Hi all!
It is harder and harder to complete the Dublin Event Guide at a reasonable time. And I honestly have no good solution for it. I am now working through two (!) nights without sleep and still can’t get it finished earlier. There are a number of reasons for that, but the main reason is the large amount of events and the amount of work to turn event organisers’ information in something readable. I refuse to cut & paste “my event is the bestest event ever experienced”-announcements, so I have to rewrite nearly everything to a degree. You would think event organisers would provide small chunks that contain all information, but unfortunately that is often not the case.
The good news is, though, that there are lots and lots of great events again. So you won’t be bored this weekend if you spend a bit of time going through the list. ;-)
For two weeks in a row only one single person supported the Dublin Event Guide with essential funds, could you help too? I need approx 4 donations per week to keep everything afloat. Thanks!
Your support and help is needed and MUCH appreciated and here are my weekly appeals:
The sending of the weekly e-mail newsletter costs EUR 170 per month and for this I need your help. If four wonderful people can be found per week, then we usually make it exactly to that amount. You can help here: www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm I am also looking for some corporate sponsors. Maybe two or three companies that are prepared to help with a little more than the individual donations of around 12 Euro. If you know anybody, send them my way. :-) Recently the donations dropped significantly. Maybe it is the bad times, but EUR 12 is just 2 pints and for the equivalent of 2 pints you get 52 issues full of information about free cultural events. That’s DEFINITELY worth 2 pints! Please…and Thanks! :-)
And finally – I can’t say it often enough: Please help spreading the word about the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). Your friends can easily subscribe at www.dublineventguide.com and they will get a weekly e-mail magazine with all the free events in Dublin if they subscribe. They don’t have to pay a cent for that and their e-mail address is completely safe with me! More than 22,000 people receive the Dublin Event Guide every week and we are more than 48,000 people at the Dublin Event Guide Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide Check it out and click on LIKE when you are there.
And this is a great opportunity to help the Dublin Event Guide for absolutely no cost to you:
Without putting your hand in your pocket (for the Dublin Event Guide) at all you can help by ALWAYS using the ad links in the Dublin News Section and the ads in the Dublin Event Guides when you buy/order goods. If you buy goods immediately (in the same session) after clicking on a link/ad that you find in this e-zine/newsletter (Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon, Book Depository, LastMinute etc), you help the Dublin Event Guide everytime. This is how it works: The company you buy from (Groupon, Amazon, Living Social, Book Depository etc) registers that you came to them via a link from the Dublin Event Guide and they show their appreciation by giving a small commission (5-8%) to the Dublin Event Guide. This might only be 30 cent a go, but if you did that for all online purchases and if lots of people used it, then it could make a big dent into the EUR 170 needed. Use these links as often as possible it doesn’t cost you a cent and you help big time!
Have an event-full weekend and week,
Find the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) online presence here:
Website: www.DublinEventGuide.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide
Mobile App: m.dublineventguide.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/DublinEventG

We are more than 49,000 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide and are growing every week. Join in and click LIKE on the facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.

The Birdcage Bakery & Cafe bake over fifty different types of little cakes and chocolates, croissants and scones and they also have sandwiches, soups, salads, tarts and calzoni. (Open: Mon-Fri from 07:30- 18:00). The Birdcage Bakery & Cafe in 21 Harcourt Road in Dublin 2 is supporting the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) and if you could have your Breakfast or Lunch there and thank them for their support, everyone benefits! ;-) |
The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-mail magazine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and there could be more in the coming week and this section is for the people that want to overcome the hurdles, achieve more and remember that despite all, life is great!
This week the Feel Good Slot is something COMPLETELY different than normally.
By coincidence I came across an advertisement campaign that impressed me so much that I want to share it with you here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs
It is a campaign by “Always” and it is the #LikeAGirl campaign where people are asked to do things “Like a girl” and then afterwards think about and discuss what this really means. There is a powerful message in it and it is time to rewrite the meaning “Like a girl”.
Watch it and share it with your friends and then let’s do things “Like a girl”, cause if the girl is achieving what she sets out to do, then I definitely want to do things “Like a girl”!
Books for lowest prices, sent to you with free worldwide delivery. And with every book you buy, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) … IF you click on the link below! www.bookdepository.com
This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
To cover the cost for the Dublin Event Guide I need your help and every week generous and nice Dublin Event Guide readers help with a donation.
Last week only Deborah B was so great and supported the Dublin Event Guide with a donation. I really appreciate the help! Thanks! Without donations there won’t be a Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events): Your donation will ensure that the Dublin Event Guide will continue arriving in your Inbox every week and every donation will benefit EVERY Dublin Event Guide reader!
The cost for sending the weekly newsletter is approx. EUR 170 per month and a donation from you of just EUR 12 per year will ensure that I will be able to pay the bills.
Has the Dublin Event Guide helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about, or have you saved money by finding great free events? Then go to www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm and give something back!
I appreciate ANY help: EUR 12 would be great (that’s just 25 cent per week!), but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Orlagh O’F, Méabh C, Meav NiM, Anna P, Vera G, John R, Nicole W, Margo C, Eamonn U, Pamela McH, Joel B, Gerard Ph, Fiona F, Yvonne O’S, Gabriel K, Luis F, Claire D, Nicola F, Eimear MacH and Barry M, Kirsten D, Roisin K, Sharon C, Thomas S, Cyril M, Patricia O’N, Ju Yearn S, Clodagh C, Caitriona L, Brian O’C, Geraldine R, Aiden B, Jacinta O’B, Sophie P-L, Mairin M, Wendy C, Seamus C, Mary K, Carla B, Fiona O’R, Karen O’G, Emeline J, Noelle H, Sean N, Marta T, Aine C, Sabrina L, Brian H P, Fiona M, Bridget W, Paul M, Sarah S, Pam C, Colette C, Paul A, Brian C, Anne R, Deirdre B, Oliver M, Kostas R, Elaine K, Mark C, James E, Sarah H, Karl C, Melanie B, Donna M, Kathleen S, Arthur D, Stephen H, Karen H, Nikki D, Mark G, Margaret W, Serena F, Mark R, Zelie McG, Sean S, Caroline S, Patrick O’C, Christian K, Magdalena S, Fidelma M, Tania Z, Louise Q, Barbara Q-B, Catherine G, Tony B, Yvonne C, Mark G, Bridget W, Catherine E, Michelle M, Eoin O’S, Adeline P, Kay G, Claire F, Anto K, Sebastian B, Justin McC, Sophie P-L, David M, Mark G, Eamonn H, Sharon K, Michele M, Joseph F, Siobhann Q, Clodagh O’C, Susan B, Bill G, Joe R, Catherine O’S, Tom McM, Donald M, Martina D, Pascale N, Carol McN and Meret C, Linda T, Mark G, Cathal F, Brendan M, Mary F, Dermot N, Emma S, Fiona D, Joan S, Ana RT, Janice M, Emma L, Claudia S, Sarah H, Tobias A, Conor H, Sarah M, Barry P, Aishling B, Pietro S, Ruth G, Kate D, Joe O’D, Ivelina D, Orla P, Yasmin WK, Adrian P, Sinead D, Padraig K, Nicola R, Susan H, Erinna B, Roisin R, Clodagh H, Linda C, Laura B, Marie-Claire G, Siobhan M, David S, Eoin P, Mary B, Ann McP, Caitriona NiL, Sheryl McG, Patrick O’C, Fillippo G, Amanda L, Mark C, Richard H, David H, Ryan M, Richard A, Arthur D, Feargal O’R, Scott P, Jackie C, David F, Belinda B, Sibylle D, Caroline D, Erinna B, Vicky L, Caoimhe A, Frank W, Ciara B, Isidro G, Rita B, Johan S, Clodagh O’C, Lorraine F, Irene C, Erzsebet H, George K, Bernadette B, Nicola S, Cathal L, Regina O’C, Justin M, Jaime M, Jef B,Susan F, Aine G, Deirdre G, John F, Mark G, Deborah B and the Birdcage Bakery & Cafe (www.facebook.com/BirdcageBakery An independent cafe and bakery in 23 Harcourt Road, Dublin 2), Cycling Campaign (www.dublincycling.ie), www.GravitationalFX.ie (An Irish Web Design, SEO and Internet Marketing who offer affordable web design), www.FlamencoIndalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.oliviercornetgallery.com (An Art Gallery in 5 Cavendish Row), www.Festivals.ie (Ireland’s festivals website, with key information on festivals in Ireland, UK and Europe), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new venue), www.cfcp.ie (The Centre for Creative Practices is the the only arts centre in Ireland dedicated to connecting, integrating and promoting immigrant, experimental and emerging artists among the local arts scene and audiences). The main sponsor is www.KravMagaIreland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
I will have a Ukulele focused weekend! Today I will be doing a Ukulele Course at Axis in Ballymun, and tomorrow you will find me in Dun Laoghaire at the Ukulele Hooley. It is a coincidence that these two events both happen this weekend, but I am looking forward to it. :-) In between I will try to go to the People’s Art Exhibition, a great event at St. Stephen’s Green this weekend. And there is also the Nigerian Carnival this Saturday.
The National Heritage Week is on, but it is difficult to find the events in the horrible What’s On section on the website. The Sand Sculptures Exhibition has been extended. On Sunday there is another day of the People’s Art Exhibition and a Plant Fair and Food Market at Farmleigh House and the Ukulele Hooley in Dun Laoghaire. Enough to do! :-)

Postage to Ireland is free for most orders if you buy for more than GBP 25! And with every order via this link, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) gets a small commission:
SHIFT – 80s Tribute Gig – Ticket Competition
Sat 23 Aug – 21:00
Sugar Club, 8 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2
Just a few days left to enter this competition:
The 80s hair metal Tribute Band SHIFT, will celebrate a successful first half of 2014 with a gig in the Sugar Club on 23 Aug. The night will open with a screening of “Wayne’s World 2”, followed by an extended performance by SHIFT, with an 80s DJ until late. Tickets can be bought online here for EUR 10. On the night, tickets are EUR 12, or EUR 10 if you are wearing an awesome 80s rock outfit.
SHIFT will definitely bring you back to a proper stadium gig in the 80s and you can find out more about them on www.gettheshift.com They are a are a group of accomplished musicians and true performers, bringing the stadium show feel of 80s rock giants to the local stage; from costumes and accents to their stage presence and merchandise, the entire act is an authentic homage to 80s legends like Kiss, Whitesnake and Def Leppard.
SHIFT was very generous and made 10 pairs of tickets available. The lucky winners are:
Pamela Cardillo, Tracy O’Neill, Chris Flynn, Aideen Healy, Joan Guilfoyle, Darragh O Driscoll, Sueanne O’Halloran, James Elford, Frances Macken, T.J. Duff. Congratulations!
If your name is not on the list, don’t despair! I hear there are still a few tickets avalable to buy at the door.
Promote your product or (non-free) event through a competition!
If you want to reach more than 20,000 people with a product promotion or an event promotion for a non-free event, contact me on dublineventguide@gmail.com and we can discuss the options. In most cases there are no charges to you (apart from making some tickets or some of your products available for free).
And if you want me to do use your product and write an assessment here in the Dublin Event Guide, we can talk about that too. I like testing out gear. ;-)
Help the Dublin Event Guide! It won’t cost you a cent!
Do you enjoy free events? Does it help you to find out about all these free events simply in one e-mail magazine or on one website? Does the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) deliver all this for you and maybe even more? In that case, you probably also would want it to continue forever, right?
To achieve that some money is needed. Donations are a great help, but not everyone feels they can donate at the moment. So here is the solution: If you could help with a donation without having to pay a cent from your own money wouldn’t that be cool? You can!!
When you buy books online, buy them from Book Depository or from Amazon and use these links to go to the website:
Book Depository
And when you buy from Living Social or Groupon use these links:
When you buy holidays (from Lastminute.com, Expedia or Hotels.com) or other products buy them via clicking on the links below:
Pigsback | O2 | Vodafone | Pixmania
Expedia | Lastminute.com | Hotels.com
When you click on the link and then buy, your books/products/holidays etc cost exactly the same as if you went to the website directly. But if you go via the links above, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will get 5-8% of what you spend as a commission. That’s not a lot, but if you and lots of other people used that link every time, it would amount to a fair amount of crucially important money. Use the links often, actually EVERY time you buy from the relevant site, not just once!
Giving money for free! That’s how easy it is. ;-) THANK YOU!!!
And if you want to donate money directly, then you can do that here: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm
Dublin Event Guide Smartphone App “Dublin For Free”
Find all details on where to get and how to install the app at www.dublineventguide.com/mobile.html
Sand Sculptures Exhibition extended
It was meant to finish on 21 August, but the exhibition will continue now until 27 Aug. It could be that the dates that originally were given were incorrect because the carving started a good bit later than planned, but it is also possible that the exhibition has been extended for a few days. Either way, the news is good for you: YOu have one more weekend to have a look!
When you go, make sure that you read the descriptions. There are LOTS of descriptions around but many are for sculptures from previous years, so you will have to search a little to find the explanation of this year’s sculptures. Especially the middle one doesn’t make much sense without the explanation. www.dublincastle.ie/NewsEvents/Title,22941,en.htm
National Heritage Week
From 23-31 August the National Heritate Week takes place. It is a brilliant event with lots of individual events in historic locations. 1700 events take place throughout Ireland and approx. 400 of these are in Dublin. But unfortuantely the User Interface on the website at www.heritageweek.ie is really bad. Forget the map, instead select the part of Dublin that you want to go to in the fields below and then search through 22 (!!) pages of events (for Dublin City). It would be great if for next year the information was easier accessible.
In previous years there were books (they were thick!) available in the Tourist Office in Suffolk Street and I don’t know if they are available again, but without something like that, you are lost.
An alternative strategy would be to go to the website of the location you are considering to visit and check there directly for events.
Webinar for Event Organisers
Visit TV3 studios and be an audience Member at a TV3 show!
TV3 asked me to invite you to be an audience member at one of their new shows “The Algorithm” or “The Lie”. There will be a complimentary pre-show reception and an opportunity to see the studio and be involved in the making of a TV Show. If you or your family/friends are interested and would like to be part of the TV3 audience, Simply register at www.tv3.ie/takepart or e-mail audience@tv3.ie for further details.
Available dates for The Algorithm are between 23 and 28th August and for The Lie from 08-25 September.
This section is intended to feature new startup companies and projects. Opportunities that people saw and that they chose not to ignore. I am, however, experiencing a little technical problem with this section, so for now I won’t be able to use it. I will keep you posted.
Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie . For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is www.visualartists.ie/category/listings/dublin/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
Chester Beatty’s A-Z: from Amulet to Zodiac
11 July – 01 Feb 2015
Chester Beatty Library, Garden of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
One A is for Amulet, B is for Beatty, C is for Calligraphy…. Chester Beatty’s A to Z will take you on a journey through a selection of highlights, showcasing the breadth and quality of this collection.
This curators’ choice show is a visual treat with universal appeal. Each letter of the alphabet is matched to a word that is representative of something characteristically associated with the collection. Featuring many works seldom or never before seen in public, the exhibition will explore the threads that link cultures across the Western, Islamic and East Asian worlds.
Opening hours: From 10:00-17:00 on Mon to Fri (closed Mondays from 1 Oct), 11:00-17:00 on Sat, 13:00-17:00 on Sun
Dublin Sketcher’s Exhibition
21 – 28 Aug (Opening on 21 Aug: 19:00-21:00)
Tallaght Library, Library Square, Tallght, Dublin 24
Landmarked – Street Art Exhibition
22 Aug – 04 Sept (13:00-18:00 daily)
The Mart, 190a Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
“Landmarked” is a street art exhibition at the MART in Rathmines with works from artists Joe Caslin, ADW, GAG, IIJIN, KIN, MARCAMIX, Eoin.
The exhibition will showcase works by 8 of Ireland’s established and up and coming street artists, with a number of pieces also coming from international contributors.
Admission is free.
Citizens Wallpaper – Film & Photography Exhibition
15-24 August
Fumbally Exchange Gallery, 5 Dame Lane, Dublin 2
Participants in the Citizens Wallpaper project produce visual sections of a wallpaper that reflect their view of their world by highlighting topics which interest and define them. The Citizens Wallpaper reflects serious contemporary issues such as ecology, politics, identity and memory. It explores modern cultural connections by sharing extracts from personal stories, giving a powerful voice to communal experiences.
A Citizens Wallpaper exhibition is on show in the Fumbally Exchange Gallery and it comes in form of a film and photography exhibition. The themes covered are described here: www.citizenswallpaper.com/?p=128 The images and films are based on themes around citizenship and identity and the exhibition is a view on new society at home and other parts of Europe.
The organisation behind the exhibition is “Associated Photojournalists for Art & Culture” lead by international photojournalist Martin Nangle.
Admission to the exhibition is free.
Evelyn Suttle “Central Origins”
21 Aug (18:00-21:00) + 22-29 Aug (12:00-19:00; Closed on Sat+Sun.)
Centre for Creative Practices, 15 Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2
A series of mixed media paintings by Dublin based artist, Evelyn Suttle. Inspired by foreigners living and working in Dublin City centre, this series depicts their stories and perceptions, using different media to give a glimpse into their own cultural influence on our surroundings. http;//www.evelynsuttle.wix.com/portfolio and cfcp.ie/events/760

Car Boot Sales – Tallaght
08:00 – 12:00, Sat 23 Aug
Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, has up to 200 cars/sellers. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line stop and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 06:30 for buyers from 08:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on their website.
Honest2Goodness Food Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 23 Aug
Honest2goodness, 136 Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
The weekly Honest2goodness food market in Glasnevin has fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, and wines. It is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre.
Malahide Park Run (free)
09:30, Sat 23 Aug
Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin
Parkrun Ireland is organising free weekly runs in parks. It is a timed run over 5km and participation is completely free, but registration before your first parkrun is required.
SuperNatural Food Market
09:30 – 15:30, Sat 23 Aug
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
The Green Door Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 23 Aug
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 23 Aug
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a weekly indoors flea market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls in a big industrial hall. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel).
National Heritage Week
10:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
Sand Sculptures in Dublin Castle – Extended
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The display of massive Sand Sculptures in the Upper Courtyard is back for the 15th year. This year the theme is “Black, White & Grey”. The finished sculptures were meant to be on display until 21 Aug, but it seems this was extended and they sculptures will now be on display until 27 Aug. Use this last chance!!
Supported by the OPW, the Sand Sculptures are created by Duthain Dealbh (meaning: Fleeting Sculpture) (www.duthain-dealbh.com/)
I am fascinated by the Sculptures year after year and strongly recommend a visit! Admission is free.
Stables Market
10:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
A new market (flea/vintage/etc) with two cafés has opened in the same location in Thomas Street where the Ferocious Mingle Market was before their move to Camden Street.
The new market in 72 Thomas Street is called Stable Market and it is open from Thursday until Sunday from 10:00-18:00 every day. It seems there is neither a website nor a Facebook Page yet.
Temple Bar Markets
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 23 Aug
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
Wandering Methods Exhibition
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Innovative craft frontiers, beautiful objects, textiles and more will be on display at the Wandering Methods exhibition in Dublin Castle. Wandering Methods is an art and craft initiative developed in partnership by Bealtaine and Craftspace (Birmingham) in association with the Office of Public Works and participants have been working in Dublin Castle over the past few months with artists Liz Nilsson and Jenny Walsh in order to learn about the realms of textile printing and digital craft fabrication.
Their work is on display in Dublin Castle State Apartments until 31 August and I am assured that admission is free and does not require you to buy a ticket for a visit to the castle. (Open: Mon-Sat 10:00-16:45, Sun 12:00-14:45)
Archaeofest 2014 – Heritage Week Opening
11:00 – 16:00, Sat 23 Aug
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The Archaeofest, the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland’s yearly archaeological showcase/festival, will take place in Merrion Square and is the offical opening event for Heritage Week.
Have a go at excavating in the Big Dig, see Viking combat displays and weapons and more.
Admission is free.
The times of the event clashes with a non-free concert in Merrion Square, so make sure you come early (before 14:00), who knows if the Archaeofest will be forced to finish earlier than planned.
Beauty Within Us – Photo Exhibition
11:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin Camera Club, 10 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2
Beauty Within Us is a collection of work made by Goldginger Photography during the period from 2008-2014. Goldginger Photography joined Dublin Camera Club during these years and had the pleasure to learn and explore her skills in DCC Studio. Her work contains portraits and nud es of ordinary people in which she saw a beauty not always seen by the models.
Admission is free.
Blackrock Market
11:00 – 17:30, Sat 23 Aug
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids.
Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, and Sundays: 12:00-17:30.
Heritate Week in National Botanic Gardens
11:00, Sat 23 Aug
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
A whole range of events takes place in the National Botanic Gardens during Heritage Week (23-31 Aug). All details can be found on the website below, but here is a selection of them:
+ 23-31 Aug: The Vikings House. Find out what plant materials they used for building, crafts and food and what they grew.
+ Sat 23 Aug: Mediaeval Lathe Demonstration at Glasnevin with Eoin Donnelly from 12:00
+ Sat 23 Aug: Guided Walk: Ireland’s Natural Heritage at 15:00
+ Sun 24 Aug: Concert – Traditional Irish music in the Gardens with Mick O’Brien and family from 14:30
+ Sun 24 Aug: Guided Walk: The Roots of the World – plants and evidence of the past at 14:30
+ Tue 26 Aug: Guided Walk: Heritage Trees at 15:00
+ Wed 27 Aug: Heritage Week Tour: ‘Sharing heritage across the generations’ at 15:00
+ Sat 30 Aug: Heritage Week Tour: ‘Sharing heritage across the generations’ at 15:00
Admission to all events is free.
Irish Record Fairs – Market
11:00 – 19:00, Sat 23 Aug
Thomas House, 88 Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Irish Records Fair will have a market of vinyl, CDs and DVDs of all music genres in Thomas House on Saturday and on Sunday the market moves to Sin É. Admission is free.
Nigerian Carnival in Dublin
11:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
Smithfield Plaza, Dublin 7
A Nigerian Carnival Day will take place:
It starts with a Carnival Parade from the Garden of Remembrance to Smithfield Square (11:00-12:00).
Then from 12:00-18:00 the Grand Carnival will bring you lots of music on two stages and stalls etc. The great Nigerian-Irish Band “Tigg Linn” is part of the line-up.
Admission is free and everybody is welcome.
People’s Art Exhibition
11:00 – 17:00, Sat 23 Aug
St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
The great People’s Art Exhibition is happening again this weekend.
It is an art exhibition on the rails/fence of St. Stephen’s Green. If you want to exhibit at one of the events in the future, check the website for cost and conditions. Visiting the People’s Art Exhibition is free. Specific start and end times are not defined, but exhibition space has to be occupied by 11:00, so 11:00 is the latest start time. The event runs from Friday until Sunday, but Sat+Sun are the main days.
You can just enjoy the art or buy a piece or have a chat with the artists. Let’s hope the weather is ok.
People’s Art Dublin is a voluntary, part time, non profit making group, brought together by Dublin City Council to promote the visual arts to the public of Dublin. A huge variety of art/paintings are displayed and if the weather is nice it is a great art-filled stroll around Stephen’s Green. Definitely recommended!
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
60 Camden Street, Dublin 2
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) is back in a new location. The Marcade is now in Camden Street next to Daintree Paper and opposite the Centra and off-license there. It takes place every Thurs-Sun and is a flea-market-type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders.
Yoga in Phoenix Park
11:00 – 12:00, Sat 23 Aug
Bandstand (behind the Tea Room, near the Zoo), Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
This is the fifth year for “Yoga in the Park”, a brilliant initiative for a very worthy cause: From May until September, Tine from www.aditiyoga.org/ and her team of teachers invite to an hour of Yoga in Phoenix Park every Saturday. No booking is required.
The class is donation based, but all proceeds go to the Dublin Simon Community, a charity that does invaluable work for the homeless people in Dublin and the suggested donation for this very good cause is EUR 5.
Just bring a mat or a towel, some water and (hopefully) even some sun protection to the class. Should the weather be bad, the bandstand will be shelter or even training location. The training is suitable for all levels, so even total beginners are very welcome.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sat 23 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Ceremonial Military Guard
12:00 – 13:00, Sat 23 Aug
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
A Military Guard Ceremony takes place every week (July + August) at the “National Memorial to Members of the Defence Forces who died in the Service of the State” at the Merrion Street side of Merrion Square
This Saturday the ceremony will be carried out by the
+3 Infantry Battalion, Stephens Barracks, Kilkenny and Armoured Cavalry Squadron, Defence Forces Training Centre,Co. Kildare.
The website below describes what is happening during that hour.
Admission is free.
Ha’penny Flea Market
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly Ha’penny Flea Market is an indoor market in the Grand Social Pub, which offers vintage Men and Women’s clothing, contemporary crafts, books, DVDs, vinyl records, vintage and handmade jewellery, vintage hair styles, art, photography and much more. Grand Social’s Bar and Gourmet Coffee options are available.
Strange Weather – Science Gallery
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The Science Gallery Summer Exhibition “Strange Weather: Forecasts from te Future” has opened on 18 July and will run until 05 October.
The exhibition explores how we understand, adapt to and control the changing weather and shows also a lot educational and even quirky bits around weather: A Raindrop hovering in mid-air, a Tornado Diverter, a Cloud Collector, Weather Models, a machine making house shaped clouds and an archive of old events from around the world that were (or are) impacted by weather and of new events emerging because of weather.
There are 26 exhibits and – like all Science Gallery exhibitions -, it is a really interesting exhibition. Well worth a visit with the whole family.
You can even be a TV weather man/woman in a professional studio set-up! An interesting experience!
Here is me giving it a go: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYQjHHfRdco …I know, I better not give up the day job. ;-)
The Science Gallery is open Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and on Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00. Admission is free.
Summer in Dublin – Northside
12:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
Summer in Dublin events will take place every Saturday from 09 August to 06 September on North Earl Street and Henry Street.
There will be fun family activities like Giant Connect4, Giant Jenga, Giant Chess, Face Painting, Balloon Modeller, Music, Gyroscope, Funky Cam Car and Puppet Shows.
Participation is free.
Tag Rugby Blitz – Fundraiser
12:00, Sat 23 Aug
Greystones, Co. Wicklow
A Charity Tag Rugby Blitz will take place at the Greystones RFC for local boy Gavin Glynn, who suffers from a rare form of cancer. You can watch the Tag Rugby or enjoy the off-pitch family entertainment, food stalls and evening entertainment. From 18:30 a live band will play in the members bar.
Admission is free, donations are welcome.
Tallafest – Community Festival
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 23 Aug
Tallaght (various)
Tallafest, a day long free community festival in Tallaght, takes place this weekend.
There will be a Craft Market, Art & Craft Workshops for children, a Kids Zone, a Nature Zone, Lectures, a Sports Zone, a demonstration by the Fire Brigade and more.
The full programme can be found here: www.tallafest.ie/running.html
Admission to alll events is free.
Wooly Wards Farm & Animal Theatre
12:00 – 15:00, Sat 23 Aug
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
Wooly Wards Mobile Pe tting Farm and Animal Theatre will come to Marlay Park this weekend.
Cute animals are clearly not just for children, so don’t worry, there will be some “Aws” for everyone. Come along and visit fluffy little creatures such as guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits and pose for a picture with a llama, watch the ducks splash around and chase the kid goat around the enclosure.
Everyone is welcome to sit and pet the animals in a safe and supervised environment on23-24 August and 06+07 September). www.woolywardsfarm.com
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Sat 23 Aug
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Photo Treasure Hunt with Milk & Cookies Stories
13:00, Sat 23 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
Scavengers Assemble!
This event is soo much fun, but it is not free. Why am I mentioning here despite the EUR 5 per person charge? Well, it is organised by the great volunteers from Milk & Cookies Stories who run free story telling events every single month and they need this Treasure Hunt to get some money. So considering that nearly all their events are free, I think they deserve a little Shout Out for this fundraiser.
There will be lots of interesting, quirky, fun and odd (in a good way) challenges all over Dublin and you have to come back with photo evidence of your achievements. Lots of prizes are available as well so that lots of competing teams will easily get their money back in prizes.
It is a little last minute when you get this e-mail magazine, but get your friends to join in anyway. No preparation needed!
Bring your own camera and register at the Culture Box in Temple Bar at 13:00.
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour
14:00 – 16:30, Sat 23 Aug
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will run every Saturday. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is required via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
Eason Story Time for children
14:00, Sat 23 Aug
Eason, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“The Flying Bath” by Julia Donaldson will be read in 27 Eason’s stores all over Ireland. In O’Connell Street the reading takes place at 14:00. In the other Eason Stores, the times vary between 11:00 and 15:00 (see website below).
Admission is free.
Independence for Catalonia – Protest
16:00, Sat 23 Aug
Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Legalise Cann abis – Protest
17:00, Sat 23 Aug
Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin 1
20 Years of Autonomy – Zapatista Evening
18:00 – 22:00, Sat 23 Aug
Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1
An evening of talks, films, handcrafts and more about the Mexican Zapatista organisation and in solidarity with the indigenous people of Chiapas in Mexico. There will be four speakers talking on autonomous education, (Nancy Serrano and Schools for Chiapas / Escuelas para Chiapas), community media (Mario Nájera, Promedios De Comunicación Comunitaria).
Admission is free.
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Sat 23 Aug
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15.
+ Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30.
+ Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp.
+ Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Ukulele Hooley Open Mic Night
19:30, Sat 23 Aug
Pavilion Quarter, The Metals, Seafront, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Ukulele Hooley Open Mic Night will take place at the at the Buskers Corner at the Pavilion Quarter on the seafront. (I am not sure where that is exactly, but if you go to the row of restaurants and shops facing the seafront near the Pavilion Theatre, I am sure you will hear it.)
The Ukulele Hooley describes the event like this:
“Bring your ukulele & your song. We provide the audience, you provide the talent!
This is the opportunity for you or your ukulele group to play in front of a a receptive and supportive audience and perform those songs and pieces you’ve been working on so hard!”
I Udnerstand it is an outdoors event, so admission will be free.
Mongoose – Gig
20:00, Sat 23 Aug
Gilbert & Wright, 128 George’s Street Lower, Dun Laoghaire
Saturday Night Live
20:00 – 22:30, Sat 23 Aug
KC Peaches (Wine Cave), 28/29 Nassau St., Dublin 2
This is a weekly Saturday night live music event event in the basement Wine Cave of KC Peaches wholefood restaurant/café. Food will be served until 22:00 and wine, minerals & music will be available until later. Admission is free and a donation into a hat at the end of the evening is appreciated.
The Devils Jukebox – Gigs + DJs
20:00, Sat 23 Aug
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
The Devils Jukebox is live music from 20:00-23:00 and DJs with Alternative, Punk, Rock, Metal & Garage after that. Every Saturday! Admission is free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Sat 23 Aug
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
Jazz at Fire Cocktail Bar
21:30 – 00:30, Sat 23 Aug
Round Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Robert Deering is a pianist and singer and she will entertain you in the Cocktail Bar of the Fire Restaurant in Mansion House. Admission is free.
East Coast Jazz Band – Gig
22:00, Sat 23 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The New Emperors / Youth Mass – Gigs
22:30, Sat 23 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Let Loose! – Gig
23:55, Sat 23 Aug
Porterhouse Temple Bar, 16-18 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
Dublin City Triathlon
09:00, Sun 24 Aug
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The Dublin City Triathlon will take place this weekend and some lile watching the spectacle of a Triathlon more than a normal run. You can support the athletes and maybe get an appetite for trying a Triathlon yourself. The dsitances for this event in the Olympic Category are 1.5km Swim, 40km Cycle and 10 km Run. The first wave will swim their distance at 09:00 and the complete race will be over by 12:00.
The swim is in the Liffey at the Garda Boar Club along Chapelizod Road, the Transition area is on Chapelizod Road and Cycle and run will take place in Phoenix Park.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:30, Sun 24 Aug
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a weekly indoors flea market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls in a big industrial hall. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel).
Merrion Square Open Air Gallery
10:00 – 18:30, Sun 24 Aug
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Every Sunday, the Merrion Square Open Air Art Gallery takes place. Up to 200 artists exhibit their paintings on the railings on three sides (West, North and East) of Merrion Square and you can just enjoy the exhibition or even buy.
National Heritage Week
10:00, Sun 24 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/
St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
Plant Fair & Food Market – Farmleigh House
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
The Farmleigh House Plant Fair is in its 7th year: A wide variety of specialist growers from all over Ireland will have an extensive range of special and exotic plants for sale. Celebrity gardener Marie Staunton will give gardening talks on the day. There will also be a children’s garden area and workshops.
The Food Market will also take place this Sunday (10:00-17:00) and in the Bandstand the “Stedfast Brass Band” will play from 14:00-16:00
Admission is free.
Sand Sculptures in Dublin Castle – Extended
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The display of massive Sand Sculptures in the Upper Courtyard is back for the 15th year. This year the theme is “Black, White & Grey”. The finished sculptures were meant to be on display until 21 Aug, but it seems this was extended and they sculptures will now be on display until 27 Aug. Use this last chance!!
Supported by the OPW, the Sand Sculptures are created by Duthain Dealbh (meaning: Fleeting Sculpture) (www.duthain-dealbh.com/)
I am fascinated by the Sculptures year after year and strongly recommend a visit! Admission is free.
Stables Market
10:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Aug
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
A new market (flea/vintage/etc) with two cafés has opened in the same location in Thomas Street where the Ferocious Mingle Market was before their move to Camden Street.
The new market in 72 Thomas Street is called Stable Market and it is open from Thursday until Sunday from 10:00-18:00 every day. It seems there is neither a website nor a Facebook Page yet.
Coolmine Equestrian Academy – Family Fun Day
11:00, Sun 24 Aug
Coolmine Equestrian Centre, Coolmine House, Saggart, Co. Dublin
CEAD-Ireland are hosting a Family Fun Day in association with the DSPCA to raise awareness and funds to fight animal cruelty.
The Coolmine Equestrian Centre invite to a series events in August and September to re-launch their equestrian and sporting facilities in Saggart. The events take place on 17+24+31 Aug + 07 Sept. Admission is free, but a parking fee of EUR 2 is charged.
This Sunday a Jump Cross Event takes place from 13:00 and in addition there is the a family fun day with the DSPCA with Dog Show Jumping Competitions, Miniature Horses, Pony Rides with Rosettes, Bouncy Castle, GIANT Games, Vendors, Live Music, and with competitions for Most Exotic Pet, Cutest Puppy, and Best Trick.
If you read this in the Dublin Event Guide smart phone app, you should see a map below to find the place. If you read it in your e-mail or on the website, go to m.dublineventguide.com to see the map of the location. Saggart is in south western direction beyond Tallaght.
Dun Laoghaire Market
11:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Aug
People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Irish Record Fairs – Market
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Palestrina Choir
11:00, Sun 24 Aug
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
The well known Palestrina Choir sing every Sunday at the mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. They sing complete masterworks by Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak, Palestrina, de Victoria, usually accompanied by Prof. Gerard Gillen on the organ, who often also plays a solo piece.
People’s Art Exhibition
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
The great People’s Art Exhibition is happening again this weekend.
It is an art exhibition on the rails/fence of St. Stephen’s Green. If you want to exhibit at one of the events in the future, check the website for cost and conditions. Visiting the People’s Art Exhibition is free. Specific start and end times are not defined, but exhibition space has to be occupied by 11:00, so 11:00 is the latest start time. The event runs from Friday until Sunday, but Sat+Sun are the main days.
You can just enjoy the art or buy a piece or have a chat with the artists. Let’s hope the weather is ok.
People’s Art Dublin is a voluntary, part time, non profit making group, brought together by Dublin City Council to promote the visual arts to the public of Dublin. A huge variety of art/paintings are displayed and if the weather is nice it is a great art-filled stroll around Stephen’s Green. Definitely recommended!
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Aug
60 Camden Street, Dublin 2
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) is back in a new location. The Marcade is now in Camden Street next to Daintree Paper and opposite the Centra and off-license there. It takes place every Thurs-Sun and is a flea-market-type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sun 24 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Blackrock Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 24 Aug
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids.
Open on Sundays: 12:00-17:30. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30.
Bloomin’ Summer – Guided Walk – Botanic Gardens
12:00, Sun 24 Aug
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The National Botanic Gardens run daily guided walks themed “Bloomin’ Summer” throughout August.
“Walking through the Gardens in summertime when it is in full bloom is an unforgettable experience. Join us for a guided tour viewing the Herbaceous Borders, Annual Bedding displays, the Rose Garden, and much more.”
The walks are free at 12:00 and at 14:30 on Sundays. During the week (Mon-Sat 11:30 and 15:00) there is a EUR 2 charge per person.
Family Fun Day at the National Print Museum
12:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Aug
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Family Fun Day to celebrate National Heritage Week will take place in the National Print Museum.
Put a hat and apron on and become a printer for the day! The Museum will be a hive of activity with printing demonstrations, face-painting, mini workshops and arts and craft at the Education Area.
Admission is free and no booking necessary.
Made by Hand – Market
12:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Viva, 27 South Richmond Street, Portobello
“Made by Hand” or “Hecho a manos” is a new Sunday weekly market in Viva, Portobello with most things made by hand and some vintage clothing and curiosities too. Admission is free.
Mother Redcap’s Indoor Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 24 Aug
Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17
Strange Weather – Science Gallery
12:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Aug
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The Science Gallery Summer Exhibition “Strange Weather: Forecasts from te Future” has opened on 18 July and will run until 05 October.
The exhibition explores how we understand, adapt to and control the changing weather and shows also a lot educational and even quirky bits around weather: A Raindrop hovering in mid-air, a Tornado Diverter, a Cloud Collector, Weather Models, a machine making house shaped clouds and an archive of old events from around the world that were (or are) impacted by weather and of new events emerging because of weather.
There are 26 exhibits and – like all Science Gallery exhibitions -, it is a really interesting exhibition. Well worth a visit with the whole family.
You can even be a TV weather man/woman in a professional studio set-up! An interesting experience!
Here is me giving it a go: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYQjHHfRdco …I know, I better not give up the day job. ;-)
The Science Gallery is open Tue-Fri 12:00-20:00 and on Sat+Sun 12:00-18:00. Admission is free.
Ukulele Hooley – Open Air Gigs
12:00 – 19:30, Sun 24 Aug
People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
The Big Ukulele Hooley Concert takes place on Sunday from 12:00 and it goes on for more than 7 (!) hours. 18 different acts will be on stage an perform in 15 min or 30 min slots. There will be a stage in People’s Park and the Food Market will also take place in the park at the same time.
I was at the Ukulele Hooley in previous years and it is great fun listening to these funny looking instruments being played for hours. But don’t misunderstand that: The musicians are very very good and they take their music and their performances very serious, so your ears won’t suffer in the slightest. One of the top bands is the Ukeristic Congress (at 17:30) and they had a regular slot in Whelan’s for a few months approx. two years ago.
I will definitely be there and this year I will even take some Ukulele Classes on Saturday for fun. The classes are in the Axis Centre in Ballymun and are not related to the Ukulele Hooley, but there are also classes or workshops at the Ukulele Hooley on Saturday, if you are interested.
The full schedule for the afternoon is here: www.ukulelehooley.com/Line-Up/Performers-Timetable.html
Wandering Methods Exhibition
12:00 – 15:00, Sun 24 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Innovative craft frontiers, beautiful objects, textiles and more will be on display at the Wandering Methods exhibition in Dublin Castle. Wandering Methods is an art and craft initiative developed in partnership by Bealtaine and Craftspace (Birmingham) in association with the Office of Public Works and participants have been working in Dublin Castle over the past few months with artists Liz Nilsson and Jenny Walsh in order to learn about the realms of textile printing and digital craft fabrication.
Their work is on display in Dublin Castle State Apartments until 31 August and I am assured that admission is free and does not require you to buy a ticket for a visit to the castle. (Open: Mon-Sat 10:00-16:45, Sun 12:00-14:45)
Wooly Wards Farm & Animal Theatre
12:00 – 15:00, Sun 24 Aug
Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
Wooly Wards Mobile Pe tting Farm and Animal Theatre will come to Marlay Park this weekend.
Cute animals are clearly not just for children, so don’t worry, there will be some “Aws” for everyone. Come along and visit fluffy little creatures such as guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits and pose for a picture with a llama, watch the ducks splash around and chase the kid goat around the enclosure.
Everyone is welcome to sit and pet the animals in a safe and supervised environment on23-24 August and 06+07 September). www.woolywardsfarm.com
Support the Dublin Event Guide – Buy your books here!
13:00, Sun 24 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
Dublin Sketchers – Sunday Meet-up
14:00, Sun 24 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
The “Dublin Sketchers” is an informal group of (hobby) artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. National Museum, Maritime Museum, Dublin Flea Market, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle, Science Gallery, …), sketch for one to two hours and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches.
There are some hugely talented people among them and it is a great idea to meet up with others who have the same hobby. Find out on their website below or on their Facebook Page where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. I know that the Dublin Sketchers often use the Dublin Event Guide to find interesting free events and I am delighted to be able to help!
PAWS Family Fun Day
14:00, Sun 24 Aug
Corkagh Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
The Paws Family Fun Day and sponsored walks are back.
PAWS Animal Rescue is one of Ireland’s largest animal shelters with 80 dogs in their care at any one time. The PAWS Trek will help generate much needed funds for the charity.
There will be live music, face-painting, prizes and a mystery guest on the day. All dogs and their humans welcome. Admission is free, but donations are needed.
Stella Bass Jazz Trio
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Aug
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Sweet & Lowdown – Gypsy Jazz – Phoenix Park
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 24 Aug
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The Hugh Lane Gallery Collection – Tour
14:00, Sun 24 Aug
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Family Drawing Sundays
14:30 – 16:30, Sun 24 Aug
Royal Hibernian Academy, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Angels in the Park – Outdoor Theatre
15:00, Sun 24 Aug
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
“Angels in the Park” is a series of four 10-minute plays reflecting contemporary Ireland in Merrion Square (meet at the Oscar Wilde statue). Brought to you by Shiva Productions. Bring your umbrella, the show will go on, no matter what. Admission is free.
LGBT Noise March for Marriage
15:00, Sun 24 Aug
City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Brian Keary plays Classical Guitar
16:00 – 17:00, Sun 24 Aug
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Brian Keary is a classically trained guitar player who also has experience of different styles / genres of music ranging from ragtime and folk to baroque and contemporary. He will perform in Sweeney’s (Ground Floor) on Sunday afternoon.
Korea Fantasia – Korean Music Festival
16:00 – 18:00, Sun 24 Aug
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Korean Music Festival “Korea Fantasia” will take place on Meeting House Square.
The Irish Final of the K-Pop Festival will be part of the event from 16:00-17:00 and after that there will be Korean Traditional Music and dance interspersed with Irish music.
More details are on the Facebook Page below. Admission is free.
Camembert Quartet – House Dublin
17:00 – 19:00, Sun 24 Aug
House Dublin, 27 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2
House Dublin is a restaurant and bar in Leeson Street. On Sundays the Camembert Quartet is playing in their garden from 17:00-19:00. Admission is free.
LJJ Band – Cafe en Seine
18:00 – 20:00, Sun 24 Aug
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The wedding and party band The LJJ Band play every Sunday evening in Café en Seine. Admission is free.
Sweeney’s Dixieland Jazzmen
18:30 – 20:30, Sun 24 Aug
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Saucy Sundays
19:00 – 23:00, Sun 24 Aug
Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Saucy Sundays is a weekly free live music afternoon and evening in the Grand Social. The line-up and links to all bands/performers are available via the Saucy Sundays Facebook Page (see link below).
In short the line-up is: To Twelve, Red Sail, Kerencia, Lily Burke, Warehouse, Megacone.
Trinity Latino Party
19:00, Sun 24 Aug
Trinity Bar, 46-49 Dame Street, Dublin 2
This weekly Latin Music event will take place every Sunday. You will be able to dance salsa, bachata, merengue, cumbia and reggeaton. Live music, food tasting and free admission, what more could you want?
Sunday Roast
20:00, Sun 24 Aug
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The weekly Sunday Roast is a free event in the Mercantile where live music is combined with free roast potatoes. The line-up for the upcoming Sunday Roast is available via the Sunday Roast Facebook Page (see link below).
Apollo Sessions
20:30, Sun 24 Aug
Bleeding Horse, 24 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2
Every Sunday this singer-songwriter night takes place in the Bleeding Horse in Camden St. from 8.30pm. It is an Open mic night and performers can just turn up and put their name on the list for that night.
Jawbone – Accoustic Folk & Blues Night
20:30, Sun 24 Aug
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 00:00, Sun 24 Aug
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Forro de Lampiao – Brazilian Dance
21:00 – 23:00, Sun 24 Aug
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Rogério from the Brazilian dance project “Forró de Lampião” in Dublin tells me: Forró de Lampião is Brazilian music that has the same roots as Samba and there is a whole culture that has developed around “forro”. Every Sunday, free dance classes take place in the Grand Social (new loation!) and if you are interested, just turn up one Sunday.
Rhythm Rocker
21:00, Sun 24 Aug
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“Rhythm Rocker at The Globe” is a weekly event on Sunday night in The Globe. Admission is free.
The Pavement Kings play Rockabilly from 21:00 and
DJs Popocorn Peete and Little Dakota follow from 23:00-01:30 with a white variety of styles (Rockabilly, Calypso, Soul, Rock ‘n’ Roll, etc).
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads
21:30, Sun 24 Aug
Ha’Penny Bridge Inn, 42 Wellington Quay Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads are playing Ballads, Folk, Trad and Classic Country every Sunday. Featuring Guitar, Mandolin, Fiddle and Banjo.
Cool Hand Dukes
22:00, Sun 24 Aug
Porterhouse Central, 45-47 Nassau Street, Dublin 2
Every Sunday (except at Bank Holiday weekends), the Ragtime, Roots and Country Blues Band “Cool Hand Dukes” play in the Porterhouse near Grafton Street.
The Dublin Blues Cartel – Gig
22:30, Sun 24 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
National Heritage Week
10:00, Mon 25 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
Sand Sculptures in Dublin Castle – Extended
10:00 – 17:00, Mon 25 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The display of massive Sand Sculptures in the Upper Courtyard is back for the 15th year. This year the theme is “Black, White & Grey”. The finished sculptures were meant to be on display until 21 Aug, but it seems this was extended and they sculptures will now be on display until 27 Aug. Use this last chance!!
Supported by the OPW, the Sand Sculptures are created by Duthain Dealbh (meaning: Fleeting Sculpture) (www.duthain-dealbh.com/)
I am fascinated by the Sculptures year after year and strongly recommend a visit! Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Mon 25 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Mon 25 Aug
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Genealogy at Lunchtime – Talks
13:00, Mon 25 Aug
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
A series of Geanealogy talks are taking place in the National Library this week. All talks start at 13:05 and will go on for about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A. The talks are free and no booking required.
The topics for the week are:
Mon 25 Aug: “Census-related records on the National Archives website” with Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
Tues 26 Aug: “Doing Local History” with Ray Gillespie (NUI Maynooth)
Wed 27 Aug: “Finding women in the records” with Mary McAuliffe (UCD)
Thur 28 Aug: “Niall of the Nine Hostages & the genetic architecture of Irish surnames” with Dan Bradley (TCD)
Fri 29 Aug: “Uncovering the Irish of the American Civil War” with Damian Shiels (Rubicon Archaeology)
Maps and Drawings of the Wide Street Commissioners from 1757 to 1849
18:30, Mon 25 Aug
Dublin City Library & Archive, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The talk “Shaping the City: the maps and drawings of the Wide Street Commissioners from 1757 to 1849” with Dr John Montague (Assistant Professor, College of Architecture, Art and Design, American University of Sharjah) will take place on Monday.
The archives of the Wide Street Commission are held by Dublin City Archives, and subject to an ongoing conservation project supported by the Heritage Council of Ireland and Dublin City Council.
The Commission was established by an Act of Parliament in 1757, and was a pioneering public planning body in Dublin City. It had extensive powers to acquire and demolish property, establish new streets, and impose design standards on buildings. Dr John Montague will speak about the work of the Commission from 1757-1851, and the dramatic impact it had on the development of Georgian Dublin.
Admission is free and no booking required. Seats will be allocated until filled.
The Critical Take – Film Debate
18:30, Mon 25 Aug
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
“The Critical Take” film debate for August will be on Monday and will discuss the reissue of director Michael Cimino’s The Deer Hunter, Hitchcock’s 1955 classic To Catch a Thief, starring Cary Grant and Grace Kelly and the new film from the Dardenne brothers “Two Days, One Night”.
Panellists are Paul Markey (IFI Projectionist), Katy Hayes (Irish Film Critic for The Sunday Times) and Dr. Denis Condon (Lecturer in Film, National University of Ireland, Maynooth).
Admission is free, but the event is ticekted. Book your seat by contacting the IFI Box Office on 01 679 3477.
Back Door Sessions – Open Mic Night
20:00, Mon 25 Aug
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
This is an open mic night with Special Guests every Monday. Arrive, sign in (from 19:00) and play. Admission is free.
Song Cycle
20:00, Mon 25 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Monday Echo
20:00 – 22:30, Mon 25 Aug
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Monday Echo is a weekly songwriter and poetry live showcase held on Mondays in the basement of The International Bar. Usually, the show has 3 songwriters and 3 poets who perform for roughly 20 minutes each. Admission is free.
The weekly line-up can be found via the Facebook Page below.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 25 Aug
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday and Monday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Crafty Mondays – Open Mic
21:00, Mon 25 Aug
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Loose – Trad Sessions
21:00 – 23:30, Mon 25 Aug
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Patrick Mahony sings Nostalgia
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 25 Aug
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Patrick Mahony sings songs from Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Matt Monro and many more every Monday in the Cafe en Seine. Admission is free.
The Pyro Blues Executive – Gig
21:00, Mon 25 Aug
Leeson Lounge, 148 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Early Morning Yoga
07:30, Tue 26 Aug
Berlin Cafe, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2
A group of trainee Yoga instructors got together and they are running free Yoga classes every Tuesday morning at 07:30 in Berlin Cafe (yes, it is in the Cafe!).
You just need to bring a Yoga mat and wear suitable clothing and then enjoy the Yoga to get you ready for the day.
A Thursday morning beginners class at the same time in the same place has been added to the schedule now. Don’t forget your mat!
National Heritage Week
10:00, Tue 26 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
Sand Sculptures in Dublin Castle – Extended
10:00 – 17:00, Tue 26 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The display of massive Sand Sculptures in the Upper Courtyard is back for the 15th year. This year the theme is “Black, White & Grey”. The finished sculptures were meant to be on display until 21 Aug, but it seems this was extended and they sculptures will now be on display until 27 Aug. Use this last chance!!
Supported by the OPW, the Sand Sculptures are created by Duthain Dealbh (meaning: Fleeting Sculpture) (www.duthain-dealbh.com/)
I am fascinated by the Sculptures year after year and strongly recommend a visit! Admission is free.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Tue 26 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Genealogy at Lunchtime – Talks
13:00, Tue 26 Aug
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
A series of Geanealogy talks are taking place in the National Library this week. All talks start at 13:05 and will go on for about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A. The talks are free and no booking required.
The topics for the week are:
Mon 25 Aug: “Census-related records on the National Archives website” with Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
Tues 26 Aug: “Doing Local History” with Ray Gillespie (NUI Maynooth)
Wed 27 Aug: “Finding women in the records” with Mary McAuliffe (UCD)
Thur 28 Aug: “Niall of the Nine Hostages & the genetic architecture of Irish surnames” with Dan Bradley (TCD)
Fri 29 Aug: “Uncovering the Irish of the American Civil War” with Damian Shiels (Rubicon Archaeology)
Brian and the Vikings – Book Launch
18:30 – 20:00, Tue 26 Aug
Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
The book launch for the children’s book “Brian and the Vikings” by Chris Judge and Mark Wickham will take place on Tuesday. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Let’s Walk & Talk: Finglas Heritage & History
18:30 – 20:00, Tue 26 Aug
Tesco, Finglas Road, Finglas
At this Let’s Talk & Walk event, historian Pat Liddy will introduce you to the heritage and history of Finglas. Take a tour of Rosehill House, an imposing early 18th Century house of significant architectural and artistic merit, Glenhill House which was built in the early 1900’s and St Helena’s House which dates back to the end of the 18th Century.
The walk will finish with light refreshments in St Helena’s House.
Admission is free. Contact the Finglas Area Office at 2225496 for more information.
Ukulele Tuesday
19:45 – 22:00, Tue 26 Aug
Stag’s Head, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
Every Tuesday an informal sing along with Ukulele and Toy Musical Instruments takes place in the Stag’s Head. Just bring your instrument and come along. Beginners are welcome. Admission is free and further details (and a big book of songs) are available on the Facebook Page below. The get-together meets in the “snug” in Stag’s Head.
Ben Prevos Blue Tuesdays
20:00 – 23:30, Tue 26 Aug
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Chronic Jazz Flan Comedy Open Mic
20:00, Tue 26 Aug
MVP, 29 Clanbrassil Street, Dublin 2
At this new Comedy Open Mic night, writers, comedians and actors are welcome to perform a set, preferably with surrealist/dark/literary streak and everyone else is welcome to enjoy. The evening is partly an audition to form a new sketch comedy troupe to regularly write and perform sketches if any of the contributors would be interested in joining.
If that is for you, arrive just before 20:00 and put your name on the list.
Admission is free.
Dublin Bluegrass Collective – Gig
20:00, Tue 26 Aug
Sin É, 14 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
Rumours have it that the Bluegrass Collective will perform in Sin É on Tuesday and there might even be an open Bluegrass Jam! Admission is free.
The Folk Club
20:30, Tue 26 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Folk Club in Whelan’s will bring you the best in Trad, Ballads, Americana & World Music every Tuesday. The line-up this week is on the Facebook Page below. Admission is free.
Jazz Jam Session – Grand Social
21:00, Tue 26 Aug
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Every Tuesday a Jazz Jam Session will take place in the Grand Social and you are invited to listen or even to participate. Admission is free for musicians and audience.
Instruments are supplied (drums (no cymbals), double bass, guitar amp, bass amp, PA system) and ideas and themes will be proposed prior to the session to the musicians who join the event on Facebook (see Facebook Page below).
Phoenix Big Band
21:00 – 23:00, Tue 26 Aug
Tara Towers Hotel, Merrion Road, Dublin 4
The Phoenix Big Band is a 16 piece band playing songs of the 1930s, 1940s and other big band arrangements and they are playing every Tuesday in the Tara Tower Hotel (since 2012!) for adult dancing. If you like to waltz, cha cha or foxtrot, come and enjoy their performance.
Admission is free.
The band plays in the main function room which is occasionally booked, so to confirm that they are playing, please ring the hotel on the day: Phone 01-2694666
Camden Sessions – Singer/Songwriter Night
21:30, Tue 26 Aug
Anseo, 18 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2
A totally unplugged Singer/Songwriter night (no PA, no microphones) with original music is taking place upstairs in Anseo every Tuesday from 21:30.
Please check on the Facebook Page below if the event is going ahead as it seems to get cancelled every now and then and if you want to play a 15-30 min set or just want to play one song make yourself heard via the same Facebook Page.
Admission is free.
National Heritage Week
10:00, Wed 27 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
Sand Sculptures in Dublin Castle – Extended
10:00 – 17:00, Wed 27 Aug
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
The display of massive Sand Sculptures in the Upper Courtyard is back for the 15th year. This year the theme is “Black, White & Grey”. The finished sculptures were meant to be on display until 21 Aug, but it seems this was extended and they sculptures will now be on display until 27 Aug. Use this last chance!!
Supported by the OPW, the Sand Sculptures are created by Duthain Dealbh (meaning: Fleeting Sculpture) (www.duthain-dealbh.com/)
I am fascinated by the Sculptures year after year and strongly recommend a visit! Admission is free.
Phoenix Park Wednesday Walks
11:00 – 12:30, Wed 27 Aug
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
Wednesday Walks will take place in and around Phoenix Park from every Wednesday from June to December. Weather permitting, walkers will meet at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre (VC) or Farmleigh House (F) at 11:00. Each walk takes about 90 minutes.
Please check the website below for updates or ring the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre (01 677 0095) or Farmleigh House (01 815 5914) for further information. Admission is free,
The upcoming walks are:
27 Aug Gate Lodges of Phoenix Park from Ashtown Castle to Castleknock (VC)
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Wed 27 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Little Museum – Big J Wednesday
12:00 – 17:00, Wed 27 Aug
Little Museum of Dublin, 15 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
The Little Museum of Dublin secured sponsorship from Johnston, Mooney & O’Brien until October 2014 and will therefore be able to continue the Big J Wednesday: Every Wednesday from 12:00-17:00 admission into the museum is free thanks to the bread company. There are free guided tours every hour.
Archive at Lunchtime – IFI
13:00, Wed 27 Aug
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Archive at Lunchtime screenings take place Saturdays (Double Bill), Mondays and Wednesdays. The programme is changing weekly now (instead of monthly as in the past). To find out what film(s) will be screened go to www.ifi.ie/whatson/now-showing-coming-soon/ and look for “Archive at Lunchtime” on the right. Admission is free.
Genealogy at Lunchtime – Talks
13:00, Wed 27 Aug
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
A series of Geanealogy talks are taking place in the National Library this week. All talks start at 13:05 and will go on for about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A. The talks are free and no booking required.
The topics for the week are:
Mon 25 Aug: “Census-related records on the National Archives website” with Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
Tues 26 Aug: “Doing Local History” with Ray Gillespie (NUI Maynooth)
Wed 27 Aug: “Finding women in the records” with Mary McAuliffe (UCD)
Thur 28 Aug: “Niall of the Nine Hostages & the genetic architecture of Irish surnames” with Dan Bradley (TCD)
Fri 29 Aug: “Uncovering the Irish of the American Civil War” with Damian Shiels (Rubicon Archaeology)
Mapping City, Town and Country – Lecture
13:00, Wed 27 Aug
Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The RIA Library’s exhibition (2 July – 30 Jan) is “Mapping city, town and country since 1824: the Ordnance Survey in Ireland”. In connection with this exhibition, there will be series of lunchtime lectures covering all aspects of the OS project. Admission is free and booking is not required.
The next lecture is:
‘”The map-making of the Ordnance Survey: challenges on every front” – Heritage Week Lecture with Dr Jacinta Prunty (NUI Maynooth)
Lunchtime Recital – Srdan Kozlica (Piano)
13:15, Wed 27 Aug
St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Havana International Language Exchange
16:30 – 19:30, Wed 27 Aug
Havana Tapas Bar, Georges St, Dublin 2
The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 16:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. There are many Spanish speakers and English-speakers are explicitly invited, but everyone else is certainly very welcome too, to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
Endless Rain – Spoken Word event
19:30, Wed 27 Aug
Whiskey Fair, 88 Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Endless Rain is a spoken word event, featuring a mix of poetry, prose and comedy from upcoming and established Irish talent.
This month, Endless Rain will feature Dave Lordan (The Stinging Fly, New Planet Cabaret); Laura Cleary (The Bohemyth, Bare Hands Poetry) performing an act of her one woman play, ‘And You Expect Me To..?’; and comedians Teresa Coyne and Colin Chadwick. Also, all attendees are welcome to try their luck at ‘The Pun-ger Games,’ a pun contest!
The event wants to be inspiration for emerging Irish writers, poets and comedians and at the same time a night of wonderful entertainment for anyone who attends.
Admission is free
The Song Room (open mic)
20:30, Wed 27 Aug
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesday.
The Zodiac Sessions (open mic)
20:30, Wed 27 Aug
Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2
“The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week.
Bad Boy Jake
21:00, Wed 27 Aug
Gypsy Rose Blues & Rock Bar, 5 Aston Quay, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Singer Songwriter Night – Mother Reilly’s
21:00, Wed 27 Aug
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Every Wednesday a Singer Songwriter Night will take place in Mother Reilly’s in Rathmines. This is YOUR chance to show everyone what you can do, alternatively you can just listen to the talented Singer/Songwriters. Admission is free.
Trad Session
21:30, Wed 27 Aug
Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru), 4 Prospect Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 11
Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
Early Morning Yoga
07:30, Thu 28 Aug
Berlin Cafe, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2
A group of trainee Yoga instructors got together and they are running free Yoga classes every Tuesday morning at 07:30 in Berlin Cafe (yes, it is in the Cafe!).
You just need to bring a Yoga mat and wear suitable clothing and then enjoy the Yoga to get you ready for the day.
A Thursday morning beginners class at the same time in the same place has been added to the schedule now. Don’t forget your mat!
NRA Archaeology Seminar
09:30 – 17:00, Thu 28 Aug
Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
At the National Road Authority Archaeology Seminar, archaeologists will explore how our understanding of particular periods has changed as a result of major archaeological works undertaken as part of the national roads programme over the past number of years.
Each period, from the Mesolithic to the post-medieval period is being discussed by speakers from University College Dublin, National University of Maynooth, University College Cork, University of Bradford, Queens University Belfast, and National University of Galway.
After the talks, there will be an exhibition of a selection of artistic reconstructions and illustrations, with some of the artists and illustrators in attendance to talk about their work.
The full list of talks is available on the website below.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find a clear statement about any admission charges, but there is a high probability that the seminar is free. To check, contact 01-6658857 or rswan@nra.ie.
The Green Door Market
09:30 – 16:00, Thu 28 Aug
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
National Heritage Week
10:00, Thu 28 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Thu 28 Aug
60 Camden Street, Dublin 2
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) is back in a new location. The Marcade is now in Camden Street next to Daintree Paper and opposite the Centra and off-license there. It takes place every Thurs-Sun and is a flea-market-type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Thu 28 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Croke Park Classic: PSU Marching Band
13:00 – 13:30, Thu 28 Aug
CHQ Building, Customs House Quay, Dublin 1
The Croke Park Classic on 30 August is a big Amercian Football Game that has been relocated to Croke Park and a whole range of events will take place around the game between University of Central Florida and Penn State .
The “Penn State University Marching Blue Band” will perform on Thursday at the chq Building and in Grafton Street and they will be supported by both teams’ cheerleading squads.
+ chq Building: 13:00-13:30
+ Grafton Street: 17:00-17:30
Admission is free.
Fables, Folklore and Finn MacCool – Storytelling
13:00, Thu 28 Aug
Powerscourt Centre, 59 South William Street, Dublin 2
Join storyteller Neil Horgan as he brings to life some of the fascinating Irish fables and folklore. This event is not specifically for children, but is totally suitable for adults. With a natural energetic style, Neil’s goal is to bring the art and craft of storytelling to as many people as possible. Admission is free.
Genealogy at Lunchtime – Talks
13:00, Thu 28 Aug
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
A series of Geanealogy talks are taking place in the National Library this week. All talks start at 13:05 and will go on for about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A. The talks are free and no booking required.
The topics for the week are:
Mon 25 Aug: “Census-related records on the National Archives website” with Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
Tues 26 Aug: “Doing Local History” with Ray Gillespie (NUI Maynooth)
Wed 27 Aug: “Finding women in the records” with Mary McAuliffe (UCD)
Thur 28 Aug: “Niall of the Nine Hostages & the genetic architecture of Irish surnames” with Dan Bradley (TCD)
Fri 29 Aug: “Uncovering the Irish of the American Civil War” with Damian Shiels (Rubicon Archaeology)
March Away My Brothers:Songs of the Great War – Talk
13:00, Thu 28 Aug
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
A Lunchtime Talk by Brendan MacQuaile entitled “March Away My Brothers:Songs of the Great War” is a one man show which follows the journey of a young lad, Lawrence Kelly, from Bridgefoot Street in Dublin’s Liberties to the Christmas Truce in 1914.
Admission is freem but booking via 01 8734333 or email musiclibrary@dublincity.ie is required.
Opera in the Open – Amphitheatre
13:00 – 14:30, Thu 28 Aug
Amphitheatre, Dublin City Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
Opera in the Open is back during August, but on Thursday is already the last performance. Every Thursday at 13:00 a free opera performance took place at the Amphitheatre at the back of Christ Church Cathedral near the Civic Offices. The last performance is:
28 Aug: Il Barbiere di Silviglia (Rossini)
This is an outdoor event and it is weather dependent. If there is heavy rainfall it might be cancelled. Otherwise you should dress appropriately. Limited seating is available.
A Year at the Chester Beatty – Talk
13:10, Thu 28 Aug
Chester Beatty Library, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
The public lecture “Conservation in Focus: A Year at the Chester Beatty” with Josefin Bermark-Jiménez (Heritage Council Intern, Chester Beatty Library) will take place and admission is free (no booking required).
Lunchtime Recital – Manus Noble (Guitar)
13:15, Thu 28 Aug
St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Croke Park Classic: PSU Marching Band
17:00 – 17:30, Thu 28 Aug
CHQ Building, Customs House Quay, Dublin 1
The Croke Park Classic on 30 August is a big Amercian Football Game that has been relocated to Croke Park and a whole range of events will take place around the game between University of Central Florida and Penn State .
The “Penn State University Marching Blue Band” will perform on Thursday at the chq Building and in Grafton Street and they will be supported by both teams’ cheerleading squads.
+ chq Building: 13:00-13:30
+ Grafton Street: 17:00-17:30
Admission is free.
Ken Perlin on the future of user interfaces – Talk
18:00 – 19:15, Thu 28 Aug
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
Temple Bar Night Market
18:00 – 22:00, Thu 28 Aug
Temple Bar, Dublin 2
After a successful first year, the Temple Bar Night Market is back this year and thist time there will not just be a few sporadic events, but it will take place every Thursday from 05 June until 28 August.
So this Thursday is the last one of the Night Markets!!
It is an Arts & Craft Market (and not more – see below!) that will will feature the work of artists & craft makers and street entertainment from music to painting & from dance to workshops.
Film Screening – Silent Running
18:30, Thu 28 Aug
Lighthouse Cinema, Market Square, Smithfield Plaza, Dublin 7
A free film screening of this 1970’s environmentally themed science fiction film directed by Douglas Trumball and starring Bruce Dern is presented.
Silent Running is part of Dublin City Council Arts Office Urban Plant Life Programme of events exploring and highlighting nature in the city. It accompanies the current exhibition at The Lab Gallery, Supernature by Linda Shevlin and coincides with National Heritage Week.
As this science fiction classic opens, botanist Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) has spent eight years aboard the space freighter “Valley Forge” preserving the only botanical specimens left from Earth under huge geodesic domes. When he receives orders to destroy the project and return home, Lowell rebels and hijacks the freighter, while plunging the craft into the gaseous Rings of Saturn. From that moment on, he has only the trees, the gardens and two “Drone” robots Huey and Dewey to keep him company on his greatest adventure of all.
Book your tickets here: www.eventbrite.ie/e/urban-plant-life-tickets-11867960389?ref=devg
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour – Night Walk
19:00 – 21:00, Thu 28 Aug
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will run next Thursday. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is required via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
Historic Dun Laoghaire
19:00 – 20:30, Thu 28 Aug
County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Discover the Forty Foot Road, a 19th century Lying-in Hospital, a shopkeeper knighted by a King, a stroll down Stable Lane & where ‘The Robin Hoods’ dined in.
Admission is free. The event takes place in the Old Town Hall. Is that the same as the “County Hall” or is it next door?
Bal Folk – European Folk Dance Session
20:00, Thu 28 Aug
Tap Bar, 44 North King Street, Dublin 7
The weekly European Folk Dance Workshop/Session takes place in the Tap Bar every Thursday.
The dances are French, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese folk and traditional dances and everybody interested to join in or to learn is welcome. Admission is free, but donations (suggested: EUR 3) are very welcome
Dimestore Recordings presents
20:00, Thu 28 Aug
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Dimestore Recordings run a weekly event in Sweeney Mongrel’s with a variety of bands and performers. It starts at 20:00, follow the link for the line up.
Kevin Casey – Gig
20:00, Thu 28 Aug
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
Mid Term – Gig
20:30, Thu 28 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Improrphans – Improv Comedy
20:30 – 22:30, Thu 28 Aug
MVP, 29 Clanbrassil Street, Dublin 2
Max Zaska / Patrick Groenland
21:00, Thu 28 Aug
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Max Zaska group and the Patrick Groenland group will perform on alternating Thursdays from 21:00 in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street.
Cabin Sessions – Dundrum – Gig
21:30, Thu 28 Aug
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Rosemount, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14
Left, Right & Centre – Blues+Soul
21:30, Thu 28 Aug
Frank Ryan’s Bar, Queen Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7
Every Thursday “Left Right & Centre” play a mix of blues & soul with a bit of rock&roll.
McNeills Trad Music Pub Sessions
21:30, Thu 28 Aug
J. McNeills, 140 Capel Street, Dublin 7
The Green Door Market
09:30 – 16:00, Fri 29 Aug
18 Newmarket, Dublin 8
The Green Door Market is a new indoor food/Farmer’s Market that takes place just a few doors down from the Dublin Food Co-op at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Admission is free.
Opening hours are Thu-Fri 12:00-19:00 and Sat 09:30-16:00.
National Heritage Week
10:00, Fri 29 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
National Heritage Week is packed with events and there is so much happening that I can’t help you much. All over Ireland more than 1700 events take place during the week
Whether it’s castles, crafts, music or stories, National Heritage Week aims to involve you in something unique and memorable. Medieval fairs, night-time bat walks, wildlife walks and traditional music sessions, storytelling, historical re-enactments, and workshops for children; Heritage Week is a feast of events offering something for everyone and many of the events are especially for the family. Learn about Ireland’s multi-cultural past, its great ruins, unique stories, hidden histories and so much more.
Unfortunately, the event search facility on the website is an absolute pain. The map on the What’s On site is nice, but delivery back a long list of non-descriptive headlines in tiny font. Instead select your region of Dublin in the search fields below. You still have to search through tooo many pages, but at least the output list contains a bit more information.
I suggest you go to the venue directly and check the events there directly:
National Museum (lots of free events): www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx
National Gallery (lots of free events): www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson
An Post Museum (free admission): www.anpost.ie/heritage
National Print Museum (free tours): www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/St. Audeon’s Church: www.facebook.com/staudoenschurchandvisitorcentre
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Fri 29 Aug
60 Camden Street, Dublin 2
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) is back in a new location. The Marcade is now in Camden Street next to Daintree Paper and opposite the Centra and off-license there. It takes place every Thurs-Sun and is a flea-market-type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Fri 29 Aug
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Genealogy at Lunchtime – Talks
13:00, Fri 29 Aug
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
A series of Geanealogy talks are taking place in the National Library this week. All talks start at 13:05 and will go on for about 20 minutes followed by a Q&A. The talks are free and no booking required.
The topics for the week are:
Mon 25 Aug: “Census-related records on the National Archives website” with Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
Tues 26 Aug: “Doing Local History” with Ray Gillespie (NUI Maynooth)
Wed 27 Aug: “Finding women in the records” with Mary McAuliffe (UCD)
Thur 28 Aug: “Niall of the Nine Hostages & the genetic architecture of Irish surnames” with Dan Bradley (TCD)
Fri 29 Aug: “Uncovering the Irish of the American Civil War” with Damian Shiels (Rubicon Archaeology)
Low priced books with free delivery!
13:00, Fri 29 Aug
Dublin (various locations)
If you regularly or occasionally buy books online, you can help the Dublin Event Guide hugely even without having to pay cent directly. In fact you even save money this way:
Buy your books from The Book Depository and get better prices and free (!!) delivery for all orders independent from the volume and when you click on the picture here before you buy, then 5% of what normally The Book Depository would get, they give back to the Dublin Event Guide. Everybody wins!
If you prefer Amazon to buy your books (for free postage you need to order a minimum of GBP 25), then use this Amazon link to help the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks!
Toy Soldier – Gig
13:00, Fri 29 Aug
HMV Grafton Street, 65 Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Garden Walking Tour – Farmleigh House
14:00, Fri 29 Aug
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
Croke Park Classic: Pep Rallies
16:00 – 17:00, Fri 29 Aug
Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Croke Park Classic an American Football Game between Penn State Uinversity (PSU) and University of Central Florida (UCF) will take place on 30 Aug and the fans are preparing for it on the day before with their Pep Rallies.
UCF will be at Meeting House Square from 16:00-16:30.
They will have Irish drumming sensation Extreme Rhythm on their side and Head Coach George O’Leary and members of the team will be there.
PSU will be on East Essex Street, from 16:30-17:00.
Their party will include a dance troop, the Penn State Marching Band, team members, their cheerleaders and official mascot, the Penn State Nittany Lion.
Admission is free.
Takin’ The Mic Open-Mic Night
19:00, Fri 29 Aug
Irish Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Takin’ The Mic Open-Mic Night is an open mic night at the Irish Writers’ Centre, taking place one Friday every month. Writers, spoken-word artists and musicians are all welcome to perform. Names of contributors are taken from 19:00, so arrive early if you want to perform.
This month’s host is Temper-Mental MissElayneous.
Admission is free, a donation of EUR 5 is suggested.
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 29 Aug
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15.
+ Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30.
+ Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp.
+ Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Guilty Party – Gig
20:30, Fri 29 Aug
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Electric Fridays – Open Mic
21:00, Fri 29 Aug
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
“Electric Fridays with DUB” is a weekly gig/open mic night in the basement of The International Bar. Admission is free.
Musicians, artists, bands who want to play a 25 min set should contact the organisers via the Facebook page below. A PA and some equipment is available.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 29 Aug
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Stillorgan Orchard has live music every Friday and Saturday. Many of the performers are established and very good bands. The upcoming gigs are detailed on the website below. Admission is always free.
Ska ‘n’ Reggae with The Bionic Rats
21:00 – 02:30, Fri 29 Aug
Turks Head, 27 Parliament St, Dublin 2
Autumn Sounds at Farmleigh House
Fri 05 Sept + Fri 19 Sept: 20:00
Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park
“Autumn Sounds” are two concerts in Farmleigh House. The first on is on Firday 05 Sept and the second is on Fri 19 Sept.
Duo Chagall (Gillian Williams, violin, and Arun Rao, cello) will entertain you on two evenings.
Fri 05 Sept: “The Chamber Music of Robert Schumann”
The first concert is entirely devoted to the music of German Romantic Robert Schumann, who left a treasure trove of masterpieces for various combinations of instruments with piano. Starting with the rarely heard ‘Phantasy Pieces’ for piano trio from 1840, a Christmas gift to his recently-wed Clara, the concert will feature his great ‘Piano Quintet’ where, for the first time in Farmleigh. The pianist at this concert is Caterina Lemoni.
Fri 19 Sept: “Romantic Russian Music”
The second concert is the best music written for solo strings from romantic heavyweights Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov. The programme also includes the ‘Trio Pathetique’ written originally for clarinet, bassoon and piano by Russian musical pioneer Mihail Glinka; the ‘Potpourri for Strings’ duet by late romantic Reinholt Glier; and Rimsky-Korsakov’s favourite ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’. The pianist at this concert is Edward Holly.
Both cocnerts are free but ticketed. Tickets will be given out via a lottery and you can only apply for max. two tickets and you will only be notified if you won the tickets.
For 05 Sept, send a mail to farmleighinfo@opw.ie with the subject “Autumn Sounds 5th September 2014”,
for 19 Sept, send a mail to farmleighinfo@opw.ie with the subject “Autumn Sounds 19th September 2014”.
The application deadline for the 05 Sept is on Tues 26 Aug at 17:00, the application deadline fot 19 Sept is on Tues 09 Sept at 17:00.
Dublin Mountains Partnership – Guided Walks
10+17+23+31 Aug
Every month the Dublin Mountain Partnership runs free guided walks in the Dublin Mountains on some Saturdays or Sundays during the month. In August there will be 4 walks. The walks have varying difficulty and duration and the details can be found on the Dublin Mountain Partnership website: www.dublinmountains.ie/news/upcoming_events/?no_cache=1
All walks are free, but pre-registration is required.
Not free, but interesting nevertheless:
FunnyFest – Children’s Comedy Festival: 05 July – 24 Aug
Vestibule – White Collar Boy – Gigs: 23 Aug
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Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)
Mayor of Dublin: Throwing a Spear!?
There are strange traditions in our cultures and societies and often we do things just because they were always done like that. Some examples for strange/unusual/odd tidbits of traditions happen at Christmas, at weddings, birthdays and even funerals and at every other “big” event in our lives. An example is the dress code at weddings: Morning suit? White long dress? Something blue? Something borrowed? Or the turkey at Christmas and the much hated – but still eaten – Brussels Sprouts!?
We often have no clue why we do certain behaviours and we don’t even consciously think about it, we just continue doing the same thing again and again. When there are official events, it is justified though to sometimes question the purpose, intention or sense a little further.
We all know by now that the Mayor of Dublin is a purely representative role and it is high time that this will get changed. And until it does change and the mayor has proper responsibility for things in Dublin, maybe the one-year job holders in the Mayor’s job need to SEARCH for things to do. (There are not too many openings of new Shopping Centres and the Christmas Lights are only turned on once a year! ;-) )
One of these traditions that the holder of the Mayor of Dublin does once a year is the “Casting of the Spear”. The Mayor is also the Honorary Admiral of Dublin Port (No proper responsibilities for the mayor, but lots of nonsensical titles!) and in this role he has to throw a spear to determine the boundaries of Dublin. There are no prizes for realising that all this doesn’t make any sense today anymore so why is it done year after year for the last 526 (!!!) years?
Maybe someone thinks it CAN’T be stopped anymore after such a long time and it is a harmless event, so let’s continue. But if there is no sense in something at all…..???
One of many reports about the event was in the free weekly Dublin People newspaper and is online here www.dublinpeople.com/article.php?id=3883
Have an event-full weekend and week,
dublineventguide@gmail.com | www.dublineventguide.com | www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide | m.dublineventguide.com
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This Event Guide (the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”) is an Event Guide with a difference. It covers mostly free events based on the thinking that free events deserve additional support and that non-free events have the money to pay for advertisement. The Guide is a _Guide_ and not just a listing and is therefore at times quite extensive. It is sent for free to anybody who is interested and if you want to be added to the mailing list or know somebody who would like to receive this guide, just send them to www.dublineventguide.com, where they can subscribe. If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via dublineventguide@gmail.com.
BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby so your donations are needed: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm . Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible and very welcome, please contact me for more information.
Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the long gone fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2014 by Joerg Steegmueller.