Hi all!
The summer is over, but it seems we still get a few sun rays this weekend, before the long grey period might set in again. Outdoors events are making a last effort to tempt us and in a week or two, the indoor season will start and will continue until around St. Patrick’s Day (with a few brief interruptions). We certainly can’t complain this year. I remember the Dublin City Soul Festival Sunday as one of the best days. Sitting in the park listening to great music … what more could you want.
We do not rely on good weather in Dublin, right? Because the default is not so great and good is an exception! So the events (and also the free events) will just continue. Adjusted to the changed circumstances but not with any less energy or quality.
Bottom line? There is always something interesting to do in Dublin and if anyone gets bored in Dublin, then they don’t know about the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). :-) This week have a good look at the competitions! There are some crackers! :-)
Oh and please keep spreading the word about the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)! Tell the people you meet about it and suggest to them to subscribe too. They can do that easily on the right hand side at www.dublineventguide.com and they can also LIKE the Dublin Event Guide at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide
And also remember that sending the Dublin Event Guide bills are EUR 170 every month and I need to find that every single month. A contribution of EUR 1 per month from you would be great if you enjoy the Dublin Event Guide. You can either choose to subscribe (EUR 12 per year) or you can contribute with a once-off sum here: www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm Every cent will be used for the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events).
Without putting your hand in your pocket (for the Dublin Event Guide) at all you can help by ALWAYS using the ad links in the Dublin News Section and the ads in the Dublin Event Guides when you buy/order goods. If you buy goods immediately after clicking on a link/ad that you find in this e-zine/newsletter (Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon, Book Depository, LastMinute etc), you help the Dublin Event Guide everytime. This is how it works: The company you buy from (Groupon, Amazon, Living Social, Book Depository etc) registers that you came to them via a link from the Dublin Event Guide and they show their appreciation by giving a small commission (5-8%) to the Dublin Event Guide. This might only be 30 cent a go, but if you did that for all online purchases and if lots of people used it, then it could make a big dent into the EUR 170 needed. Use these links as often as possible it doesn’t cost you a cent and you help big time!
Have a great weekend + week!
Find the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) online presence here:
Website: www.DublinEventGuide.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide Mobile App: m.dublineventguide.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/JoergSt

We are more than 30,600 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide and are growing every week. Join in and click LIKE on the facebook page and tell your friends! You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page and you can share your free events directly there with the other people in the Dublin Event Guide Community.
Books for lowest prices, sent to you in Ireland for free. And with every book you buy, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) gets a small commission if you buy via the link below www.bookdepository.co.uk It doesn’t cost you anything more, but you help the Dublin Event Guide. Use the link as often as possible!
The “Feel Good Slot” at this place in the Dublin Event Guide is to share some inspirational, motivational or thought provoking quotes, stories or video clips. You wonder why I added this section to this e-mail magazine? If your week was great, you might not need it, but most of us had some challenging moments in the last week and there could be more in the coming week and this section is for the people that want to overcome the hurdles, achieve more and remember that despite all, life is great!
This week’s Feel Good message is a simple quote by Christian D. Larson:
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
I think that can stand on its own without further explanations. Just make sure that you don’t forget it during the week!

This part is important to “keep the show on the road”:
Last week Patricia O’N, Ju Yearn S and Clodagh C were the great people who helped with a crucial donation! Thanks a lot! All the support is much needed. Do you want to be part of the “wonderful people list” as well? Just a small contribution and you will join the ranks of the much appreciated Dublin Event Guide supporters. Your help is absolutely needed too to ensure that you and everyone else will continue to get the Dublin Event Guide every week. The cost for sending the weekly newsletter is approx. EUR 170 per month and your EUR 12 per year will ensure that I will be able to pay the bills. Has the Dublin Event Guide helped you to find events that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about, or have you saved money by finding great free events? Then go to www.perfectresults.info/donate.htm and give something back!
I appreciate ANY help: EUR 12 would be great (that’s just 25 cent per week!), but even if it is just the price of 2 pints it will help.
You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
In the last 12 months the following wonderful people have sponsored this Dublin Event Guide: Geraldine R, Stephen-Eamonn D, Rhona D, Paul D, Jasmin B, Caroline M, Stephen S, Miriam B, Roslyn M, Nathalie M, Siobhan B, Eric O’F, Brian O’C, Caitriona McG, Mairin M, Beatrix K, Hans Martin W, Brian P, Adrian P, Anthony K, Fiona O’R, Erica N, Aine C, Deirdre E, Valerie A, Stephen-Eamonn D, Doreen K, Paul M, Elaine K, Sarah S, Fiona F, Maria P, Tom McM, Victoria M. C, Padraig K, Melanie B, Anna-Lena F, Margaret G, Margarita G, Martin O’M, Arthur D, Serena F, Clodagh O’C, Ava S, Conor R, Ann M, Alison P, Sandra McD, Marie D, Amanda L, Donna M, Sean S, Zelie McG, Gerry T, Gerard L, Sophie P-L, Maria V, Christian K, Pauline R, Erzsebet H, Catherine E, Tania Z, Barbara Q-B, Deirdre I, James R, Alma R, Therese O’R, Siobhan M, Jeremy W, Jessica M, Colm MacE, Solomon B, Mariian B, Justin McC, Ronan O’S, Mary B, Sandro M, Michael Q, Sandy B, Eamonn H, Rory O’L, Carol McN, Niamh G, Mary M, Give Affirmations, Susan B, John G, Diana C, Sharon K, Michele M, Emma L, Rebecca T, Catherine O’S, Lindsay R, Marcella M, Karen B, Lisa R, Donald M, Margarita G, Moacir GdO, Rose P, Frank W, Niall McD, Evin L, Brendan M, Eoin P, Jennifer G, Aideen D, Emma S, Eva H M, Stephen S, Mary Ph, Rory McG, Deirdre M, Corinna R, Frances L, Colm O’R, Brian L, Judit S, Margaret B, Sinead D, Nicola R, Marta T, Adeline P, Clodagh O’C, Roisin R, Martin O’S, Aisling L, Ruth G, Marian T, David S, Christina M, Claire F, Peter D, Emma N, Agnes C, Flora F, Karl F, Raymond M, Rafika K, Natalija B, Nicola WN, A C, Hazel L, Amanda L, Brendan McC, Filippo G, Laura B, Lucas C, Colin B, Brendan H, Valentina B, Mark R, Jun S, Joe G, Helen G, Eoin O’B, Clodagh O’C, Aine G, Majella M, Gareth N, Pat M, Conor O’H, Torlach OC, Belinda B, Paul B, Daire McC, Tom McI, Mary B, Rita B, Kostas R, Derek L, Johan S, Sheila H, Joseph O’L, Hoai L, Elizabeth P, Hugh C, Lorraine F, Frieda K, George K, Tony B, Peter B, Seamus C, Jenny M, Tara R, Deirdre G, John F, Mark G, Orlagh O’F, Méabh C, Meav NiM, Anna P, Vera G, John R, Nicole W, Margo C, Eamonn U, Pamela McH, Joel B, Gerard Ph, Fiona F, Yvonne O’S, Gabriel K, Luis F, Claire D, Nicola F, Eimear MacH and Barry M, Kirsten D, Roisin K, Sharon C, Thomas S, Cyril M, Patricia O’N, Ju Yearn S, Clodagh C and the Dublin Cycling Campaign (www.dublincycling.ie), www.GravitationalFX.ie (An Irish Web Design, SEO and Internet Marketing who offer affordable web design), www.FlamencoIndalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.oliviercornetgallery.com (A brand new Art Gallery in Temple Bar), www.Festivals.ie (Ireland’s festivals website, with key information on festivals in Ireland, UK and Europe), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, on the search for a new venue), www.cfcp.ie (The Centre for Creative Practices is the the only arts centre in Ireland dedicated to connecting, integrating and promoting immigrant, experimental and emerging artists among the local arts scene and audiences). The main sponsor is www.KravMagaIreland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

Postage to Ireland is free for most orders if you buy for more than GBP 25! And with every order via this link, the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) gets a small commission: HERE It doesn’t cost you anything more, but you help the Dublin Event Guide. Use the link as often as possible!
This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
This week you should look at the Dublin Festival of History and – if you are aging :-) – ath the Positive Ageing Week Programme, They are bigger programmes but there are some immediate one-day events as well: Angels in the Park and maybe the Antiques Roadshow in Glasnevin Cemetery sound interesting on Saturday. The Oktoberfest and the Nutgrove Arts Fest are worth your consideration as well, though.
On Sunday it is crystal clear: The World Vegetarian Day Festival (if that is your thing) and the Nepal Day are my highlights. There are lots of other cool events too, but you can’t do everything. ;-)
By the way, if you read through the Dublin Event Guide PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t think that you should or have to read it from top to bottom. Just read the headlines! If something interests you, read more, if it doesn’t move to the next!
Private Singing Session – Competition
You have another chance to enter this competition if you didn’t get a chance last week:
Are you interested in booking a private singing lesson or a series of private singing lessons? Maybe to prepare for auditions etc in Musical Theatre, Ballads, Folk, Sean Nos, Disney, Pop, Jazz, Blues etc. Or maybe you want to learn a specific party pieces to gain confidence. Or maybe you like singing and want to get the very best out of your voice.
Niamh O’Brien is a Professional Vocal Coach with years of experience in the recording and professional singing world. She teaches one to one private lessons in Dublin, tailoring each lesson specifically to the student and what they wish to achieve. Each lesson lasts for 1 hour and costs EUR 40,
And one Dublin Event Guide reader will get a 1 hour private singing session with Niamh for free.
Niamh is asking you to Like her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DublinVocalCoachSingingLessons and SHARE it with your friends. Then send your competition entry to dublineventguide@gmail.com with VOCALCOACH as the subject of the mail and with your full name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. The winner will be chosen by random draw, but I check all mails to make sure that name and mobile phone number is in it and it can be quite boring to get lots of mails with just two lines, so feel free to send me a little messages with it! ;-) It won’t influence your chances, but it might entertain me a little! :-) Your mail has to be with me by 15:00 on Wed 02 October.
And if you want to book directly, contact Niamh, Professional Dublin Vocal Coach at: dublinvocalcoach@gmail.com or on 087 8137929. Gift vouchers are also available for that someone special. Niamh says “Let your spirit sing, Express yourself, Sing with Power, Confidence and Feeling. I will help you to get the very best out of your voice!”
Home Computer Training – Competition
Are you trying to up skill for a new job? Need Excel or PowerPoint skills? Want to use Facebook or Twitter for your business or personal use? Or have you trouble syncing your new digital device to iTunes?
Aishling Monaghan is a professional Computer Tutor with many years of experience in Office Management and training. She teaches one-to-one private lessons in Dublin, tailoring each lesson specifically to the student and what they wish to achieve. Each lesson lasts for 1 hour and costs EUR 40.
And one lucky Dublin Event Guide reader will get a 1 hour Computer Training lesson in their own Home with Aishling Monaghan. She will work with you on your own computer, iPad, iPhone or laptop and work specifically to your training needs.
Dublin Computer Tutor also provide expert CV services if you are looking for a more professional looking CV and help with interview preparation.
The facebook page is at www.facebook.com/dublincomputertutor and you can follow Aishling on Twitter www.twitter.com/dublintutor If you want to book directly, contact Aishling, Dublin Computer Tutor at info@dublincomputertutor.com or on 087 936 2819. (Gift vouchers are also available.)
And if you want to enter the competition, send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with COMPUTER TUTOR as the subject line of your mail and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by Wed 09 Oct at 15:00. If you know in what area you would like to get some training, tell me a bit about your requirements. This won’t influence your chances, but it helps understanding where more help is needed.
Jazz with Joan Shields – Ticket Competition
Sun 29 Sept: 20:00 (Doors: 19:30) Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Joan Shields is a popular and talented Jazz singer who is well known in the Dublin music scene and has 10 years of experience on the Irish and International Stage. On Sunday she will be in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre for an enjoyable night of Jazz. Joan Shields and her Band will interpret songs old and new, from Billie Holiday to Bebop to Tori Amos and more.
She is accompanied by an international ensemble of top musicians: Julien Colarossi on Guitar; Leopoldo Osio on Piano; Peter Erdei on Bass and Jerry Fehily, previously of Hot House Flowers, on Percussion.
Admission is EUR 10. For further information and bookings, visit www.bewleyscafetheatre.com Tickets will also available at the door.
For a Dublin Event Guide Competition Joan has made a pair of tickets available and if you want to win that pair of tickets you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with JOAN in the subject line and with your full name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by Saturday 28 Sept at 14:00. Please only enter if you are available on Sunday evening.
Jinjo Crew Break Dancing fused with Korean and Irish Music – Ticket Competition
Sat 05 Oct: 19:30 DIT, Gleeson Theatre, Kevin Street, Dublin 8
A unique, once-off and very interesting event will take place on Saturday and the organisers were very generous.
A funky fusion of b-boying world champion, Jinjo Crew, with Korean and Irish traditional music ensembles will be performed. and this music and dance from completely different origins (Korea+Ireland) and genres (street dance+traditional music) will come together in unexpected harmony and fun to celebrate the multicultural melting pot that Dublin is.
The Jinjo Crew are world champions of all five international break-dancing competitions: UK B-Boy Championship, R16Korea, FreeStyle Session, Battle of the Year, and BC One! The Korean music will be performed by Queen, the most popular Korean traditional music ensemble and the traditional Irish music will be performed by the DIT Irish Traditional Music Ensemble.
You can’t buy tickets for the event. Instead you have to take part in this competition. It was originally mainly intended for the Korean community, but Ju Yearn Sun, a very passionate Dublin Event Guide supporter, who is involved in organising and promoting this event wanted to make sure that some Dublin Event Guide readers also could come to it. Thanks Ju Yearn!
The organisers have made 10 pairs of tickets available and to enter, you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with JINJO in the subject of the mail and with your full name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. The mail has to be with me by Wed 02 Oct at 15:00.
And if you want to get a taster of a Jinjo Crew performance, have a look here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MApRR38cZoY
Promote your product or (non-free) event with a competition in the Dublin Event Guide!
The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) focuses on free events, but we all fully understand that not everything can be free in life and if you run a non-free event (or sell a cool product), I am sure it would help you if you could let the 26,000+ Dublin Event Guide readers know about your event or product. If you can make a few tickets (product samples) available for the Dublin Event Guide readers, I can help you and promote your event (product) in the context of a competition. Cost to you? In most cases not a cent! Just contact me on dublineventguide@gmail.com and we can discuss the details. It is all very simple! ;-)
Support the Dublin Event Guide for free when you buy!
Heartbeat of Home – Riverdance Mark II?
I am sure you have heard of Riverdance, an Irish dance and music phenomenon that was created as a 7-minute half-time show at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994 and since then has been and still is on tour around the world as a full show. Nearly 20 years!! It has been seen by over 23 mio (!!) people in 350 cities all over the world and generated a massive amount of money. 10,000 performances. Amazing!
Now, 20 years later, the new Riverdance is being launched. It is called “Heartbeat of Home” and seems to be a new, updated and younger version of Riverdance. Still a dance and music show but now with more contemporary music mixed in as well and also afro-cuban and latin elements. Heartbeat of Home has been launched in the Grand Canal/Bord Gais Theatre this week and will run in Dublin from 25 Sept – 12 Oct for 21 performances only.
It’s not free, I know (EUR 20 – 47.50). But if “Heartbeat of Home” reaches only a fraction of the people Riverdance has reached, you want to know about it! ;-) Find more details on www.facebook.com/heartbeatofhome and on www.heartbeatofhome.com
WritersWebTV.com – Online Writing Workshops from Dublin
On 28 Sept WritersWebTV.com will be launched. It is a new Irish start-up delivering live online writing workshops to creative writers worldwide. The workshops will be livestreamed and are interactive, feature Irish and international best-selling writers and industry professionals and are suitable for a worldwide audience.
The inaugural workshop “Writing for Children and Young Adults” will run on Sat, 28 Sept at www.writerswebtv.com with picture book authors & illustrators Marie Louise Fitzpatrick and Michael Emberley; Emmy award winning director Norton Virgien of Brown Bag Films, and Literary Agent Polly Nolan. They will be joined by international bestselling YA authors Meg Rosoff and Oisín McGann, all giving their sage advice and talking the viewers through the colourful world of children’s and YA fiction. The event will be led by experienced workshop facilitator Vanessa O’Loughlin, founder of writing.ie.
Other upcoming courses are “Getting to the Heart of it: Writing Women’s Fiction” on Tues 15 Oct, “Crime Pays: Writing Crime Fiction” on Wed 30 Oct and “Getting Published” on Sat 09 Nov.
Viewers can watch the full one-day workshops for free when they watch them live. If they want to download a workshop or watch it later, they can pay to keep the course.
Directly Elected Mayor for Dublin – You should voice your opinion!
With a bit of luck there will be a Directly Elected Mayor from mid 2014 that possibly would be responsible for all four local authorities in Dublin (Dublin City, Fingal County, South Dublin County and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County). This would get rid of the nonsensical role of the “Lord Mayor”, who is not elected and is only there to open shopping centres and exhibition and has no proper influence and hopefully would replace the “City Manager” who is not elected and doesn’t seem to have to do what the elected councils decide. But this is just ONE of a few options for the new role.
If you want to have some influence on the decisions in connection with the Directly Elected Mayor, you can submit your views or just take part in a survey. Survey participation and submissions are invited until 12 October and you can find out more at www.mayor4dublin.ie/
Help Homeless People with your vote – Coca Cola Fund
Alma Reddington, a loyal Dublin Event Guide Reader, who works with homeless people in Depaul Ireland, contacted me and asked for support for Depaul Ireland.
Similar to an alcoholic drinks company that offered to support some deserving organisations recently ;-) , Coca-Cola is offering money to organisations that spread the word about and help their “customers” with achieving a healthy lifestyle. 45 organisations got shortlisted and are all from the sports or charity field.
Different from the alcoholic drinks company, Coca-Cola runs a fairer process by only allowing (and requiring) ONE vote and by putting the public vote at the END of the process instead of at the beginning (and ignoring it then!).
Vote for the organisation that you think should get up to EUR 25,000 by clicking on this link and consider that Alma would very much appreciate your support for Depaul Ireland.

Skiltful is a new website that will allow you to try out courses before you take them by allowing you to access online sample sessions or lectures. The people behind Skiltful also plan to provide free online courses for everybody who wants to upskill. You can see the website at www.skiltful.com

Skiltful already got David McWilliams, the popular economist, on board. David is launching a new evening Diploma course and on Skiltful you can get exclusive access to some of his course material. The free training videos are at www.skiltful.com/economics
(By the way: The banners above did get a little chewed in the technical transfer process, it seems. They should have looked nicer, but I am sure you get the idea nevertheless.)
If you took the opportunity and started a new business recently (not more than approx. 6 months ago) and need a bit of support to let Dublin know about your new venture, talk to me. In this section I will feature new companies every now and then. I had to give it a rest for a while due to some technical challenges, but I seem to have mastered them more or less by now. ;-)
Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie . For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/dublin/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.
Pearse House: Village in the City – Photography Exhibition
08 Aug – 06 Oct National Photographic Archive, Meeting House Sqaure, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (Open: 10:00-17:00 daily) Pearse House, Lower Erne Street, Dublin 2
“Pearse House: Village in the City” is an exhibition of photographs by Jeanette Lowe of the people and environment of Pearse House Flats. The flat is converted back to the 1930s. Jeanette’s exhibition in Pearse House won last year’s People’s Choice award at PhotoIreland and this year it is bigger and better and in two locations.
Admission is free. www.facebook.com/pearsehouse
Teacup Scandal – Roisin O’Farrell – Doorway Gallery
05 Sept – 04 Oct
The Doorway Gallery, 24 South Frederick St, Dublin 2
Roisin O’Farrell will show her painting exhibition “Teacup Scandal” in the Doorway Gallery. The exhibition runs until 04 Oct and admission is free. At Culture Night on 20 Sept, there will be a live painting demonstration. thedoorwaygallery.com/
Luis Diaz – Colora Experimenta – Photography Exhibition
03-17 Oct – Opening on 03 Oct from 18:00-21:00
Centre for Creative Practices, 15 Pembroke Street, Dublin 2
Colora Experimenta provides an inside look into how (Venezuelan) Luis Diaz perceives his surroundings. European architecture and landscape hold a special allure for many, and this collection captures the essence of these locations in an eternal and timeless way. An extensive background in graphic design allows Diaz to be more connected to the creative process, yielding a product that is both personal and deliberate. Opening hours are 12:00-19:00 from Mon-Fri. www.cfcp.ie/
Colora Experimenta provides an inside look into how (Venezuelan) Luis Diaz perceives his surroundings. European architecture and landscape hold a special allure for many, and this collection captures the essence of these locations in an eternal and timeless way. An extensive background in graphic design allows Diaz to be more connected to the creative process, yielding a product that is both personal and deliberate. Then running 12-7pm Monday to Friday.
What We Saw – KCAT Studio Artists
02-11 Oct
Atrium, Dublin City Council Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 2
“What We Saw” is an exhibition of works by KCAT studio artists. The KCAT studio combines artists with learning disabilities and other disadvantages with professional arts practitioners. KCAT Studio Artists are supported by mentors and a facilitator in all aspects of their professional development.The exhibition will open on Wed 02 Oct at 18:30. wwwt.kcat.ie
@TheDrawingRoom Launch
04-06 Oct
12 Henrietta Street, Dublin 1
To launch @TheDrawingRoom an exhibition will take place in 12 Henrietta Street showcasing contemporary artworks in one of Dublin’s finest Georgian houses. Patrick Guinness, President of the Irish Georgian Society, will open the exhibition on 04 October at 19:30 and it will be open on the 05 and 06 October from 11:00-18:00. Admission is free. www.thedrawingroom.info?

Discover Research Dublin 2013
17:00 – 23:00, Fri 27 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
What’s this? Another Friday night of events? It looks like a Culture Night for researchers!?
Trinity College Dublin & the Royal Irish Academy are hosting Ireland’s 2013 contribution to European Researchers’ Night, an annual event to raise public awareness of researchers and research careers across Europe. The goal is to give everybody, in particular young people, the opportunity to meet researchers within the context of interactive activities and hands-on demonstrations to highlight how interesting a career in research is.
Events and activities will take place across the campus of Trinity College, as well as inside and outside the RIA on Dawson Street, along with outdoor projections on buildings around the centre of Dublin. There will be: Hands-on experiments conducted by researchers, Scientific demonstrations with public participation – crowd-sourcing events, Guided visits of labs, research institutions, museums ?usually closed to the public; Family-friendly activities and Competitive activities (pub quizzes + Lego challenges).
All events are free and a detailed list is here: www.discoverresearchdublin.com/events/
Earthship – Gig
19:00, Fri 27 Sep
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 27 Sep
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15. + Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30. + Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp. + Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Fitsteps Masterclass
19:30 – 20:30, Fri 27 Sep
Hub Events Centre, Unit 9 Millennium Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
FitSteps was created as a result of the long dance training sessions that are part of Britain’s entertainment show “Strictly Come Dancing”. Natalie Lowe, Mark Foster and Ian Waite had the idea to mix the graceful steps of Ballroom Dancing and the up tempo steps of the Latin dances together to create a fun, energetic and effective way to stay fit and keep trim that would appeal to everyone, even if they couldn’t dance.
On Friday a free class takes place in Dublin to introduce you to this new fitness/workout routine. Tickets need to be booked on www.fitstepsdublin.eventbrite.co.uk/
FitSteps® came to life in 2013 as the result of a collaboration between two of the UK’s most famous ballroom dancers and Britain’s most successful swimmer!
During the long, arduous dance training sessions that are an integral part of Britain’s most successful entertainment show, ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, Natalie Lowe, Mark Foster and Ian Waite had a great idea.
They decided to mix the graceful steps of Ballroom and the up tempo steps of the Latin dances together to create a really fun, energetic and effective way to stay fit and keep trim that would appeal to everyone, even if they couldn’t dance. A dance fitness programme that is ‘so much fun you don’t even realise you’re getting fit!’
And FitSteps® is unique. It is the first time that classic Latin and Ballroom dances have been brought together with proven fitness techniques and principles to create not only a programme that can have extraordinarily wide appeal, but one that also has the potential to make a real and lasting impact on the health of the nation
Dublin Tribal Spirit – Drumming Circle
20:00 – 22:00, Fri 27 Sep
Lantern Centre, 17 Synge Street, Dublin 8
“Dublin Tribal Spirit” is a weekly event that gives you the great experience of a drumming circle with african drums and authentic tribal rhythms. Tom and Sinead, who run that event are providing lots of drums for it and teach you the rhythms.
There is no formal admission charge for this event, but donations are expected. The organisers bring their own 20-30 drums to it every week, so they are looking for donations to keep the event going.
Addison Lodge Open Mic Night
21:00 – 00:30, Fri 27 Sep
Addison Lodge, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Addison Lodge are inviting local bands, musicians, poets, comedians and performers to share their talents at the new Addison Lodge Open Mic Nights in Glasnevin (opposite the Botanic Gardens). The event will take place every week. Admission is free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 27 Sep
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
Rudytrixx – Gig
22:30, Fri 27 Sep
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Car Boot Sales – Tallaght
08:00 – 12:00, Sat 28 Sep
Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Co. Dublin
A weekly car boot sale, one of less than a handful that is still reliably taking place, has up to 200 cars/sellers. The stadium is just a few minutes walk from the Red LUAS line stop and numerous bus stops. For traders the Car Boot Sale opens at 06:30 for buyers from 08:00. If you are interested in selling, check the details and register on their website.
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Sat 28 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
Sculpture in Context
09:00 – 18:00, Sat 28 Sep
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
“Sculpture in Context” is a brilliant idea and concept: It is Ireland’s largest outdoor sculpture exhibition were beautiful sculptures from talented artists are perfectly integrated in the amazing Botanic Garden.
Admission is free and the exhibition will run until 18 October.
Honest2Goodness Food Market
09:30 – 16:00, Sat 28 Sep
Honest2goodness, 136 Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
The weekly Honest2goodness food market in Glasnevin has fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, and wines. It is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre.
Malahide Park Run (free)
09:30, Sat 28 Sep
Malahide Park, Dublin Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin
Parkrun Ireland is organising free weekly runs in parks. It is a timed run over 5km and participation is completely free, but registration before your first parkrun is required.
SuperNatural Food Market
09:30 – 15:30, Sat 28 Sep
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
Belgard Weekend Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 28 Sep
Belgard Road, Dublin 24
The Belgard Weekend Market is an indoor market with stalls with handcraft (incl. designer jewellery, aran jumpers and wool, christening robes and shawls, cards and cross stitch), household items, bric and brac, furniture, flowers, make-up, clothes, shoes, showers, upholstery, toys, kitchens, cafe, army memorabilia, collectors items, sweets, handbags books, blinds, party shop, tools and more.
It is open every Saturday and Sunday and is located in the Glen Abbey complex (opposite Jacobs) on Belgard Road.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sat 28 Sep
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sat 28 Sep
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a relatively new weekly market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. Sounds interesting and I will check it out over the coming weeks. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel). www.facebook.com/merchantsindoormarket
Mother Redcap’s Indoor Market
10:00 – 17:30, Sat 28 Sep
Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17
Ranelagh Arts Festival
10:00, Sat 28 Sep
Ranelagh (various locations)
The Ranelagh Arts Festival takes place from 16-29 September and there are plenty of free events taking place. have a look at the website below to see the full programme.
Temple Bar Food Market
10:00 – 16:30, Sat 28 Sep
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30.
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour
11:00 – 13:30, Sat 28 Sep
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will run every Saturday. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is required via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
Blackrock Market
11:00 – 17:30, Sat 28 Sep
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, and Sundays: 12:00-17:30.
Eason Story Time
11:00, Sat 28 Sep
Every Eason store in Ireland
As part of Eason’s Get Into Reading campaign, there will be a reading of a specially selected children’s book at 11:00 each Saturday in every Eason store in the country. The schedule of Story Time books, covering mid-June through mid-September, is on the website below.
And children attending the in-store kids’ book readings throughout the summer will receive their own Story Time Reward Card and they will get a special Story Time sticker on their card for each reading they attend. Children who collect three stickers will receive a free copy of Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. For more information check the website below too.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sat 28 Sep
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
Yoga in Phoenix Park
11:00 – 12:00, Sat 28 Sep
Bandstand (behind the Tea Room, near the Zoo), Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The very last time for Yoga in the Park in 2013! After Saturday, there will be a long break until May of next year. Fiona Moloney from Two Palms Yoga and her whole team of Yoga instructors have done a great job again and many of you told me that that you enjoyed Yoga in the Park. Now this week there is a last push because if you remember the money collected from donations is all for the Simon Community and there are another EUR 120 needed to reach the impressive amount of EUR 4,000. So, come to the Yoga a last time and be generous if you can. :-) The weather forecast looks promising!
From May until September, Fiona from www.twopalmsyoga.com and her team of teachers invite to an hour of Yoga in Phoenix Park every Saturday. No booking is required and you decide how much you give, the class is donation based.
All proceeds go to the Dublin Simon Community, a charity that does invaluable work for the homeless people in Dublin. Just bring a mat or a towel, some water and (hopefully) even some sun protection to the class. Should the weather be bad, the bandstand will be shelter or even training location. The training is suitable for all levels, so even total beginners are very welcome.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sat 28 Sep
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Sat 28 Sep
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Ha’penny Flea Market
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 28 Sep
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The weekly Ha’penny Flea Market is an indoor market in the Grand Social Pub, which offers vintage Men and Women’s clothing, contemporary crafts, books, DVDs, vinyl records, vintage and handmade jewellery, vintage hair styles, art, photography and much more. Dux & Co will offer food and the Grand Social’s Bar and Gourmet Coffee options are available.
ILLUSION: Nothing is as it seems – Science Gallery
12:00 – 18:00, Sat 28 Sep
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
This is the last weekend! Last opportunity!
The current Science Gallery exhibition “ILLUSION: Nothing is as it seems” will run from 12 July-29 Sept and is really interesting. Admission is free.
The exhibition is all about Illusions and it is a “perception-shattering insight into the human mind, playfully combining the techniques used by magicians and explored by psychologists.”
More than 20 installations will deceive your eyes (and ears) and will show you that what we perceive is often radically different from the reality. You will find impressive and amazing things, but nothing will be boring! The exhibition is suitable for all ages, so bring your children or – if you don’t have any – just bring yourself.
ILLUSION was curated by psychologist, author and magician Richard Wiseman, and was researched by deception artist Paul Gleeson and a large group of mediators are available in the gallery to explain all the things that you see (or hear) to you.
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Sat 28 Sep
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Nutgrove Arts Fest
12:30, Sat 28 Sep
Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14
Antiques Roadshow at Glasnevin Cemetery
13:00 – 17:00, Sat 28 Sep
Glasnevin Museum, Glasnevin Cemetery, Finglas Road, Dublin 11
A 2-day valuation event, similar to the TV Programme “Antiques Roadshow”, will take place in Glasnevin Cemetery for Uniforms, Artefacts, Letters, Documents or Memorabilia relating to the Irish Citizen Army and Irish Volunteers. Auctioneers and Valuers Éamonn De Búrca and Conor Dodd will be appraising the items and advising you.
Glasnevin Cemetery Museum is also asking people to consider lending or even donating some of their pieces to their exhibition so they can be enjoyed and appreciated by visitors to the Glasnevin Cemetery Museum.
For further information on how you can attend the event email booking@glasnevintrust.ieor call 01 882 6550.
Archive at Lunchtime – September – IFI
13:00, Sat 28 Sep
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Magdalene Institutions Oral History Archive Launch
13:00 – 18:00, Sat 28 Sep
Liberty Hall, 33 Eden Quay, Dublin 1
The “Launch of the Magdalene Institutions Oral History Archive” will take place and is hosted by SIPTU, UCD Women’s Studies Centre, and National Women’s Council of Ireland. The event will be in the form of a public symposium and all details can be found here: www.magdaleneoralhistory.com/symposium.htm Admission is free, but registration is required and at the time of writing there were still 43 tickets available via the same website above.
Angels in the Park – Plays in the Garden
13:15 – 14:15, Sat 28 Sep
Ranelagh Gardens, Dublin 6
Shiva Productions presents “Angels in the Park”, a series of six ten-minute plays which will be performed promenade-style around Ranelagh Gardens every day from 23-28 Sept as part of the Ranelagh Arts Festival.
Admission is free and meeting point is at Ranelagh Triangle (outside Spar) at 13:05 every day . Performances will take place rain or shine.
In May 2013 Shiva Productions put out a call for submissions of new 10 minute plays which could be performed in a park and got 220 entries. The best 6 were selected and are now played every day for six days. (Actors, Play titles and writers of the plays are listed on the website below.)
Bollybeatz Taster Classes
13:30 – 16:00, Sat 28 Sep
MyArt Studios, 67 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Bollybeatz runs Bollywood dance workshops and classes for children. On Saturday a Taster Class takes place and Admission is free. Ages 5-7 are invited from 13:39-14:15 and Ages 8-10 are welcome from 15:00-16:00. No booking required, just drop in.
Darren Shan – Book Signing
14:00, Sat 28 Sep
Eason, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Co, Dublin
Ross O’Carroll-Kelly – Book Signing & Event
14:30, Sat 28 Sep
Eason, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Co, Dublin
The Ross O’Carroll-Kelly “Gothering” is taking place in Dundrum. To celebrate the launch of Downturn Abbey, you can join him for this special in Dundrum Town Centre on Saturday. It will take place at the Mill Pond at 14:30 and will be followed by a book signing in Easons, Dundrum.
Download this Ross O’Carroll-Kelly mask, print it off and wear it on the day for the chance to win some exciting prizes – including the opportunity to have your own face drawn into the next Ross book.
Family Tour: Super Furry Animals
15:00 – 16:00, Sat 28 Sep
National Museum, Merrion Street (Natural History), Dublin 2
Let’s Walk & Talk: Terenure to Harold’s Cross
15:00 – 16:30, Sat 28 Sep
Terenure Library, Templeogue Road, Dublin 6w
“From Terenure to Harold’s Cross” is the next Let’s Walk & Talk event with historian Pat Liddy. Meet outside the Library and then join for a stroll through these ancient medieval lands which were absorbed into the ‘growing wealthier’ 18th and 19th century suburbs of Dublin, principally because they were considered to be at a healthy elevation and safe from the diseases of the city.
Admission is free.
Sculpture in Context – Guided Tour
15:00, Sat 28 Sep
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
On Saturdays throughout the Sculpture in Context exhibition, you will have the opportunity to join the artists for a guided tour of the exhibition. Meet at the Visitor Centre
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Sat 28 Sep
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15. + Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30. + Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp. + Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Dublin Live Art Festival
19:30, Sat 28 Sep
La Catedral Studios, 7-11 St. Augustine Street, Dublin 8
Dublin Live Art Festival 2013 will take place in The Backloft in La Catedral Studios, from the Wed 25 to Sun 29 September. It is 5 days of live performance art, workshops, seminars and more.
DLAF13 will bring together Irish & International groups that regularly produce performance art and co-ordinate their events in a varied programme, pooling collective expertise and strengthening the live performance art community by creating links nationally and internationally.
DLAF13 will expand knowledge around live performance art through our workshops and cross-disciplinary talks and discussions. It will be a focal point for anyone interested in performance art.
The full programme is available on www.dublinliveartfestival.blogspot.ie/2013/07/help-support-dlaf13-by-donating-to-our.html
Until the Closing party on Sunday evening (20:30-22:30) a range of workshops, seminars and performances will take place.
This is a community event and with the support of Dublin City Council all exhibitions at Dublin Live Art Festival 2013 are free. Workshops and seminars are ticketed events and there are limited tickets available.
Chew your own Fat presents – Sweeney’s Bar Gigs
20:00 – 02:30, Sat 28 Sep
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Saturday Night Live Jazz
20:00 – 22:30, Sat 28 Sep
KC Peaches (Wine Cave), 28/29 Nassau St., Dublin 2
This is a weekly Saturday night jazz event in the basement Wine Cave of KC Peaches wholefood restaurant/café. Food will be served until 22:00 and wine, minerals & music will be available until later. Admission is free and a donation into a hat at the end of the evening is appreciated.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Sat 28 Sep
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The Lightning Kids
21:00, Sat 28 Sep
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Brasserie 7 Jazz Club
21:30, Sat 28 Sep
1 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Brasserie 7 is a bright and spacious bar/restaurant on Capel Street, which now functions as a Jazz club every Saturday night. There will be piano jazz from 18:00 on their Grand piano, followed by a vocal jazz trio from 21:30. On Sat the Clare Finegan Trio will perform with Clare Finegan (Vocals), Frank Gogarty (Piano) and Charlie Foley (Double Bass). Admission is free.
Negative Nero – Gig
22:30, Sat 28 Sep
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Dublin Dawn Rider
07:00 – 09:00, Sun 29 Sep
Point Village, Dublin 1
This is a somewhat odd event. It is not free, but you can watch it IF you suffer of insomnia!
On Sunday morning a number of groups of 20 cyclists will cycle from the Point Village through Dublin to Phoenix Park and back over a distance of just 35 km. They will start at 07:00 and expect to be back at the Point Village at 08:00 for a breakfast party and a choir performance. PaddyPower is sponsoring the event and will donate EUR 20 per cyclist to Barretstown.
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Sun 29 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
Sculpture in Context
09:00 – 18:00, Sun 29 Sep
National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
“Sculpture in Context” is a brilliant idea and concept: It is Ireland’s largest outdoor sculpture exhibition were beautiful sculptures from talented artists are perfectly integrated in the amazing Botanic Garden.
Admission is free and the exhibition will run until 18 October.
Farmleigh House Food Market + Bandstand
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
The Farmleigh House Food Market will take place on the Farmyard while on the grounds of Farmleigh House also the Nepal Day takes place (see separate notice). From 14:00-16:00 music will be performed on the bandstand. Admission is free.
Jamestown Market
10:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Jamestown Market, 90 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale takes place every Sat+Sun from 10:00-17:00. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on the red Luas line. There is free parking.
Merchants Market
10:00 – 16:00, Sun 29 Sep
Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3
The Merchants Market on East Wall Road is a relatively new weekly market on Saturdays and Sundays with more than 80 stalls. There is everything from furniture and antiques to paintings and mirrors, electronics and hot food to bicycles and buns. Sounds interesting and I will check it out over the coming weeks. It is just a few minutes walk away from the Point Theatre/O2 (walk in the direction of the Port Tunnel). www.facebook.com/merchantsindoormarket
Merrion Square Open Air Gallery
10:00 – 18:30, Sun 29 Sep
Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Every Sunday, the Merrion Square Open Air Art Gallery takes place. Up to 200 artists exhibit their paintings on the railings on three sides (West, North and East) of Merrion Square and you can just enjoy the exhibition or even buy.
Ranelagh Arts Festival
10:00, Sun 29 Sep
Ranelagh (various locations)
The Ranelagh Arts Festival takes place from 16-29 September and there are plenty of free events taking place. have a look at the website below to see the full programme.
Trust In The Green – Mini Music Festival
10:00 – 18:00, Sun 29 Sep
Bandstand, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
A wide variety of music performances with soul, reggae and world music will take place to raise awareness of suicides and the support that is available to everyone at risk of self harm. There is a fundraising page at www.mycharity.ie/event/trustinthegreen and all proceeds go to Pieta House (a support service for people at risk of suicide or self harm).
The schedule is:
10:30-11:00: Opening 11:00-11:30: Manden Express 11:30-12:00: All Tribes King Bob 12:00-13:00: Pia Dunne & The Elusians 13:00-14:00: Special Guest 14:00-15:00: Madu 15:00-16:30: MC Soom T & Mr Upfull 16:30-18:00: Revelation Spound & Ras Tinny
Taking it from the information provided by the organisers, it seems that collecting money in St. Stephen’s Green is not permitted, so you have to use the link above. More info is available at www.trustinthegreen.com/ and www.facebook.com/events/1407003712847820/
Children’s Art Cart Workshop
10:30 – 12:30, Sun 29 Sep
Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The Children’s Art Cart Workshops will be held again in the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre (01-6770095) every Sunday from 24 March to 22 December 2013. Currently the workshop is still free, but there is a possibility that a fee will be introduced at some point. Children must be over 6 years of age and must be supervised by an adult. You can’t pre-book, so early arrival is required because there are only 20 places per session.
The themes are: 29 Sept: Cycling in the Park 06 Oct: Deer in Phoenix Park
Dublin Flea Market
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket Square, Dublin 8
The next Dublin Flea Market is taking place in the Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun from 11:00-17:00. The flea market takes place every last Sunday of the month. For more information or if you want to sell your own stuff, check out www.dublinflea.ie “A bizarre bazaar of vintage clothing, bric-a-brac and what nots, old and new. Stalls include hand-made goods, art, jewelry, furniture, records and lots more unwanted items that may just be your treasure!” The Coop Hall is wheelchair accessible and lots of free parking spaces are right outside the door.
Dun Laoghaire Market
11:00 – 16:00, Sun 29 Sep
People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Longmile Road Markets
11:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Long Mile Road, Dublin 12
Mind, Body & Soul Craft Fair
11:00 – 19:00, Sun 29 Sep
Bewley’s Hotel, Naas Road, Newlands Cross, Dublin 22
A Mind, Body & Soul Craft Fair will take place. There will be Angel Readings, Traditional Readings with Playing Cards, Aura Readings, Reconnective Healing, Aroma Touch Reiki, Angel Trinkets and Lots more. Admission is free.
Palestrina Choir
11:00, Sun 29 Sep
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
The well known Palestrina Choir sing every Sunday at the mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. They sing complete masterworks by Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak, Palestrina, de Victoria, usually accompanied by Prof. Gerard Gillen on the organ, who often also plays a solo piece.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Sun 29 Sep
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Sun 29 Sep
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Blackrock Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 29 Sep
Blackrock Market, 19 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you’ll find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food & there’s free popcorn, ballons & facepainting for the kids. Open on Sundays: 12:00-17:30. Open on Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Sun 29 Sep
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
ILLUSION: Nothing is as it seems – Science Gallery
12:00 – 18:00, Sun 29 Sep
Science Gallery, Pearse Street, TCD, Dublin 2
The very last day of this Science Gallery exhibition:
The current Science Gallery exhibition “ILLUSION: Nothing is as it seems” will run from 12 July-29 Sept and is really interesting. Admission is free.
The exhibition is all about Illusions and it is a “perception-shattering insight into the human mind, playfully combining the techniques used by magicians and explored by psychologists.”
More than 20 installations will deceive your eyes (and ears) and will show you that what we perceive is often radically different from the reality. You will find impressive and amazing things, but nothing will be boring! The exhibition is suitable for all ages, so bring your children or – if you don’t have any – just bring yourself.
ILLUSION was curated by psychologist, author and magician Richard Wiseman, and was researched by deception artist Paul Gleeson and a large group of mediators are available in the gallery to explain all the things that you see (or hear) to you.
Johnny Sexton – Book Signing
12:00, Sun 29 Sep
Eason, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Co, Dublin
Mother Redcap’s Indoor Market
12:00 – 17:30, Sun 29 Sep
Unit 95, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17
Nepal Day
12:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Farmleigh House, Castleknock end of Phoenix Park, Dublin 15
The Nepalese Community and friends of Nepal in Ireland are hosting a ‘Nepal Day’ to celebrate the of diversity in the landscape, culture, food and art of Nepal. Everyone is invited to come to this event that is organised by the Nepalese community in Ireland.Admission is free.
Nepalese Culture will be showcased through music and dancing, Nepalese food, Handcrafts and traditional face painting for children. There will also be a photographic exhibition (27-29 Sept) and talks by mountaineers who have reached the summit of Mount Everest.
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Sun 29 Sep
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Sunday at Noon
12:00 – 13:00, Sun 29 Sep
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Sundays at Noon Concert Series continues in the Sculpture Gallery at the Hugh Lane Gallery. This series of free (mainly classical) concerts continues to present the best of Irish and International music and musicians. Concerts run from September to June. The next concert will feature The Degani Ensemble (Oboe, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello) performing pieces from Britten and Schubert
World Vegetarian Day Festival
12:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
IBAT College, 16-19 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Vegetarian Society of Ireland is inviting to a World Vegetarian Day Festival the IBAT College in Temple Bar. There will be plenty of stands with the themes + Irresistible food + Animal rights + Environment + and more
In addition there will be talks
+ “A balanced diet for vegetarians and vegans” with dietician Malgorzata Desmond + “Why Animal Suffering Matters” with Clair Linzey, Deputy Director, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics + “So you are vegetarian but are you getting it right?” with Bernadette Bohan, author of The Survivor’s Mindset and The Choice + “We are intelligent moral animals” with Michael Nugent, writer, blogger, activist, and chair of Atheist Ireland
More information can be found on www.facebook.com/events/542555342441646/ and on the website below.
Nutgrove Arts Fest
12:30, Sun 29 Sep
Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14
Antiques Roadshow at Glasnevin Cemetery
13:00 – 17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Glasnevin Museum, Glasnevin Cemetery, Finglas Road, Dublin 11
A 2-day valuation event, similar to the TV Programme “Antiques Roadshow”, will take place in Glasnevin Cemetery for Uniforms, Artefacts, Letters, Documents or Memorabilia relating to the Irish Citizen Army and Irish Volunteers. Auctioneers and Valuers Éamonn De Búrca and Conor Dodd will be appraising the items and advising you.
Glasnevin Cemetery Museum is also asking people to consider lending or even donating some of their pieces to their exhibition so they can be enjoyed and appreciated by visitors to the Glasnevin Cemetery Museum.
For further information on how you can attend the event email booking@glasnevintrust.ieor call 01 882 6550.
Dublin Sketchers – Sunday Meet-up
14:00, Sun 29 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
The “Dublin Sketchers” is an informal group of typically hobby artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. National Museum, Maritime Museum, Dublin Flea Market, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle), sketch for one to two hours and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches. There are some hugely talented people among them and it is a great idea to meet up with others who have the same hobby. Find out on their website where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself. I know that the Dublin Sketchers often use the Dublin Event Guide to find interesting free events and I am delighted to be able to help!
Stella Bass Jazz Trio
14:00 – 16:00, Sun 29 Sep
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Family Drawing Sundays
14:30 – 16:30, Sun 29 Sep
Royal Hibernian Academy, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2
A History of Ireland in 100 objects – Gallery Tour
15:00 – 15:45, Sun 29 Sep
National Museum, Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History), 7 Benburb Street, Dublin 7
The Gallery Tour ‘A History of Ireland in 100 objects’ will take place in the National Museum in Collins Barracks. Explore key events in Irish and European political history through a range of decorative and everyday objects, which are part of the Irish Times series ‘A History of Ireland in 100 objects’. These objects tell of conflict and conviction, ideals and adventure that Irish people were involved in within the past 300 years. Places are allocated on a first-come basis 15 minutes before tour starts. Admission is free and the tour is suitable for adults.
Johnny Sexton – Book Signing
15:00, Sun 29 Sep
Dubray Books, 36 Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Johnny Sexton will be in Dubray Books to sign his book “Becoming a Lion”.
Actually it says “Come and meet Irish rugby hero Johnny Sexton as he signs copies of his autobiography, Becoming a Lion.” and then a few lines down “Please note that Johnny will be under quite a tight schedule and we can’t guarantee that he will have time to sign books, but we will do our very best.” I am confused! ;-)
Museum Tour – National Print Museum
15:00 – 16:30, Sun 29 Sep
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Unlike the three branches of the National Museum, the National Print Museum is normally not free, but every Sunday there is a free public tour for the next few weeks. Every visit begins with a short audio-visual presentation where the audience can observe active retired printers providing practical demonstrations of machines from the Museum’s collection.
My Museum: Swords and Dragons
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 29 Sep
National Museum, Kildare Street (Archaeology), Dublin 2
Mary-Jane Fitzsimons will run a Medieval Michaelmas workshop. Discover the kind of glinting sword and armour St. Michael needed for his battle with the dragon and make some Michaelmas-inspired art to take home. Admission is free and no booking required, but only 20 places are on first come-first served basis available. (Meet at the Reception Desk). The workshop is suitable form Age 6.
Sunday Sketching – Hugh Lane
15:00 – 16:00, Sun 29 Sep
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Walter Osborne’s Fishmarket – Lecture
15:00, Sun 29 Sep
Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
Guitar Heaven – Gigs
16:00, Sun 29 Sep
The Beerhouse, 84.5 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Three different guitar acts, including bluegrass and “The Aqualights” will perform all evening in the Beerhouse in Capel Street. Admission is free.
Saucy Sundays
17:00 – 23:00, Sun 29 Sep
Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Saucy Sundays is a weekly free live music afternoon and evening in the Grand Social. The line-up and links to all bands/performers are available via the Saucy Sundays Facebook Page (see link below). In brief: Fox.E & The Good Hands, The Boo Box, Richard Farrell and the Last Tribe (Solo), Ana Gog, Autonomous I, Pearse Halpin Music, The Guilty Folk and Tiernan Jones
Trinity Bar & Venue – Live Music
17:00, Sun 29 Sep
Trinity Bar, 46-49 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The Trinity Bar, nect to the Cetntral Bank on Dame Street, has live music four nights/afternoons every week and admission is free: Tues – 20:00: Theo Red (Alternative Rock) Wed – 20:00: Tara Hill (Folk Rock, Celtic and Traditional) Thurs – 20:00: Pachino Brothers (cover versions, oldies and own material) Sun – 17:00: Traditional LIve Music
Long John Jump Band
18:00 – 20:00, Sun 29 Sep
Café en Seine, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
The wedding and party band The Long John Jump Band play every Sunday evening in Café en Seine. Admission is free.
A MUSING – Comedy and Poetry
19:00 – 20:00, Sun 29 Sep
Accents Coffee & Tea Lounge, 23 Stephen Street Lower, Dublin 2
Dublin Live Art Festival
19:30, Sun 29 Sep
La Catedral Studios, 7-11 St. Augustine Street, Dublin 8
Dublin Live Art Festival 2013 will take place in The Backloft in La Catedral Studios, from the Wed 25 to Sun 29 September. It is 5 days of live performance art, workshops, seminars and more.
DLAF13 will bring together Irish & International groups that regularly produce performance art and co-ordinate their events in a varied programme, pooling collective expertise and strengthening the live performance art community by creating links nationally and internationally.
DLAF13 will expand knowledge around live performance art through our workshops and cross-disciplinary talks and discussions. It will be a focal point for anyone interested in performance art.
The full programme is available on www.dublinliveartfestival.blogspot.ie/2013/07/help-support-dlaf13-by-donating-to-our.html
Until the Closing party on Sunday evening (20:30-22:30) a range of workshops, seminars and performances will take place.
This is a community event and with the support of Dublin City Council all exhibitions at Dublin Live Art Festival 2013 are free. Workshops and seminars are ticketed events and there are limited tickets available.
Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass
19:30 – 20:30, Sun 29 Sep
St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street, Dublin 1
The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir Mass invites to a Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, one of the best known choirs in Ireland will sing during the mass and everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness.
Apollo Sessions
20:30, Sun 29 Sep
Bleeding Horse, 24 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2
Every Sunday this singer-songwriter night takes place in the Bleeding Horse in Camden St. from 8.30pm. It is an Open mic night and performers can just turn up and put their name on the list for that night.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 00:00, Sun 29 Sep
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Stag’s Head, Dame Lane from 21:00 every week on Sun+Mon. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of that there is some free ice cream. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Forro de Lampiao – Brazilian Dance
21:00 – 23:00, Sun 29 Sep
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
Rogério from the Brazilian dance project “Forró de Lampião” in Dublin tells me: Forró de Lampião is Brazilian music that has the same roots as Samba and there is a whole culture that has developed around “forro”. Every Sunday, free dance classes take place in the Grand Social (new loation!) and if you are interested, just turn up one Sunday.
Rhythm Rocker
21:00, Sun 29 Sep
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“Rhythm Rocker at The Globe” is a weekly event on Sunday night in The Globe in Sth Great Georges Street, Dublin 2. It is a Rockabilly, R’n’R, Roots night with alternating (week by week) live bands Pavement Kings, Donna & The Sazzy Catz, The Mosquitoes and The Pacifics from 21:00 and with DJs from 23:00-01:30. Admission is free.
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads
21:30, Sun 29 Sep
Ha’Penny Bridge Inn, 42 Wellington Quay Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Billy Treacy & The Ha’Penny Heads are playing Ballads, Folk, Trad and Classic Country every Sunday. Featuring Guitar, Mandolin, Fiddle and Banjo.
Sunday Roast
21:45, Sun 29 Sep
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The weekly Sunday Roast is a free event in the Mercantile where live music is combined with free roast potatoes. The line-up for the upcoming Sunday Roast is available via the Sunday Roast Facebook Page (see link below). In brief: Nokotomi, Autonomous I, White Oak Barrels, Written In Sound, Hula Hope.
Cool Hand Dukes
22:00, Sun 29 Sep
Porterhouse Central, 45-47 Nassau Street, Dublin 2
Every Sunday (except at Bank Holiday weekends), the Ragtime, Roots and Country Blues Band “Cool Hand Dukes” play in the Porterhouse near Grafton Street.
Fingal Enterprise Week
08:00, Mon 30 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Mon 30 Sep
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Mon 30 Sep
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Mon 30 Sep
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Mon 30 Sep
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Archive at Lunchtime – September – IFI
13:00, Mon 30 Sep
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Ben Kane – Author Talk
13:00, Mon 30 Sep
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
Author Ben Kane is coming to the Central Library on Monday. Ben Kane was born and raised in Kenya and then moved to Ireland. In Dublin he studied veterinary medicine at University College Dublin, after which he travelled the world extensively, indulging his passion for ancient history. Having visited more than 60 countries and all 7 continents, he now lives in North Somerset with his wife and family.
His fiction books are based around ancient rome and his detail is amazing to read. If you would like to attend this event please contact the central library at 01-8734333 or via centrallibrary@dublincity.ie
Song For Marion – Screening – Positive Ageing Week
14:30, Mon 30 Sep
Axis Arts Centre, Main Street, Ballymun, Dublin 9
The Pictures Film Club @ axis: Ballymun will screen “SONG FOR MARION” on Monday. Admission is free and the event is part of Positive Ageing Week. Reservation is required through the axis box office on 01-8832100
Arthur (Terrence Stamp) is a grumpy old codger whose wife, Marion (Vanessa Redgrave) is terminally ill and keen to spend her last days singing with a choir. When she is no longer able to attend, he takes her place. As he meets the fellow singers he begins a voyage of self-discovery which helps him mend his relationship with his son and begin preparing for a life without Marion.
This screening will follow the launch of Positive Ageing Week at axis: Ballymun at 14:00 that afternoon.
Ireland’s Weather – Lecture
20:00, Mon 30 Sep
Ely House, 8 Ely Place, Dublin 2
The lecture “Ireland’s Weather: A Journey through Time” by Dr Evelyn Cusack (Mét Eireann) will take place on Monday. Admission is fre and the lecture is organised by the Irish Astronomical Society.
In the talk, you will be taken through a brief history of weather and weather forecasting and then told a little about how modern forecasts are made using high resolution mathematical models of the Atmosphere.
Song Cycle
20:00, Mon 30 Sep
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
The Monday Echo
20:00 – 22:30, Mon 30 Sep
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Monday Echo is a weekly songwriter and poetry live showcase held on Mondays in the basement of The International Bar. Usually, the show has 3 songwriters and 3 poets who perform for roughly 20 minutes each. Admission is free. The weekly line-up can be found via the Facebook Page below.
Comedy Crunch
21:00 – 23:00, Mon 30 Sep
Stag’s Head (downstairs), Dame Lane, Dublin 2
The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy event every Sunday and Monday. Every week different comedians entertain and on top of good comedy you will get free ice cream. Admission is free. The line-up can be found via the Comedy Crunch Facebook Page (see link below).
Loose – Trad Sessions
21:00 – 23:30, Mon 30 Sep
Mother Reillys, 26/28 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Rock & Reggae Night – Hangover Club
21:45 – 02:30, Mon 30 Sep
Fibber Magee’s, Parnell Street, Dublin 1
Every Monday, a mix of musicians from bands like The Seven Deadly Skins / Animal Cracker / Upbeat Generation / Crete Boom & more come together to play a free night of Rock & Reggae.
Monday Midnight Club
23:00 – 02:30, Mon 30 Sep
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
A new Monday night event is taking place in Whelan’s “The Monday Midnight Club” will present a Breakthrough Band at 23:00, The Midnight Act at 12:00 and Funk/Rock/Soul DJs at 01:00. Admission is free and the line-up for the next few weeks is:
30 Sept: Cold Comfort / Those Creeps / DJ Meow Cat+ Guests
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Tue 01 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour
11:00 – 13:00, Tue 01 Oct
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will on Tuesday now as well. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is required via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Tue 01 Oct
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Tue 01 Oct
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Tue 01 Oct
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Green Drinks Dublin – Teenage Mutant Invasive Turtles
18:30, Tue 01 Oct
J.W. Sweetman, 2 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
The Irish Wildlife Trust Dublin is inviting to the next Green Drinks Dublin event, which will always take place on the first Tuesday of every month. This month Kayleigh Keegan, founder of Kayleigh’s Sanctuary for Exotic Pets, will talk about the weird pet fads created by cartoon classics and the disastrous environmental effects that followed.
How did these fads start and what happens when they end? Kayleigh will explain how the pet store terrapin is a mythical creature, and why next year’s release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could become the ecological crisis of the decade.
Admission is free, but registration is required either via dublinbranch@iwt.ie or on Facebook following the link below.
Ben Prevos Blue Tuesdays
20:00 – 23:30, Tue 01 Oct
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
Plateau Sessions: Just No / 5 Dollar Shakes / Damh
20:00, Tue 01 Oct
Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Last Tycoons (open mic)
20:00, Tue 01 Oct
O’Donoghue’s, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2
Trinity Bar & Venue – Live Music
20:00, Tue 01 Oct
Trinity Bar, 46-49 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The Trinity Bar, nect to the Cetntral Bank on Dame Street, has live music four nights/afternoons every week and admission is free: Tues – 20:00: Theo Red (Alternative Rock) Wed – 20:00: Tara Hill (Folk Rock, Celtic and Traditional) Thurs – 20:00: Pachino Brothers (cover versions, oldies and own material) Sun – 17:00: Traditional LIve Music
The Grand Folk Club
21:00, Tue 01 Oct
Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
White Chocolate
23:30, Tue 01 Oct
The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 23:30 in The Mezz in Temple Bar.
First Wednesday – Free Entrance to OPW Sites
09:00, Wed 02 Oct
Various OPW locations in Dublin
Entry charges at nearly all OPW sites are waived once a month. The Office of Public Works (OPW) wants to encourage more people to visit the historic sites that it manages and has therfore started this initiative. Most OPW owned sites can already be visited for free, but the sites that normally charge a fee will be free every first Wednesday as well. In the (extended) Greater Dublin Area this will affect the following sites: + The Casino, Marino + Dublin Castle, State Apartments + Kilmainham Gaol + Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre at Newgrange + Glendalough Visitor Centre in Wicklow
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Wed 02 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
Let’s Walk & Talk: Rathmines
11:00 – 12:30, Wed 02 Oct
Rathmines, Dublin 6
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Wed 02 Oct
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Wed 02 Oct
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Wed 02 Oct
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Archive at Lunchtime – September – IFI
13:00, Wed 02 Oct
Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
National Print Museum – Lunchtime Tour
13:00 – 14:00, Wed 02 Oct
National Print Museum, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
As part of the Positive Aging Week 2013, the National Print Museum will run a free lunchtime tour. There will be a special demonstration of a number of the printing presses by one of the active retired volunteers.
Play Live – Music and Performance Workshop
13:00 – 15:00, Wed 02 Oct
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
This is a two-hour workshop with Gabriel Caetano for music artists who play any instrument. The first part of the workshop is a music lesson with an emphasis on the guitar, for beginning and intermediate levels. Practice and theory will be covered. The second part of the workshop is an open jam and a time dedicated to developing group dynamics and performance skills. A donation of EUR 3 is suggested and a third of all donations goes to the Exchange Dublin.
Improv Workshop
15:30 – 17:30, Wed 02 Oct
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Havana International Language Exchange
16:30 – 19:30, Wed 02 Oct
Havana Tapas Bar, Georges St, Dublin 2
The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 16:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. There are many Spanish speakers and English-speakers are explicitly invited, but everyone else is certainly very welcome too, to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
Francis Ledwidge: WWI Irish Nationalist War Poet – Talk
18:30, Wed 02 Oct
National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
On the eve of the All Ireland Poetry Day teacher, writer and performance artist Miriam Kilmurry will examine the place of Francis Ledwidge among the canons of WWI literature in her talk “Francis Ledwidge: WWI Irish Nationalist War Poet”. Admission is free and no booking required.
Pitchify – Pitches & Talks
18:30 – 23:00, Wed 02 Oct
4 Dame Lane, Dame Lane, Dublin 2
150 entrepreneurs, startups, techies and investors come together on Wed to listen to 6 pitches from startup companies. The event will start with a talk from special guest James Whelton (founder of CoderDojo) amd Connor Murphy (Datahug).
Admission is free, but booking is required by following this link.
Women Composers – Talk
18:30, Wed 02 Oct
Royal Irish Academy of Music, 38 Westland Row, Dublin 2
Ita Beausang and Eibhlis Farrell discuss ‘Labelling ‘Women’ Composers: Not What It Says On The Tin?’ Following a talk by Ita Beausang of some Irish women composers, Dr. Eibhlís Farrell will speak about her experience as a composer in Ireland and will answer audience questions. Admission is free. Registration is required via compcent@tcd.ie
King Kong Club
20:00, Wed 02 Oct
Mercantile, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The King Kong Club is a weekly music game-show in the Mercantile. Each week 6-7 bands/solo artists play three songs each. At the end of all the performances a clap-off with the King Kong Club Clap-o-Meter takes place and the winner goes through to a semi-final and it all culminates after six months of competition with The Grand Final, held in front of a panel of celebrity judges.
The list of performers is not yet announced on their Facebook Page and I am not sure if it will be put up there, but check it anyway.
Trinity Bar & Venue – Live Music
20:00, Wed 02 Oct
Trinity Bar, 46-49 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The Trinity Bar, nect to the Cetntral Bank on Dame Street, has live music four nights/afternoons every week and admission is free: Tues – 20:00: Theo Red (Alternative Rock) Wed – 20:00: Tara Hill (Folk Rock, Celtic and Traditional) Thurs – 20:00: Pachino Brothers (cover versions, oldies and own material) Sun – 17:00: Traditional LIve Music
The Song Room (open mic)
20:30, Wed 02 Oct
The Globe, 11 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
“The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesday.
Could somebody please let me know if this event is still taking place or if it has finished?
The Zodiac Sessions (open mic)
20:30, Wed 02 Oct
Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2
“The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week.
Bad Boy Jake
21:00, Wed 02 Oct
Gypsy Rose Blues & Rock Bar, 5 Aston Quay, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Trad Session
21:30, Wed 02 Oct
Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru), 4 Prospect Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 11
Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Thu 03 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
Cancer Shop Challenge
10:00 – 16:00, Thu 03 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
BT Ireland is running a Cancer Shop Challenge where different teams in the company have collected donated second-hand items (clothes, electronics (some even brand new), books and bric-a-brac) and will sell these items on Thursday. The money will go to The Irish Cancer Society, but to motivate the teams, they are competing against each other to get the maximum revenue from their assigned charity shop.
Fionnuala McKenna, a long term and loyal Dublin Event Guide reader is in the team that will sell their goods in the Camden Street Shop of the Irish Cancer Society and Fionnuala and her team hope that you will come to the Camden Street Shop on Thursday.
There will be a host of speakers, docking stations and electronics which can be snapped up at bargain prices and Geoff Minogue AKA Tommy from Fait City will be in the store signing autographs. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, if you wear something pink on the day you will receive an extra discount on items purchased. Donations are also welcome: You can leave your pre-loved items into the Camden Street shop and tell them they are for the BT Challenge.
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Thu 03 Oct
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Thu 03 Oct
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Thu 03 Oct
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Thu 03 Oct
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Crime in the City; Crime and History
13:00 – 14:00, Thu 03 Oct
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
Pearse House: Village in the City
13:00, Thu 03 Oct
National Photographic Archive, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Jeanette Lowe talks about her exhibition ‘Pearse House: Village in the City’, which is currently running at the NPA until 06 October. Admission is free, no booking required.
Human Rights Defenders in Colombia
18:00, Thu 03 Oct
Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
“Human Rights Defenders in Colombia: Experiences on the ground” is a talk organised by the Latin American Solidarity Centre (LASC) and Front Line Defenders. Admission is free.
Colombia is experiencing one of the most worrying human rights crises in Latin America, yet, at the same time, Colombia has one of the most vibrant civil societies in the region, where human rights defenders play a prominent role. Colombian Human Rights organisations are a source of inspiration for many around the world; one of their main strengths is the extent to which their network reaches remote villages and covers the entire country. On Thursday you will hear some of the stories of both sides of the medal.
Speakers will be Niamh Ni Bhriain, who worked with Peace Brigades International and with LASC in Colombia, Adam Shapiro, Head of campaigns in Front Line Defenders and recently back from Colombia, and José Antonio Gutiérrez, research and development officer in LASC.
Start Your Own Business Programme 2013
18:30, Thu 03 Oct
Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
A series of six free lectures for aspiring small business owners and managers will take place from 26 Sept until 31 Oct. The lecture series is organised by Dublin City Public Libraries and the Dublin City Enterprise Board. All lectures are free, but booking is essential via 01-8733996 or businesslibrary@dublincity.ie.
The lectures all take place on Thursdays from 18:30-20:00:
26 Sept: An Introduction to Self Employment with Brendan Moran 03 Oct: Ideas Generation & Market Research with Brendan Moran 10 Oct: Ethnic Entrepreneurship with Peter Smith 17 Oct: Digital Marketing and Social Media with TBA 24 Oct: Financing your Business with Paul Neary 31 Oct: Business Planning Structure with Brendan Moran
“My Favourites” – Walking Tour – Night Walk
19:00 – 21:00, Thu 03 Oct
Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
“These Are a Few of My Favourite Things” is the title of a Walking Tour that Emily Gallagher will run next Thursday. It will be an Alternative Arts and Culture Trail and she will bring you to “Dublin’s Best Cafes, Bars, Markets, Unusual Stores, Galleries, Theatres, Arts Spaces, and more! And hear some tales you’ve never heard before!”
Meeting point is at the Spire. The tours are free but donations are welcome and booking is required via egaldog@gmail.com or 085-2725095
Dimestore Recordings presents
20:00, Thu 03 Oct
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
LOQ Hip Hop & Poetry
20:00, Thu 03 Oct
Sweeney Mongrel’s, 32 Dame Street, Dublin 2
“LOQ is a monthly spoken word, hip-hop & poetry night, held on the first Tuesday of every month in the basement of Sweeney’s Mongrel. Kicking off at 20:00 with poetry and spoken word and working up to a hip hop crescendo before opening the floor to anyone brave enough to give it a go.” Admission is free.
Trinity Bar & Venue – Live Music
20:00, Thu 03 Oct
Trinity Bar, 46-49 Dame Street, Dublin 2
The Trinity Bar, nect to the Cetntral Bank on Dame Street, has live music four nights/afternoons every week and admission is free: Tues – 20:00: Theo Red (Alternative Rock) Wed – 20:00: Tara Hill (Folk Rock, Celtic and Traditional) Thurs – 20:00: Pachino Brothers (cover versions, oldies and own material) Sun – 17:00: Traditional LIve Music
Bad Boy Jake
21:00, Thu 03 Oct
Rathmines Inn, 82 Lower Rathmines Road Dublin 6
Bad Boy Jake are every Thursday until the end of February in the newly re-opened Rathmines Inn, playing their rock, blues and Americana.
Grand Social 3rd Birthday Weekender
21:00, Thu 03 Oct
Grand Social, 35 Lower Liffey Street (near Ha’Penny Bridge), Dublin 1
The Thursday events on the Grand Social 3rd Birthday Weekender are all free:
21:00: Dead Heavys, MeltyBrains?, Fears 23:00: Domino DJs 22:30: The Wailers – Aftershow Party
Max Zaska / Patrick Groenland
21:00, Thu 03 Oct
The International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
The Max Zaska group and the Patrick Groenland group will perform on alternating Thursdays from 21:00 in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street.
Thirsty Thursday (open mic)
21:00, Thu 03 Oct
The Bridge Inn, 22 Temple Hill, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
Left, Right & Centre – Blues+Soul
21:30, Thu 03 Oct
Frank Ryan’s Bar, Queen Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7
Every Thursday “Left Right & Centre” play a mix of blues & soul with a bit of rock&roll.
McNeills Trad Music Pub Sessions
21:30, Thu 03 Oct
J. McNeills, 140 Capel Street, Dublin 7
Lamont / Bailey / Wall & More – Gigs
22:30, Thu 03 Oct
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
Open House Dublin
09:00, Fri 04 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
Open House Dublin is the biggest celebration of architecture in Ireland presented by the Irish Architecture Foundation. Open House Dublin 2013 will take place from 04-06 October. Over one weekend, almost 100 buildings of all types and periods will open up their doors to allow you to explore the architecture of our city. Special tours are provided by hundreds of professionals and enthusiasts and all is completely free.
The main days are Saturday and Sunday, but some buildings will only open on Friday, so you chould check the list of particiapting buildings at the website below and plan your tours in advance.
Positive Ageing Week 2013
09:00, Fri 04 Oct
Dublin (various locations)
From Friday 27 September to Saturday 05 October Age Action is celebrating Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities. This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (01 October).
The calender of events can be downloaded here www.ageaction.ie/sites/default/files/pdf/26-09%20Final%20PAW%20National%20Calendar.pdf The document is 200 pages long! the Dublin Section is from Page 49 until Page 81.
I will not be able to list the events here so please check the website below and the Event Calender above.
Launch of the Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland
11:00, Fri 04 Oct
Freemason’s Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
“The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland” edited by Professor Harry White (UCD School of Music and Professor Barra Boydell, Department of Music NUI Maynooth) is the first comprehensive attempt to chronicle the history of music in Ireland. More than a decade in development and with over 2,000 entries, the volume features contributors from over 230 individual scholars and covers an exhaustive range of topics in the domain of Irish music history.
Michael D. Higgins, the Irish President will launch the publication. Light refreshments will be served.
Admission is free but booking is required via ucdpress@ucd.ie
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade
11:00 – 18:00, Fri 04 Oct
72 Thomas Street (between the Vicar St venue & Cafe Notto), Dublin 8
The Ferocious Mingle Marcade (Market and Arcade) place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it is a fancy dress market. It’s a flea-market type permanent market with stalls and “chalets” for traders. The Oscar Verne Café on site and (at least at the weekends) live music adds even more character.
National Gallery Talks
11:30 – 16:50, Fri 04 Oct
National Gallery, Clare Street, Dublin 2
The National Gallery has an extensive programme of free talks, public tours and Art Documentary screenings focusing on highlights of the European and Irish Collection every day of the week. Check their website for details.
Dublin Festival of History
12:00, Fri 04 Oct
Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Oktoberfest 2013
12:00 – 00:30, Fri 04 Oct
George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Oktoberfest in Dublin takes place from 19 Sept – 06 Oct. It is a German Beer Festival with Erdinger Weissbräu Beer, lots of German Bavarian Food and authentic Bavarian music.
Opening hours are Sun-Wed 12:00-23:00 and Thurs-Sat: 12:00-00:30.
The Festival Tent is on the platform in George’s Dock and there are severe admission restrictions (quantity of people). With already huge but still growing popularity of the Oktoberfest, this means there will be long queues already from around 17:30. You can get beer and some food next to the CHQ building as well, so you don’t have to queue to get into the tent, but if that is what you want, you might need to pre-book.
Admission is free, but after 22:00 an somewhat strange wristband system kicks in whereby you have to buy a wristband for EUR 6 that gives you a EUR 5 food voucher. Allegedly licensing rules force them to do that.
Nutgrove Arts Fest
13:00 – 14:00, Fri 04 Oct
Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14
Lunchtime Recital – St. Ann’s Church
13:15, Fri 04 Oct
St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
A lunchtime rectial with Lorraine Galvin (soprano), Patrick Burke (Clarinet) & Niall Kinsella (piano) will take place. They will perform arias by Purcell, Handel, & Mozart, and lieder by Schubert, Wolf, & Richard Strauss.
Americanitis – Play
17:00, Fri 04 Oct
DanceHouse, 1 Foley Street, Dublin 1
Pan Pan Theatre will perform “Americanitis” a new play as part of the Dublin Theatre Festival and the performance is free. Check out the details on the website below.
Free but ticketed. Contact the Dublin Theatre Festival box office directly on 01 677 8899 for tickets.
Greek and European Folk Dance
19:00 – 20:30, Fri 04 Oct
Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Cornucopia – Live Music
19:30 – 21:30, Fri 04 Oct
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Cornucopia Café & Restaurant host live music three evenings a week (Thurs, Fri and Sat). The restaurant is a Wholefood & Vegetarian Restaurant and is open until 22:15. + Every second Thursday N.C Lawlor, a songwriter, session player and troubadour plays a mix of country, bluegrass & blues from 19:30-21:30. + Every Friday (19:30-21:30) Junshi Murakami plays Irish Harp. + Every Saturday (19:30-21:30) Nollaig Mann plays a collection of popular and jazz classics.
Practical Wisdom in Precarious Times
19:30 – 21:00, Fri 04 Oct
Shambala Center, 23 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2
Catherine Ingram will lead six nights of Dharma Dialogues entitled ‘Practical Wisdom in Precarious Times’ in October. Catherine Ingram is the author of “In the Footsteps of Gandhi”, “Passionate Presence” and “A Crack in Everything” and her sessions “are a context in which we look at life experiences – work, creativity, romance, parenting, service, loss, and death– through the lens of understanding”
The talks will take place on 04, 05, 10, 11, 15 and 18 October. For anyone 25 years or younger admission is free, For the rest there is a suggested donation of EUR 15 per evening.
Dublin Tribal Spirit – Drumming Circle
20:00 – 22:00, Fri 04 Oct
Lantern Centre, 17 Synge Street, Dublin 8
“Dublin Tribal Spirit” is a weekly event that gives you the great experience of a drumming circle with african drums and authentic tribal rhythms. Tom and Sinead, who run that event are providing lots of drums for it and teach you the rhythms.
There is no formal admission charge for this event, but donations are expected. The organisers bring their own 20-30 drums to it every week, so they are looking for donations to keep the event going.
Addison Lodge Open Mic Night
21:00 – 00:30, Fri 04 Oct
Addison Lodge, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
The Addison Lodge are inviting local bands, musicians, poets, comedians and performers to share their talents at the new Addison Lodge Open Mic Nights in Glasnevin (opposite the Botanic Gardens). The event takes place every week. Admission is free.
Live Music – Stillorgan Orchard
21:00, Fri 04 Oct
Stillorgan Orchard, The Hill, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
The North Sea – Gig
22:30, Fri 04 Oct
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2
New Voices: A Night of Poetry and Song
Fri 25 Oct: 20:00
Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park
“New Voices: A Night of Poetry and Song” will take place on 25 Oct and you need to apply for tickets.
Hollie McNish, the performance poet from Cambridge, England, will make her debut Dublin appearance at Farmleigh. Appearing with Hollie will be Erin Fornoff from North Carolina and Hozier, the band led by singer/songwriter Andrew Byrne. This evening is hosted by Farmleigh writer-in-residence, Peter Sheridan.
Tickets are free, but allocated on a lottery basis. The closing date to apply for tickets is Friday 11 October at 10:00. Send a mail to farmleighinfo@opw.ie with subject NEW VOICES to apply for tickets. www.farmleigh.ie/Events/Title,25003,en.html
Dublin Mountains Partnership – Guided Walks
28 Sept – 11:00
The next guided free walks by the Dublin Mountain Partnership are taking place on 07+28 Sept. The walks are easy to strenous and have different requirements. Check the website and also check the pre-registration requirement. www.dublinmountains.ie/news/upcoming_events/?no_cache=1
Not free, but worth checking out:
Dublin Theatre Festival from 26 Sept – 13 Oct Hard Working Class Heroes from 03-05 Oct DSCPA Great Irish Dog Walk on 28 Sept
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Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)
Seanad Eireann – Take it off the road, it has failed the NCT!
On Thursday a Referendum will take place in Ireland and if you are an Irish citizen you are allowed and definitely should vote. As a foreigner myself and many of you are not allowed to vote. But that doesn’t stop us from having an opinion and having a right to have an opinion. Nobody has to agree, but that is the case with all opinions, isn’t it?
One of the two questions on Thursday is if the Seanad should be abolished (YES) or if it should be kept (NO). In the beginning of that discussion there was a strong opinion in favour of closing it, it seemed, but oddly this changed in the last few weeks.
The Seanad is a totally and utterly undemocratic institution. Many many people in Ireland are never allowed to vote for any of the members. It is set up in such a way that always the current government has a majority in the Seanad and it seems to be the political retirement home of Ireland.
The reason why many are never allowed to vote is because a strange system was chosen when it was set up that allows for example people who went to SOME of the Irish Universities to vote and others not and if you didn’t go to university then you most likely are not allowed to vote. The reason why the government always will have a majority is because the Taoiseach is putting 11 unelected (usually failed) party members and friends in as Senators.
If it is not bad enough that the Senate is completely undemocratic, it gets worse if you look at what it has every achieved. It is meant to be a control instance (an Upper House) that controls the Dail (Lower House), but the Senate is not even allowed to veto anything. All they can do is delay a law and if I read that right, they did that only TWICE in their whole history. No surprise if the current government has always the majority in the Senate.
Recently many started saying the Senate should remain but it HAS to be overhauled. And interestingly Fianna Fail, the party that was in government until the last elections and for many years until then is the loudest shouter. The demand correction of the Seanad, but wait, why did they NEVER make an attempt when they were in power? A total joke!
In my opinion it would be good to have a control instance, an Upper House. But that won’t happen with the current Senate and repairing is sometimes not possible. If the foundation of your house is totally useless, then you have to tear down the house and build it new. Getting the paint can out will not make any significant difference.
The Senate is a house that needs to be torn down and re-built or a car that needs to be taken off the road because it failed ALL tests and it has to be newly built! Everything else will not achieve anything and it is not even clear if the politicians in government or in the opposition know how to fix it anyway because no one submitted a comprehensive plan.
So, I would vote YES! Get rid of it and then re-build it again. You say the rebuilding will not happen? Well the parties that think it should be there have to submit a proper proposal and even if the Senate will be gone for 4 or 8 years, it is better to do that than to keep a totally useless organisation in place.
That is my political rant over. ;-) No matter what you vote, please do vote and use your voice!
Have an event-full weekend and week,
dublineventguide@gmail.com | www.dublineventguide.com | www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide | m.dublineventguide.com
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