies, prize draw, Spanish wine and much more. The programme for the day is
11:00-13:00 Competition: Scrabble in Spanish in the Café Literario. Come and play . you can win a cultural trip to Andalusia. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha62432_16_2.htm
13:00-15:00 Giant Scrabble in Spanish. Physics Square Lawn at Trinity College Campus (off College Park) – This is the final of the Scrabble competition.
13:00-15:00 Comics in E: Comics workshop for children. Library dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha63902_16_2.htm
15;30-17:00 Movie in E: “Nocturna, una aventura mágica” (in Spanish with Spanish subtitles). Café Literario dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha65580_16_2.htm
Admission is free to all events. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha64047_16_2.htm

The Dublin Community Growers Butterfly Project is inviting to a Garden Butterfly Workshop on Sat 19 Jun from 12:00-14:00. This Garden Butterfly Workshop aims to provide a practical hands-on experience, and knowledge of the butterflies that coexist with us amongst the urban landscape of Dublin. A talk and demonstration will reveal butterfly life cycle and habits and gardening methods for encouraging and supporting their presence will also be described. The event is aimed at both adults and children. The workshop will take place at the South Circular Road Community Garden, Dublin 8. Admission is free. Thanks to Rob Moss, who founded this project, for telling me about this event! More information can be found here: www.cultivate.ie/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=936:butterflyworkshop

In the “What is…?”-Talk Series, the next talk is discussing the question “What is Installation Art ?”. It will take place on Sat 19 June at 12:00 in the Lecture Room of the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) in Kilmainham Hospital. This talk series provides a general introduction to key concepts and themes in contemporary art. Niamh Ann Kelly, Lecturer in the School of Art, Design & Printing, Dublin Institute of Technology, presents a paper on the subject of Installation Art. To book your place, go to www.imma.ie/en/page_212239.htm

# The Adult Gallery Talk “A Viking Teenager in Dublin” is taking place on Sat 19 June from 12:00-12:30 in the National Museum in Kildare Street. Join Maeve Sikora, Archaeologist at NMI, in a discussion on the recent excavation of a Viking grave in Dublin and the new scientific research which is attempting to find out more about where the early Viking settlers in Ireland came from. No booking required. Places limited to 30 and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=1235

“This is Knit” in the Powerscourt Townhouse will be hosting a WWKIP (World Wide Knit in Public) event in support of the Innocent “Big Knit” campaign 2010 on Sat 19 June from 12:30. Innocent are asking people all over Ireland to knit or crochet a mini hat to decorate the tops of their smoothie bottles. For every hat-topped bottle sold Innocent will donate 25c to Age Action to help keep older people warm this Winter. The event will take place on the First Floor balcony of the Powerscourt Centre where there will be free patterns, free smoothies and free yarn for hat knitting purposes. There will be a prize draw on the day with fruity-coloured yarn, fruity knitting needles and a month’s supply of very fruity smoothies up for grabs! You find the entry form on www.powerscourtcentre.com/news-and-events/world-wide-knit-event-taking-place-in-this-is-knit/ and additional related websites are
www.innocentdrinks.ie/thebigknit/ and www.thisisknit.ie/blog/

The Kids Event “A Puffin Party!” will take place in the Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar on Sat 19 June from 14:00-17:00. And the Gutter Bookshop describes “To celebrate 70 years of children’s books from Puffin we’re having a party! With games and art activities through the afternoon, pop in and make a puffin mask or card, or join us for storytime from one of our favourite Puffin books. All ages welcome, young children should be supervised.” www.gutterbookshop.com

On Sat 19 June from 14:00-evening the Clontarf Village Fun Day is taking place. Launched on Clontarf Promenade (at the bottom of Vernon Avenue) by Dublin’s Mayor Emer Costello. Then the children entertainment will start with three-legged races, bouncy castles and face painting. In addition there will be karate demonstrations, Reptile Zoo shows and Puppet performances by Conor Lambert’s Custard Pie Puppet Company. Throughout the afternoon the Clontarf Village Traders will provide complimentary refreshments at the seafront. Later in the afternoon there will be a Tug of War (pulling a rope) for adults and after that the Irish folk rock band Mutefish will perform in Vernon Avenue. The website of Clontarf Village is here, but oddly the new website will be launched on Sat 19 June instead of launching it BEFORE the event: www.clontarfvillage.ie Someone really has to teach event organisers how to promote events. Last week and this week I nearly lost the will to live when I was TRYING to provide comprehensive information about events.

On Sat 19 June “Popical Island” presents am All-Day Pop Extravaganza in Whelan’s in 25 Wexford Street. The event starts at 14:30 and admission is free. Lots of bands will be part of this event and a full schedule is here:
14:45-15:10: No Monster Club
15:25-15:45: Tieranniesaur
16:00-16:30: Lie-Ins
16:45-17:15: Walpurgis Family
17:30-18:00: Squarehead
18:00-18:45: Break
18:45-19:05: Capital Trid
19:15-19:45: Koalacord
20:00-20:30: Pantone 247
20:45-21:15: Jonny Fun and the …Hesitations
21:30-22:00: Groom
22:15-22:45: I [Heart] the Monster Hero
23:00-23:30: Land Lovers
23:45-00:15: Yeh Deadlies
00:30-01:00: Feed the Bears
The event is the launch party for Popical Island #1, a compilation featuring 15 pop bands. www.facebook.com/event.php?invites&eid=121512904529378

On Sat 19 June from 15:00-17:00 the Alliance Francaise will host an Open Mic event, part of the Let’s French Music Festival. Admission is free, but if you want to perform you will have to pre-register. “After the last year success, students, members and friends of the Alliance Française are all welcome again to come on stage and show off their musical talents! Whether you have a talent for singing, or playing an instrument, whether you are into hip hop, folk, rock, classical or opera this will be your 5 minutes of fame. No stage fright just friends here to support you in the Café des amis to celebrate summer and music. Performance time: 3 to 10 minutes per person / band.”
Registration mandatory at cultural@alliance-francaise.ie. www.lets-french.ie/special/openmic/

On Sat 19 June from 18:00-19:00 a professional cycling race will take place in Dublin City Centre. Ten teams will battle it out on the streets of Dublin. Among them will be the An Post Sean Kelly Cycling Team and teams from Cycling Ulster – Slane Cycles, Munster, Leinster and Connacht, along with five English teams from the main Halfords Tour Series, including the Motorpoint – Marshalls Pasta team of Olympic and World Champion Ed Clancy and the CyclePremier.com – Metaltek team of former World and Commonwealth Games medallist Tony Gibb.
The Halfords Tour Series Dublin will start on Lord Edward Street at 18:00 and lasts minutes The 1.0 km circuit includes Dame Street, Lord Edward Street, Fishamble Street, Lower Exchange Street, Essex Street and Eustace Street. www.dublinsport.ie/?p=329 Warm-up events begin at 14.30. Road closures will operate to facilitate the Race. From 08:00-23:30 on Sat 19th Dame St, Cork Hill, Lord Edward St, Parliament St and Castle St will close. From midday to 22:30 Fishamble St, Exchange St Lower, Exchange St Upr, Essex St West, Essex St East, Eustace St, Sycamore St, Copper Alley and Crane Lane will be closed.

Chat Roulette is one of the oddest form of online socializing. You go to www.chatroulette.com and enable your camera and then you are randomly connected to strangers who could be anywhere in the world and in any state (including many states of undress). You can chat with them or – in most cases – realise that the world is full of odd balls and move on. :-) The Sugar Club in Lesson Street will now be the venue of the first Chat Roulette Party in Dublin on Sat 19 June from 20:00. The compere Heidi Konnt will invite you to participate in a whole range of Chat Roulette activities including Chat Roulette Bingo (www.chatroulettebingo.com), Musical Chat Roulette (as seen here www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHrvpgA9XtI), Costume Chat Roulette (where audience members are invited to dress up and act like guys like this www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRLCaCofqL8). If you can play an instrument bring it with you. If you can sing, bring your voice and if you have a fancy dress costume, bring it along! (Warning: A lot of what you see on Chat Roulette is not for the faint hearted and there will be censorship at the party. So be prepared.) Admission s free. www.thesugarclub.com/what-is-on.html

* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30. The Designer Mart is on winter break and will return from 13 March!
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* The Dublin Food Coop runs a food market every Saturday (09:30-16:30) and Thursday (14:00-20:00) at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Fresh local and artisan produce, mainly organic, and other products for sustainable living are on sale. www.dublinfood.coop
* Meditation through Breathing: Every Saturday from 11:00-12:00 this event will take place in Iveagh Gardens (at the back, near fountains). The event is free of charge, but since it is weather dependent, you are asked to call beforehand to ensure the class is on (087 2045168). Suitable for all. No previous experience required. Wear comfortable warm clothes and bring a yoga mat/light blanket.
* Car Boot Sale in Tallaght – Every Saturday from 09:00-15:00 a car boot sale is taking place at the Victory Centre, Firhouse Road, Tallaght. Ring 086-3394009 / 086-1961815 for more information. www.gumtree.ie/dublin/01/58061901.html
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Saturday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* The Black Sheep play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later Dj Glenn Brown (Dublin Calling). Admission is free.
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with resident DJ Papi Chulo. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing.

______Sunday __________________

(Check Saturday for details.)

(Check Saturday for details.)

(Check Friday for details.)
The final and headline event will take place today in Phoenix Park, so make sure you check the description in the Friday section.

(Check Friday for details.)

On Sunday 20 June from 09:00-15:00 the Harold’s Cross Greyhound Stadium Car Boot Sale will take place on the car park of the stadium (151 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin). Visiting is free. If you want to sell your wares, check www.haroldscrosscarbootsale.com/ for details.

The weekly Children’s Art Cart Workshops at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre is taking place every Sun from 10:30-12:30. Up to 15 children can participate but they must be supervised by an adult. Children 5 years & over. The next workshops are
20 Jun: Cycling in the Park
27 Jun: Deer of the Park
04 Jul: Summer flowers of the Park
11 Jul: Badges to wear

The Crafty Market, which was formerly taking place in the Food Co-op in Dublin 8 has moved closer to the City Centre and is now taking place in in Shebeen Chic on South Great Georges Street on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. The next market will take place on 20 June from 12:00-17:00. Admission is free and there’s live music all day. Expect Art and Crafts, Vintage clothes and bric a brac stalls, live acoustic music upstairs and downstairs ranging from Singer song writers via Trad bands to Jazz. Check out www.thecraftymarket.com

The next Newmarket Brocante, the flea market for 2nd hand furniture – is staking place on Sun 20 June in the market hall of the Dublin Food Co-op. At this event you will find a selection of second-hand, refurbished, antique and hand-crafted stuff for your house and garden. There will be bargains, freebies, café, good wholesome food and chilled out tunes all under the one roof. The market will be open from 11:00-17:00. You can find more information here: www.newmarketbrocante.com

Nearly every Sunday a free “Sunday at Noon” concert is taking place in the Hugh Lane Gallery. From 12:00-13:00 classical music will be performed for free. No booking is required. This week (Sun 20 Jun) Michael McHale (piano) will play Brahms, Ian Wilson and Rachmaninov. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=512

A fun event during the Street Performance World Championship will be a Guinness World Record Attempt fir the most amount of people bouncing on Space Hoppers (that’s the big bouncy ball with “horns”). This attempt is going to happen at Merrion Square, Dublin 2 near the Peppercanister Church at 14:00 on Sun 20 June. If you want to take part you have to register. The first 1,500 people to send an email to worldrecord@spwc.ie will be invited to become part of the World Record. The bouncy ball will be provided, but you will be asked to donate money EUR 2 – 10 for participating. The donations go to Africa Aware a charity that helps AIDS orphans and abandoned children in Malawi. www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=123680067652792

The Sugar Club is inviting to the FIFA World Cup 2010 game Italy vs New Zealand on Sun 20 June. Doors at 14:00. Admission is free.
And later on the same day, the game Brazil vs The Ivory Coast will take place and you can view it int eh Sugar Club with doors opening at 18:00.

The Film Screening of “Ellsworth Kelly: Fragments” will take place on Sun 20 June at 15:00 in the Hugh Lane Gallery at Parnell Square. “This hour-long documentary, elucidates the true complexity of the artist’s work. In following Kelly as he revisits the Paris of his early twenties, the film uncovers early influences that became leitmotifs he would return to, reiterate, refine, and re-work for decades to come.” Admission is free. Early arrival is recommended, as places are limited. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=490

# This week’s “My Museum” Family event is entitled “Music Adventure” and will take place on Sun 20 June from 15:00-16:00 in the National Museum in Collins Barracks. It is for Families with children 5 yrs+ and is a Music workshop with Síle Daly, Musician and Mountaineer, in association with Music Network. No booking required. Places are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=1244

The Sunday Lecture on 20 June at 15:00 in the National Gallery in Clare Street & Merrion Square is: “How Exhibitions help to attract the Local Community” by Lecturer Catherine Bowe, Wexford Arts Centre www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html

The Odeon Bar & Grill (Old Harcourt Street Station, Dublin 2) are inviting all families on Sat+Sun from 12:00-18:00 to a “Matinee Brunch Club”. Good Food, Kids movies (13:00+15:00), major international sporting events on the other big screen plus kids under 3 eat for free are the main attractions of this offer. Upcoming Movies are on 19+20 June: Up; 26+27 June: Monsters Inc. www.odeon.ie/

Free comedy + free ice-cream! The Comedy Crunch is a brilliant free Stand Up comedy which is downstairs in Shebeen Chic, Sth Great Georges Street every week. It starts at 21:00 and the line-up is changing but always impressive. The next Comedy Crunch is on Sun 13 June. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330

* The Temple Bar Book Market is taking place every Sat+Sun on Temple Bar Square from 11:00-18:00.
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Sunday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* Sunday Roast is a weekly event in the Globe in Sth George’s Street from 20:00-01:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes. www.myspace.com/sundayroast1
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* From 21:00 in The Bleeding Horse on Camden Street “The Apollo Sessions” is a free show featuring multiple styles of original music from local and international musicians and songwriters www.myspace.com/thebleedinghorsesessions
* Every Sunday “The Latin Beat” will take place in the Odeon in Harcourt Street from 20:00-02:00. A band will play from 21:00-22:30, a Latin Beat Club, Brazilian DJs and Salsa Classes will be additional features. Admission is free. www.odeon.ie/
* The Burning Effigies are playing afrobeat, jazz, funk and soul every Sunday from 23:00 in Turk’s Head in Parliament Street. www.turkshead.ie
* Gardiner Street Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com
* Ballymun Gospel Choir Mass at 19:00 in Holy Spirit Church, Silloge, Ballymun.

If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.

______Next Week_______________


Some events are top secret! Maybe you and me are really not meant to find out about them? Maybe they are exclusively for the inhabitants of some part of Dublin and “blow-ins” are not welcome? I don’t know if that is the reason for the secrecy around the Dundrum Arts and Cultural Festival, but try to find out about it and you will hit a wall! It is the 27th year (!!) of this festival and possibly the people in Dundrum still write the event notices on parchment/pergament paper? Well, challenges like that are there to be overcome! ;-) So I left no stone unturned, used some tricks and after a long and complicated search, I found this well hidden page www.freewebtown.com/dundrumfestival/events.htm All the events are listed on this page, so have a look! From this event page I gather that the festival will run from Mon 21 June until Sun 27 June with the main days being Sat+Sun 26+27 June.

On Mon 21 June at 18:45 the Irish Film Institute (IFI) invites to the non-free preview of “Gainsbourg”, Joann Sfar’s biopic of the legendary musician Serge Gainsbourg. This screening will be followed by a (free) Gainsbourg Party in the Mezz from 21:00. The most popular hits of Serge Gaisnbourg and his “family”, Brigitte Bardot, Jane Birkin and Charlotte Gainsbourg, will be played all night at the Mezz, a late Bar with music, in Temple Bar. Admission free. More details on

* Every Mon from 20:00-22:00 in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, 78 Grafton Street, the music collective the ‘Lazy Band’ is playing roots, trad and folk songs from Ireland, England, America and anything else they like. Admission is free and the bar serves during the show. Laid-back atmosphere, unplugged and informal. www.myspace.com/thelazyband
* ‘Hugh Cooney Don’t Like Monday’, a cabaret and live visual performance by Hugh Cooney, will take place every Monday night from 20:30 at The Pygmalion, South William Street, Dublin 2 (formerly Ba Mizu in Powerscourt Shopping Centre). Admission free. www.facebook.com/pygmaliondublin
* From 21:00 in the International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street: The Glór Sessions feature acoustic singer-songwriters, comedy, spoken word and poetry hosted by Stephen James Smith. Entry is free. www.stephenjamessmith.com/Glor.html www.facebook.com/TheGlorSessions
* From 21:30 a traditional Irish music session is taking place in Kennedy’s Pub in Drumcondra. Admission is free.
* From 22:00, the front bar of Whelan’s is the venue for the Open Mic event “Acoustic Nightmares Night”, organised by the band The Mighty Stef and some members from The Last Tycoons. This is a free event. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* Upbeat Generation is playing Soul/Funk/Rock Covers in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2 from 22:00. Later: DJ Rasheed. Admission is free.


On Tues 22 June a National Gallery lecture will take place at 10:30. The topic is “Introducing new Italian Paintings to the Collection” by Lecturer Fionnuala Croke, National Gallery of Ireland. www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html.

The Embassy of Brazil in Ireland invites to the seminar “Business Opportunities in Brazil. Real Estate, Commercial Property and Construction Sector.” This whole day seminar will take place on Thurs 24 June 2010 from 09:00- 17:30. You will find out about Residential/Commercial Properties and Investment Opportunities in the Construction Sector in Brazil. Several experts will address attractive real estate and investment opportunities for a target audience composed of developers, investors, financiers from investment banks, private banks, private equity firms, infrastructure funds and construction companies. The venue for the seminar is the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 and you have to register via commercial@brazil.ie if you want to attend the event and via this e-mail address you can find out more about the event too. www.brazil.ie
I am not sure if this seminar comes at the right time to be really successful, but maybe there are a few people left with superfluous money that needs to be invested. :-)

Declan Lynch will be in the National Library in Kildare Street on Tues 22 June from 13:00 for a Reading and Reflection. Admission is free; no booking required. From Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Declan Lynch began his writing career at the age of seventeen with Ireland’s rock’n’roll magazine Hot Press. He now writes for the Sunday Independent. He is the author of the acclaimed novel The Rooms, and of several books of non-fiction including Ireland On Three Million Pounds A Day; Free Money – The Gambler’s Quest; and Days of Heaven – Italia 90 and the Charlton Years. His play Massive Damages was produced by the Passion Machine at the 1997 Dublin Theatre Festival. www.nli.ie/en/list/current-events.aspx

“Professional Practice Under Scrutiny: In the Public Interest?” by Norah Gibbons, Director of Advocacy & Central Services, Barnardos is the public lecture of the UCD School of Applied Social Science (www.ucd.ie/appsocsc) on Tues 22 June at 16:30. The lecture will take place in the UCD Geary Institute Seminar Room and will be followed by a small reception. Everyone is welcome. www.ucd.ie/events/calendar?dt=d.en.57895&f=week&d=25/06/2010&sd=Tuesday,22June2010

* Open Mic Night with The Last Tycoons in O’Donoghues on Suffolk Street every Tueas from 20:00. It’s free and anyone can get up, sing a song or do whatever they like. www.facebook.com/pages/ODonoghues-Open-Mic/71834618844
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
* From 21:30, O’Briens on Dame Street (next to the Mercantile Pub) is the venue for a further Open Mic event of acoustic rock’n’roll organised by the band The Mighty Stef. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2


On Wed 23 June the FIFA World Cup 2010 game Germany vs Ghana will be shown in the Sugar Club in Leeson Street. Admission is free. Doors at 18:00. www.thesugarclub.com/what-is-on.html

The launch of the book “Keys to the Cage: How People Cope with Depression” by Sue Leonard will take place in the Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar on Wed 23 June from 18:30-20:00. Admission is free and everybody is welcome.

Next Wed and Thurs, 23+24 June you can enjoy “Opera in the Open” at Dundrum Town Centre. A lunch time concert takes place on Wed 23 June from 13:00-14:00 and on Thurs 24 June it will be an evening concert from 18:30-19:30. The venue for both concerts is the Bandstand at the Dundrum Town Centre. Four singers will be performing in Dundrum (Mary Flaherty/Liz Ryan/Bryan Hoey/Simon Morgan) and musical director is David Wray. Opera in the Open features as part of the 27th Dundrum Art and Cultural Festival, which takes place from the 21-27 June 2010. www.dundrum.ie/events/opera-in-the-open/

The Spanish Cultural Institute, Instituto Cervantes, is inviting to a film screening. On Wed 23 Jun at 19:00 the film “Azuloscurocasinegro” (2006) by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (in Spanish with English subtitles) will be shown. The Instituto Cervantes is on Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, quite near the National Gallery. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha64378_16_2.htm

* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 17:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. The majority of people there are Spanish or English-speaking, but French, Italians, Polish and Chinese are sometimes coming to and everybody is welcome to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesdays. www.myspace.com/thesongroom
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Wednesday from 21:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
* Seven Deadly Skins are playing Reggae/Ska Covers from 22:00 with DJ Dotsie later. The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Admission is free.


The Summer Programme of the free Babies on Board tours at the National Museum in Collins Barracks has been announced:
+ Thurs 24 June 11:30: “Dress to impress, where fashion and nationalism collide” by Neillí Mulcahy
+ Thurs 29 July 11:30: “Moving statues, the stories behind the Museum’s most famous decorative objects
+ Thurs 26 Aug 11.30: “Women in print, life in 19th Century Japan. A Dubliner’s Collection of Asian Art; the Albert Bender Collection”
All talks are free, buggies welcome, and there’s no need to book as it is first come first serve. The Brambles Café in the National Museum is baby/ breastfeeding and toddler friendly. www.museum.ie

On Thurs 24 June the FIFA World Cup 2010 game Italy vs Slovakia will be shown in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street. Doors are at 14:00 and Admission is free. www.thesugarclub.com/what-is-on.html

“The Beauty Spot at Dakota” is a weekly event that was launched on 13 May. It runs on Thursdays from 19:00-01:00 in the Dakota Bar, 8/9 South William Street, Dublin 2. It is a new night of Fashion, Beauty, Shopping and Drinks in association with Style Nation. “Featuring at the Beauty Spot will be regular beauty tips and advice given by Top Make Up Artists, Hair Stylists, alongside a ‘Pop Up Shop’ hosting vintage & contemporary fashion and accessories. The weekly Beauty Bar will have a different theme and treatments every week. Check out www.stylenation.ie for more info on The Beauty Spot and keep an eye on the twitter pages at www.twitter.com/stylenationshow and www.twitter.com/beautyspotlive

Every Thursday the Odeon Pub in Harcourt Street is running a Classic Movies Club from 20:00. Admission is free. The theme this month is “Dark Comedy” and the films are 24 June: Indian Film Festival Screening ‘Luck by Chance’. For Seat/Table reservations call 478 2088 or mail hello@odeon.iewww.odeon.ie/gallery.html

* Quiz Night in The Lotts Cafe Bar, 9 Lower Liffey St, Dublin 1. Every Thurs a quiz night with great prizes is taking place at 20:00/20:30 depending on football. Participation is free.
* “Thirsty Thursday” Open Mic Night from 21:00 in the Bridge Inn in Chapelizod Village. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bridge-Inn-Chapelizod/350005960758
* The Bionic Rats play live Reggae and Ska every Thursday in Turk’s Head from 22:00. Admission is free. www.turkshead.ie
* The Poor Boys play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Tim. Admission is free.


The UCD Earth Sciences Institute is running a series of seminars on most Fridays between March and December. The next lecture will be on Fri 25 June (12:30-14:00):
Prof. Igor Chvets, TCD will talk about “Wind and Hydro – Spirit of Ireland” The event will take place in the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. To find out more about upcoming lectures, contact esi.admin@ucd.ie

On Fri 25 June the FIFA World Cup 2010 game Brazil vs Portugal will be shown in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street. Doors at 14:00 and Admission is free.
On the same day, a few hours later at 19:00 (Doors at 18:00), the game Spain vs Chile will take place and will be screened in the Sugar Club. Admission is free. www.thesugarclub.com/what-is-on.html


This section contains lots of events this week that happen in the future some of them require free tickets and it is mentioned where this is the case. Put the events in your diary and for the ticketed events hurry to request your tickets:

The X Factor is back, and this year, for the first time ever, the judges open the doors of the Dublin Convention Centre in the Docklands for the auditions. You can be in the 2000 strong live audience when Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole, Louis Walsh and a guest 4th Judge will be in Dublin on 28 June 2010 for two X Factor recordings. Tickets ae free and can be requested by following this link www.applausestore.com/applausestore-book-show.php?id=150&bid=1 You have to be 16 or older and need to bring some ID if you are lucky enough to look young. The two recordings take place at 13:15 and at 16:15 and you can select one of the times and apply for tickets. Most newspapers and event listings haven’t found out about this opportunity yet, so hurry up if you are interested and tell everybody that you found out about it in the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)” :-)

______This is odd!!______________

Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)

Imagine this picture: A company has selected about 70 people for the wider management layer. Out of these 70, they chose 19 to be the core management team that will support the Managing Director. The company is doing ok but despite a positive climate it just doesn’t have the success it should have and the next thing is that the managers are wondering if maybe the Managing Director is the problem. They think about it and listen to other opinions and realise that their Managing Director is good behind the desk, a successful administrator, but just can’t get employees to see him as the flag carrier and – even more critical – customers are so uninspired by him that they don’t buy the company’s product. 11 of the company’s core managers tell the Managing Director that he is the wrong one to make the company successful and because of them saying this, he fires some. With the help of some of the other 70 the managing Director manages to hold on to his job, but JUST about! It was so close that he doesn’t want anybody to know HOW close it was. But what next? Do you think he should trust his 11 formerly close managers again? Or should he not fire them all? And look for new managers? Now, 11 is a lot and the company never really had a lot of good people. I guess one has to ask the question if the 11 can be trusted and at the same time if they can trust their Managing Director. Cause he will look for any opportunity to get rid of them and if they didn’t think he was suitable then why should he now suddenly be suitable?
It seems this company is in trouble, doesn’t it?
Lucky that the company has ABSOLUTELY no similarity with any of the political parties in Ireland! And the events described are a pure (bad) fairy tale. Cause otherwise the unsuitable Managing Director would be lost with his untrustable Managing Team, don’t you think? If you can’t trust your closest, then how can you achieve anything? It all sounds strong and decisive here www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/0618/breaking12.html but keep in mind that nearly half the management team (and if it hadn’t been close we would be told the result of the vote!) yesterday rammed a knife in the back of the “Managing Director”!


Will I see you at the Street Performance World Championship? I HOPE so! :-) Enjoy the weekend!


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Copyright 2010 by Joerg Steegmueller.

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