Event Guide 167: Merrion Square Open Day, People’s Photography Exhibition, Heritage Week, Which Course, Bark in the Park

August 27th, 2010

| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 167
| 27 Aug 2010 Subscribers: 7193

Hi all!

Shadaan Felfeli’s performance was as brilliant as expected and the venue was just perfect. I know that a good few of you made it to it and I hope you enjoyed his show. He asked me to thank you explicitly for coming to his show, he appreciates the support and if you liked it, please tell your friends about it. ;-)


Every now and then I reply to a comment that is often made about this Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). I am told again and again “It is soooo long and I find it difficult to read because of that.” This is a fair comment. Believe me, I am writing these pages and I know that it is VERY long. I could easily shorten it by cutting out lots of events, but would it then still be as valuable if _I_ decided for you if you should be interested in something or not? I prefer to provide a comprehensive listing so that everyone can pick the events he/she is interested in.
So the length is dependent on the number of free events, but there is something you can do to make the reading of the Event Guide a LOT easier. There are a number of sections in this mail and you can jump between them. Every day has its own section and the other categories like the Competition Section or the “This is odd!” Section are clearly identified. If you get this mail as a HTML mail then you should see headline banners for each section. If you don’t see them, then either read your mail as HTML mail OR if you are using Hotmail or Gmail then enable the showing of pictures, there is a clickable button somewhere! Within every day section the events are more or less arranged by time with the earliest first and the latest event last. Every event has a headline as well that hopefully will give some relevant information. If you use MAIN headline, event headline and the fact that the listings are sorted by time you should already be able to get some structure in your reading!
I always tell people as well: Don’t read the Event Guide like an e-mail (top to bottom) but read it like a newspaper (check the headlines and if you like it read more if not, be courageous and skip the part). :-) I hope these few tips will help some of you. If you have more specific problems, let me know and I will see if I can help!

I am not sure what happened, but for the last 2 weeks the new subscriber numbers did drop a little. Did you already tell ALL your friends and colleagues? Are you SURE? Isn’t there this other guy/girl across the corridor that you don’t yet speak tooo often with that most likely should be told about the Event Guide? ;-) Use this as a conversation starter:
To subscribe they only have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com.

It is not often that advertisement is nice enough to be suitable for the Feel Good Slot in this Event Guide, but two of my friends pointed in the direction of the current National Lottery “Rainbow” ad and it captures a lovely atmosphere, so this week the National Lottery ad is the video in the Feel Good Slot. I would have loved to be there if that had ever happened in reality: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-DhHLoNiUM By the way, I have realised that Hotmail recently started to put any You Tube videos at the very top of the mail. This is not me doing it, this is a strange Hotmail “feature”.

This week unfortunately nobody donated to support the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events). If you want to support my weekly work and want to make me smile ;-), you can donate here: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm And – as an option – you can now chose a yearly “subscription” on that website as well whereby a 12 Euro donation will automatically be carried out every year.

This newsletter is a spare-time activity of mine for which I am not paid. It is not a commercial project and if you like it, you are invited to help with a donation. You can donate as much as you want or can, but if you need some guidance, maybe consider just ONE Euro per month or – to make it more practical – a donation of 12 Euro per year (that is just 25 cent per newsletter). Where else can you get such a vast amount of useful information for just 25 cent. ;-)

You can donate using PayPal or your credit card by following this link to the PayPal donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer money to my bank, just drop me a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.

This Event Guide is sponsored by Esme E, Cliodhna D, Brian L, Padraig S, Kathie S, Orla niF, Jef B, Susanna N, Kate C, Nicola J, Claus Sch, Gordon S, Jeanne M, Fiona O’C, Marta M, Angela C, Isabelle F, Saundra S, Meisoon N, Ruth F, Valerie McN, Estelle O, Aoife M, Mairin M, Fionán O’L, Maeve L, Blaithin O’D, Ciara D, Mike G, Andrej G, Deirdre R, Vanessa O’L, Chris McK, Frank B, Dolores P, Cornelia K, Cathy A, Orla C, Kevin McC, Steph G, Wanda J, Siv M-J, Niamh niS, Gwen H, Jasmin T, Ian O, Eva C, Will P, Gráinne P, Caroline R, Elizabeth F, Suzanne B, Adele G, Jack C, Keeva H, Mairead MacM, Niamh G, Siobhan C, Jackie B, Penny O’D, Kathryn K, Aidan G, Ciara G, Deirdre L, Stephen D, Mary Q, Donald P, Aidan C, Julia Sch, Isak R-B, Sharon O’S, Brajan V, Nancy O’D, Zelie McG, Niamh K, Jennie R, Semin S, Gavin H, David G, Becky B, Emer niB, Niamh N, Ciaran H, Louis M, Gerard Ph, Monika E, Mark K, James O’H, Pere SC, Marsha D, Sarah McC, Patrick O’C, Sandra R, Christoph Sch, Deirdre O’B, Ellen C, Eimear O’F, Luna B, Leslie C, Elaine McH, Elva O’G, Deirdre G, Martin O’M, Maeve C, Ciara O’C, Sarah D, Patrick C, John O’R, Brian C, Brian R, Caroline C, Elaina O’N, Eilis C, Sandra R, Geraldine D, Nora W, Rachel M, Renata V, Carine S, Ruairi O’G, Donna D, Clare D, Tuna Y, Lisa S-O’G, Aga G, Anna B, Ian S, Joan W, Brian R, Bear N, Sebastian B, Tina M, Will McA, Siobhan H, Soeren G, Sheila McC, Regina Q, Marc F, Kieran O’C, Alan S, Orla K, Mike G, David N, Atri B, Damian L, Orna McE, Colm K, Grainne+Kieran C, Paul A, Cathy A, Damien McK, Sharon O’S, Malachy B, Eily O’C, Bridin McI, George K, Fergus O’C, Caitriona F, Marie N, Sarah M, Kalle R, Mervyn M, Thomas D, Anna-Lena F, Veronica F, Filippo G, Eimear McG, Marion K, Susan D, Patricia O’N, Darren B, Jekaterina O, Fergus G, Ailbhe H, Rainey D-G, Johan S, Gareth S, Evan P, Therese O’R, Rebecca M, Eva C, Ming-jia Y, Niamh S, Nikodem R, Padraig K, Stephanie W, Sarah Ann H, Ailis F, Fiona M, Nazim MG, Maureen P, Alda G, Pia O and www.stickyfingerstravel.com (The travel guide for parents travelling with their children.), www.flamencoindalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, located at 6 Merrion Square, which supports contemporary Irish artists.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and lo w priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.kravmagaireland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.

All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

______Joerg’s Picks______________

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.

MySURVEY – Get rewarded for taking part in surveys. You can get PayPal vouchers or donate to a charity and you make your opinion count!

This week you will find me at the People’s Photography Exhibition on Sat or Sun. In addition I will go to the Merrion Square Open Day. On Sunday the Blackrock Family Festival and the Dublin Flea Market sound interesting. And during the week, Colm’O Regan’s Comedy Gig on Wednesday and the JCI Seminar on Thursday grabbed my attention. I will hopefully go to at least one of the two.


Eleanor Tiernan and Fred Cooke, two of Ireland’s brightest comedic talents, will be hosting an evening of music in The Village, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 on Sun 29 Aug. Performing on the night, will be some of Ireland’s freshest musical acts including Maire and the Early Birds, Ann McDonnell, Nicola Gainey, The Ghozties and the brand new band “Stand Clear, Luggage Doors Now Operating”.
Eleanor and Fred have organised this event to raise funds for their upcoming show City West Side Story. This show, an absurdist musical journey around modern Ireland, has been created by Fred, Eleanor and Nicola Gainey and will run in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre from 13-18 September as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival (www.fringefest.com/event/city-west-side-story).
So, if you want to have a great night out in The Village AND at the same time want to help these Comedians to fund their show, come to the event on Sunday. Doors open at 20:00 and tickets are EUR 10. You can buy your tickets at the door on Sun or through the Villlage ticket box office. www.thevillagevenue.com/listings/
Eleanor and Fred have made one pair of tickets available for one of you for Sunday night. If you want to win this ticket, send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ELEANOR in the subject and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with my by 13:00 on Saturday 28 Aug and please don’t enter the competition if you already have other plans for Sunday evening.

One more chance to enter the competition: A special event for business owners, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial thinkers will take place on Fri+Sat 17+18 Sept in the K Club in Kildare. The event is called “The Business Summit” and will be a 2-day seminar with well known successful Irish business people who will reveal their secrets of how to deal with and how to beat the recession. thebusinesssummit.com/eventguide Sean Gallagher from Dragon’s Den, the Financial Guru Eddie Hobbs and Celebrity Chef Clodagh McKenna are a selection of the key note speakers who will share the secret of their businesses success at the “Growing Your Business Through Recession” themed Business Summit. This Business Summit puts you and leading business people in the same room where you can gain valuable insights on:
* Kick starting your business with proven Irish strategies
* Why there’s no bad time for good businesses
* Connecting with like-minded business people to create opportunities
* Rewiring your business brain to new possibilities with motivation from inspirational speakers
Other speakers at the event are sporting icon and businessman Liam Griffin, Louis Copeland the master tailor & businessman, O’Brien’s Sandwich bar founder & author Brody Sweeney, Coach Trainer Eoin McCabe and Cameron Stewart Founder & Social Entrepreneur, Founder of 11890 Nicola Byrne, Online Entrepreneur and Business Coach Mark Wynne.
At the moment the 50% early booking discount still applies until this evening and a ticket costs EUR 247. So if you are want to go to the event, and don’t trust Lady Luck, you might want to book before this evening.
You have the chance to win such a ticket worth EUR 247 (!!!) which will give you access to the seminar on both days. Now, as you can imagine, for such a massive price you will have to do a little bit of work. ;-) In order to be in with a chance to win this price you will have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the subject SUMMIT and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. In addition you need to tell me in the mail one of the two companies that Noelle O’Connor is linked to. (Hint: Check the pictures on the right hand side on the website!) thebusinesssummit.com/eventguide Your mail has to be with me by 13:00 on 01 September.

All events in this Competition Section are non-free events, but the organisers are making free tickets available for you to win. I usually get lots of competition entries and unfortunately not everybody can win, so even if you are not the winner, please consider going to an event to support the organisers. :-) If you don’t win, and will go to the event, please help showing the organisers that promoting their event in the Dublin Event Guide is beneficial and mention to them that you heard about the event through “Joerg’s Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”. Thanks!

______Dublin News______________

The Toejam Car Boot Sale a cool monthly Car Boot Sale in the car park of the Bernard Shaw Pub in South Richmond Street was one of the first Car Boot Sales that started about 3 years ago the new discovery of Car Boot Sales and Flea Markets in Dublin. Nearly every month the guys from the Bernard Shaw Pub ran this event and from a small start it developed into a hugely popular and very quirky event that was visited and loved y hundreds of people from Dublin.
It seems that when it became popular even the people from the planning office in Dublin City found out about it and ….stopped it! The guys in Bernard Shaw were told that they have no planning permission for it and were not allowed to continue. Initially they were hoping that after cancelling the August event, the Car Boot Sale would be back in September. But now things are looking a lot less optimistic. With a lot of luck the next Car Boot Sale will be at Christmas. Thanks Dublin City for spoiling the fun! It is just incredible how people that take the initiative to build community are penalised by our %$*@!#% City administration. :-S

Not directly Dublin related, but I know that a good few of you regularly or occasionally use Aer Arann to fly home within Ireland or to visit friends etc. Today it was announced that Aer Arann went into voluntary examinership. This doesn’t mean it is the end for Aer Arann, but only the result after the next 70 days of negotiations will tell the future of this regional Irish airline. You can still book flights and no flights are planned to be cancelled, however the 70 day period might be something you want to keep in mind when you book. Long term plans with Aer Arann have the risk that they might not happen. If Aer Arann disappeared, it would leave a big gap for some people, but I guess losses of EUR 18.5 mio in the last 2.5 years are not telling a story of “successful, absolutely needed and well frequented small airline”. www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/0826/breaking59.html

On Sat 04 Sept at 11:00 Tony Blair will be signing copies of his book “A Journey” in Eason’s in O’Connell Street. Depending on the author, book signings can be busy events and often there are long queues and lots of pictures are taken and people have a bit of fun. Being the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s book signing will NOT be a normal affair and it seems that the rules around it take all the fun out of it. On their website www.eason.ie/pages/118 Eason’s describe the conditions for the book signing. Some of the rules are that when you buy one of Tony Blair’s books, you get a non transferrable wrist band. If you have a writs band you are allowed to join the signing queue, but there is no guarantee that your book will be signed. When you join this queue you are not allowed to bring ANY bags, backpacks, briefcases, purses or phones, instead you have to leave them at a holding point. Once you make it to the front of the queue a max of 2 books will be signed per person, there will be no personal dedications and you are not allowed to take photos, you are not even allowed to bring your mobile phone to the queue.
Why Eason’s don’t lock Blair into a back room, get him to sign the books and then sell them afterwards is the big question I have. Or maybe don’t bring him over at all but get him to sign the books elsewhere in the world. Or maybe you could even get the cleaners in Eason’s to sign the books in a back room with a signature that looks similar to Blair’s. That would be even safer.

Glendalough is not Dublin, but as far as tourism is concerned, Glendalough and Newgrange are the two nearest culturally relevant sites which most tourists but as well many of us regularly visit. Carla S. told me about a series of free lectures in Glendalough called “Lectures for the Curious” and because of the popularity of Glendalough I will mention them here. The lectures take place in the Glendalough Visitor Centre every Tuesday at 19:30 from 24 Aug – 21 Sept. The brochure is here fmrsi.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/glendalough-lectures202010.pdf
The lectures are about the history of Glendalough, early medieval Ireland etc.


In order to beat an economic downturn not governments can help, but individuals are needed that take the initiative and to create new markets and new opportunities for themselves and for their customers and hopefully employees. The banks don’t help anymore, the government doesn’t want to help, so we have to help ourselves! The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will help you if you have recently started a company and if you could do with spreading the word. I hope being mentioned here and being seen by the 7000+ readers of the Event Guide will kick start something big for you. In return I expect you to tell your clients and friends about the Event Guide and once you have made a nice bit of money, a donation would be very appreciated. ;-) (This offer is for start-ups in relatively early stages only. Established companies can contact me regarding very affordable advertisement options in the Dublin Event Guide.) If you want to promote your start-up/young company here for free, let me know: dublineventguide@gmail.com.

More to come!


Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie. For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/exhib-lein/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.

Red Bull Illume is a unique, high energy photographic competition and focuses exclusively on the world of action, adventure and sports. This year Ireland has been chosen as the destination for the official launch of Red Bull Illume 2010, and the location to kick-off this worldwide tour of images. A private opening of the outdoor exhibition will take place at dusk on 31 August when the winner from each of the five categories and the overall winner will be announced. From 01 Sept until 11 Sept this free exhibition in Trinity College will be open from 20:00-22:00 every day. All photos are illuminated and it sounds as if this exhibition is definitely different to what you have seen before, so make sure that you visit it during the 10 days.
A total of 22,764 photographs from 4,773 photographers from 112 countries were entered into the competition and 52 judges have selected the top 50 images, consisting of five finalist images in ten image categories. A sneak peek of the 250 semi-finalist images and lots more information is available on www.redbullillume.com

Many artists are odd with their ideas of “art” often baffling the “normal” people. And the description/explanation of their art baffles often even more. ;-)
Artist C. Finley will be wallpapering a rubbish bin located at the intersection of College Green and Grafton Street. The project will be visible from 16:00-18:00 every Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat until the paper peels away. (WHY not on Wednesdays!?!?!?) And here comes the description: “The Wallpapered Bin Project is an Urban Intervention that is an inquiry into urban waste, free art, and notions of femininity, beauty and domesticity. Inspired by free and accessible art the artist states, “If we see dumpsters as works of art, we have raised consciousness.” This ongoing series of urban interventions will continue around 10 select cities in Europe through 2010. Previous rubbish bins have appeared in Rome, Paris, New York City and Los Angeles and have remained wallpapered for up to a year, depending on use and environmental factors.” wallpapereddumpsters.blogspot.com/

“Artlino” is an exhibition of handpulled and handprinted Linoprints by Paula Pohli in darc space in 26 North Great Georges Street. Darc space is a gallery in an architect’s office The exhibition opened on 26 Aug and will run until 11 Sept. Opening hours are normal business hours. www.PaulaPohli-art.com


After Thursday night’s launch of their new album in Tower Records, Fight Like Apes, are in HMV in Grafton Street on Fri 27 Aug from 13:00. They will be playing live and signing copies of their new album ‘The Body of Christ and the Legs of Tina Turner’. hmv.com/hmvweb/navigate.do?pPageID=1080

Critical Mass is a movement that promotes cycling as healthy, enjoyable, environmentally friendly, sociable and fun. It is a movement without leaders which aims to empower the cycling culture across the world. In Dublin there are monthly Cycling Events for everyone. The next one is taking place on Fri 27 Aug. Meeting point is St. Stephen’s Green at the Grafton Street Corner and the time is 17:45.

The Pilgrim Blues Band performs in Thomas House, Thomas Street on Fri 27 Aug from 20:00. Admission is free. www.gumtree.ie/dublin/91/64318291.html

“Who’s Eddie” are playing live in McCauleys Pub on South Circular Road in Rialto. www.gumtree.ie/dublin/30/64530730.html and about the band www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLy-YqAvDPs Unfortunately it is not clear at what time on Fri 27 Aug the gig starts. Try 20:00! Admission is free.

I sometimes get very passionate when organisers don’t tell the world about their great events. Why do they spend the effort to prepare for a great event if they then don’t tell the masses? During the week I came across a perfect example:
A theatre group called “Free Shakespeare” (I am guessing!) is performing free “Comedy of Errors” in St. Stephen’s Green and in Smock Alley and despite me checking more than 200 webpages every Thursday night to find all the free events, I did not come across an announcement anywhere. Not even the website of the Smock Alley Theatre tells you about it! (smockalley.com/theatre/) What a lost opportunity!
It seems that “Comedy of Errors- Shake it Up” was performed from 17-22 Aug daily at 13:00 and at 16:00 in St. Stephen’s Green and in addition to that, from Tues-Fri 24-27 Aug, the performance took place in the Smock Alley Theatre in Temple Bar at 20:00 every night.
Due to the organisers bad information policy, I wasn’t able to tell you about this event before and all that remains now is one single performance tonight on Fri 27 Aug at 20:00. I was not able to find out what the space limitations are and how a large number of interested audience will be handled. Maybe they didn’t want the hassle to have to deal with plenty of people and didn’t tell anyone for that reason?

* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
* Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3) and every Monday from 19:00 in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15. These are drop in classes, newcomers are welcome. For more information check www.coolspirit.info or www.sahajayoga.ie.
* The Covers play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Carlos Irie. Admission is free.


The National Heritage Week will continue for another 2 days until 29 Aug. and you can still find a few events over the next few days that will tell you more about the heritage of Ireland. The Heritage Week is a week packed full with events and the vast majority of the events are free. There are too many events to list here, so please check the detailed list on www.heritageweek.ie or get the downloadable event listings, which are excerpts from the printed Programme Booklet www.heritageweek.ie/index.php/whats-on/download-events-by-county-2/

Every weekend on Sat and Sun the Point Village Market is taking place from 09:00-17:00. It is an outdoor food market with a flea market-like add-on. The market is next to the Point Depot (O2), right beside the last Luas stop “The Point” on the Red Line. In addition to the market, there is outdoor entertainment every week on the Gig Rig stage and you can find out the programme here: www.pointvillagemarket.ie/events On Saturday the following bands will perform: Acoustic Soul (www.acousticsoul.ie), Murder Plan (www.myspace.com/murder.plan), Liz Seaver (www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPfQyAbFzhg). And on Sunday Niall O’Shea (www.myspace.com/nialloshea), Eimear Fox (www.myspace.com/eimearfox) and Adela & The Meanits (www.myspace.com/adelameally) will perform.

The People’s Photography exhibition is a unique yearly event in Dublin. Photographer, Hobbyists, Clubs and Professionals exhibit their own photographs for two days on the rails of St. Stephen’s Green. The 2010 People’s Photography exhibition will take place on Sat 28 and Sun 29 Aug from 10:00-18:00 each day. It is a great opportunity to see amazing photos OR to exhibit your own photos. www.peoples-photography.com/

On Sat 28 Aug from 10:00-17:00 the Merrion Square Open Day will take place. Now in its sixth year, this is a day of special events celebrating the rich and diverse heritage of Merrion Square and its surroundings. Explore Georgian Dublin in a relaxed and informal programme, taking in the houses, garden, and churches at the heart of the city. Visitors will have an opportunity to see properties not often open to the public and enjoy special talks, walks, and music in historic churches in a programme with something for everyone.
Places for some events and tours are limited and are allocated on a first come basis. For others, booking is required as indicated. For more information call 01 7026165.
The extensive programme is:
+ 10:00-17:00 Free Guided Tours of Number 29 Georgian House Museum
+ 10:00 Architectural Walking Tour of Merrion Sq. Meet outside 74 Merrion Sq.
+ 11:00 History of St. Andrew’s Church Westland Row. Meet inside the church.
+ 11:00: ‘In Search of a Lost Landscape: the Mews of Merrion Square’, exploring the mews houses and stable lanes of the Georgian city. Meet outside Number 1 Herbert Street. (opp. Pepper Canister)
+ 12:00 ‘Let’s Walk & Talk – Merrion Square: Notable Residents around a Beautiful Park’, guided walk (90 min)
+ 12:00 ‘Dublin’s Two Zoos’- Talk in the Natural History Museum. 20 places
+ 12:30, 13:30 + 16:00 Chamber Music in the Pepper Canister Church
+ 13:00 ‘Michael Stapleton and the Georgian Interior’ – Talk in RIAI, 8 Merrion Sq.
+ 14:00 ‘History of the Natural History Museum’. 20 places
+ 14:00 ‘Literary Merrion Square’- Meet outside 74 Merrion Square.
+ 15:00 ‘Blaze Away: Dueling and gun making in Dublin from 1780 to 1820’. Talk in National Museum (Booking Required- phone 01 611 0611).
+ 15:00 ‘Recreations & Recitations’ from Joyce’s Ulysses, at Sweny’s Victorian Chemist, Lincoln Place
+ 16:00 Guided Tour of Number 5 Clare Street. Meet at National Gallery of Ireland, Millennium Wing Information Desk (Clare St Entrance). (Booking Required- phone 7026165).
The historic buildings you can visit on the day are
+ 8 Merrion Square, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
+ 45 Merrion Square` Irish Architectural Archive
+ 49 Merrion Square National University of Ireland
+ St. Stephen’s Pepper Canister Church
+ Number 29 Fitzwilliam Street Lower, ESB’s Georgian House Museum
+ Catherine Mc Auley House, 64a Baggot Street Lower. Mercy International.
+ 58 Merrion Square Daniel O’Connell House, the Keough Naughton Notre Dame Centre. (Guided Tours on the hour. Booking required, phone 01 611 0611.)
+ 63 Merrion Square Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
+ 63 Fitzwilliam Lane Irish Landmark Trust Mews House
+ Sweny’s Chemist, Victorian Chemist, mentioned in Ulysses. Lincoln Place
+ St. Andrew’s Church Westland Row
For even more details check: www.esb.ie/main/about-esb/numbertwentynine/education/current_future_events.htm

The Which Course? Expo 2010 is taking place on Sat+ Sun 28+29 Aug in the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) in Ballsbridge. Which Course Expo is Dublin’s largest course fair. Thousands of evening, morning and weekend classes from colleges throughout Dublin, seminars, free course places to be won and much more… If you’re thinking of doing a course this autumn, Which Course is the place to go. The exhibition in the RDS Industries Hall is open from 11:00-18:00. www.whichcourse.ie/

Crosscare the social care agency of the Dublin Diocese are holding a Family Fun and Antique Valuation Day on Sat 28 Aug in Clonliffe College, Drumcondra from 12:00-17:00. Admission is free and there will be a Kids Inflatable Zone, Kids Sports Day, Face painters, Carnival games and Irish Village Markets, selling food. Bring your picnic blanket and enjoy the day. Entertainment will be provided by the Steadfast Brass Band. If you want to get your antiques valued, you pay EUR 10 for up to three verbal valuations and advice on sale at auction if required. There will be a team of valuers that include specialists from RTE’s “The Dealer” programme. They will be covering jewellery, silver, ceramics, glass, clocks, watches and collectables.
Crosscare offer meals on wheels, a Teen Counselling service and a National Drug and AlcoholHelpline and the funds raised on the day will support Crosscare’s work in Homeless, Community and Young People’s Services. www.crosscare.ie/index.php?/news/comments/family_fun_and_antique_valuation_day/ and if you are interested in the Event Poster, it is here

From Sat 21 Aug until Sun 29 Aug the Contemporary Music Centre (CMC) will animate streets with a music trail consisting of outdoor sound installations in the heart of medieval and Viking Dublin. The umbrella programme “Music in the Historic Quarter” consists of the Contemporary Music Centre Outdoor Music Trail and an event programme. Come and explore and experience music of many genres, through live performance and the very latest technology, both outdoors and indoors! An inner trail consisting of three locations (Gutter Bookshop, CMC in Fishamble Street and Civic Offices at the Christ Church Entrance) playing open air music runs daily from 13:00-16:00. An extended trail incorporating the first three locations plus two additional locations (Garden of Dublin Castle and St. Patricks Park) can be followed and listened to with a smartphone by downloading the free “Layar” application for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and Android devices. Go to www.cmc.ie/musictrail for further information and instructions. The full event programme is here www.cmc.ie/musictrail/events.cfm and an overview of all events is here:
+ Fri 27 Aug: Anúna in The Back Loft, c/o La Catedral Studios, 7/11 St. Augustine St., Dublin 8 from 19:30-21:00 (EUR 15) www.ticketoffice.ie
+ Fri 27 Aug: Bell Ringers in Christ Church Cathedral at 19:00. Advanced booking required: 01 6778099. (free)
+Sat 28 Aug: Dublin Guitar Quartet in City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2 from 13:00-14:00. (free)
+ Sat 28 Aug: Rawstorne Singers Choral Evensong in Christ Church Cathedral from 17:00-18:00 (free)
+ Sun 29 Aug: Rawstorne Singers Sung Eucharist in Christ Church Cathedral from 11:00-12:00 (free).
+ Sun 29 Aug: Rawstorne Singers Choral Evensong in Christ Church Cathedral from 15:30-16:15 (free)
+ Tues 31 Aug: Paudie O’Connor (box) and Aoife Ní Chaoimh (fiddle) in Coach House, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2. 11:00-11:30 (free) RSVP to Maeve at 01 671 9429
or admin@musicnetwork.ie by 26 August.
+ Wed 01 Sept: Evensong recital by Christ Church Cathedral Choir in Christ Church Grounds from 18:00-18:15 (free)
+ Wed 01 Sept: The Galway Ensemble in Residence – ConTempo Quartet in Smock Alley Theatre, Exchange Street Lower, Dublin 8 from 20:00. (EUR 10/7 – under 16s free) www.thegalwaymusicresidency.ie

No security concerns, wristbands and you are even allowed to bring your mobile phone to the book signing of Peter Andre. Well, he is just not a Tony Blair, I guess. ;-) Andre is signing copies of “My World” in Eason’s O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 on Sat 28 Aug at 13:00. www.eason.ie/events/upcoming

A shorter Event listing format today:
+ Merrion Square Open Day: Adult Gallery Talk- Dublin’s Two Zoos
Sat 28 Aug from 12:00-12:30
+ Merrion Square Open Day Tour: The History of the Natural History Museum
Sat 28 Aug from 14:00-14:45
+ Merrion Square Open Day Family tour: Cabinet of Curiosities
Sat 28 Aug from 15:00-15:45
+ Heritage Week Free Tour: Prehistoric Ireland
Sat 28 Aug from 15:30-16:30
+ Heritage Week: The Battle of Fontenoy and its historical resonance in Ireland
Sat 28 Aug from 12:00-12:40

The “Right to Work” campaign is marching from Parnell Square to the Central Bank in Dame Street on Sat. at 14:00. It seems the information about this event is a little sparse. But you know now where and when in case you are interested.

Sports historian Paul Harris is chairing a conversation with Dublin’s Sports People Michael Carruth, John Giles, Dick Hooper, Annette Kealy and Barney Rock on Sat 28 Aug from 14:00-16:00. Admission is free, but booking is essential. The event will take place in the Wood Quay Venue in the Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 2. Book your place at 01-6744858 or email library.development@dublincity.ie

A free Art Workshop for all the Family is taking place in the Hugh Lane Gallery on Sat 28 Aug from 15:00-16:00. “Artist Sinead McGeeney asks students of all ages to join her to give your new or old copybooks a revamp for the coming school year. Whether you need to revitalise your favourite copybook or want your new book to look different from the rest, we’ll get you creating new designs and 3D effects. All you need to do is bring your books!” To book contact 01 2225564.

* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30. The Designer Mart is on winter break and will return from 13 March!
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* The Point Village Market is taking place every Sat+Sun from 08:30-17:30 next to the Point Depot (a.k.a. The O2) at the final LUAS stop in the Docklands. There are more than 100 stalls every week and you can find out more here www.pointvillagemarket.ie/
* Dublin Food Co-op is open every Saturday (09:30-16:30) at Newmarket, Dublin 8 for organic wholefoods and sustainable household products, plus over a dozen producer stalls offering organic fruit and veg., baked goods, dairy produce, wines, hot and cold food, etc. Additional Co-op opening Thursdays 12:00-20:00. www.dublinfood.coop
* The weekly Honest2goodness food market with fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, wines in Glasnevin is open from 09:30-12:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre. (www.honest2goodness.ie)
* At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock and you can find just everything. The 50 stalls sell collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food. www.blackrockmarket.com/ Opening hours are Sat+Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30 and Sun: 12:00-17:30
* Yoga in Phoenix Park with Fiona from www.twopalmsyoga.com from 11:00-12:00 near the Wellington Memorial (11:30 near the Bandstand if it’s raining). Donation based class for the Simon Community. Suitable for all levels. Details: www.twopalmsyoga.com/Park_Yoga.html or contact Fiona 085 8147402.
* Meditation through Breathing: Every Saturday from 11:00-12:00 this event will take place in Iveagh Gardens (at the back, near fountains). The event is free of charge, but since it is weather dependent, you are asked to call beforehand to ensure the class is on (087 2045168). Suitable for all. No previous experience required. Wear comfortable warm clothes and bring a yoga mat/light blanket.
* Car Boot Sale in Tallaght – Every Saturday from 09:00-15:00 a car boot sale is taking place at the Victory Centre, Firhouse Road, Tallaght. Ring 086-3394009 / 086-1961815 for more information. www.gumtree.ie/dublin/01/58061901.html
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Saturday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* The Black Sheep play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later Dj Glenn Brown (Dublin Calling). Admission is free.
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with resident DJ Papi Chulo. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing.

______Sunday __________________

(See Saturday section for details)

(See Saturday section for details)

(See Saturday section for details)

On Sun 29 Aug from 08:00-12:00 the Dublin City Triathlon will take place in Islandbridge and Phoenix Park. It is not a free event as a participant, but you can watch the competition and the three courses are in walking distance so that you have a good chance to see all aspects of this triathlon. Participants swim in the Liffey for 1.6km with Start and Finish at the UCD Boat Club on Chapelizod Road, this is followed by a 40km cycle race in Phoenix Park and ends with a 10km run in Phoenix Park. The transition area is at the UCD Boat Club. All information can be found here www.dublincitytriathlon.com/ The details are in the 2010 Race Briefing www.dublincitytriathlon.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Race-Briefing-2010.pdf

The weekly Children’s Art Cart Workshops at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre is taking place every Sun from 10:30-12:30. Up to 15 children can participate but they must be supervised by an adult. Children 5 years & over. The next workshops are 29 Aug: Medieval Life – includes a visit to Ashtown Castle; 05 Sep: Birds in the Park; 12 Sep Animals in the Park www.phoenixpark.ie/newsevents/title,12181,en.html

The next Dublin Flea Market is taking place in the Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, just off Cork Street, Dublin 8 on Sun 29 Aug from 11:00-17:00. The flea market takes place every last Sunday of the month. For more information or if you want to you’re your won stuff, goods check out www.dublinflea.ie. The Coop Hall is wheelchair accessible and lots of free parking spaces are right outside the door. A few months ago the Flea Market extended to outdoors and features now 20 additional outdoor stands.

On Sun 29 Aug from 13:00-18:00 the Blackrock Family Festival will take place in the Main Street in Blackrock. From Blackrock Shopping Centre to The Central Café there will be face painting, colouring competitions sponsored by local shops and a free curbside “hair styling platform”. There will also be street performers, barber shaves for men, and a beauty and nail bar for the ladies. Live music, the Comedian Jack Wise and Lambert Puppet Shows are additional entertainment elements. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/BlackrockVillage

The next event in the Lavery, Passion and Politics Lecture Series is on Sun 29 Aug at 13:30 in the Hugh Lane Gallery: The title is “Sir John Lavery: A Family Portrait” by Lecturer Ian Chant-Sempill. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=519

On Sun 29 Aug at 14:00 the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Swim takes place on the East Pier in Dun Laoghaire. This year it will not just be swim, but there is a whole festival around it with associated events along the pier. There will be a family swim before the main races so that parents and children have an opportunity to have a taste of what open sea swimming is. Check www.swimleinster.com or www.dlharbour.ie/content/ms/detail.php?newid=1200&catid=2&category=Events&locid=62 for details of the swim. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any details about the events on the East Pier.

On Sunday 29 Aug from 14:00-16:00 the Ardee Concert Band will perform “Music in the Gardens” of Farmleigh House (at the north-western end of Phoenix Park). www.farmleigh.ie/Events/SummerProgramme2010/Title,13451,en.html

+ The Heritage Week Free Tour “Medieval Ireland” is taking place on Sun 29 Aug from 14:30-15:30 in Kildare Street. “Explore the weapons, clothes, crafts and beliefs of the Middle Ages on this tour of the Medieval Ireland Exhibition. No booking required. Places are limited to 20 and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.”
+ The Heritage Week Event “My Museum: Medieval Summer” is taking place on Sun 29 Aug from 14:00-16:30 in Kildare Street and is suitable for all ages. “Meet members of the Montague Heritage Services as they introduce us to life in Medieval Ireland through craft, food and military demonstrations. No booking required.”
+ The Heritage Week Adult Talk “Venom, fangs and predation” is taking place on Sun 29 Aug from 15:00-15:45 in the Natural Museum in Merrion Street. “Join Michel Dugon from NUI Galway for this introduction to the biology and ecology of terrestrial venomous creatures. No booking required. Places limited to 20. Please note this event will be filmed.” www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=1498

The “Craic and Ceoil Street Party” in Shankill is a family friendly street festival that will take place on Sun 29 Aug from 15:00-19:00 in Shankill, Co. Dublin.
Programme of Events:
15:00: Official Opening of the inaugural Craic agus Ceol Street Party
16:00: Irish Dancers
17:30: Traditional Irish Music Band “The Buskers”
19:00: Music in Brady’s Lounge with Ashford and Devenney until 21:00.
Farmers Market in Brady’s Car park until 19:00 and activities throughout the afternoon with Face Painters and Balloon Modellers and other acts throughout the village. www.shankillmatters.com

The “Bark in the Park” is a yearly event in for dogs and their owners in Marly Park. It is a fundraising event and while admission and participation is free, you are very much encouraged to donate (or better: even fundraise before the event) for the Irish Blue Cross, a animal charity that needs the money for a new mobile clinic unit to help animals who desperately need veterinary assistance. The event consists of a walk along a marked route in Marlay Park and entertainment from “Herbie and his Mad Musical Monkey”. In addition there will be goodies for the dogs and some prizes. Bark in the Park is on Sun 29 August in Marlay Park in Rathfarnham and starts at 15:00 at Marlay House near the Marlay Park car park. Check www.barkinthepark.ie and www.facebook.com/pages/Barkintheparkie/112460975444141?ref=ts

The concert ‘Traditional Irish music in the Gardens with Mick O’Brien, family and friends’ will take place from 15:00 on Sun 29 Aug in the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin. Mick O’Brien is a highly regarded performer and teacher of the uniquely Irish Uilleann pipes. Mick is joined by his wife Fidelma, playing the banjo and fiddle, daughters Aoife and Ciara on fiddles and harp, and son Cormac on uilleann pipes and whistle. This ‘seisiún’ will be held outdoors weather permitting.

On Sunday 29 Aug at 15:00 the Workshop “Picture This! Frame it!” with
Iain Wynn Jones (Atrium) will take place in the National Gallery in Clare Street/Merrion Square. www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html#3

The screening of the film “One Family” will take place in the Hugh Lane Gallery on 29 Aug at 15:30. One Family was produced for the Empire Marketing Board by British Instructional Films in 1930. It tells the story was of a young boy who meets a friendly policeman and together they go to Buckingham Palace where they are met by the ‘Dominions’ of the British Empire, each of whom present the boy with a product from their country for the King’s Christmas pudding. The film features Lady Lavery representing The Irish Free State. Admission is free and booking is not necessary, however there are only 63 places. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=521

The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy which is downstairs in Shebeen Chic, Sth Great Georges Street every week. It starts at 21:00 and the line-up is changing and I was at the Comedy Crunch a few weeks ago and experienced a very interesting and fun evening. The comedians where a mixed bag: From good, via ok to the, ahem, other side of the spectrum ;-), they spanned the whole range. I was there with some friends and all in all we had a really good laugh. The next Comedy Crunch is on Sun 29 Aug. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330

* The Temple Bar Book Market is taking place every Sat+Sun on Temple Bar Square from 11:00-18:00.
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Sunday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* The Odeon Bar & Grill (Old Harcourt Street Station, Dublin 2) are inviting all families on Sat+Sun from 12:00-18:00 to a “Matinee Brunch Club”. Good Food, Kids movies (14:00) and kids under 3 eat for free. www.odeon.ie/matinee.html
* Sunday Roast is a weekly event in the Mercantile in 28 Dame Street from 21:00-01:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes. www.facebook.com/pages/Dublin-Ireland/Sunday-Roast/57594006610
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* From 21:00 in The Bleeding Horse on Camden Street “The Apollo Sessions” is a free show featuring multiple styles of original music from local and international musicians and songwriters www.myspace.com/thebleedinghorsesessions
* Every Sunday “The Latin Beat” will take place in the Odeon in Harcourt Street from 20:00-02:00. A band will play from 21:00-22:30, a Latin Beat Club, Brazilian DJs and Salsa Classes will be additional features. Admission is free. www.odeon.ie/
* The Burning Effigies are playing afrobeat, jazz, funk and soul every Sunday from 23:00 in Turk’s Head in Parliament Street. www.turkshead.ie
* Please note, that this event is not taking place until 19 Sept: Gardiner Street Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com

If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.

______Next Week_______________


* Suspended until September, but resuming after that: Every Mon from 20:00-22:00 in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, 78 Grafton Street, the music collective the ‘Lazy Band’ is playing roots, trad and folk songs from Ireland, England, America and anything else they like. Admission is free and the bar serves during the show. Laid-back atmosphere, unplugged and informal. www.myspace.com/thelazyband
* Cine Café (an evening of short films) and Pint & Picture (full feature film screening) are Howard Linnane’s Irish movie screening nights at 20:00 in Mother Reilly’s in Rathmines, Dublin 6 (Uppercross House Hotel, 30 Upr Rathmines Road (opposite Tesco)). To make sure that it is still continuing, check with Howard 085-1351822.
* ‘Hugh Cooney Don’t Like Monday’, a cabaret and live visual performance by Hugh Cooney, will take place every Monday night from 20:30 at The Pygmalion, South William Street, Dublin 2 (in Powerscourt Shopping Centre). Admission free. www.facebook.com/pygmaliondublin
* From 21:00 in the International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street: The Glór Sessions feature acoustic singer-songwriters, comedy, spoken word and poetry hosted by Stephen James Smith. Entry is free. www.stephenjamessmith.com/Glor.html www.facebook.com/TheGlorSessions
* In O’Byrne’s Beverage House at 199 King St North (Corner of Capel Street and Bolton Street) a live music session “Jam with Karmann Reeves” will take place. Musicians are welcome to participate. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001158421465
* From 21:30 a traditional Irish music session is taking place in Kennedy’s Pub in Drumcondra. Admission is free.
* From 22:00, the front bar of Whelan’s is the venue for the Open Mic event “Acoustic Nightmares Night”, organised by the band The Mighty Stef and some members from The Last Tycoons. This is a free event. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* Upbeat Generation is playing Soul/Funk/Rock Covers in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2 from 22:00. Later: DJ Rasheed. Admission is free.


On Tues 31 Aug a National Gallery lecture will take place at 13:00. The topic is “The Artist’s Studio by Sir John Lavery” (Room 5) with Rosary Cox. www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html#3

The Music Network (www.musicnetwork.ie) is inviting to a free coffee concert with traditional Irish musicians Paudie O’Connor (box) and Aoife Ní Chaoimh (fiddle), on Tues 31 August from 11:00-11:30 at The Coach House in the gardens of Dublin Castle. Teas, coffees and light refreshments will be served. This is a free, but ticketed concert. Tickets can be booked on Tel: 01 671 9429. More details

On the last Tuesday of every month a 20:30 the Tongue Box takes place at The Cobblestone, 77 North King St., Smithfield. The most exciting performance poetry and other forms of spoken word in Dublin will be presented and admission is free.

* Open Mic Night with The Last Tycoons in O’Donoghue’s on Suffolk Street every Tues from 20:00. It’s free and anyone can get up, sing a song or do whatever they like. www.facebook.com/pages/ODonoghues-Open-Mic/71834618844
* O’Byrne’s Beverage House at 199 King St North (Corner of Capel Street and Bolton Street) has a live music session with Sean Og McKenna and Friends every Tue at 21:00. Musicians welcome to participate. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001158421465
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
* From 21:30, O’Briens on Dame Street (next to the Mercantile Pub) is the venue for a further Open Mic event of acoustic rock’n’roll organised by the band The Mighty Stef. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2


On Wed 01 Sept at 14:30 the film “Royal Splendour: Mughal Miniature Paintings under Jahangir, Shah Jahan and the Later Mughals” will be screened in the Chester Beatty Library. www.cbl.ie/Programme—Events/Events-Schedule.aspx

Comhlámh, an organisation that looks at issues in social justice, human rights and global development – in association with Dóchas – is inviting to a public discussion on the topic “We can’t afford aid in times of crises” on Wed 01 Sept at 18:15-19:45 in the European Commission Building, Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
Joan Burton, Deputy Leader of the Labour has agreed to chair the debate. Guest speakers, Jim Power, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist of Friends First and Justin Kilcullen, Director of Trocaire will be representing the “for” and “against” side of the argument. Entrance is free but space is limited.

On 01 Sept from 18:30-19:30 a public lecture with Mary Flanagan takes place in the Science Gallery. The description of the lecture at www.sciencegallery.com/events/2010/09/critical-play-mary-flanagan-public-lecture doesn’t explain sufficiently why Mary Flanagan should have a public lecture about her work and I have never before heard her name. But maybe the link to her website will explain more (I didn’t check that.) OR maybe you all know her already and I am the odd one out. The description reads “Mary Flanagan works as an artist, scientist, and humanist. Her groundbreaking explorations in these arenas represent an innovative use of methods, tools, and technologies to bind research with cultural production. Known for her theories on playculture, activist design, and critical play, Flanagan has achieved international acclaim for her novel interdisciplinary work, her commitment to a theory/practice dialogue, and contributions to social justice design arenas. As a researcher, she focuses on popular culture, digital studies, and computer games to look at issues of representation, behavior, equity, and process.”
Tickets are free but pre-booking is essential. Go to the Science Gallery website as specified above.

The Spanish Cultural Institute, Instituto Cervantes, is inviting to a film screening. On Wed 01 Sept at 19:00 the film “El amor brujo” (1986) by Carlos Saura (in Spanish with English subtitles) will be shown. The Instituto Cervantes is on Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, quite near the National Gallery. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha66949_16_2.htm

The first ever Kilmainham Arts Festival will run from 03-05 Sept and to kick it off Colm O’Regan is running a free comedy gig on Wed 01 Sept from 20:30 in the Patriot’s Inn in Kilmainham. The Line Up is: Damien Clark (www.damianclark.com),
Gerry McBride (nopunchline.wordpress.com/about/), Jim-Jim Nugent (jimjimnugent.blogspot.com/), Colm O’Regan (www.colmoregan.com).
Admission is free, but you are encouraged to make a voluntary donation a the end of the night. The Patriots Inn is opposite from the Kilmainham Gaol at the junction of South Circular Road and Kilmainham Lane.

* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 17:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. The majority of people there are Spanish or English-speaking, but French, Italians, Polish and Chinese are sometimes coming to and everybody is welcome to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesdays. www.myspace.com/thesongroom
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Wednesday from 21:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* Rhythm ‘n’ Booze in Sin É, Ormond Quay takes place every Wed from 21:00. Live music with DJ afterwards is the weekly programme and the details are here www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001171626567
* Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
* Seven Deadly Skins are playing Reggae/Ska Covers from 22:00 with DJ Dotsie later. The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Admission is free.


On 02 and 09 Sept at 13:00 two “Romantic 200th Birthday Celebrations” will take place in the Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1. Admission is free, but booking is required. You are invited to Frederick Chopin’s & Robert Schumann’s birthday parties’, to meet their friends and listen to their music. On Thurs 01 Sept ist Chopin’s party and on Thurs 09 Sept Schumann will have his celebrations.

On Thurs 02 Sept at 13:10 the lecture “Forgotten Splendour: Gardens of the Mughal Emperors” by Penelope Hobhouse, garden designer and author will take place in the Chester Beatty Library. www.cbl.ie/Programme—Events/Events-Schedule.aspx

JCI Dublin, a chamber of commerce for younger people with the full name “Junior Chamber International” will provide a free training on Thur 02 Sept and is inviting everybody, not just members. They told me: Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a global network connecting almost 200,000 active young citizens in more than 100 countries. JCI Dublin is organising a free training session on Thurs 02 September at 18:00 at the Dublin Chamber of Commerce (7 Clare Street, Dublin 2). Colin Lewis, Head of Marketing at CityJet (who won the Marketing Leader of the Year Award in 2008), will show you “How to become a marketing guru in your company”. The training is open to anybody, but you will need to register via e-mail to info@jcidublin.com before Tues 31 Aug to book your seat if you want to attend. www.jcidublin.com

“The Beauty Spot at Dakota” is a weekly event on Thursdays from 19:00-01:00 in the Dakota Bar, 8/9 South William Street, Dublin 2. It is a new night of Fashion, Beauty, Shopping and Drinks in association with Style Nation. “Featuring at the Beauty Spot will be regular beauty tips and advice given by Top Make Up Artists, Hair Stylists, alongside a ‘Pop Up Shop’ hosting vintage & contemporary fashion and accessories. The weekly Beauty Bar will have a different theme and treatments every week.

Every Thursday the Odeon Pub in Harcourt Street is running a Classic Movies Club from 20:00. Admission is free. The theme this month is “Dancing Queens” and the films are 02 Sept: Footloose, 09 Sept: Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, 16 Sept: Moulin Rouge, 23 Sept: Rocky Horror Picture Show, 30 Sept: Grease. For Seat/Table reservations call 478 2088 or mail hello@odeon.iewww.odeon.ie/gallery.html

* Quiz Night in The Lotts Cafe Bar, 9 Lower Liffey St, Dublin 1. Every Thurs a quiz night with great prizes is taking place at 20:00/20:30 depending on football. Participation is free.
* “Thirsty Thursday” Open Mic Night from 21:00 in the Bridge Inn in Chapelizod Village. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bridge-Inn-Chapelizod/350005960758
* The Bionic Rats play live Reggae and Ska every Thursday in Turk’s Head from 22:00. Admission is free. www.turkshead.ie
* The Poor Boys play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Tim. Admission is free.


On Fri + Sat 03+04 Sept a conference on Irish Foreign Politics will take place in the Teachers Club in Parnell Street. There are a number of different sessions and while attending the conference is not free (EUR 10), you can “attend” the sessions online for free. To find out the details check these two postings:

On Fri 03 Sept at 14:00 a Garden Walking Tours with Guest Speaker Elizabeth Morgan will take place in Farmleigh House.

On Fri 03 Sept at 20:00 the ballroom in Farmleigh House is the venue for “An Bata tSiol (The Seed Boat)” with Colum Sands and Maggie MacInnes. The two musicians embark on a fascinating new journey of music, song and story. The Seedboat is described as a “captivating experience of tunes, songs, stories and rememberings crafted together seamlessly by two master musicians, singer/songwriter and traveller Colum Sands and Gaelic singer and harpist Maggie MacInnes.” Admission to the event is free, but you have to book a place by sending a mail to brian.dockery@opw.ie with the Subject: An Bata Siol. www.farmleigh.ie/Events/SummerProgramme2010/Title,13534,en.html


This section contains lots of events this week that happen in the future some of them require free tickets and it is mentioned where this is the case. Put the events in your diary and for the ticketed events hurry to request your tickets:

From 16 Sept-21 Oct the Business Information Centre of the Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry St., Dublin 1 is running a series of lectures that will help you to start your own business. The lectures will take place on Thursdays from 18:30-20:00 are free. Because elsewhere you will have to pay approx. EUR 200 for a similar course, the Central Library event is always booked out rapidly. If you are interested, contact them as soon as possible. www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/syob_2010.aspx

______This is odd!!______________

Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)

On Monday evening I was talking to a good friend and she mentioned that a very odd programme was on TV that evening, where lots of Irish young women from all different countries were interviewed by a guy. If you have indulged in Irish Culture or if you are Irish, you know immediately that this programme was the “Rose of Tralee” and it was interesting to hear the surprise about this programme from my (non-Irish) friend.
Have you ever seen it? The Rose of Tralee is a competition that is running since 1959 and while it has been updated and looks modern-er now, it still has probably changed very very little. If you know the programme imagine you arrived in a country and saw that programme the first time. I guess you would find it odd as well: A large group of young women of Irish descent but from lots of different countries who are not necessarily outstanding in the looks department and who are mostly mediocre to appalling in the stage talent department (singing, dancing, instruments) are telling stories about their parents, their own lives and then perform an often cringe-inducing “party piece”, a song or a dance or play an instrument or if they have no other talent at all, they recite a poem. This programme runs over two days and at the end of it ONE girl will be chosen based on an unidentified obscure criteria and will represent Tralee for the next year. You could ask WHY Tralee needs to be represented or you could wonder about these male “chaperones” or you could be surprised about the awkward conversation about nothing with the clumsy presenter… But that all just confirms how odd this event is and probably how outdated it is. Nevertheless in 2008 one whole million of people watched the TV programme, this is nearly a fourth of the population in Ireland and THAT makes the whole thing even odder than the Eurovision!


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The late summer/autumn set of events is starting, which means that for the next weeks the number if events will steadily increase again. Great! On the downsides of this time of the year: Kids will go back to school again soon and while a direct explanation is not possible, this will significantly increase traffic levels again. The good thing, though, is that many events are at the weekend and are reachable by public transport. :-)

Take care,


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Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the former fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2010 by Joerg Steegmueller.

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