Event Guide 93: DLR Poetry, Astronomy Lectures, Dublin Flea Market, Science Gallery, French Friday, Festival of Fools, EYP Event
| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 93
| 27 Mar 2009 Subscribers: 3622
Hi all!
Another week over and despite the fact that last weekend Spring started, it is for my liking still MUCH too cold. I am hoping for a warm summer (the word “hot” has escaped my vocabulary since I am living in Ireland ;-) ) and since the winter was exceptionally cool, we might be lucky. ;-) I had a great time on my mini-holiday in Germany – thanks for all the well-wishing mails – and didn’t even get in trouble with Ryanair for bringing LOTS of chocolate and other things back. They just forgot to weigh my hand luggage (which was over the limit!) but weighed EVERYONE’s before and after me. Ok, the security check personnel then was convinced I had explosives in my bag and used some strange swipes to check my bag (if any body has an idea what they are (rectangular card board with brown/beige circles on it that were swiped over my bag as if they tried to scare the ghosts away) please let me know. I am VERY curious!
In recent weeks I had lots of problems with this newsletter being classified as Spam again by some mail service providers. If you didn’t get your Event Guide every week, apologies. I hope you will get it again this week.
I have quite a number of ideas and plans with the Event Guide to make it even better and easier readable, but it would help me to hear from you regarding this. What are the TWO things that you would want improved so that you would enjoy reading it and recommending it even more? Send me a mail with your TWO most wanted changes to dublineventguide@gmail.com and use IMPROVE as Subject of the mail. Thanks for your help!
And please read this: This Event Guide is sponsored by Esme E, Cliodhna D, Brian L, Padraig S, Kathie S, Orla niF, Jef B, Susanna N, Kate C, Nicola J, Claus Sch, Gordon S, Jeanne M, Fiona O’C, Marta M, Angela C, Isabelle F, Saundra S, Meisoon N, Ruth F, Valerie McN, Estelle O, Aoife M, Mairin M, Fionán O’L, Maeve L, Blaithin O’D, Ciara D, Mike G, Andrej G, Deirdre R, Vanessa O’L, Chris McK, Frank B, www.stickyfingerstravel.com (The travel guide for parents travelling with their children.), www.target2020.com (…a training company that focuses on personal and career development.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, located at 6 Merrion Square, which supports contemporary Irish artists.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and low priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.kravmagaireland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
I am grateful for all support, the sponsoring is picking up, but YOUR support is NEEDED too! Going to free events saves you a LOT of money. True? ;-) Knowing about these free events is essential, so that you then can decide if you want to go or not. True? This is at least worth 1 Euro per month, which is just 25 cent per newsletter!? Do you agree? Can I count on your 12 Euro per year? Feel free to give more if you can, but please do seriously consider the 12 Euro.
To contribute go to “http ://tinyurl . com/68dmlq ” and just remove the three Spaces in the web address (I have to write it like this, otherwise Spam Checkers complain about the tinyurl address.) you then can donate using PayPal or your credit card!
Alternatively you can transfer your donation directly to “Joerg Steegmueller, AIB, SortCode 93-36-78, AccountNo 03556043” or send a mail to me (dublineventguide@gmail.com) and we can arrange a different route for your donation. This Event Guide is a hobby project and NOT a commercial enterprise, so I do need donations!
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges or at least appear to be free unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no guarantee for correctness can be given.
______Joerg’s Picks______________
Since this newsletter is getting longer and longer with all the free events available, this section is meant to provide some help in picking and choosing the events I will or would go to. This is not the “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences, so if it helps you I am glad, but feel free to ignore this section completely! :-) All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
Here are my plans for this week:
The Chester English Summer Camp in Santiago de Compostela in Spain is looking for staff for July 2009. Applications are invited for:
– Camp leaders/Sports teachers with competence in youth work (camps, clubs) and skills in specific fields (outdoor pursuits, visual arts, music/drama, etc).
– English teachers with TESL competence.
– Music teacher for musical/choir. Drama-teaching skills a plus.
Please forward your CV + phone no. of 2 referees to info@chestercollege.org with the Subject “Application EVG” by 31 March 2009. Interviews will be held in Dublin on Saturday 04 April 2009. For more information: www.chestercollege.org
On Friday or Saturday I will try to go the final events in Piedescalso before it closes (see Dublin News). On Saturday the OSS Bar Camp sounds interesting, but I don’t think I will be able to make it. But I will go to the Science Gallery to see what they are doing regarding “Crowd Control”. On Sunday I would have LOVED to do the Climbing Trial, but unfortunately I don’t have the time. Maybe another time if there is a repeat of it! In the afternoon I have to go to a rehearsal for the concert with Kevin Doyle (I sing in the backing choir!), but if that wasn’t on my list I would definitely go to the Dublin Flea Market and later to the French Friday. On Tuesday the Neil Strauss Talk and for “green-fingers” the “Get Ireland Growing” event sound very interesting. On Wednesday the Festival of Fools is a must-go event and on Thursday the “Sport, Sweat and Science” event in the Science Gallery sounds extremely interesting. Yes, I admit that I have a secret love affair with the Science Gallery. ;-) The Galileo lecture on Thursday interests me too, but I have to write Event Guide again and might just risk going to the EYP event before I will spend the whole night again writing next week’s issue of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events).
Busy week!!
Kevin Doyle is widely known as Ireland’s best Elvis Presley performer and has filled the Olympia, the National Concert Hall and the Tivoli Theatre many times with The Elvis Presley Story and even the Point Theatre saw a hugely successful and sold-out event a few years ago.
Not turning his back on Elvis, but diversifying slightly, Kevin has recorded an album with well known and popular Hollywood & Broadway songs and will perform now a hugely promising concert in the Olympia Theatre.
The album “Hollywood & Broadway” has been released and is in all good record stores and if you look at the billboards in Dublin you might see Kevin looking down at you (like here www.doylemusic.net) or you might see the concert ad with a theatre/venetian mask announcing the “Hollywood & Broadway” concert in the Olympia on 04 April. Kevin will be on Today FM on 31 March in the Ray Darcy show and more radio appearances are to be expected before the concert on 04 April, listen out for them! Tickets for the concert are on sale here: www.ticketmaster.ie/Doyle-Sings-Hollywood-Broadway-tickets/artist/978937 and you are in with a chance to win one of two pairs that Kevin made available for readers of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). The tickets have a value of EUR 33.60 each and if you want to win a pair, you only have to send an e-mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with DOYLE in the subject line and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 17:00 on Mon 30 March. www.doylemusic.net and www.mcd.ie/home/fn.php?c=5494324&ar=kevindoyle
Quadruple Platinum Selling “Eskimo Joe” will be in Ireland in the beginning of April and the organisers of their concert in Whelan’s have made a pair of tickets available for a lucky Event Guide subscriber. Their first UK tour was sold out in no time in December 2008, concerts in Amsterdam and Hamburg this month were sold out and now this Australian favourite is coming back to Dublin for a single concert. “The April tour is set to be a precursor to the release of a new album and will feature material from the bands highly anticipated new single (out on 06 April) and album, which both promise to show the bands new musical direction. Eskimo Joe will be showcasing their unique blend of brooding new wave tunes this April and reinforcing comparisons to classic bands like Coldplay, U2 and Snow Patrol. Catch this stadium band in venues this size for the last time while you can.”
Tickets (EUR 16) are available on www.ticketmaster.ie/event/1800417A9B984159 for their Whelan’s gig on Thurs 09 April. But with some luck you can win a pair of tickets here with the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). All you have to do is send an e-mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ESKIMO JOE in the subject line and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 17:00 on Mon 06 April. www.youtube.com/eskimojoemusic and www.eskimojoe.net
All events in this Competition Section are non-free events, but the organisers are making free tickets available for you to win. I usually get lots of competition entries and unfortunately not everybody can win, so even if you are not the winner, please consider going to an event to support the organisers. :-) If you don’t win, and will go to the event, please help showing the organisers that promoting their event in the Dublin Event Guide is beneficial and mention to them that you heard about the event through “Joerg’s Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”. Thanks!
______Dublin News______________
Many of you probably know the little, cute art café at the corner of Thomas Street and Francis Street in Dublin 8. Piedescalso regularly had art exhibitions and live music and theatre events and on top of that they had delicious food. Unfortunately there are bad news! Rumours have it that the landlord was very uncooperative and the end result was that Piedescalso couldn’t continue in this location and is now closing. It all went quite fast and the closing date is already this weekend: Saturday will be the last day of the cute art café Piedescalso. :-( Now it wouldn’t be Piedescalso’s style just to quietly close the door, so instead there is more events and if you are in the area or were ever before in this café you should try to make it to one of the two last events.
Today (Fri 27 March) Stefano Sciavocampo (Poetry) & Alberto Gariglio (piano) will perform from 18:00-20:00 and tomorrow (Sat 28 March) Piedescalso will go with a BANG: From 18:00 until late a big party will be thrown and it is your last chance to enjoy the place.
The EIL Global Awareness Programme seeks to raise awareness of the
HIV/AIDS problem in Africa here in Ireland an to this FOUR partial travel awards are available to Irish participants who will spend 8 weeks fact finding as volunteers in key HIV/AIDS projects in Nigeria or South Africa. On their return to Ireland the volunteers will commit to tell the stories of the people they worked with and will highlight their experience of the HIV/AIDS problem in Africa. This could take the form of writing newspaper articles, giving talks, lobbying politicians or hosting workshops – the more creative the idea the better! The goal is to see global justice and the need for action on the HIV/AIDS problem in Africa reach the top of the Irish agenda. Further details are available:
www.eilireland.org/travel-awards/global-awareness-programme and
on 1850 29 29 39. The applications have to be submitted by 03 April, so don’t procrastinate on this! Thanks to Daire H. for alerting me to this!
Now in its fourth year, Dublin: One City, One Book is a project designed to encourage everyone in the city to read the same book during the month of April each year. The chosen book for the 2009 Dublin: One City, One Book is Dracula by Irish author Bram Stoker. www.dublinonecityonebook.ie Throughout April a vast amount of events will take place in connection with the One City, One Book idea and you can find all events (most of them are free) here: www.dublinonecityonebook.ie/calendar (go to APRIL). There are so many events that I will not list all of them but have to ask you to check the website yourself.
A few weeks ago I suggested/invited everybody on the distribution list who has recently started a company – out of need or because they saw this great opportunity -, to send me some information about their venture and I promised to let everybody in the Dublin Event Guide Community know. I got a good few replies and am still open to receive more.
I am still keeping that section open and if you have something you want to share, please let me know, but please note that it is for start-ups in relatively early stages, not for established companies/enterprises. If you are established and you want to reach the readers of this Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events), you can talk to me about (very inexpensive) advertisement options.
‘Camera Obscura’ is the exhibition by 1st year MA students studying at NCAD that will open at the Lighthouse Cinema on Smithfield Square. The show will feature work by Artist 2426, Catherine Barragry, Paula Barrett, Owen Boss, Adam Burthom, Sylvia Hemingway, Gareth Jenkins, Lisa Marie Johnson, Tony Kenny, Michael Lyons, Kathryn Maguire, Colin Martin, Eileen Mills, Aishling Muller, Deidre Noonan, Maria O’Brien, Tom O’Dea, Marie Louise O’Dwyer, Sean O’Dwyer, Laragh Pittman, Ane Sagatun, Ciara Scanlan and Daryl Slein. It runs from 26 Mar – 06 April.
www.cameraobscura.ie www.ncad.ie www.lighthousecinema.ie
‘FLOCK’ is the exhibition by 3rd year Fine Art students from DIT at Broadstone XL on Dominick Street. The show will run from 26 to 28 March 2009 from 12:00-18:00. (Gallery Details: Broadstone Studios, Hendrion Building, 30-40 Upper Dominick Street, Dublin 7, www.broadstonestudios.com, Open: 10:00-20:00 every day)
‘Fotografias’, an exhibition of small-scale monochrome photographs by Zurich-based artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss opened on 26 March 2009 and will continue until 6 May 2009.
Gallery talks will take place on 15 and 29 April 2009 at 13:15 by Barry White, who will discuss ‘Humour in the work of Fischli / Weiss’, and Sheena Malone, who will explore the relevance of ‘Found images in the work of Fischli / Weiss’. (Gallery Details: Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin 2, www.douglashydegallery.com , Open: Mon-Fri: 11:00-18:00, Thurs: 11:00-19:00, Sat: 11:00-16:45)
An exhibition of painting by Guggi will be on show from 26 March – 25 April in the Kerlin Gallery. (Gallery Details: Kerlin Gallery, Anne’s Lane, South Anne Street, Dublin 2, www.kerlin.ie, Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-17:45, Sat 11:00-16:30)
‘Wayfaring’ is an exhibition of work by Aoife Cassidy, Mary A. Fitzgerald, Frances Jung, Ida Mitrani, Jason Rouse and Stephanie Rowe. It will be on show from 27 March to 25 April 2009. (Gallery Detail: Stone Gallery, 70 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, www.stonegallery.ie, Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-17:30, Thurs 10:0-19:00, Sat 11:00-17:30)
‘One year, six months, two weeks and four days ago’ is an exhibition of photographic and film work by Gerard Byrne. The show will run from 25 March – 25 April 2009.
(Gallery Details: Green On Red Gallery, 26-28 Lombard St. East, Dublin 2, www.greenonredgallery.com, Open: Mon- Fri 10:00 – 18:00, Sat 11.00 – 17.00)
Paintings and sculpture by Robert Motherwell, Gerhard Richter, Martin Kippenberger, Arman, Larry Poons, Joan Mitchell, Victor Pasmore, Hermann Nitsch, Sidney Nolan, Markus Lupertz, Terry Frost, Bernar Venet, Anthony Caro, Jean-Paul Riopelle, John Hoyland, William Hussem and others will be on show from 26 March – 08 May. (Gallery Details: Hillsboro Fine Art, 49 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1, www.hillsborofineart.com, Open: Mon-Fri: 10.30-18:00, Sat: 10.30-16:00)
‘No Direction’, an exhibition of photographs by Anthony Byrne will be on show in The Back Loft from 27 to 30 March 2009. (Gallery Details: Back Loft, 7/11 Augustine Street, Dublin 8, www.lacatedralstudios.org and www.thebackloft.blogspot.com)
An Post’s ‘C Both Sides: An Exhibition in Postcards’ is an exhibition of postcards created by people from all over Ireland made during 2008 for a postcard project that aimed to explore people’s experience of the country during the last year. The exhibition will be opened on Mon 30 March 2009 at 18:00 at Dublin Civic Offices, Wood Quay, by travel writer and broadcaster Manchán Magan. The exhibition will be on show until 9 April 2009.www.anpostcbothsides.ie
‘This Must be the Place’ is an exhibition of new work by ten artist–led collectives at The Irish Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition will open on Fri 27 March 2009 at 18:30. features work by members of Art/Not Art, Jeco Sword, MART, Pallas Contemporary Projects, Monster Truck Gallery & Studios, Mongrel Foundation, G126, Blackletter, Hope Inherent and The Good Hatchery. The exhibition is open from 12:00-18:00 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until 19 April 2009.
‘Bog 50×70’ is an exhibition by members of the Leinster Printmaking Studio and invited printmakers. The show will run from 27 March-09 April.
www.leinsterprint.com (Gallery Details: The Factory Space, 100 Capel Street, Dublin 1, www.thefactoryspace.ie, Open: Tues- Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat 12:00-17:00)
This annual event has been running since it first started in UCD in 2002, ISTO sees approx 400 competitors from across the UK and Ireland compete in individual trampoline, synchronized trampoline and tumbling events during the weekend. The event will take place from Fri 27 March until Sun 29 March in the UCD Sports Hall. www.isto.ie
UCD School of Education and Lifelong Learning presents a lecture by Professor Sheelagh Drudy entitled “Education and the Knowledge Economy: A Challenge for Ireland in Changing Times” as part of UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland’s Seminar Series, Culture, Society and Change. The lecture is taking palce on Fri 27 March in the UCD Humanities Institute, Belfield at 13:10. For more information contact 01-716 4690 or hii@ucd.ie
From 20 Feb 2009 to 1 May 2009 the Department of Music in TCD is running a series of public lectures on Irish Traditional Music. The background, forms instruments, practices and aesthetics of Traditional music in Ireland will be explored. The event is taking place from 11:00-13:00 in the Boydell Recital Room, Music Department, House 5, College. Further details from Gráinne at musicsec@tcd.ie or 8961120.
The Priests will be signing copies of their new DVD, ‘The Priests: In Concert At Armagh Cathedral’ at hmv Grafton Street on Friday 27 March at 12:30.
The UCD Earth Systems Institute is inviting to a weekly seminar about climate change. The next public lecture will take place on Fri 27 Mar from 12:30-13:30 in The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. The topic is “Food versus fuels: an Irish perspective” by Dr. Kevin McDonnell, UCD School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine. An overview over the whole seminar programme until June 2009 including links to abstracts is here www.ucd.ie/earth.
From Thurs 26 Mar until Sun 29 Mar Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown will organise and host the DLR Poetry Now Festival 2009. Now in its 14th year, this literary and poetry festival brings together poets of many nationalities and many styles, many languages and many concerns. A variety of readings, discussions and workshops will take place and the majority of them are not free. In fact some appear surprisingly expensive (Example: an author reading with three authors for EUR 20), but maybe that is just my perception. There are, however, a few free events as well and I will list them all here:
* Fri 27 Mar: 13:30 Contemporary Irish Poetry: Between Old and New Worlds –
Panel Discussion
* Sat 28 Mar: 14:00: The Irish Times – Poetry Now Award Announcement
For all free events booking is essential. The festival is taking place in the Pavilion Theatre in Dun Laoghaire. For further information about the free and/or non-free events and to find out all the relevant booking information, please go to www.poetrynow.ie or download the brochure directly www.poetrynow.ie/Brochure09.pdf
On Friday 27 March, Torc will be in Tower Records in Wicklow Street from 17:00. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm
A lecture by the Irish Astronomy Society entitled “Pluto and Planets X: Is Pluto a Planet? And Why Does It Matter?” by Br Guy Consolmagno (Vatican Observatory) will take place in the Dunsink Observatory, Castleknock, Dublin 15 on Fri 27 March at 19:00 (Please be there for 18:45.) Less than 15 years ago, the first “trans-Neptunian Object” besides Pluto was discovered. Within the past five years, a rush of new discoveries have revealed a number of bodies whose size rivals that of Pluto. What are these objects? Where did they come from, and what can they tell us about the origin and evolution of the solar system? How are these objects found, and why they only being discovered now? Finally, are they indeed new planets? Who gets to say, and how is this determined? What did the IAU finally decide, and how was that decision reached? Observing these objects, and observing their observers, is a revealing story in both the science and politics of planetary astronomy. Please note: You need a ticket to attend this event and it is already this evening, so maybe you won’t be able to get one, but you should try by contacting Deirdre Kelleghan on skysketcher@gmail.com for a ticket. homepage.eircom.net/~irishas/misc/iya.htm
The next Worldview Film Club screening is on Fri 27 Mar at 18:30. The film is “The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soldiers” and the theme of the discussion afterwards is TBA. Check worldview.project.googlepages .com/invitation (Googlepages URLs are suspicious to some spam filters, therefore you have to copy the address in your browser and then remove the space between “googlepages” and “.com”) or check www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27560436112
The Worldview Film Club is inspired by the Bahá’í Religion: www.bahai.ie. The event takes place in the National Bahá’í Centre, 24 Burlington Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
* Sahaja Meditation program every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street (bell 3, next to the IFI), Temple Bar. For more information contact Seamus on SHarten@upc.ie www.templebar.ie/home_ns_9_action_view_nid_229.html
Jamie H. informs me about this event: OSS Bar Camp is a free meeting with presentations and discussions about Linux, Ubuntu, PHP, Javascript, and related Open Source Technologies. There are three streams of talks so there will be items of interest for anyone involved in IT, Business, Education, Government and everyone wanting to learn more about Free Software. The event is on at DIT Kevin Street on Saturday 28 March from 09:30. www.ossbarcamp.com you can sign up there or just come along for part or all of the day.
And another event Jamie H. told me about: Geek Girl Day is a free event to celebrate all things girly and geeky. You don’t have to be a developer or sysadmin, it’s for women who have any interest in technology. The day is going to be very informal.
There are two rooms set aside for the day. If you want to do a talk, or hold a discussion group, it’s your day, you decide. Geek Girl Day is being held at DIT Kevin Street on Saturday 28 March. Find out more at www.girlgeekday.com/.
The new programme in the Science Gallery in the Naughton Institute of Trinity College (Pearse Street/Westmoreland Street end of the Trinity College campus) looks at crowds and crowd control. The exhibition/research runs from Tues 24 March until Sun 29 March (Tues-Fri 12:00-20:00 and Sat-Sun 12:00-18:00) and you can find more information here www.sciencegallery.com/metropolis
On 28 March from 09:30-15:30 Dublin City Library & Archive, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 will hold a Family History Day. The programme for the day is
09:30 Registration
10:00 ‘Know your Surname’ Seán Murphy UCD
10:45 ‘The New Dublin Freeman and Trade Guild Database’ John Grenham M.A.P.G.I.
11:30 Tea / Coffee
12:00 ‘Searching for the Stoker Family’ Douglas Appleyard
12:45 Lunch (not provided)
14:00 ‘Can I Trace Emigrants?’ Paul Gorry M.A.P.G.I.
14:45 ‘Ireland’s Court Records – What Survived 1922?’ Steven Smyrl M.A.P.G.I.
15:30 Finish
All welcome but booking is essential via 01-674 4873 or dublinpubliclibraries@dublincity.ie
Baby Chill Zone from Clap Handies will be available in the Shopping Centre the last Saturday of every month. The Baby Chill Zone, which is especially for babies from “zero to crawling”, will provide a resource for both you and your baby to take a break from the buggy and stretch your legs, with sensory equipment, activities and fully-trained staff from Clap Handies to ensure an interactive and engaging session for you and your baby. Baby Chill Zones commenced on 7th February 2009 on Level 3, adjacent to House of Fraser, and will take place on the last Saturday of each month going forward; the next Baby Chill Zone will take place on Saturday 28th March and Saturday 25th April. www.dundrum.ie/happening.asp?nid=699
* Gallery Talk: “Franciscan Faith: sacred Art in Ireland 1600-1750” on Sat 28 Mar from 12:00 in Collins Barrack (in Franciscan Silver section). Talk by Michael Kenny, NMI.www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=296
Nearly every Saturday from 15:00-16:00 a National Gallery Family Programme will provide an opportunity for adults and children to enjoy the excitement of learning about the arts through a wide range of free Gallery-based activities including exploring storytelling, music, art, poetry and drama. The topic of this week’s event is “Beware! Pirates on the Horizon” with Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. The programme takes place in the Baroque Gallery and is suitable for children from 4-10 years.
* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Temple Bar Food Market on Meeting House Square and – on a long break until 14 March – the Temple Bar Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* The Dublin Food Coop runs a food market every Saturday (09:30-16:30) and Thursday (14:00-20:00) at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Fresh local and artisan produce, mainly organic, and other products for sustainable living are on sale. www.dublinfood.coop
* Enda Reilly (Acoustic/Rock/Trad – www.myspace.com/endaderoad) is playing from 19:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. Fiach (Acoustic/Rock/Soul – www.myspace.com/fiachmusic) is playing there from 21:00. Admission is free.
* Island of Tranquility – A meditation evening organised by the Worldview Project at 19:00. worldview.project.googlepages .com/invitationtotheislandoftranquality (Pls remove the space before the “.com” in the web address.) is taking place in 24 Burlington Road near the Burlington Hotel in Dublin 4.
* La Vie Latin Club – ObsessionSalsa are running this event every Sat in La Vie, 1-5 Exchequer Street from 22:00. Entrance is free. Best latin tunes, salsa, reggeaton, meringue, bachata will be played. www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=33256271269
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with resident DJ Papi Chulo. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing.
______Sunday __________________
On Sunday morning (29 March) the Summer Time has started. This means you have to set your clocks and watches one hour ahead of winter time. Don’t forget it!
You have to register for this event, so I am mentioning it in this section first: Nathan Kingerlee is inviting to a free rock climbing trial at the end of the month and since you might schedule it in etc, I am mentioning it a bit earlier. During a two-hour session in Dalkey Quarry (South of Dun Laoghaire) you will learn to use climbing gear, tie knots, belay and try climbing techniques as well as being given information about an upcoming two-day Rock Climbing Courses and Scrambling Courses. All equipment will be provided. The event will take place on Sun 29 March and two hour sessions are available at 09:00-11:00, 11:00-13:00, 13:00-15:00, 15:00-17:00 and 17:00-19:00. outdoorsireland.blogspot.com/2009/02/free-rock-climbing-promo.html
Until December 2009 an impressive programme of workshops for children will be provided in Phoenix Park every Sunday from 10:30-12:30. Participation is free. The max number is 20 and the workshops are suitable for ages 5+ (Parental supervision required.) The children’s workshops combine art, nature awareness, history and heritage and are taking place at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre.
Next Workshops:
* 29 Mar – Medieval Life includes visit to Ashtown Castle
Bookings & Further Info: 01 6770095 or phoenixparkvisitorcentre@opw.ie
The next Dublin Flea Market this year is taking place in the Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun 29 Mar from 11:00-17:00. “It promises to be another eclectic mix of funky second hand wares. There is something for all the family whether it’s an old-school chopper bicycle, a retro lamp, a handmade card, quirky gift or a second-hand jacket, you can find it and afford it at The Flea Market!” The flea market will take place very last Sunday of the month. For more information check out www.dublinflea.blogspot.com. If you have items to sell contact dublinflea@gmail.com to find out if there is space available etc. The Coop hall is wheelchair accessible and lots of free parking spaces are right outside the door. And if you have a quirky selection of odds and ends hidden away in your attic and fancy taking a stall at a future market contact them at dublinflea@gmail.com
Every Sunday a free “Sunday at Noon” concert is taking place. Until recently that concert always took place in the Hugh Lane Gallery on Parnell Square but it has now been moved to City Hall for a while. From 12:00-13:00 classical music will be performed for you. No booking is required. The next concert takes place on Sun 29 March: The Vienna Mozart Trio is playing Mozart Piano Trio no.4 and Dvorák Piano Trio in E minor. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=271
* A free themed Family Tour is taking place in Collins Barracks on Sun 28 Mar. Unfortunately the starting time is not specified, so I suggest that you ring the museum to find out: 01-6777444. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=297
“Sunday Sketching”, the weekly workshop in Hugh Lane Gallery (Parnell Square) for 7+ year olds from 15:00-16:00 is this week entitled “Abstract jigsaw” inspired by Sean Scully. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=226
The next ‘French Friday – on Sunday’, a party for all French and Francophiles, is on 29 March in the Bia Bar, 28/30 Lower Stephens Street, Dublin 2. The evening starts at 20:00 and includes a Pub Quiz with food and drinks prizes. french-friday.com
*The Mary Stokes Band (Blues) from 18:30 in Bruxelles near Grafton Street and near the Westbury Hotel. I listened to them a few times and they are brilliant! It is not clear to me if the band is currently playing every two weeks or only once a month. I will try to find out.
*Jazz in The George in George’s Street from 16:30-18:00: Jazz Band Zrazy.
*Sunday Roast is the event in Thomas Reads “The Oak” in Dame Street/Parliament Street every Sunday from 21:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes.
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* The Tangenteers (Rock/Reggae) are playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. Francois G reported that this 18:00 performance is not taking place. I am trying to find out more.
Ro Byrne (Acoustic/Rock/Indie – www.myspace.com/earthquakehair) is playing there from 21:00. Admission is free.
* The Brazilian Samba Rock Band +55 is playing every Sunday at the Odeon in Harcourt Street from 20:00-22:00, followed by a DJ playing Forro, Axe, and a mixture of Brazilian rhythms and salsa beats. Admission is free before 21:00 and EUR 5 after that.
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Sunday from 21:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* Gardiner Street Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com
* Ballymun Gospel Choir Mass at 19:00 in Virgin Mary Church, Shangan Road, Ballymun.
If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.
______Next Week_______________
“Karl Rahner: Theologian for the 21st century?” is the title of a conference about the enduring significance of Karl Rahner SJ on the 25th anniversary of his death.
The conference starts on Mon 30 March at 09:30 and the programme is
* Dr Declan Marmion SM, Milltown Institute of Philosophy & Theology: “The theological legacy of Karl Rahner”
* Dr Fáinche Ryan, Mater Dei: “Incomprehensible mystery: Rahner and Aquinas on God”
* Dr Pádraic Conway, UCD: “Rahner and Newman: men of letters”
* Dr Jim Corkery SJ, Milltown Institute of Philosophy & Theology: “Rahner and Ratzinger: a complex relationship”
Respondent: Prof Linda Hogan, Irish School of Ecumenics
The event will take place in Newman House, 85-86 St Stephen’s Green and is organised by the UCD International Centre for Newman Studies
I couldn’t find a confirmation if the event is free, so you should ring 01 716 1663 and see if Dr Pádraic Conway can help you further.
A planned teacher strike is called off, if I understand it right, but it seems the student protest will go ahead: The UCD Student Union declared a “One Day Education Shut Down Against Fees – As voted for by the Students of UCD” on Mon 30 March. “The shutdown will consist of a student strike and activities on campus against fees.” The event will commence at the Lake in UCD at 13:00. www.indymedia.ie/article/91596
The DIT Conservatory of Music is providing Jazz Recitals at your lunchtime. The final concert takes place on 30 March and features Cian Boylan (Piano), Hugh Buckley (Guitar), Damian Evans (Double Bass)
All recitals will take place in the Theatre in DIT Conservatory Music and Drama, 163-7 Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 from 13:10-13:50. Admission is free.
“The Recession Ends Here” is a business seminar hosted by Brad Sugars (multi millionaire author and Founder and CEO of ActionCoach Business Coaching) The event will take place in the Radisson St. Helen’s Hotel off the Stillorgan Dual Carriageway and it is free. It will go from 17:00-20:00 and I expect that it is a sales event with a more or less heavy push to sell the business coaching service of this company. www.Actioncoachireland.com
On Monday 30 March from 17:00-20:00 a solidarity vigil, organised by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign will tak place at the Israeli Embassy in Northumberland Road at the junction with Pembroke Road from 17:00-20:00. “Protest Vigil against the destruction of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem and settlement expansion on the West Bank on Palestinian Land Day, known as ‘Youm al-Ard’ in Arabic, which commemorates the bloody killing of six Palestinians in the Galilee on March 30, 1976 by Israeli troops during peaceful protests over the confiscation of Palestinian lands.”
* From 21:30 in the International Bar, Wicklow Street: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Jacqueline Tuck. Entry is free. The music styles vary from pop to folk to traditional. www.myspace.com/jacquelinetuck
* From 21:30 a traditional Irish music session is taking place in Kennedy’s Pub in Drumcondra. Admission is free.
Next Tuesday (31 March) at 13:00, Neil Strauss will be speaking at s TCD Philosophical Society event. Strauss is an author, journalist and ghost writer, known for his best-selling book “The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists.” He also regularly writes for the New York Times and is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone Magazine. In his acclaimed book, The Game, Strauss tells the tale of his two year transformation from AFC “average frustrated chump” into legendary pickup artist Style. The book made a month-long appearance in the New York Times bestsellers list and reached number 1 position on Amazon.com immediately after its release in the US.
Please note: This event is not completely free, but a 4 year membership with admission to virtually all events is only 6 Euro for the complete 4 years, so with just EUR 1.25 per year, I think it qualifies to be listed here. :-) The Philosophical Society runs several events each week and often they are open, free, gratis. However if there is large demand they will give members priority and will ask for membership cards, The membership cards can be bought at each event for EUR 6 for a 4 year membership. This year saw Pete Doherty, Naomi Campbell, The Cranberries,
John C. Reilly, John McGinley and many others speak. You don’t have to be a
Trinity student to become a member! www.tcdphil.com Thanks to Daire H for letting me know.
A Public Meeting on How to Grow Your Own Food “Get Ireland Growing” is taking place on Tues 31 March from 19:30 at Cultivate, 15-19 Essex St West, Temple Bar, Dublin. Admission is free. The evening starts with a Preview Screening of “Deconstructing Dinner” at 19:30 and is followed by contributions from
* Trevor Sargent TD, Minister for food
* Seamus Sheridan – Sheridans Cheesemongers
* Suzie Cahn – Wicklow Community Garden
* Bruce Darrel – Dublin Food Growing/Feasta
* Michael Fox – South Dublin Allotments Association
For more details check www.cultivate.ie and (in future) www.getgrowing.ie
Prof. Stanley Aronowitz is Professor of Sociology and Urban Education at the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York. He has written extensively on labour, social class, social movements, education, and cultural studies. In his most recent publication, ‘Against Schooling: For an Education that Matters’, Aronowitz argues for a critical education that would refigure learners as global citizens who would challenge the inequalities endemic in contemporary social systems. At UCD, Aronowitz will discuss the need for a critical education in the context of the current crisis of capitalism, reflecting upon the role of higher education in particular.
The event will take place on Tues 31 March at 19:30 in the Lecture Theatre N, Newman Building, UCD, Belfield and is organised by Equality Studies, School of Social Justice. www.ucd.ie/esc All are welcome (students, staff, members of the public) www.ucd.ie/events/?dt=d.en.29699&f=week&d=03/04/2009&sd=Tuesday,%2031%20March%202009&ac=*
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
Art with Africa is a group created by artists, student artists and NCAD staff as a result of links formed with community organisations in Nairobi following the World Social Forum held there in 2007. “On 01 April 2009 from 10:30, Art with Africa will host a public day of talks and presentations at the National College of Art and Design (100 Thomas Street, Dublin 8) bringing together a diverse range of perspectives and experiences from both Ireland and Africa dealing with issues concerning African and Irish artists, culture and politics. Guest speakers will include Florence Ayisi (Cameroonian filmmaker), Niall O’Baoill (Cultural Coordinator of Fatima Groups United, Dublin), Fernando Peraita and Federico Guman Romereo (ARTifariti of Western Sahara), Sam Hopkins (Slum TV from Nairobi), Brian Maguire (Professor of Fine Art, NCAD), a speaker from New Communities Partnership, Dublin, Proinsias De Rossa (Dublin Labour MEP) and Catherine Muigai Mwangi (Kenyan Ambassador to Ireland).
The aim of the conference is to generate discussions and educate ourselves and our partner community organisations in Africa on how art can be used to facilitate valuable communication and generate positive change. Accompanying the seminars will be an exhibition of work by international artists, filmmakers and other cultural practitioners, highlighting issues dealt with in the seminar.”
Seating limited to 100 people. To reserve a place please email: artwithafricancad@gmail.com And for more information check www.artwithafrica.wordpress.com
Alice-Mary H and Dave W. told me about the Festival of Fools on 01 April and as it is appropriate for foolish things, things nearly didn’t come together ;-) , BUT now the organisers have put together an impressive programme and I hope many of you can enjoy the events:
Let me quote the event description: “On April Fool’s Day (01 April) the Festival of Fools is BACK! Celebrating all that is foolish in Ireland, and remembering, of course, the 43rd anniversary of the death of Flann O’Brien, several idiotic recession-proofed events will be taking place around Dublin City Centre. All welcome including Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan – after all, we’re all fools here.”
Costumery or other such embellishment is of course welcome at all events. For more details, visit www.festivalfools.com.
The events are
** Clown Funeral at 14:00 in O’Connell St.: Harmonica accompaniment, eulogies, clowns. “We will be mourning the death and celebrating the life of our favourite clock. At the end of the procession we will eat the clock.”
** Snug theatre! …in the afternoon of 01 April: ‘One fool’s quest to restore meaning to his life after a shady transaction at a Tarot reader’s emporium’ is the story of this short play by Colin Marr. There will be four performances between 15:00 and 17:00. The play is just twenty minutes long and it will add a little drama to your afternoon. Refreshments at your own discretion. The venue will be a City Centre Pub and you will have to check www.festivalfools.com for details.
** Walking Tour of Places of No Historical Interest at 18:00 starting at the Spire:
“Anecdotes, absurdities and anomalies. Join us for a guided amble through the ticklish underbelly of Dublin’s city centre – chatting about just some of its implausible truths, delightful fictions, pass-remarkable characters and Notable Pranks.”
** Fools Ball from 19:30 at Dublin Conservative Club, 20 Camden Row, Dublin 2 (look carefully for the entrance!) Admission: EUR 5.
Featuring the Sick & Indigent Song Club, Zorilla, Ophelia and Moschops, The Shannon Colleens, Djs Colm and Sean, a poem and lots of general maggot acting. Be the fool who carries it on at the Fools Ball in the unique and charming setting of the Dublin Conservative Club (a former jailhouse!)
The Fools Festival is described as “a strange array of terrible ideas poorly executed by a laughable shower” :-) It sounds like a lot of fun and if you have time, celebrate April Fool’s Day in style at these events! By the way, all events are free with the exception of the Fool’s Ball (which is only EUR 5 – foolishly cheap? :-P). www.festivalfools.com
“Ireland’s Wild Orchids – a new field guide” is the title of a lecture by Brendan Sayers and Susan Se x, which takes place on 01 April at 15:00 in the Education and Vistor Centre of the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin.
More information is here: www.botanicgardens.ie/news/events.htm
(Venue Details: National Botanic Garden, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, www.botanicgardens.ie, Open: Winter (mid-Nov to 16 Feb): Mon-Sun 09:00-16:30, Summer (17 Feb to mid-Nov): Mon-Sun 09:00-18:00, Admission is free)
A round table discussion/conversation between artists is taking place on 01 Apr from 18:00 in the Café Literario of de Instituto Cervantes. The photographers and artists Ángel Marcos (Spain) + Ronan McCrea (Ireland) will discuss the contemporary context of photography in Spain and Ireland. This event is in connection with the exhibtion “Affinity Paths. 10 Spanish photographers”.
Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 (near the National Gallery). dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha55179_16_2.htm
Comhlámh’s next First Wednesday Debate at Bewley’s Cafe Theatre (Grafton Street) is on 01 April at 18:15-19:45. The title of the debate is: “Is the European Union a positive actor for world development?” and the debate will be chaired by Journalist and Broadcaster, Karen Coleman from Newstalk 106.
Aoife Black – EU Policy & Advocacy Officer with Trocaire will speak in favour of the motion. Barry Finnegan a founding member of ‘The Article 133 Information Group’ which produced research on trade justice and economic democracy issues will speak against the motion.
Audience participation is welcome but places are limited to 50 so early arrival is necessary! www.comhlamh.org/bewleys-debates-are-back.html
* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 17:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. The majority of people there are Spanish or English-speaking, but French, Italians, Polish and Chinese are sometimes coming to and everybody is welcome to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 on SOME Wednesdays. The frequency got less predictable in recent weeks/months and you should check the website before going. www.myspace.com/thesongroom
Have you got what it takes to challenge some of Ireland’s top athletes? For two days (02 -03 April) the Science Gallery will become a Human Performance Lab allowing you to pit your own athletic ability against the results of GAA stars Seán Óg Ó hAilpín and Bryan Cullen. TCD’s Human Performance Lab, working with TCD Sports Centre, will measure endurance, strength and skill using the latest scientific processes. Find out more on www.sciencegallery.com/sport
The John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies is inviting to author readings entitled “Writing Home – A series of readings by writers of, and about, Diaspora”. On Thurs 02 April Tess Gallagher will read. Each reading will take place at 13:00 in Theatre Q014 Ground Floor, Quinn Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. The websites of the Institute www.ucd.ie/johnhume/index.html doesn’t confirm this so I suggest that you check with Dr. Nessa O’Mahony, John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies, nessa.omahony@ucd.ie if you are interested.
The Hugh Lane Gallery on Parnell Square is inviting to a public lecture entitled “Art Between Frequencies” on Thurs 02 Apr from 17:00. The Hugh Lane has invited lecturer and critic Declan Long to respond to the current exhibition Frequency. Admission is free. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=248
“The Beckett Brand” is the title of a lecture by Dr Rónán McDonald at the Samuel Beckett Theatre on Thursday 02 April at 17:30. Further information on www.tcd.ie/drama. Admission is free and all are welcome.
“Galileo? Galileo? Who on Earth was Galileo?” is a lecture by Deirdre Kelleghan from the Irish Astronomical Society. On Thurs 02 April 09 from 18:00 the lecture will take place in the Central Library, ILAC Centre, Henry St, Dublin 1. A one hour presentation about Galileo against, the background of life in Europe at the time. Her talk on Galileo gives an insight to his life, his ingenious inventions, and his very clever and clear writings. Galileo’s family life, his education , his communication skills. What it was like to live at the time taking into account the bubonic plague, the movement of information, the manners of the time, his daughters, his family life, his telescope developments. His lunar and solar astronomical sketches, how he dealt with his controversial discovers, geocentric and heliocentric notions, his sentence , his house arrest and what he did with his time, his death, the significance of his life, and the talk brings us into International Year of Astronomy 2009 and an explanation of that concept. homepage.eircom.net/~irishas/misc/iya.htm
In the “Meet the Makers” series of talks in the Abbey Theatre you have an opportunity to join director Jason Byrne to discuss his approach to Shakespearean comedies, tragedies and histories. The event is taking place on Thurs 02 April from 18:00-18:45. Admission is free but booking is essential on 01 87 87 222. www.abbeytheatre.ie/whatson/talks.html
The Instituto Cervantes, the Spanish Cultural Institute, wants to take you on a journey through Spanish cinema, from its inception to more recent productions, at the hands of directors that may be described as young, mythical, exceptional and internationally renowned… You can enjoy the best of Spanish comedies, drama, animation and documentaries. From 02 April – 27 May every week a film will be screened in the Café Literario of the Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 (near the National Gallery). The first film on 02 April from 18:30 is “Sé quien eres” (2000) by Patricia Ferreira All films are in Spanish with English subtitles. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha53664_16_2.htm
Kathleen Doyle will be signing copies of “What Would Ma Say” in Eason’s in The Square Shopping Centre, Tallaght. The signing will start at 18:30 on Thurs 02 April.
Aravind Adiga will be signing copies of “White Tiger” in Eason’s in O’Connell St, Dublin. The event will take place on Thursday 02 April 2009 from 19:00. www.eason.ie/events
Millennium Court Arts Centre is presenting an all-Ireland “Guerrilla Girl research and new work project tour” that will see Guerrilla Girls performing live in Belfast, Portadown, Cork, Dublin and Kilkenny. The tour is a research project that will inform the Guerrilla Girls’ new work which will then be shown at MCAC in October 2009 and tour to co-commissioning venues in 2010. Tour dates are as follows:
31 March: Belfast, University of Ulster, Conor Lecture Theatre, 13:00-14:00
31 March: Portadown, Millennium Court Arts Centre, 19:00-20:30
1 April: Glucksman Gallery, Cork, 18:00
** 2 April: National College of Art & Design, Dublin, 19:00-20:30
3 April: Butler Gallery, Kilkenny Castle, 19:00-20:30
Due to limited numbers, an RSVP to performance venues is required in advance. For more information on the tour and to register see:
EYP Dublin is inviting to a networking event in the Bia Bar, 28/30 Lower St. Stephen’s Street, Dublin 2. On 02 April (19:30-23:30) the first of a series of “Academy” events will take place. Academy events are opportunities to learn how to mix, bake and create. The first of these events is a cocktail night hosted in the Bia Bar, guests will be invited to make their own cocktail and yes you get to keep the drink you make. As the number of cocktails will be limited please RSVP. www.eypglobal.org/dublin/$latest/2009/03/26/eyp_hosts_its_second_event_the_academy
From 20 Feb 2009 to 1 May 2009 the Department of Music in TCD is running a series of public lectures on Irish Traditional Music. The background, forms instruments, practices and aesthetics of Traditional music in Ireland will be explored. The event is taking place from 11:00-13:00 in the Boydell Recital Room, Music Department, House 5, College. Further details from Gráinne at musicsec@tcd.ie or 8961120.
The UCD Earth Systems Institute is inviting to a weekly seminar about climate change. The next public lecture will take place on Fri 03 Apr from 12:30-13:30 in The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. The topic is “The technology economy of the mid-21st Century: challenges and opportunities” by Professor Kenneth Dawson, UCD School of Chemistry & Chemical Biology. An overview over the whole seminar programme until June 2009 including links to abstracts is here www.ucd.ie/earth
The Franco-Irish Literary Festival is taking place in Dublin Castle from 03-05 April. On Friday 03 April the following events will take place
14:00 Opening of the festival by H.E. Mr Yvon Roé D’Albert, Ambassador of France to Ireland
14:15-16:15 Panel discussion “Passion” with Moderator: Jean-Michel Picard and Colette Fellous, Alain Fleischer, Joseph O’Connor, Beatriz Preciado
16:30-17:45 Café Littéraire with Moderator: Joe Woods and Presentation of their latest work by: Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Dennis O’Driscoll, Álvaro Uribe
18:00-19:30 Readings – Introduced by Sinéad Mac Aodha and with: Noëlle Châtelet, Olga Flor, Joseph O’Connor, Maike Wetzel
For all details and for the programme of the following days, check www.francoirishliteraryfestival.com/2009/
On Friday 03 April, Sixteen Layers will be in Tower Records in Wicklow Street from 17:00. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm
The problem of identity in the recent Italian literature will be discussed on Friday 03 April. The information says that “after an intense day of debate at Trinty College Dublin, at 18:30 the Istituto Italiano di Cultura will open its halls to a poetic event dedicated to the problem of identity in modern Italian literature.” It is not clear what event in TCD is referred to, but I am sure you can find out more by ringing the Istituto on 01-662 0509.
The debate in the Istituto will be mainly focused on subjects like national or local identity, identity and globalization, psychological identity, rites of passage, anthropological adaptation, style and tendencies of specific Italian literary works. For more information pls check: www.iicdublino.esteri.it/IIC_Dublino/webform/SchedaEvento.aspx?id=259&citta=Dublino
The radio station Phantom 105.2 is running a “First Friday” event every month and on 03 April the First Friday returns to Andrew’s Lane Theatre with live music from The Laundry Shop www.myspace.com/thelaundryshop , Royseven www.myspace.com/royseven and DC Tempest www.myspace.com/dctempest , followed by all of your favourite indie floor fillers going live across the city from midnight!
Admission is free before 22:00. After that it is EUR 7 in (or EUR 5 when you bring the First Friday ad from Metro). Doors open at 20:00.
“Double Trio”, a new work by composer Ian Wilson will be performed on Sat 04 April at 13:00 in Marlay Park House, Rathfarnham and at 20:00 in Kilternan Parish Church. Admission is free, but booking is essential. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is inviting to these two performances on 04 April and tickets may be booked through the Arts Office at 01-271 9530.
Double Trio was written during the summer and autumn of 2008 as the main focus of a one-year residency in the Glencullen area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County. Double Trio is written for three improvisers – playing saxophone, double bass and drums – and three classical musicians – playing violin, vibraphone and harp – and takes its initial inspiration from speech rhythms and melodies. The musicians are Cathal Roche, saxophonist, Daniel Bodwell, bass and Stu Ritchie, drums alongside Mia Cooper, violin, Cliona Doris, harp and Richard O’Donnell, vibraphone. Double Trio lasts approximately 45 minutes and is in eight main sections.
Double Trio is part of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s ‘Place and Identity’’programme of Per Cent for Art commissions funded through the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
______This is odd!!______________
Because I was away last weekend and was very busy with my day job after my return, I didn’t get a chance to look for “oddities” in our surrounds. So, no “This is odd!” story this week. But it is an opportunity to a) ask you if you care about this section (Send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the Subject ODD-OPINION to let me know your opinion.) and b) it is an opportunity to explicitly invite all of you to send me your own “This is odd” stories! If you come across something that you find odd/strange/weird/puzzling, let me and the whole Dublin Event Guide Community know about it. (Send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the Subject ODD-STORY with your odd story.)
Don’t forget to change your clocks and watches this weekend and have some fun on 01 April!
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If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via the same e-mail address.
BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby. However, I won’t say No to donations ;-) and if you want to help me with the running of it (no minimum amount!) just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the word “Donation” in the subject and I will reply with a link that will allow you to make your donation by PayPal or per credit card or follow the link just above this section. Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible, please contact me for more information.
Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you find in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2009 by Joerg Steegmueller.
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One Response to “Event Guide 93: DLR Poetry, Astronomy Lectures, Dublin Flea Market, Science Gallery, French Friday, Festival of Fools, EYP Event”
April 9th, 2009 at 16:37
I can’t wait for the next Flea Market. There will be a swap shop and I already prepared some items for swapping.