Event Guide 245: Festival of Russian Culture, Engineers Week, Dublin Flea Market
| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 245
| 24 February 2012 Subscribers: 10472
Hi all!
Yesterday evening I moved formally into the Tivoli Theatre! :-) Not permanently and not officially either, but I will be there now nearly every evening from 20:00-22:00 until 10 March and I hope that many of you will visit me there. …. Now you might wonder if I lost the plot or what I am talking about!? But the explanation is very simple: I am part of the backing choir of the Elvis Tribute show “Return of the King” (www.facebook.com/events/302163716505338/) with Kevin Doyle as Elvis and the brilliant The Way it Was Orchestra and last night we started a 13-night run in the Tivoli from now until 10 March. It is a super show (and I am only tiny little bit biased) with 20 absolutely talented musicians on stage and a story line that evolves around Elvis Presley’s comeback in 1968 after his “lost years” during which he acted in a whole range of not so great movies. This comeback in 1968 put him back on the map of the music world and was hugely relevant. The show features Elvis’ big hits and some lesser known songs and I am sure you will enjoy it!
So, come to visit me in the Tivoli between now and the 10 March and if you tell me beforehand when you will come (mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com), I will meet you to say Hi at the end of the show. You can get tickets at www.tivoli.ie/elvis-the-return-of-the-king/ and if you check out the Competition section this week, you will find an opportunity there to win some tickets as well. Oh and while you are at it: Just like us here www.facebook.com/KevinDoyleElvis If Elvis is not your thing, tell your friends, colleagues and parents about it. I bet you will easily find someone whose life was touched by Elvis Presley.
I am sure you can imagine that two weeks of near-nightly gigs in the Tivoli will have bit of an impact on writing this Dublin Event Guide. As most of you know, I DO have a day job that keeps me busy and therefore I do all the work on the Dublin Event Guide in the night from around 19:00 on a Thursday until the afternoon of Friday when the newsletter/e-zine is sent out. Losing approx. 4 hours last night and on two more Thursdays will not help to get the Dublin Event Guide out earlier. Last week it was extremely late (Apologies!!) and I fully know that this is not so good. Many of you would prefer if the newsletter reached you around lunchtime and that would be my preference too.
I am currently looking at lots of different ways to achieve that, but the biggest problem is that I find more and more free events that all want to be included as long as I continue to cover every free event. I don’t like pre-selecting for you what you should like and what not. There is a small number of other email newsletters that report about (typically non-free) events and for months I hardly found anything in it that interested me. We have all different interests and preferences and the great thing about the Dublin Event Guide is that YOU select what you like and not me. However, having to reduce the time I spend compiling it, I might HAVE to carefully pre-select a little bit. I will do my best to find a balance between including as many events as possible and reducing the workload of writing about the events. If you want to share your opinion about this with me, send an e-mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com
Now, just before we move to this week’s event let me send out my weekly appeal to spread the word, to let your friends and families know about the Dublin Event Guide, so that we can keep growing the Dublin Event Guide Community. Tell them that they should subscribe at www.dublineventguide.com or on www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide (Click on “Join Email List” in the menu on the left.) Or print this poster and hang it up in your gym, work place, local supermarket etc. www.perfectresults.info/event_guide_tear_off_poster.pdf
We are more than 7600 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide but it would be great to grow the community there even more. Join in and click LIKE on the facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.
The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-zine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and this section is for the people that want to remind that despite all, life is great and it is important to be alive!
Instead of a video clip, I have just a quote for you this week. The quote is attributed to Alert Einstein, but who knows if it was really him who said it. The importance is the content of the quote. It says: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” I think this is a good quote. It points out that a) we all have an area we are great in, b) we shouldn’t compare ourselves with people who we not are, and c) it would be outright wrong to expect that we all should have the same skills. Remember, you are a genius too!!
Books for lower prices than Amazon, sent to you with no postage cost, individually packed and within 48 hours. And with every book you buy – after clicking on the link below, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)!
With Christmas coming up, you better get ordering your Christmas presents in time!
This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
Last week Lorraine M contributed to the Dublin Event Guide. Her contribution is HUGELY appreciated! But, dear readers, I need more of you to help with a small donation! The donations are important to ensure that you all will continue to get the Dublin Event Guide every week. If you have never helped with a contribution, ask yourself if the Dublin Event Guide has helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about or if it even helped you to save money…and then go to www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm
To join the list of the much appreciated and esteemed supporters of the Dublin Event Guide, go to www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm I appreciate ANY help. EUR 12 would be great, but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help me to cover the cost. – To cover the cost for this Event Guide, I need about 4 donations every week and to improve the Event Guide, I need another bit more.
I am giving 25-30 hours every week for no pay or reward, so that you get the Dublin Event Guide every week. All I need from you is to help with just 25 cent per week or EUR 12 per year. Where else can you get sooo much value for soo little money!?
BTW: If you think that I make money from advertisement because you see a few ads here or on the website, then please note that only if YOU click on the link in this newsletter/e-zine AND then buy or order (for example, order books from bookdepository) a (very) small amount (EUR 0.30 on average!) will be paid to me. If you don’t BUY, I get nothing and if you don’t click on the link here every time you want to purchases something, I don’t get anything either. Have a look at the website www.dublineventguide.com and if you want to book a hotel at hotels.com or buy something from any of the other advertisers, make sure you click on the ad on the website just before you buy, only then I will get some money for the ads.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Fiona D, Keeva H, Nihar B, Brendan M, Donna M, Arthur D, Selina McC, Katrin H, Gil H, Padraig P, Melina Z, Cathy A, Thomond C, Raymond R, Nicola R and Noemi V, Ciaran W, Isabel F, Brendan M , Tom D, Luke, Monika K, Janine McK, Tom D, Sebastian B, Paul T, Anne G, Marc F, Camelia P, Nicola B, Ciaran H, Ryan M, Ellen M, Gerard C, Laura G and Fergus G, Emma S, Tara R, Karen L, Catherine T., Rainey D-G, Sally P, Johan S, Lorraine F, Eimear MacH, Elzbieta D, Monika E, Tracey OC, Julia Sch., Isabelle F, Barry P, Alan G, Gerard Ph, Irial G, Louise M, Milena V, Fanny T, Clodagh O’C, Fiona F, Yvonne S, Loretta K, Lauren O’R, Charles C, Caoimhe L, Adrian Ph, Sandi C, Elva O’G, Sally Ph, Thomas D, Emilie Ch, Hans Martin W, Eamonn O’R, Patrick O’C, Eamonn U, Fiona O’R, Louise B, Serena F, Paul M, Louise F, Colin D, Philip McK, Catherine E, Mélanie B, Irene H, Jo H, Ronan K, Clodagh O’C, Alison P, Claire H, Brian L, Therese O’R, Sean S, Zelie McG, Christian K, Esme E, Vincent R, Sophie P, Tom B, Barbara Q-B, Joan S, Catherine E, Deirdre I, Donna M, Conor R, Tom McM, Anna F, Corina R, Maite L-Sch, Aine C, Justin McC, Paul A, Enrique P, Kiera M, Sinead D and Sarah C, Anto K, A C, Lorraine M and www.GravitationalFX.ie (An Irish Web Design, SEO and Internet Marketing who offer affordable web design.), www.FlamencoIndalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.olliart.com (An art curator and seller of art to businesses and private collectors.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new gallery venue.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and lo w priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.KravMagaIreland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.
______Joerg’s Picks______________
This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
Are you bothered, bewildered or just bogged down with life at the moment? – Mary Keating, MA, trained psychoanalytic psychotherapist, is available for appointments in Custom House Medical Centre, IFSC or at 20 Lower Baggot Street. Please phone 01-6776253 or 0868783086 or email mkeating@iol.ie for enquiries or to make an appointment. Her fees are appropriate to circumstances, so talk to her if you could do with some help and support. www.agalma.ie/therapists/mary-keating
This week I am a little constrained regarding going to events, so I will tell you what I would do if I didn’t have to be on stage in the Tivoli.
On Saturday and especially on Sunday, the Festival of Russian Culture sounds interesting. I plan to go to the Russian Market on Sunday. On Saturday evening, cath the Ukeristic Congress in Wheelan’s and on Sunday afternoon, give the Dublin Flea Market a go as well after you come from the Russian Food Market.
There are quite a number of Engineers Week events this week, so if that tickles your fancy, have a look at their website.
Something completely different: A business networking event on Tuesday in the Red Cow! But have a look at the list of attendees to see if there are people that you would want to talk to. What definitely also sounds interesting (to a bit of a geek like me ;-) ) is the “Science of Sudoku” talk at the Alchemist Café.
On Wednesday, don’t miss Brownbread Mixtape! And finally on Thursday, I would go to the Art & Ethics event in the Science Gallery or to the RDS Climate Change lecture.
Hope you find something that you like! And if not, remember, that the “Return of the King” is still on in the Tivoli! (I think I mentioned that now often enough! LOL)
In the introduction at the top of this newsletter, I mentioned that I am currently on stage for 13 weeks singing in the backing choir of Kevin Doyle’s fabulous “The Return of the King” Elvis Tribute show. We will perform from 23 Feb – 10 March in the Tivoli Theatre and you can find all details here www.facebook.com/events/302163716505338/ The show is “brilliant” and “great fun” as our audience has testified last night and it would be super if as many of you as possible could come to see it. To help a little I was able to get four (!!) pairs of tickets for you for a competition. Tickets are EUR 20-28.50 (depending on the day) and are available from www.tivoli.ie/elvis-the-return-of-the-king/ But if you want to see if you are lucky star is shining you can enter this competition: To win a pair of tickets, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ELVIS2012 in the subject of your mail and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. The tickets are for Tuesday 28 Feb or Wed 29 Feb, so in addition to your name and phone number, please let me know for what day you would want the tickets. Your e-mail has to be with me by 12:00 on Monday 27 Feb. www.facebook.com/KevinDoyleElvis
Check out this super prize brought to you by the Dublin Event Guide. Where else can you get so great prizes? ;-)
Malvern House English School is a brand new English school in Dublin and the school is opening its doors in Dublin city on Dame Street in March. To celebrate this and to help Dublin Event Guide readers who do not have English as their first language, Malvern House English School is making two free places available on a 2 week English course (20 lessons per week). This prize has a value of EUR 440 per person and you could win it! (The prize is only available for people with English as their second (or third) language.) Check out Malvern House and find out about their language programmes at www.malvernhouse.ie You have to be able to start the course either on 05 March or on 12 March and it will be a 2 week course in the morning of every weekday. To enter this amazing competition you have to send an e-mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with MALVERN in the subject line and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. In addition I need you to tell me in the e-mail THREE other things 1) What is your first language? 2) Would you prefer to start the course on 05 March or on 12 March? 3) What is the house number at which Malvern House is based? (Go to www.malvernhouse.ie and check at the bottom of the page.) Your mail has to be with me by 12:00 on Mon 27 Feb. If you are not eligible to enter because you already speak English so well that you don’t need any English language anymore, please tell your foreign friends about this competition and about the Dublin Event Guide. If there are LOTS of entries for this competition, Malvern House might make another place available, so help spreading the word. A big thanks to Malvern House for this super prize! www.malvernhouse.ie
“Zombies: Are we dead yet?” is the name of a night o talks, clips and music on the undead, organised by Dublintellectual. It will take place on Fri 02 March in the The Back Loft, Augustine Street off Thomas St, Dublin 8. The director of zombie flick Dead Meat, Conor McMahon, will be joined by Sarah Cleary talking about the seks (Spam Filter Divert: replace “ks” with “x”) lives of zombies, Sorcha Ni Fhlainn on zombie soldiers, and Emma Radley on zombies in Irish cinema. Admission to the event is EUR 5 per person (or free for zombies). And for non-zombies Dublintellectual has made a pair of tickets available for the event. To win the tickets send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ZOMBIE in the subject line and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 12:00 on Monday 27 Feb. www.facebook.com/pages/Dublintellectual/171421632924002
______Dublin News______________
It is rare that I don’t find any interesting news for this section, but I don’t want to repeat just normal newspaper news. Instead I am trying (not always successfully) to keep the news somewhat Event related. And for the life of me, I wasn’t able to find anything exciting this week. So I will just leave that section empty and will look out for interesting news next week! ;-)
Books for lower prices than Amazon, sent to you with no postage cost, individually packed and within 48 hours. And with every book you buy – after clicking on the link below, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)!
In order to beat an economic downturn not governments can help, but individuals are needed that take the initiative and create new markets and new opportunities for themselves and for their customers and hopefully employees. The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will help you if you have recently started a company and if you could do with spreading the word. Being mentioned here and being seen by the 10,000+ readers of the Dublin Event Guide should help to kick start something big for you. In return I expect you to tell your clients and friends about the Event Guide and once you have made a nice bit of money, a donation would be very much appreciated. ;-) (This offer is for start-ups in relatively early stages only. Established companies can contact me regarding very affordable advertisement options in the Dublin Event Guide.) If you want to promote your start-up/young company here for free, let me know: dublineventguide@gmail.com.
Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie. For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/exhib-lein/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
This is not primarily an exhibition listing, but is the announcement of a new Gallery. Olivier Cornet, who is one of the sponsors of the Dublin Event Guide, and therefore helps keeping this newsletter/e-zine going has worked as an art curator for quite some time and has now made the big step and is opening his own gallery.
The Olivier Cornet Gallery is at 1 The Wooden Building, Exchange Street Upper, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 and the gallery will continue to promote the artists Olivier worked with before and will include new artists. The official opening of the gallery will take place on 01 March at 19:00, with the launch of the gallery’s first show entitled “Convergence”. It will feature the work of gallery artists
Annika Berglund, Mark Doherty, John Fitzsimons, Jordi Forniés, Yanny Petters, Martha Quinn, Seán Mulcahy, Adrienne Symes, Hanneke van Ryswyk and a few invited artists. Gallery opening hours are Tues-Sat: 11:00-18:00 and Sun 12:00-17:00. www.oliviercornetgallery.com
Sat 25 – Tue 28 Feb: Little Green Street Gallery, 12a Little Britain Street (off Capel Street), Dublin 7. – Kathrina Rupit, a Mexican Street Artist, will highlight the talent of a new generation of street artists living in Ireland. With urban art still firmly underground in Ireland, Kathrina is pioneering stencil art and unusual artistic materials, challenging traditional perceptions of technique, subject matter and style. Her exhibition “Roadworks” she is forcing the viewers to see street art as more than just graffiti. – The opening night of the exhibition is on Sat 25 Feb from 18:00-21:00 and you are invited. www.facebook.com/events/149736055141881/
29 Feb – 14 March: Tue-Fri 10:30-17:00, Sat 11:00-16:00 – Talbot Gallery & Studios, 51 Talbot Street, Dublin 1. – Emmet Kierans exhibition “Inside Out, Outside In” will take place in the Talbot Gallery. The opening reception is on Wed 29 Feb from 18:00-20:00 and Emmet Kierans will be in conversation with Adrian Duncan on Thurs 01 March at 18:00. The exhibition utilises elements of sculpture, painting, photography and installation and often uses materials that have a potential to exist in different states. www.talbotgallery.com
Fri 11:00-18:00 – 72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto)
The Ferocious Mingle Market, a permanent indoor flea market takes place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There is also a Café, the Oscar Verne Café, open for business at the market. www.facebook.com/mingle.mkt
Fri 24 Feb: 12:00-14:00 – Arnotts, Henry Street, Dublin 1
A fundraising concert by the Dublin Gospel Choir & Guests will take place. Come along and support Oesophageal Cancer Fund’s Lollipop Day. www.lollipopday.ie and www.facebook.com/lollipopday
Fri 24 Feb: 14:30 – RDS, Minerva Suite, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
This talk will coincide with the exhibition currently running in the RDS Library:
‘An Anatomical School in Cork: John Woodrooffe and the Cork Anatomists’. It is also in keeping with a theme of visual culture which is a key feature of the other talks in the Speaker Series this spring www.rds.ie/speakerseries .
John Fraher is Professor of Anatomy at University College, Cork and was the foundation Director of UCC’s multidisciplinary BioSciences Institute. His talk at the Society will be on the subject of the figure in Art. He will give insight into the great variety of artists’ approaches to depicting the body in their work. His talk will consider themes such as realistic anatomy, as depicted by major artists Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and the Pollaiuolo brothers.
Admission is free, but you have to book and all details are here: www.rds.ie/cat_event_detail.jsp?itemID=1099556
Fri 24 Feb: 13:00 – Tower Record, Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Grand Pocket Orchestra will be in Tower Records for an In-Store Event at 13:00.
Fri 24 Feb: 13:05 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
A lunch time reading with Shane Connaughton will take place. The Lunchtime Readings will run on Fridays throughout February and March in the Irish Writers’ Centre and are organised in association with Poetry Ireland. The readings will be alternating between prose and poetry, offering audiences the chance to experience a wide-range of literary talent. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
Fri 24 Feb: 19:00 – Synge Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 1
The Humanist Association of Ireland is inviting to their Annual Darwin Day Lecture by Dr Stephen Oppenheimer, author of “A Re-analysis of Multiple Prehistoric Immigrations to Britain and Ireland Aimed at Identifying the Celtic Contributions”. His subject will be Tracking Migrations with DNA with relevance to Britain and Ireland. Admission is free. www.humanism.ie/darwin-day/hai-darwin-day-2012
Fri 24 Feb: 21:00 – Tolka House, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Rebel Rebel, Ireland’s only David Bowie Tribute Band will play a free gig at
the Tolka House in Glasnevin. www.rebelrebeltribute.com
Fri 24 Feb: 19:00-21:00 – Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. – Teo weeks ago I informed you about a taster workshop in Sacred Harp Singing and it seems that this workshop was so successful that a group has formed in Dublin who will from now on meet every Friday evening in the Exchange Dublin. Find out more details here corksacredharp.com/post/17337848698/dublinsing
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant (19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2) host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15.
+ Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30.
+ Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp.
+ Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics that often have customers singing along and requesting their favourites.
Fri 24 Feb: 19:00-21:00 – Bianconi’s Bistro, 232 Merrion Rd, Dublin 4
Bianconi’s Bistro & Restaurant in Dublin 4 is providing Jazz every Friday night from this week until the end of January. Bianconi’s is an Italian restaurant with delicious food and, while a little outside the City Centre, it is worth the trip into Merrion Road. There is no cover charge. www.bianconisbistro.ie www.facebook.com/pages/Bianconis-Bistro/271041702925005?sk=wall
Fri: 20:30 – Ormond Wine, Restaurant & Cafe Bar, 6 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7. Swing from Paris in the Thirties performed by a duo of Guitar and Vocal will entertain you every Friday in the Ormond Wine Bar. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Ormond-Wine-Bar/181985853298
The Stillorgan Orchard at The Hill in Stillorgan, Co. Dublin has a full programme of live music. The upcoming gigs are:
Fri 24 Feb Colonials
Sat 25 Feb Beatclub
Admission is free and the gigs start at 21:00 unless otherwise stated. www.stillorganorchard.com/live_music.html
Fri 21:45-02:30 – Fibber Magees, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Every Monday, a mix of musicians from bands like The Seven Deadly Skins / Animal Cracker / Upbeat Generation / Crete Boom & more come together to play a free night of Rock & Reggae. www.facebook.com/TheHangoverClub
* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
*Graeme McKenna is playing an acoustic gig (Trad to contemporary) every Friday in the Maldron Hotel, Kingswood near CityWest from 19:00.
* Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3) and every Monday from 19:00 in Blakestown Community Resource Center, Blakestown Way, Dublin 15 (next to Lidl). These are drop in classes, newcomers are welcome. For more information check www.coolspirit.info or www.sahajayoga.ie.
* Ruairi Maguires Bar & Organic Kitchen, Pembroke District, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum has every weekend live music from Friday until Sunday at 21:30. Sometimes the line-up is listed here www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000462805646&sk=wall often not.
* The Covers play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Carlos Irie. Admission is free.
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Friday from 23:00 in the Mercantile, Dame Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
24 Feb – 04 Mar: Various locations throughout Ireland
The Engineers’ Week is a week long programme of nationwide events to celebrate the world of engineering in Ireland. The aim of the week is to create a positive awareness and spark enthusiasm about the engineering profession to people of various ages with little or no engineering background. The week is coordinated on a national basis by Engineers Ireland.
There will be workshops, talks and all sorts of other events. Currently the website at www.engineersweek.ie/ lists 54 events for Dublin alone. Some are for students at school age, but there are a good few for grown ups too. The website contains all the information, but is not the easiest to navigate and collating 54+ events (there could be more over the next few days) to put in the Dublin Event Guide is not really possible, so please check the website. www.engineersweek.ie/
Sat 25 Feb: 11:00-17:00: City Centre
The second last day of the Dublin City Festival of Russian Culture will feature the following events:
11:00 Children storytelling and drawing, Russian fun and Russian lessons at the National Library in Kildare Street
10:00-16:00 Russian Community Forum in association with the Russian Embassy at Council Chamber in City Hall, Dame Street.
13:10 Lecture on “Russia and the Renaissance: History, Artistic Tradition and Cultural Identity” with Anatole Tchikine at the National Gallery of Ireland
21:00 Russian Music at The Czech Inn. DJ Daron plays the best of the pop/rock and other tunes from the 80s and the 90s to the present Russian charts. From “Brother Luis” to “Moscow never sleeps” and many more. dublinrussianfestival.webs.com/programme.htm
Sat 25 Feb: 09:00-13:00 – Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, gets up to 200 cars to sell goods from. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line terminal and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 07:00 for buyers from 09:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on www.irishcarboot.ie
Thurs-Sun (Thurs-Sat 10:00-17:30, Sun 12:00-17:30) – Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17. – A new-ish indoor market is open in Coolock. Over 40 traders offer a wide range of goods and a café is on site as well. www.facebook.com/MotherRedcaps.Market
Sat 25 Feb: 11:00-17:00 – Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1. The weekly Ha’penny Flea Indoor Market takes place on Saturdays and stalls offer Vintage Men and Womens Clothes, Contemporary Crafts, Books, Vinyl Records, Vintage and Handmade Jewellery, Vintage Hair Styles, Art, Photography and lots more. For more details, check www.thegrandsocial.ie/event/hapenny-flea-indoor-market
Sat 25 Feb: 11:00-18:00 – 72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto) – The Ferocious Mingle Market, a permanent indoor flea market, takes place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Oscar Verne Café and live music at the weekends are further attractions. www.facebook.com/mingle.mkt
Sat 25 Feb: 13:00-17:00 – Hilfiger Denim store, 13 Trinity Street (between Suffolk Street and Dame Street), Dublin 2. Hilfiger Music Days take place on the last Saturday of every month. This month there will be live acoustic performances by The Mistaken Dreams, Radio Friendlies, Empathy, Fusion Family & Elk. www.tommy.ie/
Sat 25 Feb: 13:00-16:00 – Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
This is a weekly meetup for young (10-18 years) coder, designer, Internet enthusiasts. Every week there is a hands on session with technologies like HTML5, PHP or Python. For more details visit coderdojo.com/ or contact the Coder Dojo team at dublin@coderdojo.com. Bring your laptop if possible and participants under 16 must be accompanied by a parent. Parents do not need to register, only attendees. Book here www.sciencegallery.com/events/2012/02/coder-dojo-feb-18th-free-coding-club
Sat 25 Feb: 13:00-14:00 – National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The Special “Festival of Russian Culture 2012” lecture entitled “Russian & The Renaissance: History, Artistic Tradition and Cultural Identity” with Anatole Tchikine, Trinity College Dublin will take place on Sat. Admission is free and booking is not required. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
Sat 25 Feb: 13:30 – Pinocchio Restaurant, Luas Stop Ranelagh, Dublin 6
The Pinocchio Restaurant underneath the Luas Stop in Ranelagh invites to a screening of the Rugby match Ireland vs Italy on Sat. There are many other pubs as well that have big or small screens, where you can see the match, so the Italian restaurant Pinocchio is only representative for all the other locations. www.flavourofitaly.net/Pinocchio.aspx
Sat 25 Feb: 13:30 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Ink Slingers Creative Writing Hour now takes place every Saturday at the Irish Writers’ Centre. It is a free creative writing session that is organised and led by the Centre’s voluntary arts administrators. The hour includes writing exercises and prompts to get ideas flowing. It is open to everyone and is suitable for all levels of experience. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
Sat 25 Feb, 03+10 March: 14:00 – Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park. – A Series of Talks and Reminiscence Days will take place at Farmleigh House over the next 5 weeks. Admission is free and if you would like to attend, you should come to Farmleigh House reception 15 minutes before the start time. The topics are:
+ 25 Feb: Andrew Smith of St. Patrick’s Cathedral will give a talk on the Guinness family’s long association with the cathedral.
+ 03 Mar: Evelyn Roche of Guinness Archives will present a talk on working life and conditions at the Brewery in times past.
+ 10 Mar: Georgina Davis (House Manager at Farmleigh) will give an insight into the State Visits at Farmleigh and the running of the house during such a visit. www.farmleigh.ie/Events/Title,17891,en.html
+ The Saturday Talk “The Basking Shark – Oceanic Citizen” will take on Sat 25 Feb from 12:00-12:30 in Merrion Street (Natural History) and is suitable for adults. Join Emmet Johnston from Baskingshark.ie and discover how Irish scientists are conducting pioneering research on the elusive shark that carries no passport and respects no boundaries. No booking required. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2635
Sat 25 Feb: 15:00-16:00 – National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The Family Programme on Sat is entitled “A Home in the Woods” with Kitty Rogers. Admission is free, no booking required. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
Sat: 19:30 – Ormond Wine, Restaurant & Cafe Bar, 6 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7. Saturday nights “Wax Lyrical” is a lively Swing and Bossanova performance of a guitar, trombone and vocal trio. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Ormond-Wine-Bar/181985853298
Sat 25 Feb: 19:00-21:00 – Whelan’s Front Bar, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Ukulele Band “Ukerisitic Congress” are playing in Whelan’s every second Saturday. I heard them at the Ukulele Festival and Dun Laoghaire and they are really good! www.whelanslive.com/index.php/archives/8438
Saturdays: 22:00-00:00 – Oil Can Harry’s, 31 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
“The Urban Mojo Blues Band, a Dublin based five piece band drawing influences from electric Chicago blues and rock to produce a lively uptempo grooving blues will be performing every Saturday.” www.facebook.com/pages/The-Urban-Mojo-Blues-Band/87569518524 www.urbanmojobluesband.com
* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* Dublin Food Co-op is open every Saturday (09:30-16:30) at Newmarket, Dublin 8 for organic wholefoods and sustainable household products, plus over a dozen producer stalls offering organic fruit and veg., baked goods, dairy produce, wines, hot and cold food, etc. Additional Co-op opening Thursdays 12:00-20:00. www.dublinfood.coop
* The weekly Honest2goodness food market with fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, wines in Glasnevin is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre. (www.honest2goodness.ie)
* At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food + there’s free popcorn and ballons&facepainting for the kids. www.blackrockmarket.com/ Opening: Sat+Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, Sun: 12:00-17:30
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Saturday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* Nearly every day and especially at the weekend, the Porterhouse in Temple Bar is hosting live bands that are always worth a visit. www.porterhousebrewco.com/livetemplebar.html
* Trad Session – Schoolhouse Pub in 2-8 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge. Every Saturday from 22:00 singers, guitar, fiddle, banjo, accordion, whistle, pipers, bodhran etc are all welcome to join in. www.schoolhousehotel.com/
* The Black Sheep play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later Dj Glenn Brown (Dublin Calling). Admission is free.
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with latin DJs. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing and you are invited to add your own percussion. www.facebook.com/pages/Havana-Tapas-Bar/10503361821
______Sunday __________________
26 Feb: 11:00-17:00 – Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Dublin City Festival of Russian Culture has been building up this week and is coming to the high-point of the week, Family Day on Sunday. All activities will take place in Temple Bar and in the Hugh Lane Gallery:
Throughout the day a Russian food & craft market will take place in Cows Lane/Essex Street West in Temple Bar and there will be Face painting & children’s nail painting in Fishamble Street.
In Smock Alley at 11:00 there is a Russian Art Workshops for children and at 14:00 a Russian Acting Materclass with Losif Raykhelgauz
In Cows Lane, Essex Street West, where the food &craft market is, there will also be:
11:00 Official Opening
11:00-14:00 Musical entertainment with violinist Vladimir Jablokov
14:00 Choir Unison
14:30 Children’s Choir Happy Tones
15:50 Duo Mix featuring 3 musicians
16:00 Street Music Workshop
In the Gutterbook Shop in Cows Lane the programme is
11:40 Russian folk tales and fairy tales in English for children
12:20 Russian folk tales and fairy tales in Russian for children
The Wood Quay Venue, Fishamble Street will host
11:00 Children’s musical show in Russian
11:45 Children’s games in Russian
12:15 Children’s musical show in English
13:00 Children’s games in English
13:30 Video Presentation of the book “Chudo”(Miracle) by Olga Tolmacheva with illustrations to the short story “Otpysk”(Holidays) by Tatyana Tsazyk
14:00 Two special dance performances with Traditional Russian Folk dancers “Vereneya” and Gymnastic group “Triump Club”
15:30 Selection of Russian fairytale films by Alexander Rowe with introduction from David Rowe (Free screening)
And in the Hugh Lane Gallery the
11:00 Russian Music Workshop with Dmitri Jurowski
13:30 Moscow City Symphony Orchestra Russian Philharmonic Quartet concert
will take place. A downloadable programme is here www.limelight.ie/files/RussianFestival_Programme_2012.pdf and the web based programme can be found here dublinrussianfestival.webs.com/programme.htm
Sun 26 Feb: 11:00-17:00 – Dublin Food Coop, Newmarket Square, Dublin 8
The next Dublin Flea Market is taking place in the Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun from 11:00-17:00. The flea market takes place every last Sunday of the month. For more information or if you want to sell your own stuff, check out www.dublinflea.ie. The Coop Hall is wheelchair accessible and lots of free parking spaces are right outside the door. 20 additional outdoor stands complement the indoor Flea Market.
Sun 11:00-18:00 – 72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto)
The Ferocious Mingle Market, a permanent indoor flea market, takes place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Oscar Verne Café and live music at the weekends are further attractions. On Sundays the Ferocious Mingle MARKET is a fancy dress market: In addition to stalls/tables for sellers, there are some “chalets” in the venue where regular sellers have set up. www.facebook.com/mingle.mkt
Sun 26 Feb: 12:00-13:00 – Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Sundays at Noon Concert Series takes place in the beautiful Sculpture Gallery at the Hugh Lane Gallery. Now in its 36th year, this series of free (mainly classical) concerts continues to present the best of Irish and International music and musicians. Concerts run from September to June. The next concert will feature Vivaldi and Handel. Deirdre Moynihan (Soprano), Laoise O’Brien (Recorder), Kate Hearne (Cello) and David Adams (Harpsichord) will perform works from these two composers. www.hughlane.ie/past-sunday-concerts/534-vivaldi-and-handel
Sun 26 Feb: 13:30 – Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Moscow City Symphony Orchestra Philharmonic Quartet will perform a concert in the Hugh Lane Gallery as part of the Russian Culture Festival in Dublin. All details are here www.hughlane.ie/past-sunday-concerts/539-moscow-city-symphony-orchestra
The Dublin Sketchers Group is an informal group of typically hobby artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. Collins Barracks, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle), sketch for an hour or so, and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches. www.dublinsketchers.blogspot.com/ Find out on their website where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. Meeting time is usually around 14:00.
+ A Public Tour for adults will take place on Sun 26 Feb from 15:00-16:00 in Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History). “Whet your appetite for history on a short stroll through the galleries, learning more about the fascinating objects along the way. Places limited and allocated on a first-come basis 15 minutes before event starts.” www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2636
Sun 26 Feb: 15:00-15:45 – National Gallery, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The talk “Curating and Creating Contemporary Stained Glass” with Mary Mackey, Artist will take place and admission is free. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
Sun 26 Feb: 15:00-16:00 – Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The next Sunday Sketching for 7+ Year olds has the title “Abstract Shapes and Patterns”. No booking necessary. Admission is free and early arrival is recommended. www.hughlane.ie/childrens-workshops/forthcoming
Sun 26 Feb: 15:00 – The Dublin Unitarian Church, 112 St. Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2. Benjamin Russell (baritone) & David O’Shea (piano) perform in the Unitarian Church. Admission is free and a bucket collection afterwards will collect funds for the Unitarian Church Organ Restoration Fund www.dublinunitarianchurch.org/events/
Sun 26 Feb: 17:00-23:00 – Grand Social (former Pravda), Liffey Street, Dublin 1 (near Ha’Penny Bridge). Saucy Sundays is a weekly live music afternoon and evening in the Grand Social. This week’s line up is: Katie & The Carnival, The Strypes, The Kartels, Red Dancers Cometh, Mossy Nolan, Lake Montgomery, Little Black Wren, Bare Bones, Fia Rua. Details and links to the performing bands and artists are here: www.facebook.com/events/304903299573918/
Sun 26 Feb: 21:30 – The Mercantile, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The weekly Sunday Roast is an event in the Mercantile where live music is combined with free roast potatoes. The next Sunday Roast has this line up: Katie and the Carnival, The Ragmen, Rosemary’s Baby, Al Scorch (USA), The Mark Men. Links to the band sites and more information can be found here: www.facebook.com/thesundayroast www.facebook.com/events/176151375822420/
Sun 26 Feb: 21:00-00:00 – Stag’s Head, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. This Sunday’s line up is Ian Perth, Tomie James, Billy Anderson, Pat McDonagh and the headliner Foil Arms & Hog. MC is Danny O’Brien. www.facebook.com/events/332049403503708/
“Rhythm Rocker at The Globe” is a weekly event on Sunday night in The Globe in Sth Great Georges Street, Dublin 2. It is a Rockabilly, R’n’R, Roots night with alternating (week by week) live bands Pavement Kings, Donna & The Sazzy Catz, The Mosquitoes and The Pacifics from 21:00 and with DJs from 23:00-01:30. Admission is free. www.globe.ie/events.php
Sun 26 Feb: 22:30-01:00 – The Mezz, 23/24 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The great Soul / Funk / Rock/ Reggae band “Mob Fandango” is every Sunday in the Mezz for a late night gig. www.facebook.com/mobfandango
* The Temple Bar Book Market is taking place every Sat+Sun on Temple Bar Square from 11:00-18:00.
* Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Sunday from 10:00-17:00 the Jamestown Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. www.jamestownmarket.com
* Afternoon Jazz in Café en Seine. The Sweet & Lowdown Jazz Trio play every Sunday from 14:00-16:00 in Café en Seine in Dawson Street. Admission is free. www.stellabass.com and a video is here gush.ie/clients/sweetlow/video/
* Sunday Roast is a weekly event in the Mercantile in 28 Dame Street from 21:00-01:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes. www.facebook.com/thesundayroast
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* From 21:00 in The Bleeding Horse on Camden Street “The Apollo Sessions” is a free show featuring multiple styles of original music from local and international musicians and songwriters www.myspace.com/thebleedinghorsesessions
* Every Sunday “The Latin Beat” will take place in 4 Dame Lane in Dame Lane from 20:00-02:00. A band will play from 21:00-22:30, a Latin Beat Club, Brazilian DJs and Salsa Classes (from 18:00) will be additional features. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/events/225904860831469/
* Comedy Crunch – The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330
* The Burning Effigies are playing afrobeat, jazz, funk and soul every Sunday from 23:00 in Turk’s Head in Parliament Street. www.turkshead.ie
* The Gardiner Street Gospel Mass invites to a Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com
If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.
______Next Week_______________
The Engineers Week continues until 04 March and you can find a description in the Saturday Section of this Event Guide. Check the events out on the their website. There is toooo much happening for me to list all 50+ events.
Mon 27 Feb: 13:00-14:00 – RDS Concert Hall, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
The RDS continues its series of lunchtime recitals in the RDS Concert Hall called “Rising Stars Music Recital”. The Spring Series features music from three young Irish pianists chosen to participate in the Dublin International Piano Competition 2012, as well as musicians from the CIT Cork School of Music. On Monday Benjamin Shaffrey will perform on piano. His performance will include:
Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57 (Appassionata)
Brahms: 4 Ballades Op. 10: Nos. 1, 2 and 3
Liszt: Après une Lecture de Dante
The next recitals in the series will take place on 05 March. Admission is free and no advance booking is required. www.rds.ie/cat_event_detail.jsp?itemID=1099522
Mon, Wed, Sat in Feb: 13:10 – Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 – The IFI continues with its free Archive at Lunchtime screenings. A number of free programmes will be shown at lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays. The details and the relevant dates when the programme will be screened are:
8, 13, 22, 27 February: www.ifi.ie/film/archive-at-lunchtime-programme-1-19/
6, 15, 20, 29 February: www.ifi.ie/film/archive-at-lunchtime-programme-2-20/
A double-bill of both Programme 1 and Programme 2 will be screened on the Saturdays:
4, 11, 18, 25 February: www.ifi.ie/film/archive-at-lunchtime-double-bill-5/
Admission is free, just collect your ticket at the ticket desk.
Mon 27 Feb: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2. – “El Chacotero sentimental” (1999) by director Cristián Galaz is the next film in the Chilean Cinema Season in the Instituto Cervantes. The film will be in Spanish with English subtitles and will be followed by a Chilean wine reception. Admission is free. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha78838_16_2.htm
Mon 27 Feb: 18:00-19:00 – Starbucks, Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
Pat Cox, the former President of the European Parliament, will address the Blackrock Business Network event “Building Business in 2012”. There will also be presentations from Paul Keville, Commercial Manager, Ulster Bank Blackrock and Joan Henry, Director of Research, Savills Ireland. This event is being organised by members of the town’s business community to boost and promote Blackrock. iloveblackrock.ie/building-business-in-2012/
Mon 27 Feb: 18:00 – UCD School of Architecture, UCD Campus, Richview, Belfield, Dublin 4. – This lecture series is intended to present a view of the architectural interests and preoccupations of former teachers in relation to those of new members of staff. Each speaker is asked to present a short lecture (15-20 minutes) on a particular work of architecture from the period 1911-2011 which they found inspirational at first sight, a first encounter with modern architecture that made a lasting impression on them. On 27 Feb the speakers are Professor Cathal O’Neill and Fiona Hughes. www.ucdarchitecture.ie/#event=2299
Mon 27 Feb: 18:30 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Lagan Press invites you to the Irish Writers’ Centre for the launch of the publication of “Heroic Heart: A Charles Donnelly Reader” edited by Kay Donnelly and Gerald Dawe. Thomas Kilroy will introduce this launch. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
Mon 27 Feb: 21:00-23:00 – Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday and Monday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. This Monday’s line up is Danny O’Brien, Neil Hickey with support from FJ Murray, Danny Murray & Colm McGlinchey (MC)
* Solar Trio Gig in Anseo (Camden Street, D2) on the first three Mondays of every month. Jazz standards along with totally improvised on the spot jams.
* Comedy Crunch – The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy in the Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330
* Upbeat Generation is playing Soul/Funk/Rock Covers in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 from 23:30. Admission is free.
Tues 28 Feb: 10:30-11:15 – National Gallery, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The talk “Contemporary Stained Glass Commissions” with Peadar Lamb, Artist will take place and admission is free. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
Tue 28 Feb: 17:00 – Royal Irish Academy, Academy House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
A Mathematics Lecture for which you only need a basic background in analysis and algebra to understand it will look at “Graph Algebras in Analysis and Algebra”. Lecturer is Mercedes Siles Molina (Professor of Algebra at the University of Málaga). Find the details about this lecture here and book on the same page: www.ria.ie/Events/Events-Listing/Mathematics-Lecture.aspx
Wed 28 Feb: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2. – “Los Debutantes” (2003) by director Andrés Waissbluth is the next film in the Chilean Cinema Season in the Instituto Cervantes. The film will be in Spanish with English subtitles and will be followed by a Chilean wine reception. Admission is free. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha78842_16_2.htm
Tues 28 Feb: 18:00-21:00 – Burlington Hotel, Dublin 4
More than 300 people have already registered for this Business Networking Meeting. This event will facilitate networking amongst the small business community and it is an opportunity to shake hands and meet fellow business owners and professionals.
There will formal (round table) and informal networking at this event. Darren Glanville Marketing Director at XERO.COM will give a brief introduction about running your business using the XERO online accounts system. If you want to attend please register now at this address linkd.in/AF8elH (just copy it in your browser, unfortunately spam filters don’t like URL shorteners, so I had to make it “unclickable”.)
Tues 28 Feb: 18:30 – Alliance Francaise, 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2
“Sheila Pratschke is the Director of the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris. Born in Limerick, she studied Irish and French at UCD. In 1994, she did six months preparatory work for the Imaginaire Irlandais Festival that took place in Paris two years later. She became Director of the Irish Film Institute in Dublin, then ran the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, an artists’ retreat at Annaghmakerrig, an old Victorian House on a lake in Co Monaghan. Her fascinating career trajectory has given her a unique perspective on Irish culture and how it is perceived abroad. Sheila will talk about the history of the Centre Culturel Irlandais and her role as a director of this fantastic cultural centre.” This talk is in French and the Q&A is in French and English. Admission is free, but booking is required via info@alliance-francaise.ie
Tues 28 Feb: 19:30 (sharp) – The Mercantile, Dame St, Dublin 2.
The Alchemist Cafe is a forum for the discussion of important and interesting scientific issues that is much more informal and accessible than a public lecture. This month the topic is “The Science of Sudoku”. Gary McGuire will discuss the science and maths involved in Sudoku. Got to www.math.ie/checker.html for more information. Admission is free and complimentary finger food will be provided. For more information about the event check www.alchemistcafedublin.com/
Tues 28 Feb: 19:30 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
At this Peregrine Readings event, Christine Dwyer Hickey, Chris Binchy, Ed O’ Loughlin will read at the Irish Writers’ Centre, kicking off the series of prose readings, Peregrine Readings. The readings will commence in the Centre and be taken afterwards to the County Library and Boyle Library in Roscommon. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
* Open Mic Night with The Last Tycoons in O’Donoghue’s on Suffolk Street every Tues from 20:00. It’s free and anyone can get up, sing a song or do whatever they like. www.facebook.com/pages/ODonoghues-Open-Mic/71834618844
* Live Jazz and Blues from 21:00 every Tuesday in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2.
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
* White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2
Wed 29 Feb: 11:00-19:00 – Red Cow Moran Hotel (Pavillion), Naas Road, Dublin 22 (near the N7 junction on the M50). – “Spread your Network” is a business networking event for small and medium sized companies from all Ireland. The event is organised by Whatswhat.ie and sponsored by Radio Nova. (An unusual area for sponsorship for a rock radio station!?) Admission is free and for Businesses who want an exhibition stand, you can check the cost with Barbara at barbara@whatswhat.ie
There will be a number of guest speakers:
+ Mary O’Sullivan (Radio Nova): Advertising your business successfully and why radio works.
+ Greg Fry: Social Media.
+ Rob Carpenter (Granite): Search Engine Optimisation
+ Aidan Higgins (adeo.ie): Business Strategy & Motivation
+ Gary Berney (Reef Mobile): How Smartphones will change your customer engagement.
+ Tony Fitzpatrick (franchiseyourbusiness.ie): Can franchising help your business
grow? – This talk explains how franchising works and what the benefits are.
Find out who is attending, register yourself and read all event details here spread-your-network.eventbrite.ie/
Wed 29 Feb: 13:00-14:00 – Central Library, Ilac Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1. Michael Philips, Dublin City Engineer, presents an illustrated talk ‘Engineering the City’ in the Central Library. How does a city obtain water, gas, and electricity? Where do these services come from? How are they transported? The answer is infrastructure, or the inner, and sometimes invisible, workings of the city. In this illustrated presentation, Michael Phillips, Dublin City Engineer, highlights what engineers and technicians have achieved for Dublin, helping to create a city where people work, live and relax. Admission is free, but booking is required via centrallibrary@dublincity.ie or 01-8734333. www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/engineers_week.aspx
Wed 29 Feb: 13:00 – Academy House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The Library Lunchtime Lecture Series of the Royal Irish Academy continues. The lectures are in conjunction with the Libraries’ current exhibition ‘From Cromwell to Cholera: A history of Ireland from the Pamphlet Collection of Charles Haliday’. Come along and learn more about this collection and the role of pamphlets in Irish history. This week’s lecture is entitled “Revolution, Rebellion and Union: Ireland in the 1790s” by Dáire Keogh, Saint Patrick’s College, DCU. No booking required, just come along. www.ria.ie/Events/Events-Listing/Library-Lunchtime-Lecture-Series-%282%29.aspx
Wed 29 Feb: 15:00 – National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The lecture “Science of Plants – Eating the Sun and Drinking the Earth” with Colin Kelleher will describe the remarkable process of plant nutrition how plants feed off sunlight, and how they get what they need from the soil. www.botanicgardens.ie/news/events.htm
Wed 29 Feb: 18:00-19:00 – National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
The Contemporary Music Centre’s new music::new Ireland salon series 2012 begins on 29 February with composer/guitarist Dave Flynn (guitar) and Aoife Ní Bhriain (violin). It will take place in the Kevin Barry Room of the National Concert Hall. The salon series aims to encourage newcomers and enthusiasts alike to engage with the music of Irish composers. Each performance takes place in an informal atmosphere with dialogue encouraged between composers, performers and audience. Salons will take place across the year on the last Wednesday of each month, apart from the summer months (June, July and August).
Wed 29 Feb: 18:00 – RDS Minerva Suite, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Marie Bourke will talk about “The Story of Irish Museums 1790-2000”. The talk will examine the stories, the histories and the evolution of Irish museums and galleries over the past three centuries. What started as a ‘cabinet of curiosities’ forming an important asset in a gentleman’s home, would become, in the new millennium, museums and galleries that are at once virtual and physical spaces. This fascinating story of collectors and collections will demonstrate how they form the basis of our national collections and reflect our shared heritage. Marie Bourke is Keeper and Head of Education at the National Gallery of Ireland. Admission is free, but booking is essential. Contact Gerard Whelan on 01-240 7254 or lectures@rds.ie www.rds.ie/cat_event_detail.jsp?itemID=1099419
Wed 29 Feb: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2. – “Promedio Rojo” (2004) by director Nicolás López is the next film in the Chilean Cinema Season in the Instituto Cervantes. The film will be in Spanish with English subtitles and will be followed by a Chilean wine reception. Admission is free. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha78841_16_2.htm
Wed 29 Feb: 19:00 – National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Peter Murray, Director of the Crawford Gallery will lecture on the antiquarian George Petrie known as ‘the father of Irish archaeology’: “George Petrie: Artist and Antiquarian”. This event is part of the Particles of the Past Lecture Series. Admission is free and booking is not required. www.nli.ie/en/list/current-events.aspx?article=d9c93238-d056-46e2-86b4-4f296ff26a14
Thurs 01 March: 13:00 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The World Book Day Lunchtime Reading with Anabelle Despard & Judith Mok will take place. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
Wed 29 Feb: 20:30 – Stag’s Head (upstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
This month’s Brownbread Mixtape is taking place on Wed and has the theme “Food”. Organised by Kalle Ryan (MC) and Enda Roche (sound), the following artists will perform on the night:
MUSIC: Cal Folger Day (New York), The Crayon Set, Senakah
SPOKEN WORD: John Cummins
SKETCH COMED: The Brownbread Players
The Brownbread Mixtape is a very popular event, so you should arrive early to get a space. brownbreadmixtape.wordpress.com/
Wed 29 Feb: 21:00 – The Leeson Lounge148 Upper Leeson St., Dublin 4.
The Blues, Rock & Country band Arizona will perform in the Leeson Lounge. www.dublinevents.com/events/live-music/arizona.php
Wednesdays: Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Bad Boy Jake, a band from Dublin that draws influences from all over the music spectrum including Rory Gallagher, Jimi Hendrix, ZZ Top, Deep Purple, blues rock and classic rock, is playing every Wednesday in Mother Reilly’s.
Every Wed from 21:00-23:00, The Swing Factory (Paul Sweeney – trumpet, Neil McMahon sax, Bob Whelan vocals/keys Dave Fleming bass, Ian Hyland – drums) will be playing Jazz in O’Reilly’s Pub in Sandymount, D4. Admission is free.
* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 16:00-19:00 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. There are many Spanish speakers and English-speakers are explicitly invited, but everyone else is certainly very welcome too, to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English. www.havana.ie/opening%202009.htm www.facebook.com/pages/Havana-Tapas-Bar/10503361821
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesday. www.hamletsweeney.com/events/
* Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
* Seven Deadly Skins are playing Reggae/Ska Covers from 22:00 with DJ Dotsie later. The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Admission is free.
Thurs 11:00-18:00 – 72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto)
The Ferocious Mingle Market is a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character. www.facebook.com/mingle.mkt
Thurs 1+8+15+22+29 March: 13:00 – Central Library, Ilac Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1. – “The Irish Economy. What happened? What next?” is a series of lunchtime talks taking place each Thursday in March. The series addresses questions around the Irish Economy. How we have reached the point we are now at, what the policy of successive governments has been and what effect these policies have had. Contributors include economists, journalists and historians.
The talks are
+ 01 March: From independence to the IMF: the Irish economy and the forces that shaped it, 1922-2010 with Conor McCabe
+ 08 March: Austerity; time for a Plan B? with Michael Taft
+ 15 March: Ireland’s Property Market – How did it come to this? And where to next? with Ronan Lyons
22 March: ‘The Irish banks and Eurozone stability: Learning from the past, looking to the future’ with Gregory Connor
29 March: “Anglo Irish Bank and the part it played in Ireland’s economic collapse” with Simon Carswell
Admission is free, but booking is required via 01-873 4333 or centrallibrary@dublincity.ie www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/the_irish_economy.aspx
Thurs 01 Mar: 15:30-17:00 – The National Print Museum, Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4. – Celebrate the World Book Day with a Children’s Bookmaking Workshop in the National Print Museum. Use traditional methods and modern materials to create and decorate a special book. Admission is free.
Thurs 01 March: 17:00 – Room A109, Newman Building, UCD Campus, Belfield, Co. Dublin. “Shouldn’t talk about the weather but…: a critique of climate-cultural relationships in Later Prehistoric and Early Medieval Ireland” is the title of this lecture/seminar. It is organised by the UCD School of Archaeology and all are welcome. www.ucd.ie/events/calendar?lang=en&dt=d.en.114153&f=week&d=02/03/2012&sd=Thurs,01March2012&ac=*
Thurs 01 March: 18:00-20:00 – Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
“Trust Me I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art” is part of a series that investigates the ethics of art-science collaborations. Artist Anna Dumitriu will pitch an artwork to a specially formed ethics committee in front of a live audience. The committee will then debate and discuss the proposal before granting a final decision with the help of the audience. This series of public events, taking place in international settings, investigate the new ethical issues arising from art and science collaboration and consider the roles and responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved. For more information and to book your place (Admission is free) go to www.sciencegallery.com/events/2012/03/trust-me-i%E2%80%99m-artist-towards-ethics-artscience-collaboration
Thurs 01 Mar: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place (near National Gallery), Dublin 2. – “Gente decente” (2004) by director Edgardo Vierek is the next film in the Chilean Cinema Season in the Instituto Cervantes. The film will be in Spanish with English subtitles and will be followed by a Chilean wine reception. Admission is free. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha78838_16_2.htm
Thurs 01 March 18:00 – Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The Climate Change Lecture “Exploring the Greenland Ice Sheet: Implications for Climate Change Past and Present” by Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
“The Greenland Ice Sheet is reacting to the recent climate change and is losing more and more mass for every year. One of our challenges in the future is to adapt to rising sea level. Looking into the past gains us knowledge on how the ice sheets react to changing climate of the past and this knowledge can be used to improver predictions of sea level rise in the future. The deep ice cores from Greenland contain information on the past climate more than 130.000 years back in time. The first results from the new Greenland ice core from the drill site named NEEM are presented and combined with the results from the other deep ice cores from the Greenland Ice Sheet.” www.ria.ie/Events/Events-Listing/Climate-Change-Lecture.aspx
Thurs 01 March: 18:00-20:00 – Temple Bar
Inspired by First Thursdays carried out in London, First Thursdays Dublin is the name given to cultural spaces opening their doors after hours and offering an extra chance to see art, culture and events in a number of venues from 18:00-20:00 on the first Thursday of every month. The 19 participating Cultural Spaces are Block T, Clyne Gallery, Centre for Creative Practices, Debbie Paul Studio & Gallery, Draíocht Arts Centre, Dublin Civic Trust, Fishbowl Gallery /Exchange Dublin, Gallery of Photography, Gallery Zozimus, Graphic Studio Gallery, Mad Art Gallery & Studio, Monster Truck Gallery & Studios, NGG – No Grants Gallery, Project Arts Centre, The Green Gallery, The Green On Red Gallery, The Lab, Jam Art Factory, The Doorway Gallery. templebar.ie/Event/First_Thursdays_Dublin
Thurs 01 March: 19:30 – Twisted Pepper Café (Loft Bookstore), 54, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1. – The Dublin Writers’ Forum is back after the Christmas break and welcomes writers of all genres, of all ages and all levels of experience. Founded and facilitated by writers Liz McSkeane and Anne Tannam, DWF is an open group of writers who share a common passion for all things literary. It is a safe ‘working space’ where on a weekly basis writers can bring their work to be critiqued by other writers. More information can be found at www.facebook.com/DublinWritersForum
What was the Odeon Movie Club is now the 4 Dame Lane Movie Club since the Odeon closed down. However, the Odeon programme will currently not be continued. Instead the movies will be 01 Mar: Napoleon Dynamite, 08 Mar: Psycho, 15 Mar: Labyrinth. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/events/338051012884510/
Thurs: 20:30 – O’Reilly’s Rock Bar, underneath Tara Street DART Station, Dublin 2
If you are a Singer, Songwriter, play an Instrument or just want to jam then come to the Railway Sessions in O’Reilly’s every Thurs at 20:00 and showcase maybe a new song or a cover. All performing musicians will receive a complimentary drink. The event starts at 20:30. To contact the organisers: info@dublinsocialtv.ie An Indie-Rock Club starts immediately afterwards at 23:00. Admission free.
Thursdays: 21:00 – Sin É, Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Sin È are running regular live music events and one regular event is with the Brazilian Soul + Funk Band “Banda Baque Soul” on Thursdays. www.facebook.com/sin.e.dublin?sk=wall
Thursdays: 21:30 – Frank Ryan’s Bar, Queen Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7
Every Thursday “Left Right & Centre” plays a mix of blues & soul with a bit of rock&roll. www.frankryans.com/2011/10/10/left-right-centre-the-homecoming/
* Lunchtime Market at Christ Church Cathedral from 12:00-15:00. www.irishvillagemarkets.ie/christchurch.php
* Quiz Night in The Lotts Cafe Bar, 9 Lower Liffey St, Dublin 1. Every Thurs a quiz night with great prizes is taking place at 20:00/20:30 depending on football. Participation is free.
* Dimestore Recordings run a weekly event in Sweeney Mongrel’s, Dame Street (formerly Le Cirk) with a variety of bands and performers. It starts at 20:00 and the line up is here: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000163463304&sk=wall
* Songs from a Café is a Dublin singer-songwriter showcase session, dedicated to the art of contemporary songwriting. 20:00-22:00 at Brick Alley Cafe. www.facebook.com/songsfromacafe
* The Max Zaska group and the Patrick Groenland group will perform on alternating Thursdays from 21:00 in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street.
* “Thirsty Thursday” Open Mic Night from 21:00 in the Bridge Inn in Chapelizod Village. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bridge-Inn-Chapelizod/350005960758
* The Bionic Rats play live Reggae and Ska every Thursday in Turk’s Head from 22:00. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/TURKSHEADDUBLIN
Fri 02 March: 13:05 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
A lunch time reading with Geraldine Mitchell will take place. The Lunchtime Readings will run on Fridays throughout February and March in the Irish Writers’ Centre and are organised in association with Poetry Ireland. The readings will be alternating between prose and poetry, offering audiences the chance to experience a wide-range of literary talent. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html
Fri 02 March: 18:00 – Tower Records, Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Cold 100 will be playing an in-store show in Tower Records on Friday to celebrate the release of their new EP “Into The Parlour”. And if you miss that or if you like The Cold 100 a lot (I really like their music!), then you can enjoy another In-Store event at Freebird records (secret Book and Record Store) on Wicklow St. on 03 March at 13:00. The lead single from the EP is ‘Mr. Westcoast Man’, and the video is here www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9uS9C5cCts www.thecold100.com
Fridays 18:30-21:00 – Radisson, Golden Lane, Dublin 2.
Next Friday the Radisson Hotel in Golden Lane is starting a new Jazz Evening every Friday and the first performer will be Collette Henry (voc) and Leopoldo Osio (piano). They will perform a mixture of Latin tunes and blues Blues songs. Admission is free.
Fri 02 March: 19:00 – The Back Loft, Augustine Street off Thomas St, Dublin 2
“Zombies: Are we dead yet?” is the name of a night o talks, clips and music on the undead, organised by Dublintellectual. The director of zombie flick Dead Meat, Conor McMahon, will be joined by Sarah Cleary talking about the seks (Spam Filter Divert: replace “ks” with “x”) lives of zombies, Sorcha Ni Fhlainn on zombie soldiers, and Emma Radley on zombies in Irish cinema. Admission to the event is EUR 5 per person but you can get in for free if you dress up like a zombie… or if you win tickets at the competition here in the Dublin Event Guide. www.facebook.com/pages/Dublintellectual/171421632924002
Fri 02 March: 19:00-22:00 – Whelan’s (Front Bar), 25 Wexford St, Dublin 2
The Western, Rockabilly, Rock n’ Roll band “Moo!” will perform in Whelan’s and admission is free. www.mooband.com www.whelanslive.com/index.php/archives/8389
Fri 02 March: 20:00-22:00 – Sandymount Martello Tower Car Park.
The Sidewalk Astronomers of the Irish Astronomical Society are inviting to their monthly star gazing session at the Martello tower in Sandymount. If the weather is good the event will run from 20:00-22:00 and if it is cloudy it will go until 21:00. You can bring your own telescope or try out one of the telescopes that will be made available there. The viewing will focus on Jupiter and Moon. www.irishastrosoc.org/wordpress/
This section contains events that will happen in the future. Some of them require free tickets and it is mentioned where this is the case. Put the events in your diary and for the ticketed events hurry to request your tickets:
Sat 03 Mar: 12:00-13:00 – Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin 8. – The IMMA talk “What is Photography?” by Fiona Loughnane will take place. And because the “What is …?” talks are very popular you better book your place soon. The talk provides an overview of photography and its role as medium and mode of documentation in contemporary arts practice. This is accompanied by an essay by Fiona Loughnane, Art Historian and Lecturer, titled Image of Reality / Image not Reality: What is Photography? The talk is supported by an information leaflet which includes summary information about the topic, an essay and supplementary resource material including bibliography, resources and a glossary of terms. www.imma.ie/en/subnav_50.htm
______This is odd!!______________
Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this
section. ;-)
An Bord Pleanala, the authority that is responsible for deciding on planning applications, has decided that the new National Children’s Hospital can not be built next to the Mater Hospital on the North Side of the city. The Mater Hospital area is already very busy and building such a huge new hospital there would be a serious challenge for the area. But it seems that the decision was based on the height and size of the building. It was planned to be 75 metre high, which is approx. 20 metres higher than is allowed in the area. I think the decision is probably the best and I was always a little puzzled (but I am not an expert) why the two hospitals had to be next to each other. But there is one very odd thing: If the area has a 50m height limit, would it not have made sense to check the rules BEFORE a planning application is submitted?? Could not someone have read the manual? There are clear rules for every part of the city and a lot of work (and money) could have been saved if it had been known that the building will be too high! Odd!! www.rte.ie/news/2012/0223/children.html
MySURVEY – Get rewarded for taking part in surveys. You can make your opinion count AND at the same time get vouchers as rewards or donate to a charity!
I hope you checked the brilliant prices in the competition section? And will I see you in the Tivoli Theatre over the next two weeks! ;-) Just asking!?
Have a great weekend!
Take care,
For much needed donations please go to www.perfectresults.info//donation.htm
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This Event Guide (the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”) is an Event Guide with a difference. It covers mostly free events based on the thinking that free events deserve additional support and that non-free events have the money to pay for advertisement. The Guide is a _guide_ and not just a listing and is therefore at times quite extensive. It is sent for free to anybody who is interested and if you want to be added to the mailing list or know somebody who would like to receive this guide, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the Subject “Subscribe”.
If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via the same e-mail address.
BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby so your donations are needed: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm. Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible and very welcome, please contact me for more information.
Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the former fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2012 by Joerg Steegmueller.
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